Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains the routines that integrate PnP and Power
Adrian J. Oney (AdriaO) 01-19-1999
Revision History:
Modified for nt kernel.
#include "pnpmgrp.h"
// Internal References
PWCHAR IopCaptureObjectName ( IN PVOID Object );
VOID IopFreePoDeviceNotifyListHead ( PLIST_ENTRY ListHead );
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, IopWarmEjectDevice)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, IoBuildPoDeviceNotifyList)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, IoFreePoDeviceNotifyList)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, IopFreePoDeviceNotifyListHead)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, IoGetPoNotifyParent)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, IoMovePoNotifyChildren)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGELK, IopCaptureObjectName)
NTSTATUS IoBuildPoDeviceNotifyList ( IN OUT PPO_DEVICE_NOTIFY_ORDER Order ) { PLIST_ENTRY link; PPO_DEVICE_NOTIFY notify, parentnotify; PDEVICE_NODE node; PDEVICE_NODE parent; LONG maxLevel, level; UCHAR orderLevel; LIST_ENTRY RebaseList; ULONG i;
// Block PnP operations like rebalance.
RtlZeroMemory(Order, sizeof (*Order)); //
// This is used as a token to remember that we have locked DeviceActionQueue
Order->DevNodeSequence = IoDeviceNodeTreeSequence; for (i=0; i <= PO_ORDER_MAXIMUM; i++) { KeInitializeEvent(&Order->OrderLevel[i].LevelReady, NotificationEvent, FALSE); InitializeListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].WaitSleep); InitializeListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].ReadySleep); InitializeListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].Pending); InitializeListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].Complete); InitializeListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].ReadyS0); InitializeListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].WaitS0); }
// Allocate notification structures for all nodes, and determine
// maximum depth.
level = -1; node = IopRootDeviceNode; while (node->Child) { node = node->Child; level += 1; }
// ADRIAO 01/12/1999 N.B. -
// Note that we include devices without the started flag. However, two
// things prevent us from excluding devices that aren't started:
// 1) We must be able to send power messages to a device we are warm
// undocking.
// 2) Many devices may not be started, that is no guarentee they are in D3!
// For example, they could easily have a boot config, and PNP still
// relies heavily on BIOS boot configs to keep us from placing hardware
// ontop of other devices with boot configs we haven't found or started
// yet!
maxLevel = level; while (node != IopRootDeviceNode) { notify = ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( NonPagedPool, sizeof(PO_DEVICE_NOTIFY), IOP_DPWR_TAG );
if (!notify) { //
// Reset the DevNodeSequence since we have failed and returning with the DeviceActionQueue unlocked.
Order->DevNodeSequence = 0; PiUnlockDeviceActionQueue(); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
RtlZeroMemory (notify, sizeof(PO_DEVICE_NOTIFY)); ASSERT(node->Notify == NULL) ; node->Notify = notify; notify->Node = node; notify->DeviceObject = node->PhysicalDeviceObject; notify->TargetDevice = IoGetAttachedDevice(node->PhysicalDeviceObject); notify->DriverName = IopCaptureObjectName(notify->TargetDevice->DriverObject); notify->DeviceName = IopCaptureObjectName(notify->TargetDevice); ObReferenceObject (notify->DeviceObject); ObReferenceObject (notify->TargetDevice);
orderLevel = 0;
if (notify->TargetDevice->DeviceType != FILE_DEVICE_SCREEN && notify->TargetDevice->DeviceType != FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO) { orderLevel |= PO_ORDER_NOT_VIDEO; }
if (notify->TargetDevice->Flags & DO_POWER_PAGABLE) { orderLevel |= PO_ORDER_PAGABLE; }
// If this is a level 0 node it's in the root. Look for
// non-bus stuff in the root as those guys need to be re-based
// below everything else.
notify->OrderLevel = orderLevel;
// If the node is root-enumerated, put it on the rebase list so
// we can mark all its children later.
// If the node is a leaf node it is ready to receive Sx irps.
// If it has children, it must wait for its children to complete their Sx irps.
if ((level == 0) && (node->InterfaceType != Internal) && !(node->Flags & DNF_HAL_NODE)) { InsertHeadList(&RebaseList, ¬ify->Link); } else { ++Order->OrderLevel[orderLevel].DeviceCount; if (node->Child == NULL) { InsertHeadList(&Order->OrderLevel[orderLevel].ReadySleep, ¬ify->Link); } else { InsertHeadList(&Order->OrderLevel[orderLevel].WaitSleep, ¬ify->Link); } } //
// Next node
if (node->Sibling) { node = node->Sibling; while (node->Child) { node = node->Child; level += 1; if (level > maxLevel) { maxLevel = level; } }
} else { node = node->Parent; level -= 1; } }
// Rebase anything on the rebase list to be after the normal pnp stuff
while (!IsListEmpty(&RebaseList)) { link = RemoveHeadList(&RebaseList); notify = CONTAINING_RECORD (link, PO_DEVICE_NOTIFY, Link);
// Rebase this node
node = notify->Node; notify->OrderLevel |= PO_ORDER_ROOT_ENUM;
++Order->OrderLevel[notify->OrderLevel].DeviceCount; if (node->Child == NULL) { InsertHeadList(&Order->OrderLevel[notify->OrderLevel].ReadySleep, ¬ify->Link); } else { InsertHeadList(&Order->OrderLevel[notify->OrderLevel].WaitSleep, ¬ify->Link); } //
// Now rebase all the node's children
parent = node; while (node->Child) { node = node->Child; }
while (node != parent) { notify = node->Notify; if (notify) { RemoveEntryList(¬ify->Link); --Order->OrderLevel[notify->OrderLevel].DeviceCount; notify->OrderLevel |= PO_ORDER_ROOT_ENUM; ++Order->OrderLevel[notify->OrderLevel].DeviceCount; if (node->Child == NULL) { InsertHeadList(&Order->OrderLevel[notify->OrderLevel].ReadySleep, ¬ify->Link); } else { InsertHeadList(&Order->OrderLevel[notify->OrderLevel].WaitSleep, ¬ify->Link); } }
// next node
if (node->Sibling) { node = node->Sibling; while (node->Child) { node = node->Child; } } else { node = node->Parent; } } }
// make one more pass through all the notify devices in order to count
// the children of each parent. It would be nice if the PNP engine kept
// track of the number of children in the devnode, but until that is done,
// we need this second pass.
// Also make sure that each node's parent is an order level >= its children.
node = IopRootDeviceNode; while (node->Child) { node = node->Child; } while (node != IopRootDeviceNode) { if (node->Parent != IopRootDeviceNode) { parentnotify = node->Parent->Notify; parentnotify->ChildCount++; parentnotify->ActiveChild++; if (parentnotify->OrderLevel > node->Notify->OrderLevel) {
// The parent is a higher order level than its child. Move the
// parent down to the same order as its child
RemoveEntryList(&parentnotify->Link); --Order->OrderLevel[parentnotify->OrderLevel].DeviceCount; parentnotify->OrderLevel = node->Notify->OrderLevel; ++Order->OrderLevel[parentnotify->OrderLevel].DeviceCount; InsertHeadList(&Order->OrderLevel[parentnotify->OrderLevel].WaitSleep, &parentnotify->Link); } }
// Next node
if (node->Sibling) { node = node->Sibling; while (node->Child) { node = node->Child; } } else { node = node->Parent; } }
Order->WarmEjectPdoPointer = &IopWarmEjectPdo;
// The engine lock is release when the notify list is freed
PVOID IoGetPoNotifyParent( IN PPO_DEVICE_NOTIFY Notify ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the notify structure of the specified device's parent.
Notify - Supplies the child device
Return Value:
Parent's notify structure if present NULL if there is no parent
Node = Notify->Node; if (Node->Parent != IopRootDeviceNode) { return(Node->Parent->Notify); } else { return(NULL); } }
Routine Description:
Removes any children of the supplied device that are at the same orderlevel as the supplied parent and reinserts them on the ReadyS0 list.
Notify - Supplies the device notify structure
Orderr - Supplies the device notification order structure
Return Value:
Node = Notify->Node; Child = Node->Child; while (Child) { ChildNotify = Child->Notify; if (ChildNotify->OrderLevel == Notify->OrderLevel) { RemoveEntryList(&ChildNotify->Link); Level = &Order->OrderLevel[ChildNotify->OrderLevel]; InsertTailList(&Level->ReadyS0, &ChildNotify->Link); } Child = Child->Sibling; }
VOID IopFreePoDeviceNotifyListHead ( PLIST_ENTRY ListHead ) { PLIST_ENTRY Link; PPO_DEVICE_NOTIFY Notify; PDEVICE_NODE Node;
while (!IsListEmpty(ListHead)) { Link = RemoveHeadList(ListHead); Notify = CONTAINING_RECORD (Link, PO_DEVICE_NOTIFY, Link);
Node = (PDEVICE_NODE) Notify->Node; Node->Notify = NULL;
ObDereferenceObject (Notify->DeviceObject); ObDereferenceObject (Notify->TargetDevice); if (Notify->DeviceName) { ExFreePool (Notify->DeviceName); } if (Notify->DriverName) { ExFreePool (Notify->DriverName); } ExFreePool(Notify); } }
if (Order->DevNodeSequence) {
Order->DevNodeSequence = 0;
PiUnlockDeviceActionQueue(); }
// Free the resources from the notify list
for (i=0; i <= PO_ORDER_MAXIMUM; i++) { IopFreePoDeviceNotifyListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].WaitSleep); IopFreePoDeviceNotifyListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].ReadySleep); IopFreePoDeviceNotifyListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].Pending); IopFreePoDeviceNotifyListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].Complete); IopFreePoDeviceNotifyListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].ReadyS0); IopFreePoDeviceNotifyListHead(&Order->OrderLevel[i].WaitS0); }
PWCHAR IopCaptureObjectName ( IN PVOID Object ) { NTSTATUS Status; UCHAR Buffer[512]; POBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION ObName; ULONG len; PWCHAR Name;
ObName = (POBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION) Buffer; Status = ObQueryNameString ( Object, ObName, sizeof (Buffer), &len );
Name = NULL; if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && ObName->Name.Buffer) { Name = ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( NonPagedPool, ObName->Name.Length + sizeof(WCHAR), IOP_DPWR_TAG );
if (Name) { RtlCopyMemory(Name, ObName->Name.Buffer, ObName->Name.Length); Name[ObName->Name.Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; } }
return Name; }
NTSTATUS IopWarmEjectDevice( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceToEject, IN SYSTEM_POWER_STATE LightestSleepState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is invoked to initiate a warm eject. The eject progresses from S1 to the passed in lightest sleep state.
DeviceToEject - The device to eject
LightestSleepState - The lightest S state (at least S1) that the device may be ejected in. This might be S4 if we are truely low on power.
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status;
// Acquire the warm eject device lock. A warm eject requires we enter a
// specific S-state, and two different devices may have conflicting options.
// Therefore only one is allowed to occur at once.
// Note that this function is called in the context of a work item, so we
// don't have to worry about suspend attacks.
status = KeWaitForSingleObject( &IopWarmEjectLock, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL );
// Acquire engine lock. We are not allowed to set or clear this field
// unless we are under this lock.
// Set the current Pdo to eject.
ASSERT(IopWarmEjectPdo == NULL); IopWarmEjectPdo = DeviceToEject;
// Release the engine lock.
// Attempt to invalidate Po's cached notification list. This should cause
// IoBuildPoDeviceNotifyList to be called at which time it will in theory
// pickup the above placed warm eject Pdo.
// ADRIAO NOTE 01/07/1999 -
// Actually, this whole IoDeviceNodeTreeSequence stuff isn't neccessary.
// PnP will make no changes to the tree while the device tree lock is owned,
// and it's owned for the duration of a power notification.
// Sleep...
// ADRIAO NOTE 2002/03/31 - Note that this is invoked in the system context,
// not winlogon. This means that the invoking user
// will not have his SeShutdownPrivilege checked.
// However, SeLoadUnloadDriver was checked, which
// itself is synonomous with Admin.
status = NtInitiatePowerAction( PowerActionWarmEject, LightestSleepState, POWER_ACTION_QUERY_ALLOWED | POWER_ACTION_UI_ALLOWED, FALSE // Asynchronous == FALSE
// Tell someone if we didn't succeed.
// Don't throw UI on every failure because some failures
// have been handled already (e.g. a specific device veto'ing
// the action). Therefore, we'll check some specific error codes.
// Intentionally ignore the return code here. We don't
// want to step on our 'status' variable, and besides, there's
// not much we could here on failure anyway.
PpSetPowerVetoEvent( PowerActionWarmEject, NULL, NULL, DeviceToEject, PNP_VetoInsufficientRights, NULL );
// Acquire the engine lock. We are not allowed to set or clear this field
// unless we are under this lock.
// Clear the current PDO to eject, and see if the Pdo was actually picked
// up.
if (IopWarmEjectPdo) {
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// If our device wasn't picked up, the return of
// NtInitiatePowerAction should *not* be successful!
IopWarmEjectPdo = NULL; }
// Release the engine lock.
// Release the warm eject device lock
KeSetEvent( &IopWarmEjectLock, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE );
return status; }