Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
miniport transfer code for control, interrupt and bulk
kernel mode only
Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Revision History:
6-26-99 : created, jdunn
#include "common.h"
//implements the following miniport functions:
//non paged
USB_MINIPORT_STATUS OHCI_ControlTransfer( PDEVICE_DATA DeviceData, PENDPOINT_DATA EndpointData, PTRANSFER_PARAMETERS TransferParameters, PTRANSFER_CONTEXT TransferContext, PTRANSFER_SG_LIST TransferSGList ) { PHCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR lastTd, td; ULONG lengthMapped, dataTDCount = 0; ULONG toggleForDataPhase = HcTDToggle_Data1;
// see if we can handle this transfer (put it on the HW)
// if not return BUSY, port driver will retry later
ASSERT_TRANSFER(DeviceData, TransferContext);
// NOTE: we can gate the number of transfers
// by a number of methods:
// - fixed count
// - available TDs
// - registry key
// bugbug fixed to one transfer at a time for now
//if (EndpointData->PendingTransfers ==
// EndpointData->MaxPendingTransfers) {
// Need one TD for every page of the data buffer, plus one for the SETUP
// TD and one for the STATUS TD.
if (TransferSGList->SgCount + 2 > OHCI_FreeTds(DeviceData, EndpointData)) { // not enough TDs!
return USBMP_STATUS_BUSY; } EndpointData->PendingTransfers++;
// we have enough tds, program the transfer
// first prepare a TD for the setup packet
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_CTR', EndpointData, TransferParameters, 0);
// grab the dummy TD from the tail of the queue
lastTd = td = EndpointData->HcdTailP; OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td->Flags & TD_FLAG_BUSY); INITIALIZE_TD_FOR_TRANSFER(td, TransferContext); // count setup TD
TransferContext->PendingTds++; //
// Move setup data into TD (8 chars long)
RtlCopyMemory(&td->HwTD.Packet[0], &TransferParameters->SetupPacket[0], 8); td->HwTD.CBP = (ULONG)(((PCHAR) & td->HwTD.Packet[0]) - ((PCHAR) &td->HwTD)) + td->PhysicalAddress; td->HwTD.BE = td->HwTD.CBP + 7; td->HwTD.Control = 0; td->HwTD.Asy.Direction = HcTDDirection_Setup; td->HwTD.Asy.IntDelay = HcTDIntDelay_NoInterrupt; td->HwTD.Asy.Toggle = HcTDToggle_Data0; td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode = HcCC_NotAccessed; LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_set', td, *((PLONG) &TransferParameters->SetupPacket[0]), *((PLONG) &TransferParameters->SetupPacket[4]));
// allocate another TD
lastTd = td; td = OHCI_ALLOC_TD(DeviceData, EndpointData); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td != USB_BAD_PTR); INITIALIZE_TD_FOR_TRANSFER(td, TransferContext); SET_NEXT_TD(lastTd, td); //
// now setup the data phase
lengthMapped = 0; while (lengthMapped < TransferParameters->TransferBufferLength) { //
// fields for data TD
dataTDCount++; // count this Data TD
if (IN_TRANSFER(TransferParameters)) { td->HwTD.Asy.Direction = HcTDDirection_In; } else { td->HwTD.Asy.Direction = HcTDDirection_Out; } td->HwTD.Asy.IntDelay = HcTDIntDelay_NoInterrupt; td->HwTD.Asy.Toggle = toggleForDataPhase; td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode = HcCC_NotAccessed;
// after the first TD get the toggle from ED
toggleForDataPhase = HcTDToggle_FromEd; LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_dta', td, lengthMapped, TransferParameters->TransferBufferLength);
lengthMapped = OHCI_MapAsyncTransferToTd(DeviceData, EndpointData->Parameters.MaxPacketSize, lengthMapped, TransferContext, td, TransferSGList);
// allocate another TD
lastTd = td; td = OHCI_ALLOC_TD(DeviceData, EndpointData); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td != USB_BAD_PTR); INITIALIZE_TD_FOR_TRANSFER(td, TransferContext);
SET_NEXT_TD(lastTd, td);
// set the shortxfer OK bit on the last TD only
if (SHORT_TRANSFER_OK(TransferParameters)) { lastTd->HwTD.Asy.ShortXferOk = 1; SET_FLAG(TransferContext->TcFlags, TC_FLAGS_SHORT_XFER_OK); } //
// now do the status phase
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_sta', td, 0, dataTDCount); #if DBG
if (dataTDCount > 1) { TEST_TRAP(); } #endif
// status direction is opposite data direction,
// specify interrupt on completion
td->HwTD.Control = 0; td->HwTD.Asy.IntDelay = HcTDIntDelay_0ms; td->HwTD.Asy.Toggle = HcTDToggle_Data1; td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode = HcCC_NotAccessed; td->HwTD.CBP = 0; td->HwTD.BE = 0;
// status phase moves no data
td->TransferCount = 0; SET_FLAG(td->Flags, TD_FLAG_CONTROL_STATUS); if (IN_TRANSFER(TransferParameters)) { td->HwTD.Asy.Direction = HcTDDirection_Out; } else { td->HwTD.Asy.Direction = HcTDDirection_In; td->HwTD.Asy.ShortXferOk = 1; }
// count status TD
TransferContext->StatusTd = td; TransferContext->PendingTds++;
OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, TransferContext->PendingTds == dataTDCount+2); //
// now put a new dummy TD on the tail of the EP queue
// allocate the new dummy tail
lastTd = td; td = OHCI_ALLOC_TD(DeviceData, EndpointData); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td != USB_BAD_PTR); SET_NEXT_TD(lastTd, td); SET_NEXT_TD_NULL(td); //
// Set new TailP in ED
// note: This is the last TD in the list and the place holder.
EndpointData->HcdTailP = TransferContext->NextXferTd = td; // put the request on the hardware queue
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_Tal', TransferContext->PendingTds, td->PhysicalAddress, EndpointData->HcdEd->HwED.HeadP); EndpointData->HcdEd->HwED.TailP = td->PhysicalAddress; // tell the hc we have control transfers available
OHCI_EnableList(DeviceData, EndpointData);
// see if we have enough free TDs to handle this transfer
// if not return BUSY, port driver will retry later
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_ITR', EndpointData, TransferParameters, TransferContext);
ASSERT_TRANSFER(DeviceData, TransferContext); //if (EndpointData->PendingTransfers ==
// EndpointData->MaxPendingTransfers) {
// LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_bsy', EndpointData, TransferContext,
// TransferParameters);
if (TransferSGList->SgCount > OHCI_FreeTds(DeviceData, EndpointData)) { // not enough TDs
return USBMP_STATUS_BUSY; } EndpointData->PendingTransfers++;
// we have enough tds, program the transfer
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_nby', EndpointData, TransferParameters, EndpointData->HcdEd);
// grab the dummy TD from the tail of the queue
lastTd = td = EndpointData->HcdTailP; OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td->Flags & TD_FLAG_BUSY); //
// now setup the data TDs
// always build at least one data td
lengthMapped = 0; do {
INITIALIZE_TD_FOR_TRANSFER(td, TransferContext); //
// fields for data TD
td->HwTD.Control = 0; td->HwTD.Asy.IntDelay = HcTDIntDelay_NoInterrupt; td->HwTD.Asy.Toggle = HcTDToggle_FromEd; td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode = HcCC_NotAccessed;
if (IN_TRANSFER(TransferParameters)) { td->HwTD.Asy.Direction = HcTDDirection_In; } else { // short transfers are OK on out packets.
// actually I'm not even sure what this does
// for outbound requests
td->HwTD.Asy.Direction = HcTDDirection_Out; td->HwTD.Asy.ShortXferOk = 1; } LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_ita', td, lengthMapped, TransferParameters->TransferBufferLength); TransferContext->PendingTds++; if (TransferParameters->TransferBufferLength != 0) { lengthMapped = OHCI_MapAsyncTransferToTd(DeviceData, EndpointData->Parameters.MaxPacketSize, lengthMapped, TransferContext, td, TransferSGList); } else { OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, TransferSGList->SgCount == 0);
td->HwTD.CBP = 0; td->HwTD.BE = 0; td->TransferCount = 0; }
// allocate another TD
lastTd = td; td = OHCI_ALLOC_TD(DeviceData, EndpointData); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td != USB_BAD_PTR); SET_NEXT_TD(lastTd, td);
} while (lengthMapped < TransferParameters->TransferBufferLength);
// About ShortXferOk:
// This bit will trigger the controller to generate an error
// and halt the ed if it is not set. The client may specify
// behavior on short transfers (packets) in the transfersFlags
// field of the URB.
// we must not set short transfer OK on split transfers since
// the next transfer may not be a new transfer
if (SHORT_TRANSFER_OK(TransferParameters) && !TEST_FLAG(TransferParameters->MiniportFlags, MPTX_SPLIT_TRANSFER)) {
// we can only set this bit in the last TD of the
// transfer since that TD points to the next transfer.
// All other TDs must still generate an error and the
// ed must be resumed by us.
lastTd->HwTD.Asy.ShortXferOk = 1; SET_FLAG(TransferContext->TcFlags, TC_FLAGS_SHORT_XFER_OK); } lastTd->HwTD.Asy.IntDelay = HcTDIntDelay_0ms; //
// now put a new dummy TD on the tail of the EP queue
SET_NEXT_TD(lastTd, td); SET_NEXT_TD_NULL(td);
// Set new TailP in ED
// note: This is the last TD in the list and the place holder.
TransferContext->NextXferTd = EndpointData->HcdTailP = td; // put the request on the hardware queue
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_Tal', TransferContext->PendingTds , td->PhysicalAddress, EndpointData->HcdEd->HwED.HeadP); EndpointData->HcdEd->HwED.TailP = td->PhysicalAddress;
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_ego', EndpointData->HcdHeadP, TransferContext->TcFlags, 0);
// tell the hc we have bulk/interrupt transfers available
OHCI_EnableList(DeviceData, EndpointData);
USB_MINIPORT_STATUS OHCI_OpenControlEndpoint( PDEVICE_DATA DeviceData, PENDPOINT_PARAMETERS EndpointParameters, PENDPOINT_DATA EndpointData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PUCHAR buffer; HW_32BIT_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS phys, edPhys; PHCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR ed; ULONG i, available, tdCount; LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_opC', 0, 0, 0);
buffer = EndpointParameters->CommonBufferVa; phys = EndpointParameters->CommonBufferPhys; available = EndpointParameters->CommonBufferBytes;
#if DBG
{ ULONG offset; offset = BYTE_OFFSET(buffer);
// OHCI requires 16 byte alignemnt
OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, (offset % 16) == 0); } #endif
// use control list
EndpointData->StaticEd = &DeviceData->StaticEDList[ED_CONTROL]; // make the Ed
ed = (PHCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR) buffer; edPhys = phys; phys += sizeof(HCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR); buffer += sizeof(HCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR); available -= sizeof(HCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR); EndpointData->TdList = (PHCD_TD_LIST) buffer;
tdCount = available/sizeof(HCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR); LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_tdC', tdCount, TDS_PER_CONTROL_ENDPOINT, 0); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, tdCount >= TDS_PER_CONTROL_ENDPOINT);
EndpointData->TdCount = tdCount; for (i=0; i<tdCount; i++) { OHCI_InitializeTD(DeviceData, EndpointData, &EndpointData->TdList->Td[i], phys); phys += sizeof(HCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR); }
EndpointData->HcdEd = OHCI_InitializeED(DeviceData, EndpointData, ed, &EndpointData->TdList->Td[0], edPhys);
// control endpoints do not halt
ed->EdFlags = EDFLAG_CONTROL | EDFLAG_NOHALT; OHCI_InsertEndpointInSchedule(DeviceData, EndpointData); return USBMP_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
USB_MINIPORT_STATUS OHCI_OpenInterruptEndpoint( PDEVICE_DATA DeviceData, PENDPOINT_PARAMETERS EndpointParameters, PENDPOINT_DATA EndpointData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PUCHAR buffer; HW_32BIT_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS phys, edPhys; PHCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR ed; ULONG i, bytes, offset; // this is an index table that converts the
// period to a list index
UCHAR periodTable[8] = { ED_INTERRUPT_1ms, //period = 1ms
ED_INTERRUPT_2ms, //period = 2ms
ED_INTERRUPT_4ms, //period = 4ms
ED_INTERRUPT_8ms, //period = 8ms
ED_INTERRUPT_16ms,//period = 16ms
ED_INTERRUPT_32ms,//period = 32ms
ED_INTERRUPT_32ms,//period = 64ms
ED_INTERRUPT_32ms //period = 128ms
}; // carve up our common buffer
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_opI', 0, 0, EndpointParameters->Period);
// select the proper list
// the period is a power of 2 ie
// 32,16,8,4,2,1
// we just need to find which bit is set
GET_BIT_SET(EndpointParameters->Period, i); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, i < 8); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, EndpointParameters->Period < 64);
buffer = EndpointParameters->CommonBufferVa; phys = EndpointParameters->CommonBufferPhys; bytes = EndpointParameters->CommonBufferBytes; offset = EndpointParameters->ScheduleOffset; EndpointData->StaticEd = &DeviceData->StaticEDList[periodTable[i]+offset];
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_lst', i, periodTable[i], offset);
// we found the correct base list
EndpointData->StaticEd->AllocatedBandwidth += EndpointParameters->Bandwidth; // make the Ed
ed = (PHCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR) buffer; edPhys = phys; phys += sizeof(HCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR); buffer += sizeof(HCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR); bytes -= sizeof(HCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR);
EndpointData->TdList = (PHCD_TD_LIST) buffer; EndpointData->TdCount = bytes/sizeof(HCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR);
OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, EndpointData->TdCount >= TDS_PER_INTERRUPT_ENDPOINT); // Bugbug - use what we get
for (i=0; i<EndpointData->TdCount; i++) { OHCI_InitializeTD(DeviceData, EndpointData, &EndpointData->TdList->Td[i], phys); phys += sizeof(HCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR); }
EndpointData->HcdEd = OHCI_InitializeED(DeviceData, EndpointData, ed, &EndpointData->TdList->Td[0], edPhys);
OHCI_InsertEndpointInSchedule(DeviceData, EndpointData);
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PUCHAR buffer; HW_32BIT_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS phys, edPhys; PHCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR ed; ULONG i, bytes; LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_opB', 0, 0, 0);
buffer = EndpointParameters->CommonBufferVa; phys = EndpointParameters->CommonBufferPhys; bytes = EndpointParameters->CommonBufferBytes; // use control list
EndpointData->StaticEd = &DeviceData->StaticEDList[ED_BULK]; // make the Ed
ed = (PHCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR) buffer; edPhys = phys; phys += sizeof(HCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR); buffer += sizeof(HCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR); bytes -= sizeof(HCD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR); EndpointData->TdList = (PHCD_TD_LIST) buffer; EndpointData->TdCount = bytes/sizeof(HCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR);
OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, EndpointData->TdCount >= TDS_PER_BULK_ENDPOINT); // Bugbug - use what we get
for (i=0; i<EndpointData->TdCount; i++) { OHCI_InitializeTD(DeviceData, EndpointData, &EndpointData->TdList->Td[i], phys); phys += sizeof(HCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR); }
EndpointData->HcdEd = OHCI_InitializeED(DeviceData, EndpointData, ed, &EndpointData->TdList->Td[0], edPhys);
OHCI_InsertEndpointInSchedule(DeviceData, EndpointData);
// When the HEADP is set to a new value we risk loosing
// the current data toggle stored there.
// This macro resets headp and preserves the flags which
// include the toggle.
#define RESET_HEADP(dd, ed, address) \
{\ ULONG headp;\ headp = ((ed)->HwED.HeadP & HcEDHeadP_FLAGS) | (address);\ LOGENTRY((dd), G, '_rhp', headp, (ed), 0); \ (ed)->HwED.HeadP = headp; \ }
VOID OHCI_PollAsyncEndpoint( PDEVICE_DATA DeviceData, PENDPOINT_DATA EndpointData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called when the endpoint 'needs attention' The goal here is to determine which TDs, if any, have completed and complete ant associated transfers
Return Value:
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_pol', ed, EndpointData, 0);
// note it is important the the compiler generate a
// dword move when reading the queuehead HeadP register
// since this location is also accessed by the host
// hardware
headP = ed->HwED.HeadP;
// get the 'currentTD'
currentTd = (PHCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR) USBPORT_PHYSICAL_TO_VIRTUAL(headP & ~HcEDHeadP_FLAGS, DeviceData, EndpointData); LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_cTD', currentTd, headP & ~HcEDHeadP_FLAGS, TRANSFER_CONTEXT_PTR(currentTd->TransferContext));
if (ed->HwED.HeadP & HcEDHeadP_HALT) { // ed is 'halted'
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_hlt', ed, EndpointData->HcdHeadP, 0);
clearHalt = (BOOLEAN) (ed->EdFlags & EDFLAG_NOHALT);
// walk the swHeadP to the currentTD this (this will
// be the first TD after the offending TD)
td = EndpointData->HcdHeadP; while (td != currentTd) { transfer = TRANSFER_CONTEXT_PTR(td->TransferContext); ASSERT_TRANSFER(DeviceData, transfer);
OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, !TEST_FLAG(td->Flags, TD_FLAG_DONE)); LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_wtd', td, transfer->TcFlags, transfer);
if (td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode == HcCC_NoError) { // not the offending TD,
// mark this TD done
SET_FLAG(td->Flags, TD_FLAG_DONE); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td->DoneLink.Flink == NULL && td->DoneLink.Blink == NULL); InsertTailList(&EndpointData->DoneTdList, &td->DoneLink); } else { // some kind of error
if (td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode == HcCC_NotAccessed) { // if the 'current transfer' is DONE because
// of a short packet then the remaining TDs
// need to be flushed out.
// current TD should be pointing at the next
// TD to run (next transfer or status for control)
SET_FLAG(td->Flags, TD_FLAG_DONE); SET_FLAG(td->Flags, TD_FLAG_SKIP); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td->DoneLink.Flink == NULL && td->DoneLink.Blink == NULL); InsertTailList(&EndpointData->DoneTdList, &td->DoneLink); LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_fld', td, 0, 0); } else if (td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode == HcCC_DataUnderrun && TEST_FLAG(transfer->TcFlags, TC_FLAGS_SHORT_XFER_OK)) {
// special case HcCC_DataUnderrun. this error
// needs to be ignored if shortxferOK is set.
// cases handled (HcCC_DataUnderrun):
// 1. control transfer and error before the status phase w/
// short xfer OK
// we need to advance to the status phase and ignore
// error and resume ep
// 2. interrupt/bulk with short xfer OK, ignore the error
// advance to the next transfer resume ep
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_sok', td, 0, 0);
// reset the error on the offending Td
td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode = HcCC_NoError; // resume the ep
clearHalt = TRUE;
// if this is a control transfer bump
// HW headp to the status phase
if (!TEST_FLAG(td->Flags, TD_FLAG_CONTROL_STATUS) && transfer->StatusTd != NULL) { // control transfer data phase, bump
// HW headp to the status phase
TEST_TRAP(); RESET_HEADP(DeviceData, ed, transfer->StatusTd->PhysicalAddress); currentTd = transfer->StatusTd; } else {
// if the current transfer is a split we must flush
// all other split elements as well.
if (transfer->TransferParameters->MiniportFlags & MPTX_SPLIT_TRANSFER) {
seq = transfer->TransferParameters->SequenceNumber; tmpTd = transfer->NextXferTd; tmpTransfer = TRANSFER_CONTEXT_PTR(tmpTd->TransferContext);
// find the first tranfer with a new sequence
// number or the tail of the list
while (tmpTransfer != FREE_TD_CONTEXT && tmpTransfer->TransferParameters->SequenceNumber == seq) {
// mark all TDs done for this transfer
tmpTd = tmpTransfer->NextXferTd; tmpTransfer = TRANSFER_CONTEXT_PTR(tmpTd->TransferContext); } RESET_HEADP(DeviceData, ed, tmpTd->PhysicalAddress); currentTd = tmpTd; } else { // bump HW headp to the next transfer
RESET_HEADP(DeviceData, ed, transfer->NextXferTd->PhysicalAddress); currentTd = transfer->NextXferTd;
} } SET_FLAG(td->Flags, TD_FLAG_DONE); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td->DoneLink.Flink == NULL && td->DoneLink.Blink == NULL); InsertTailList(&EndpointData->DoneTdList, &td->DoneLink); } else { // general error, mark the TD as completed
// update Headp to point to the next transfer
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_ger', td, 0, 0); SET_FLAG(td->Flags, TD_FLAG_DONE); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td->DoneLink.Flink == NULL && td->DoneLink.Blink == NULL); InsertTailList(&EndpointData->DoneTdList, &td->DoneLink); RESET_HEADP(DeviceData, ed, transfer->NextXferTd->PhysicalAddress) currentTd = transfer->NextXferTd; } } // we walk the SW links
td = TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR_PTR(td->NextHcdTD); } /* while */
} else { // ed is not 'halted'
// First walk the swHeadP to the current TD (hw headp)
// mark all TDs we find as completed
// NOTE: this step may be skipped if the
// done queue is reliable
td = EndpointData->HcdHeadP;
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_nht', td, currentTd, 0);
while (td != currentTd) { LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_mDN', td, 0, 0); SET_FLAG(td->Flags, TD_FLAG_DONE); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, td->DoneLink.Flink == NULL && td->DoneLink.Blink == NULL); InsertTailList(&EndpointData->DoneTdList, &td->DoneLink); td = TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR_PTR(td->NextHcdTD); } }
// set the sw headp to the new current head
EndpointData->HcdHeadP = currentTd; // now flush all completed TDs
// do this in order of completion
// now flush all completed TDs. Do it in order of completion.
while (!IsListEmpty(&EndpointData->DoneTdList)) { PLIST_ENTRY listEntry; listEntry = RemoveHeadList(&EndpointData->DoneTdList); td = (PHCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR) CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, struct _HCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR, DoneLink);
if ((td->Flags & (TD_FLAG_XFER | TD_FLAG_DONE)) == (TD_FLAG_XFER | TD_FLAG_DONE)) {
OHCI_ProcessDoneAsyncTd(DeviceData, td, TRUE); } } #if 0
for (i=0; i<EndpointData->TdCount; i++) { td = &EndpointData->TdList->Td[i];
if ((td->Flags & (TD_FLAG_XFER | TD_FLAG_DONE)) == (TD_FLAG_XFER | TD_FLAG_DONE)) { OHCI_ProcessDoneAsyncTd(DeviceData, td, TRUE); } } #endif
if (clearHalt) { // auto clear the halt condition and
// resume processing on the endpoint
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_cht', ed, 0, 0); ed->HwED.HeadP &= ~HcEDHeadP_HALT; }
VOID OHCI_ProcessDoneAsyncTd( PDEVICE_DATA DeviceData, PHCD_TRANSFER_DESCRIPTOR Td, BOOLEAN CompleteTransfer ) /*++
Routine Description:
process a completed TD
Parameters --*/ { PTRANSFER_CONTEXT transferContext; PENDPOINT_DATA endpointData; USBD_STATUS usbdStatus;
transferContext = TRANSFER_CONTEXT_PTR(Td->TransferContext);
transferContext->PendingTds--; endpointData = transferContext->EndpointData;
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_Dtd', transferContext, Td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode, Td);
if (TEST_FLAG(Td->Flags, TD_FLAG_SKIP)) {
OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, HcCC_NotAccessed == Td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode); // td was unused, part of short-transfer
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_skT', Td, transferContext, 0); Td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode = HcCC_NoError; } else {
if (Td->HwTD.CBP) { //
// A value of 0 here indicates a zero length data packet
// or that all bytes have been transfered.
// A non-zero value means we recieved a short packet and
// therefore need to adjust the transferCount to reflect bytes
// transferred
// The buffer is only spec'ed for length up to two 4K pages.
// (BE is the physical address of the last byte in the
// TD buffer. CBP is the current byte pointer)
// TransferCount is intailized to the number of bytes to transfer,
// we need to subtract the difference between the end and
// current ptr (ie end-current = bytes not transferred) and
// update the TransferCount.
// transfer count should never go negative
// TransferCount will be zero on the status
// phase of a control transfer so we skip
// the calculation
if (Td->TransferCount) { Td->TransferCount -= /* have we gone further than a page? */ ((((Td->HwTD.BE ^ Td->HwTD.CBP) & ~OHCI_PAGE_SIZE_MASK) ? OHCI_PAGE_SIZE : 0) + /* minus the data buffer not used */ ((Td->HwTD.BE & OHCI_PAGE_SIZE_MASK) - (Td->HwTD.CBP & OHCI_PAGE_SIZE_MASK)+1)); } LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_xfB', Td->HwTD.BE & OHCI_PAGE_SIZE_MASK, Td->HwTD.CBP & OHCI_PAGE_SIZE_MASK, Td->TransferCount); }
if (HcTDDirection_Setup != Td->HwTD.Asy.Direction) { // data phase of a control transfer or a bulk/int
// data transfer
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_Idt', Td, transferContext, Td->TransferCount); transferContext->BytesTransferred += Td->TransferCount; } if (HcCC_NoError == Td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode) {
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_tOK', Td->HwTD.CBP, 0, 0);
} else { // map the error to code in USBDI.H
transferContext->UsbdStatus = (Td->HwTD.Asy.ConditionCode | 0xC0000000); LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_tER', transferContext->UsbdStatus, 0, 0); } }
// mark the TD free
OHCI_FREE_TD(DeviceData, endpointData, Td); if (transferContext->PendingTds == 0 && CompleteTransfer) { // all TDs for this transfer are done
// clear the HAVE_TRANSFER flag to indicate
// we can teake another
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_cpt', transferContext->UsbdStatus, transferContext, transferContext->BytesTransferred); USBPORT_COMPLETE_TRANSFER(DeviceData, endpointData, transferContext->TransferParameters, transferContext->UsbdStatus, transferContext->BytesTransferred); } }
// figure out which sgentry a particular offset in to
// a client buffer falls
#define GET_SG_INDEX(sg, i, offset)\
do {\ for((i)=0; (i) < (sg)->SgCount; (i)++) {\ if ((offset) >= (sg)->SgEntry[(i)].StartOffset &&\ (offset) < (sg)->SgEntry[(i)].StartOffset+\ (sg)->SgEntry[(i)].Length) {\ break;\ }\ }\ } while (0)
#define GET_SG_OFFSET(sg, i, offset, sgoffset)\
(sgoffset) = (offset) - (sg)->SgEntry[(i)].StartOffset
Routine Description:
Maps a data buffer to TDs according to OHCI rules
An OHCI TD can cover up to 8k with a single page crossing.
Each sg entry represents one 4k OHCI 'page'
x = pagebreak c = current ptr b = buffer start e = buffer end
{..sg[sgIdx]..} b...|--- x--c---- [ ] \ sgOffset [ ] \ LengthMapped
case 1: (1 sg entry remains) (A)- transfer < 4k, no page breaks (if c=b sgOffset = 0) {.sg0...} | b---->e x-c------x [..TD.]
(B)- last part of a transfer {..sgN..} b.....|.c---->e x--------x [..TD.]
case 2: (2 sg entries remain) (A)- transfer < 8k, one page break (if c=b sgOffset = 0) {..sg0..}{..sg1..} | b----|----->e x---c----x--------x [.....TD....] (B)- last 8k of transfer
{.sgN-1.}{..sgN..} b....|--------|---->e x-c------x--------x [.....TD.......]
case 3: (3+ sg entries remain) (A)- transfer 8k, two page breaks (c=b)
{..sg0..}{..sg1..}{..sg2..} b----|--------|--->e x---c----x--------x--------x [.....TD...<>] <>=<TD length must be multiple of MaxPacketSize>
(B)- continuation of large tarnsfer
{.sgN-2.}{.sgN-1.}{..sgN..} b..|--------------------->e x--c-----x--------x--------x [.....TD......] <TD length must be multiple of MaxPacketSize>
Interesting DMA tests (USBTEST):
length, offset - cases hit 4096 0 - 1a 4160 0 - 2a 4096 512 - 2a 8192 512 - 3a, 1b 8192 513 - 3a, 2b 12288 1 - 3a, 3b, 2b Arguments:
LengthMapped --*/ { HW_32BIT_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS logicalStart, logicalEnd; ULONG sgIdx, sgOffset; ULONG lengthThisTd; PTRANSFER_PARAMETERS transferParameters; // A TD can have up to one page crossing. This means we
// can put two sg entries in to one TD, one for the first
// physical page, and one for the second.
// point to first entry
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_Mpr', TransferContext, 0, LengthMapped);
transferParameters = TransferContext->TransferParameters; OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, SgList->SgCount != 0);
GET_SG_INDEX(SgList, sgIdx, LengthMapped); LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_Mpp', SgList, 0, sgIdx); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, sgIdx < SgList->SgCount);
// check for one special case where the SG entries
// all map to the same physical page
if (TEST_FLAG(SgList->SgFlags, USBMP_SGFLAG_SINGLE_PHYSICAL_PAGE)) { // in this case we map each sg entry to a single TD
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_cOD', SgList, 0, sgIdx);
// adjust for the amount of buffer consumed by the
// previous TD
logicalStart = SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx].LogicalAddress.Hw32; lengthThisTd = SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx].Length; logicalEnd = SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx].LogicalAddress.Hw32; logicalEnd += lengthThisTd;
OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, lengthThisTd <= OHCI_PAGE_SIZE)
goto OHCI_MapAsyncTransferToTd_Done;
} if ((SgList->SgCount-sgIdx) == 1) { // first case, 1 entries left
// ie <4k, we can fit this in
// a single TD.
#if DBG
if (sgIdx == 0) { // case 1A
// USBT dma test length 4096, offset 0
// will hit this case
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_c1a', SgList, 0, sgIdx); } else { // case 1B
// USBT dma test length 8192 offset 512
// will hit this case
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_c1b', SgList, 0, sgIdx); } #endif
lengthThisTd = transferParameters->TransferBufferLength - LengthMapped;
// compute offset into this TD
GET_SG_OFFSET(SgList, sgIdx, LengthMapped, sgOffset); LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_sgO', sgOffset, sgIdx, LengthMapped);
// adjust for the amount of buffer consumed by the
// previous TD
logicalStart = SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx].LogicalAddress.Hw32 + sgOffset; lengthThisTd -= sgOffset; logicalEnd = SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx].LogicalAddress.Hw32; logicalEnd += lengthThisTd;
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_sg1', logicalStart, 0, logicalEnd); } else if ((SgList->SgCount - sgIdx) == 2) { // second case, 2 entries left
// ie <8k we can also fit this in
// a single TD.
#if DBG
if (sgIdx == 0) { // case 2A
// USBT dma test length 4160 offset 0
// will hit this case
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_c2a', SgList, 0, sgIdx); } else { // case 2B
// USBT dma test length 8192 offset 513
// will hit this case
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_c2b', SgList, 0, sgIdx); //TEST_TRAP();
// bugbug run with DMA test
} #endif
lengthThisTd = transferParameters->TransferBufferLength - LengthMapped;
// compute offset into first TD
GET_SG_OFFSET(SgList, sgIdx, LengthMapped, sgOffset); LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_sgO', sgOffset, sgIdx, LengthMapped); #if DBG
if (sgIdx == 0) { OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, sgOffset == 0); } #endif
// adjust pointers for amount consumed by previous TD
logicalStart = SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx].LogicalAddress.Hw32 + sgOffset; logicalEnd = SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx+1].LogicalAddress.Hw32; logicalEnd += SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx+1].Length;
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_sg2', logicalStart, lengthThisTd, logicalEnd); } else { // third case, more than 2 sg entries.
ULONG adjust, packetCount; #if DBG
if (sgIdx == 0) { // case 3A
// USBT dma test length 8192 offset 512
// will hit this case
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_c3a', SgList, 0, sgIdx); } else { // case 3B
// USBT dma test length 12288 offset 1
// will hit this case
LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_c3b', SgList, 0, sgIdx); } #endif
// sg offset is the offset in to the current TD to start
// using
// ie it is the number of bytes already consumed by the
// previous td
GET_SG_OFFSET(SgList, sgIdx, LengthMapped, sgOffset); LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_sgO', sgOffset, sgIdx, LengthMapped); #if DBG
if (sgIdx == 0) { OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, sgOffset == 0); } #endif
// consume the next two sg entrys
logicalStart = SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx].LogicalAddress.Hw32+ sgOffset;
logicalEnd = SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx+1].LogicalAddress.Hw32+ SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx+1].Length; lengthThisTd = SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx].Length + SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx+1].Length - sgOffset;
// round TD length down to the highest multiple
// of max_packet size
packetCount = lengthThisTd/MaxPacketSize; LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_sg3', logicalStart, packetCount, logicalEnd);
adjust = lengthThisTd - packetCount*MaxPacketSize;
lengthThisTd = packetCount*MaxPacketSize; if (adjust) { OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, adjust > (logicalEnd & 0x00000FFF)); logicalEnd-=adjust; LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_adj', adjust, lengthThisTd, logicalEnd); }
OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, lengthThisTd != 0); OHCI_ASSERT(DeviceData, lengthThisTd >= SgList->SgEntry[sgIdx].Length); }
Td->HwTD.CBP = logicalStart; Td->HwTD.BE = logicalEnd-1; LengthMapped += lengthThisTd; Td->TransferCount = lengthThisTd; LOGENTRY(DeviceData, G, '_Mp1', LengthMapped, lengthThisTd, Td);
return LengthMapped; }