Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /*
  2. ** Copyright 1991-1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
  3. ** All Rights Reserved.
  4. **
  5. ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
  6. ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
  7. ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
  8. ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
  9. **
  11. ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
  12. ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
  13. ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
  14. ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
  15. ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
  16. */
  17. /*
  19. * IF YOU MUST MODIFY THIS FILE, PLEASE CONTACT ptar@sgi.com 415-390-1483
  20. */
  21. /* Server Side Procedure Table */
  22. #include "precomp.h"
  23. #pragma hdrstop
  24. #include "glsbmsg.h"
  25. #include "glsbmsgh.h"
  26. #include "glsrvsb.h"
  27. #include "glsrvspt.h"
  28. GLSRVSBPROCTABLE glSrvSbProcTable = {
  29. NULL, /* Make First Entry NULL */
  30. /* gl Entry points */
  31. sbs_glDrawPolyArray ,
  32. sbs_glBitmap ,
  33. sbs_glColor4fv ,
  34. sbs_glEdgeFlag ,
  35. sbs_glIndexf ,
  36. sbs_glNormal3fv ,
  37. sbs_glRasterPos4fv ,
  38. sbs_glTexCoord4fv ,
  39. sbs_glClipPlane ,
  40. sbs_glColorMaterial ,
  41. sbs_glCullFace ,
  42. sbs_glAddSwapHintRectWIN ,
  43. sbs_glFogfv ,
  44. sbs_glFrontFace ,
  45. sbs_glHint ,
  46. sbs_glLightfv ,
  47. sbs_glLightModelfv ,
  48. sbs_glLineStipple ,
  49. sbs_glLineWidth ,
  50. sbs_glMaterialfv ,
  51. sbs_glPointSize ,
  52. sbs_glPolygonMode ,
  53. sbs_glPolygonStipple ,
  54. sbs_glScissor ,
  55. sbs_glShadeModel ,
  56. sbs_glTexParameterfv ,
  57. sbs_glTexParameteriv ,
  58. sbs_glTexImage1D ,
  59. sbs_glTexImage2D ,
  60. sbs_glTexEnvfv ,
  61. sbs_glTexEnviv ,
  62. sbs_glTexGenfv ,
  63. sbs_glFeedbackBuffer ,
  64. sbs_glSelectBuffer ,
  65. sbs_glRenderMode ,
  66. sbs_glInitNames ,
  67. sbs_glLoadName ,
  68. sbs_glPassThrough ,
  69. sbs_glPopName ,
  70. sbs_glPushName ,
  71. sbs_glDrawBuffer ,
  72. sbs_glClear ,
  73. sbs_glClearAccum ,
  74. sbs_glClearIndex ,
  75. sbs_glClearColor ,
  76. sbs_glClearStencil ,
  77. sbs_glClearDepth ,
  78. sbs_glStencilMask ,
  79. sbs_glColorMask ,
  80. sbs_glDepthMask ,
  81. sbs_glIndexMask ,
  82. sbs_glAccum ,
  83. sbs_glDisable ,
  84. sbs_glEnable ,
  85. sbs_glPopAttrib ,
  86. sbs_glPushAttrib ,
  87. sbs_glAlphaFunc ,
  88. sbs_glBlendFunc ,
  89. sbs_glLogicOp ,
  90. sbs_glStencilFunc ,
  91. sbs_glStencilOp ,
  92. sbs_glDepthFunc ,
  93. sbs_glPixelZoom ,
  94. sbs_glPixelTransferf ,
  95. sbs_glPixelTransferi ,
  96. sbs_glPixelStoref ,
  97. sbs_glPixelStorei ,
  98. sbs_glPixelMapfv ,
  99. sbs_glPixelMapuiv ,
  100. sbs_glPixelMapusv ,
  101. sbs_glReadBuffer ,
  102. sbs_glCopyPixels ,
  103. sbs_glReadPixels ,
  104. sbs_glDrawPixels ,
  105. sbs_glGetBooleanv ,
  106. sbs_glGetClipPlane ,
  107. sbs_glGetDoublev ,
  108. sbs_glGetError ,
  109. sbs_glGetFloatv ,
  110. sbs_glGetIntegerv ,
  111. sbs_glGetLightfv ,
  112. sbs_glGetLightiv ,
  113. sbs_glGetMapdv ,
  114. sbs_glGetMapfv ,
  115. sbs_glGetMapiv ,
  116. sbs_glGetMaterialfv ,
  117. sbs_glGetMaterialiv ,
  118. sbs_glGetPixelMapfv ,
  119. sbs_glGetPixelMapuiv ,
  120. sbs_glGetPixelMapusv ,
  121. sbs_glGetPolygonStipple ,
  122. sbs_glGetTexEnvfv ,
  123. sbs_glGetTexEnviv ,
  124. sbs_glGetTexGendv ,
  125. sbs_glGetTexGenfv ,
  126. sbs_glGetTexGeniv ,
  127. sbs_glGetTexImage ,
  128. sbs_glGetTexParameterfv ,
  129. sbs_glGetTexParameteriv ,
  130. sbs_glGetTexLevelParameterfv ,
  131. sbs_glGetTexLevelParameteriv ,
  132. sbs_glIsEnabled ,
  133. sbs_glDepthRange ,
  134. sbs_glFrustum ,
  135. sbs_glLoadIdentity ,
  136. sbs_glLoadMatrixf ,
  137. sbs_glMatrixMode ,
  138. sbs_glMultMatrixf ,
  139. sbs_glOrtho ,
  140. sbs_glPopMatrix ,
  141. sbs_glPushMatrix ,
  142. sbs_glRotatef ,
  143. sbs_glScalef ,
  144. sbs_glTranslatef ,
  145. sbs_glViewport ,
  146. sbs_glAreTexturesResident ,
  147. sbs_glBindTexture ,
  148. sbs_glCopyTexImage1D ,
  149. sbs_glCopyTexImage2D ,
  150. sbs_glCopyTexSubImage1D ,
  151. sbs_glCopyTexSubImage2D ,
  152. sbs_glDeleteTextures ,
  153. sbs_glGenTextures ,
  154. sbs_glIsTexture ,
  155. sbs_glPrioritizeTextures ,
  156. sbs_glTexSubImage1D ,
  157. sbs_glTexSubImage2D ,
  158. sbs_glColorTableEXT ,
  159. sbs_glColorSubTableEXT ,
  160. sbs_glGetColorTableEXT ,
  161. sbs_glGetColorTableParameterivEXT,
  162. sbs_glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT,
  163. sbs_glPolygonOffset ,
  164. #ifdef GL_WIN_multiple_textures
  165. sbs_glCurrentTextureIndexWIN,
  166. sbs_glBindNthTextureWIN,
  167. sbs_glNthTexCombineFuncWIN,
  168. #endif // GL_WIN_multiple_textures
  169. };