// MASM-syntax expression evaluation.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1990-2002.
#include "ntsdp.hpp"
// token classes (< 100) and types (>= 100)
#define EOL_CLASS 0
#define ADDOP_CLASS 1
#define ADDOP_PLUS 100
#define ADDOP_MINUS 101
#define MULOP_CLASS 2
#define MULOP_MULT 200
#define MULOP_DIVIDE 201
#define MULOP_MOD 202
#define MULOP_SEG 203
//#define MULOP_64 204
#define LOGOP_CLASS 3
#define LOGOP_AND 300
#define LOGOP_OR 301
#define LOGOP_XOR 302
#define LRELOP_CLASS 4
#define LRELOP_EQ 400
#define LRELOP_NE 401
#define LRELOP_LT 402
#define LRELOP_GT 403
#define UNOP_CLASS 5
#define UNOP_NOT 500
#define UNOP_BY 501
#define UNOP_WO 502
#define UNOP_DWO 503
#define UNOP_POI 504
#define UNOP_LOW 505
#define UNOP_HI 506
#define UNOP_QWO 507
#define UNOP_VAL 508
#define LPAREN_CLASS 6
#define RPAREN_CLASS 7
#define LBRACK_CLASS 8
#define RBRACK_CLASS 9
#define REG_CLASS 10
#define NUMBER_CLASS 11
#define SYMBOL_CLASS 12
#define LINE_CLASS 13
#define SHIFT_CLASS 14
#define SHIFT_LEFT 1400
#define ERROR_CLASS 99 //only used for PeekToken()
#define INVALID_CLASS -1
struct Res { char chRes[3]; ULONG classRes; ULONG valueRes; };
Res g_Reserved[] = { { 'o', 'r', '\0', LOGOP_CLASS, LOGOP_OR }, { 'b', 'y', '\0', UNOP_CLASS, UNOP_BY }, { 'w', 'o', '\0', UNOP_CLASS, UNOP_WO }, { 'd', 'w', 'o', UNOP_CLASS, UNOP_DWO }, { 'q', 'w', 'o', UNOP_CLASS, UNOP_QWO }, { 'h', 'i', '\0', UNOP_CLASS, UNOP_HI }, { 'm', 'o', 'd', MULOP_CLASS, MULOP_MOD }, { 'x', 'o', 'r', LOGOP_CLASS, LOGOP_XOR }, { 'a', 'n', 'd', LOGOP_CLASS, LOGOP_AND }, { 'p', 'o', 'i', UNOP_CLASS, UNOP_POI }, { 'n', 'o', 't', UNOP_CLASS, UNOP_NOT }, { 'l', 'o', 'w', UNOP_CLASS, UNOP_LOW }, { 'v', 'a', 'l', UNOP_CLASS, UNOP_VAL } };
Res g_X86Reserved[] = { { 'e', 'a', 'x', REG_CLASS, X86_EAX }, { 'e', 'b', 'x', REG_CLASS, X86_EBX }, { 'e', 'c', 'x', REG_CLASS, X86_ECX }, { 'e', 'd', 'x', REG_CLASS, X86_EDX }, { 'e', 'b', 'p', REG_CLASS, X86_EBP }, { 'e', 's', 'p', REG_CLASS, X86_ESP }, { 'e', 'i', 'p', REG_CLASS, X86_EIP }, { 'e', 's', 'i', REG_CLASS, X86_ESI }, { 'e', 'd', 'i', REG_CLASS, X86_EDI }, { 'e', 'f', 'l', REG_CLASS, X86_EFL } };
#define RESERVESIZE (sizeof(g_Reserved) / sizeof(Res))
#define X86_RESERVESIZE (sizeof(g_X86Reserved) / sizeof(Res))
char * g_X86SegRegs[] = { "cs", "ds", "es", "fs", "gs", "ss" }; #define X86_SEGREGSIZE (sizeof(g_X86SegRegs) / sizeof(char *))
// MasmEvalExpression.
MasmEvalExpression::MasmEvalExpression(void) : EvalExpression(DEBUG_EXPR_MASM, "Microsoft Assembler expressions", "MASM") { m_SavedClass = INVALID_CLASS; m_ForcePositiveNumber = FALSE; m_AddrExprType = 0; m_TypedExpr = FALSE; }
MasmEvalExpression::~MasmEvalExpression(void) { }
PCSTR MasmEvalExpression::Evaluate(PCSTR Expr, PCSTR Desc, ULONG Flags, TypedData* Result) { ULONG64 Value; Start(Expr, Desc, Flags);
if (m_Flags & EXPRF_SINGLE_TERM) { m_SavedClass = INVALID_CLASS; Value = GetTerm(); } else { Value = GetCommonExpression(); }
ZeroMemory(Result, sizeof(*Result)); Result->SetToNativeType(DNTYPE_UINT64); Result->m_U64 = Value; Expr = m_Lex; End(Result); return Expr; }
PCSTR MasmEvalExpression::EvaluateAddr(PCSTR Expr, PCSTR Desc, ULONG SegReg, PADDR Addr) { TypedData Result; Start(Expr, Desc, EXPRF_DEFAULT);
Expr = m_Lex; End(&Result);
ForceAddrExpression(SegReg, Addr, Result.m_U64); return Expr; }
void MasmEvalExpression::ForceAddrExpression(ULONG SegReg, PADDR Address, ULONG64 Value) { DESCRIPTOR64 DescBuf, *Desc = NULL; *Address = m_TempAddr; // Rewriting the offset may change flat address so
// be sure to recompute it later.
Off(*Address) = Value;
// If it wasn't an explicit address expression
// force it to be an address
if (!(m_AddrExprType & ~INSTR_POINTER)) { // Default to a flat address.
m_AddrExprType = ADDR_FLAT; // Apply various overrides.
if (g_X86InVm86) { m_AddrExprType = ADDR_V86; } else if (g_X86InCode16) { m_AddrExprType = ADDR_16; } else if (g_Machine && g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 && !g_Amd64InCode64) { m_AddrExprType = ADDR_1632; }
Address->type = m_AddrExprType; if (m_AddrExprType != ADDR_FLAT && SegReg < SEGREG_COUNT && g_Machine && g_Machine->GetSegRegDescriptor(SegReg, &DescBuf) == S_OK) { ContextSave* Push; PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT ScopeContext = GetCurrentScopeContext(); if (ScopeContext) { Push = g_Machine->PushContext(ScopeContext); }
Address->seg = (USHORT) g_Machine->FullGetVal32(g_Machine->GetSegRegNum(SegReg)); Desc = &DescBuf; if (ScopeContext) { g_Machine->PopContext(Push); } } else { Address->seg = 0; } } else if fnotFlat(*Address) { // This case (i.e., m_AddrExprType && !flat) results from
// an override (i.e., %,,&, or #) being used but no segment
// being specified to force a flat address computation.
Type(*Address) = m_AddrExprType; Address->seg = 0;
if (SegReg < SEGREG_COUNT) { // test flag for IP or EIP as register argument
// if so, use CS as default register
if (fInstrPtr(*Address)) { SegReg = SEGREG_CODE; } if (g_Machine && g_Machine->GetSegRegDescriptor(SegReg, &DescBuf) == S_OK) { ContextSave* Push; PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT ScopeContext = GetCurrentScopeContext(); if (ScopeContext) { Push = g_Machine->PushContext(ScopeContext); }
Address->seg = (USHORT) g_Machine->FullGetVal32(g_Machine->GetSegRegNum(SegReg)); Desc = &DescBuf; if (ScopeContext) { g_Machine->PopContext(Push); } } } }
// Force sign-extension of 32-bit flat addresses.
if (Address->type == ADDR_FLAT && g_Machine && !g_Machine->m_Ptr64) { Off(*Address) = EXTEND64(Off(*Address)); }
// Force an updated flat address to be computed.
NotFlat(*Address); ComputeFlatAddress(Address, Desc); }
Inputs Must be ([*|&] Sym[(.->)Field]) Outputs Evaluates typed expression and returns value */
LONG64 MasmEvalExpression::GetTypedExpression(void) { ULONG64 Value=0; BOOL AddrOf=FALSE, ValueAt=FALSE; CHAR c; static CHAR Name[MAX_NAME], Field[MAX_NAME];
c = Peek();
switch (c) { case '(': m_Lex++; Value = GetTypedExpression(); c = Peek(); if (c != ')') { EvalError(SYNTAX); return 0; } ++m_Lex; return Value; case '&': // Get Offset/Address
// AddrOf = TRUE;
// m_Lex++;
// Peek();
break; case '*': default: break; }
#if 0
ULONG i=0; ValueAt = TRUE; m_Lex++; Peek(); break; c = Peek(); while ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '_') || (c == '$') || (c == '!')) { // Sym Name
Name[i++] = c; c = *++m_Lex; } Name[i]=0;
if (c=='.') { ++m_Lex; } else if (c=='-' && *++m_Lex == '>') { ++m_Lex; }
i=0; c = Peek();
while ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '_') || (c == '$') || (c == '.') || (c == '-') || (c == '>')) { Field[i++]= c; c = *++m_Lex; } Field[i] = 0;
SYM_DUMP_PARAM Sym = {0}; FIELD_INFO FieldInfo ={0};
Sym.size = sizeof(SYM_DUMP_PARAM); Sym.sName = (PUCHAR) Name; Sym.Options = DBG_DUMP_NO_PRINT;
if (Field[0]) { Sym.nFields = 1; Sym.Fields = &FieldInfo;
FieldInfo.fName = (PUCHAR) Field;
if (AddrOf) { FieldInfo.fOptions |= DBG_DUMP_FIELD_RETURN_ADDRESS; } } else if (AddrOf) { PUCHAR pch = m_Lex; m_Lex = &Name[0]; Value = GetMterm(); m_Lex = pch; return Value; } else { Sym.Options |= DBG_DUMP_GET_SIZE_ONLY; } ULONG Status=0; ULONG Size = SymbolTypeDump(0, NULL, &Sym, &Status);
if (!Status) { if (!Field[0] && (Size <= sizeof (Value))) { // Call routine again to read value
Sym.Options |= DBG_DUMP_COPY_TYPE_DATA; Sym.Context = (PVOID) &Value; if ((SymbolTypeDump(0, NULL, &Sym, &Status) == 8) && (Size == 4)) { Value = (ULONG) Value; } } else if (Field[0] && (FieldInfo.size <= sizeof(ULONG64))) { Value = FieldInfo.address; } else // too big
{ Value = 0; } } #endif
ULONG PreferVal = m_Flags & EXPRF_PREFER_SYMBOL_VALUES; m_Flags |= EXPRF_PREFER_SYMBOL_VALUES; Value = GetMterm(); m_Flags = (m_Flags & ~EXPRF_PREFER_SYMBOL_VALUES) | PreferVal;
return Value; }
Evaluate the value in symbol expression Symbol */
BOOL MasmEvalExpression::GetSymValue(PSTR Symbol, PULONG64 RetValue) { TYPES_INFO_ALL Typ;
if (GetExpressionTypeInfo(Symbol, &Typ)) { if (Typ.Flags) { if (Typ.Flags & SYMFLAG_VALUEPRESENT) { *RetValue = Typ.Value; return TRUE; } TranslateAddress(Typ.Module, Typ.Flags, Typ.Register, &Typ.Address, &Typ.Value); if (Typ.Value && (Typ.Flags & SYMFLAG_REGISTER)) { *RetValue = Typ.Value; return TRUE; } } if (Symbol[0] == '&') { *RetValue = Typ.Address; return TRUE; } else if (Typ.Size <= sizeof(*RetValue)) { ULONG64 Val = 0; if (CurReadAllVirtual(Typ.Address, &Val, Typ.Size) == S_OK) { *RetValue = Val; return TRUE; } } }
*RetValue = 0; return FALSE; }
char MasmEvalExpression::Peek(void) { char Ch;
do { Ch = *m_Lex++; } while (Ch == ' ' || Ch == '\t' || Ch == '\r' || Ch == '\n'); m_Lex--; return Ch; }
ULONG64 MasmEvalExpression::GetCommonExpression(void) { CHAR ch;
m_SavedClass = INVALID_CLASS;
ch = Peek(); switch(ch) { case '&': m_Lex++; m_AddrExprType = ADDR_V86; break; case '#': m_Lex++; m_AddrExprType = ADDR_16; break; case '%': m_Lex++; m_AddrExprType = ADDR_FLAT; break; default: m_AddrExprType = ADDR_NONE; break; } Peek(); return (ULONG64)StartExpr(); }
/*** StartExpr - Get expression
* * Purpose: * Parse logical-terms separated by logical operators into * expression value. * * Input: * m_Lex - present command line position * * Returns: * long value of logical result. * * Exceptions: * error exit: SYNTAX - bad expression or premature end-of-line * * Notes: * may be called recursively. * <expr> = <lterm> [<logic-op> <lterm>]* * <logic-op> = AND (&), OR (|), XOR (^) * *************************************************************************/
LONG64 MasmEvalExpression::StartExpr(void) { LONG64 value1; LONG64 value2; ULONG opclass; LONG64 oRetValue;
//dprintf("LONG64 StartExpr ()\n");
value1 = GetLRterm(); while ((opclass = PeekToken(&oRetValue)) == LOGOP_CLASS) { AcceptToken(); value2 = GetLRterm(); switch (oRetValue) { case LOGOP_AND: value1 &= value2; break; case LOGOP_OR: value1 |= value2; break; case LOGOP_XOR: value1 ^= value2; break; default: EvalError(SYNTAX); } } return value1; }
/*** GetLRterm - get logical relational term
* * Purpose: * Parse logical-terms separated by logical relational * operators into the expression value. * * Input: * m_Lex - present command line position * * Returns: * long value of logical result. * * Exceptions: * error exit: SYNTAX - bad expression or premature end-of-line * * Notes: * may be called recursively. * <expr> = <lterm> [<rel-logic-op> <lterm>]* * <logic-op> = '==' or '=', '!=', '>', '<' * *************************************************************************/
LONG64 MasmEvalExpression::GetLRterm(void) { LONG64 value1; LONG64 value2; ULONG opclass; LONG64 oRetValue;
//dprintf("LONG64 GetLRterm ()\n");
value1 = GetLterm(); while ((opclass = PeekToken(&oRetValue)) == LRELOP_CLASS) { AcceptToken(); value2 = GetLterm(); switch (oRetValue) { case LRELOP_EQ: value1 = (value1 == value2); break; case LRELOP_NE: value1 = (value1 != value2); break; case LRELOP_LT: value1 = (value1 < value2); break; case LRELOP_GT: value1 = (value1 > value2); break; default: EvalError(SYNTAX); } } return value1; }
/*** GetLterm - get logical term
* * Purpose: * Parse shift-terms separated by shift operators into * logical term value. * * Input: * m_Lex - present command line position * * Returns: * long value of sum. * * Exceptions: * error exit: SYNTAX - bad logical term or premature end-of-line * * Notes: * may be called recursively. * <lterm> = <sterm> [<shift-op> <sterm>]* * <shift-op> = <<, >>, >>> * *************************************************************************/
LONG64 MasmEvalExpression::GetLterm(void) { LONG64 value1 = GetShiftTerm(); LONG64 value2; ULONG opclass; LONG64 oRetValue;
//dprintf("LONG64 GetLterm ()\n");
while ((opclass = PeekToken(&oRetValue)) == SHIFT_CLASS) { AcceptToken(); value2 = GetShiftTerm(); switch (oRetValue) { case SHIFT_LEFT: value1 <<= value2; break; case SHIFT_RIGHT_LOGICAL: value1 = (LONG64)((ULONG64)value1 >> value2); break; case SHIFT_RIGHT_ARITHMETIC: value1 >>= value2; break; default: EvalError(SYNTAX); } } return value1; }
/*** GetShiftTerm - get logical term
* * Purpose: * Parse additive-terms separated by additive operators into * shift term value. * * Input: * m_Lex - present command line position * * Returns: * long value of sum. * * Exceptions: * error exit: SYNTAX - bad shift term or premature end-of-line * * Notes: * may be called recursively. * <sterm> = <aterm> [<add-op> <aterm>]* * <add-op> = +, - * *************************************************************************/
LONG64 MasmEvalExpression::GetShiftTerm(void) { LONG64 value1 = GetAterm(); LONG64 value2; ULONG opclass; LONG64 oRetValue; USHORT AddrType1 = m_AddrExprType;
//dprintf("LONG64 GetShifTerm ()\n");
while ((opclass = PeekToken(&oRetValue)) == ADDOP_CLASS) { AcceptToken(); value2 = GetAterm();
// If either item is an address we want
// to use the special address arithmetic functions.
// They only handle address+-value, so we may need
// to swap things around to allow their use.
// We can't swap the order of subtraction, plus the
// result of a subtraction should be a constant.
if (AddrType1 == ADDR_NONE && m_AddrExprType != ADDR_NONE && oRetValue == ADDOP_PLUS) { LONG64 Tmp = value1; value1 = value2; value2 = Tmp; AddrType1 = m_AddrExprType; } if (AddrType1 & ~INSTR_POINTER) { switch (oRetValue) { case ADDOP_PLUS: AddrAdd(&m_TempAddr, value2); value1 += value2; break; case ADDOP_MINUS: AddrSub(&m_TempAddr, value2); value1 -= value2; break; default: EvalError(SYNTAX); } } else { switch (oRetValue) { case ADDOP_PLUS: value1 += value2; break; case ADDOP_MINUS: value1 -= value2; break; default: EvalError(SYNTAX); } } } return value1; }
/*** GetAterm - get additive term
* * Purpose: * Parse multiplicative-terms separated by multipicative operators * into additive term value. * * Input: * m_Lex - present command line position * * Returns: * long value of product. * * Exceptions: * error exit: SYNTAX - bad additive term or premature end-of-line * * Notes: * may be called recursively. * <aterm> = <mterm> [<mult-op> <mterm>]* * <mult-op> = *, /, MOD (%) * *************************************************************************/
LONG64 MasmEvalExpression::GetAterm(void) { LONG64 value1; LONG64 value2; ULONG opclass; LONG64 oRetValue;
//dprintf("LONG64 GetAterm ()\n");
value1 = GetMterm(); while ((opclass = PeekToken(&oRetValue)) == MULOP_CLASS) { AcceptToken(); value2 = GetMterm(); switch (oRetValue) { case MULOP_MULT: value1 *= value2; break; case MULOP_DIVIDE: if (value2 == 0) { EvalError(OPERAND); } value1 /= value2; break; case MULOP_MOD: if (value2 == 0) { EvalError(OPERAND); } value1 %= value2; break; case MULOP_SEG: PDESCRIPTOR64 pdesc; DESCRIPTOR64 desc;
pdesc = NULL; if (m_AddrExprType != ADDR_NONE) { Type(m_TempAddr) = m_AddrExprType; } else { // We don't know what kind of address this is
// Let's try to figure it out.
if (g_X86InVm86) { m_AddrExprType = Type(m_TempAddr) = ADDR_V86; } else if (g_Target->GetSelDescriptor (g_Thread, g_Machine, (ULONG)value1, &desc) != S_OK) { EvalError(BADSEG); } else { m_AddrExprType = Type(m_TempAddr) = (desc.Flags & X86_DESC_DEFAULT_BIG) ? ADDR_1632 : ADDR_16; pdesc = &desc; } }
m_TempAddr.seg = (USHORT)value1; m_TempAddr.off = value2; ComputeFlatAddress(&m_TempAddr, pdesc); value1 = value2; break;
default: EvalError(SYNTAX); } }
return value1; }
/*** GetMterm - get multiplicative term
* * Purpose: * Parse basic-terms optionally prefaced by one or more * unary operators into a multiplicative term. * * Input: * m_Lex - present command line position * * Returns: * long value of multiplicative term. * * Exceptions: * error exit: SYNTAX - bad multiplicative term or premature end-of-line * * Notes: * may be called recursively. * <mterm> = [<unary-op>] <term> | <unary-op> <mterm> * <unary-op> = <add-op>, ~ (NOT), BY, WO, DW, HI, LOW * *************************************************************************/
LONG64 MasmEvalExpression::GetMterm(void) { LONG64 value; ULONG opclass; LONG64 oRetValue; ULONG size = 0;
//dprintf("LONG64 GetMterm ()\n");
if ((opclass = PeekToken(&oRetValue)) == UNOP_CLASS || opclass == ADDOP_CLASS) { AcceptToken(); if (oRetValue == UNOP_VAL) { // Do not use default expression handler for type expressions.
value = GetTypedExpression(); } else { value = GetMterm(); } switch (oRetValue) { case UNOP_NOT: value = !value; break; case UNOP_BY: size = 1; break; case UNOP_WO: size = 2; break; case UNOP_DWO: size = 4; break; case UNOP_POI: size = 0xFFFF; break; case UNOP_QWO: size = 8; break; case UNOP_LOW: value &= 0xffff; break; case UNOP_HI: value = (ULONG)value >> 16; break; case ADDOP_PLUS: break; case ADDOP_MINUS: value = -value; break; case UNOP_VAL: break; default: EvalError(SYNTAX); }
if (size) { ADDR CurAddr; NotFlat(CurAddr);
ForceAddrExpression(SEGREG_COUNT, &CurAddr, value);
value = 0;
// For pointers, call read pointer so we read the correct size
// and sign extend.
if (size == 0xFFFF) { if (g_Target->ReadPointer(g_Process, g_Machine, Flat(CurAddr), (PULONG64)&value) != S_OK) { EvalError(MEMORY); } } else { if (g_Target->ReadAllVirtual(g_Process, Flat(CurAddr), &value, size) != S_OK) { EvalError(MEMORY); } }
// We've looked up an arbitrary value so we can
// no longer consider this an address expression.
m_AddrExprType = ADDR_NONE; } } else { value = GetTerm(); } return value; }
/*** GetTerm - get basic term
* * Purpose: * Parse numeric, variable, or register name into a basic * term value. * * Input: * m_Lex - present command line position * * Returns: * long value of basic term. * * Exceptions: * error exit: SYNTAX - empty basic term or premature end-of-line * * Notes: * may be called recursively. * <term> = ( <expr> ) | <register-value> | <number> | <variable> * <register-value> = @<register-name> * *************************************************************************/
LONG64 MasmEvalExpression::GetTerm(void) { LONG64 value; ULONG opclass; LONG64 oRetValue;
//dprintf("LONG64 GetTerm ()\n");
opclass = GetTokenSym(&oRetValue); if (opclass == LPAREN_CLASS) { value = StartExpr(); if (GetTokenSym(&oRetValue) != RPAREN_CLASS) { EvalError(SYNTAX); } } else if (opclass == LBRACK_CLASS) { value = StartExpr(); if (GetTokenSym(&oRetValue) != RBRACK_CLASS) { EvalError(SYNTAX); } } else if (opclass == REG_CLASS) { REGVAL Val; if (g_Machine && ((g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 && (oRetValue == X86_EIP || oRetValue == X86_IP)) || (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 && (oRetValue == AMD64_RIP || oRetValue == AMD64_EIP || oRetValue == AMD64_IP)))) { m_AddrExprType |= INSTR_POINTER; }
GetPseudoOrRegVal(TRUE, (ULONG)oRetValue, &Val); value = Val.I64; } else if (opclass == NUMBER_CLASS || opclass == SYMBOL_CLASS || opclass == LINE_CLASS) { value = oRetValue; } else { EvalErrorDesc(SYNTAX, m_ExprDesc); }
return value; }
ULONG MasmEvalExpression::GetRegToken(char *str, PULONG64 value) { if ((*value = RegIndexFromName(str)) != REG_ERROR) { return REG_CLASS; } else { *value = BADREG; return ERROR_CLASS; } }
/*** PeekToken - peek the next command line token
* * Purpose: * Return the next command line token, but do not advance * the m_Lex pointer. * * Input: * m_Lex - present command line position. * * Output: * *RetValue - optional value of token * Returns: * class of token * * Notes: * m_SavedClass, m_SavedValue, and m_SavedCommand saves the token getting * state for future peeks. To get the next token, a GetToken or * AcceptToken call must first be made. * *************************************************************************/
ULONG MasmEvalExpression::PeekToken(PLONG64 RetValue) { PCSTR Temp;
//dprintf("ULONG PeekToken (PLONG64 RetValue)\n");
// Get next class and value, but do not
// move m_Lex, but save it in m_SavedCommand.
// Do not report any error condition.
if (m_SavedClass == INVALID_CLASS) { Temp = m_Lex; m_SavedClass = NextToken(&m_SavedValue); m_SavedCommand = m_Lex; m_Lex = Temp; if (m_SavedClass == ADDOP_CLASS && m_SavedValue == ADDOP_PLUS) { m_ForcePositiveNumber = TRUE; } else { m_ForcePositiveNumber = FALSE; } } *RetValue = m_SavedValue; return m_SavedClass; }
/*** AcceptToken - accept any peeked token
* * Purpose: * To reset the PeekToken saved variables so the next PeekToken * will get the next token in the command line. * * Input: * None. * * Output: * None. * *************************************************************************/
void MasmEvalExpression::AcceptToken(void) { //dprintf("void AcceptToken (void)\n");
m_SavedClass = INVALID_CLASS; m_Lex = m_SavedCommand; }
/*** GetTokenSym - peek and accept the next token
* * Purpose: * Combines the functionality of PeekToken and AcceptToken * to return the class and optional value of the next token * as well as updating the command pointer m_Lex. * * Input: * m_Lex - present command string pointer * * Output: * *RetValue - pointer to the token value optionally set. * Returns: * class of the token read. * * Notes: * An illegal token returns the value of ERROR_CLASS with *RetValue * being the error number, but produces no actual error. * *************************************************************************/
ULONG MasmEvalExpression::GetTokenSym(PLONG64 RetValue) { ULONG opclass;
//dprintf("ULONG GetTokenSym (PLONG RetValue)\n");
if (m_SavedClass != INVALID_CLASS) { opclass = m_SavedClass; m_SavedClass = INVALID_CLASS; *RetValue = m_SavedValue; m_Lex = m_SavedCommand; } else { opclass = NextToken(RetValue); }
if (opclass == ERROR_CLASS) { EvalError((ULONG)*RetValue); }
return opclass; }
struct DISPLAY_AMBIGUOUS_SYMBOLS { PSTR MatchString; PSTR Module; MachineInfo* Machine; };
if (IgnoreEnumeratedSymbol(g_Process, Context->MatchString, Context->Machine, SymInfo)) { return TRUE; } dprintf("Matched: %s %s!%s", FormatAddr64(SymInfo->Address), Context->Module, SymInfo->Name); ShowSymbolInfo(SymInfo); dprintf("\n"); return TRUE; }
ULONG MasmEvalExpression::EvalSymbol(PSTR Name, PULONG64 Value) { if (m_Process == NULL) { return INVALID_CLASS; }
if (m_Flags & EXPRF_PREFER_SYMBOL_VALUES) { if (GetSymValue(Name, Value)) { return SYMBOL_CLASS; } else { return INVALID_CLASS; } }
ULONG Count; ImageInfo* Image; if (!(Count = GetOffsetFromSym(g_Process, Name, Value, &Image))) { // If a valid module name was given we can assume
// the user really intended this as a symbol reference
// and return a not-found error rather than letting
// the text be checked for other kinds of matches.
if (Image != NULL) { *Value = VARDEF; return ERROR_CLASS; } else { return INVALID_CLASS; } } if (Count == 1) { // Found an unambiguous match.
Type(m_TempAddr) = ADDR_FLAT | FLAT_COMPUTED; Flat(m_TempAddr) = Off(m_TempAddr) = *Value; m_AddrExprType = Type(m_TempAddr); return SYMBOL_CLASS; } //
// Multiple matches were found so the name is ambiguous.
// Enumerate the instances and display them.
Image = m_Process->FindImageByOffset(*Value, FALSE); if (Image != NULL) { DISPLAY_AMBIGUOUS_SYMBOLS Context; char FoundSymbol[MAX_SYMBOL_LEN]; ULONG64 Disp; PSTR Bang;
// The symbol found may not have exactly the name
// passed in due to prefixing or other modifications.
// Look up the actual name found.
GetSymbol(*Value, FoundSymbol, sizeof(FoundSymbol), &Disp);
Bang = strchr(FoundSymbol, '!'); if (Bang && !_strnicmp(Image->m_ModuleName, FoundSymbol, Bang - FoundSymbol)) { Context.MatchString = Bang + 1; } else { Context.MatchString = FoundSymbol; } Context.Module = Image->m_ModuleName; Context.Machine = MachineTypeInfo(g_Target, Image->GetMachineType()); if (Context.Machine == NULL) { Context.Machine = g_Machine; } SymEnumSymbols(m_Process->m_SymHandle, Image->m_BaseOfImage, FoundSymbol, DisplayAmbiguousSymbols, &Context); } *Value = AMBIGUOUS; return ERROR_CLASS; }
/*** NextToken - process the next token
* * Purpose: * Parse the next token from the present command string. * After skipping any leading white space, first check for * any single character tokens or register variables. If * no match, then parse for a number or variable. If a * possible variable, check the reserved word list for operators. * * Input: * m_Lex - pointer to present command string * * Output: * *RetValue - optional value of token returned * m_Lex - updated to point past processed token * Returns: * class of token returned * * Notes: * An illegal token returns the value of ERROR_CLASS with *RetValue * being the error number, but produces no actual error. * *************************************************************************/
ULONG MasmEvalExpression::NextToken(PLONG64 RetValue) { ULONG Base = g_DefaultRadix; BOOL AllowSignExtension; CHAR Symbol[MAX_SYMBOL_LEN]; CHAR SymbolString[MAX_SYMBOL_LEN]; CHAR PreSym[9]; ULONG SymbolLen = 0; BOOL IsNumber = TRUE; BOOL IsSymbol = TRUE; BOOL ForceReg = FALSE; BOOL ForceSym = FALSE; ULONG ErrNumber = 0; CHAR Ch; CHAR ChLow; CHAR ChTemp; CHAR Limit1 = '9'; CHAR Limit2 = '9'; BOOL IsDigit = FALSE; ULONG64 Value = 0; ULONG64 TmpValue; ULONG Index; PCSTR CmdSave; BOOL WasDigit; ULONG SymClass; ULONG Len;
// Do sign extension for kernel only.
AllowSignExtension = IS_KERNEL_TARGET(g_Target);
Peek(); m_LexemeSourceStart = m_Lex; Ch = *m_Lex++;
ChLow = (CHAR)tolower(Ch);
// Check to see if we're at a symbol prefix followed by
// a symbol character. Symbol prefixes often contain
// characters meaningful in other ways in expressions so
// this check must be performed before the specific expression
// character checks below.
if (g_Machine != NULL && g_Machine->m_SymPrefix != NULL && ChLow == g_Machine->m_SymPrefix[0] && (g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen == 1 || !strncmp(m_Lex, g_Machine->m_SymPrefix + 1, g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen - 1))) { CHAR ChNext = *(m_Lex + g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen - 1); CHAR ChNextLow = (CHAR)tolower(ChNext);
if (ChNextLow == '_' || (ChNextLow >= 'a' && ChNextLow <= 'z')) { // A symbol character followed the prefix so assume it's
// a symbol.
SymbolLen = g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen; DBG_ASSERT(SymbolLen <= sizeof(PreSym));
m_Lex--; memcpy(PreSym, m_Lex, g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen); memcpy(Symbol, m_Lex, g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen); m_Lex += g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen + 1; Ch = ChNext; ChLow = ChNextLow;
ForceSym = TRUE; ForceReg = FALSE; IsNumber = FALSE; goto ProbableSymbol; } } // Test for special character operators and register variable.
switch(ChLow) { case '\0': case ';': m_Lex--; return EOL_CLASS; case '+': *RetValue = ADDOP_PLUS; return ADDOP_CLASS; case '-': *RetValue = ADDOP_MINUS; return ADDOP_CLASS; case '*': *RetValue = MULOP_MULT; return MULOP_CLASS; case '/': *RetValue = MULOP_DIVIDE; return MULOP_CLASS; case '%': *RetValue = MULOP_MOD; return MULOP_CLASS; case '&': *RetValue = LOGOP_AND; return LOGOP_CLASS; case '|': *RetValue = LOGOP_OR; return LOGOP_CLASS; case '^': *RetValue = LOGOP_XOR; return LOGOP_CLASS; case '=': if (*m_Lex == '=') { m_Lex++; } *RetValue = LRELOP_EQ; return LRELOP_CLASS; case '>': if (*m_Lex == '>') { m_Lex++; if (*m_Lex == '>') { m_Lex++; *RetValue = SHIFT_RIGHT_ARITHMETIC; } else { *RetValue = SHIFT_RIGHT_LOGICAL; } return SHIFT_CLASS; } *RetValue = LRELOP_GT; return LRELOP_CLASS; case '<': if (*m_Lex == '<') { m_Lex++; *RetValue = SHIFT_LEFT; return SHIFT_CLASS; } *RetValue = LRELOP_LT; return LRELOP_CLASS; case '!': if (*m_Lex != '=') { break; } m_Lex++; *RetValue = LRELOP_NE; return LRELOP_CLASS; case '~': *RetValue = UNOP_NOT; return UNOP_CLASS; case '(': return LPAREN_CLASS; case ')': return RPAREN_CLASS; case '[': return LBRACK_CLASS; case ']': return RBRACK_CLASS; case '.': ContextSave* Push; PCROSS_PLATFORM_CONTEXT ScopeContext; if (!IS_CUR_MACHINE_ACCESSIBLE()) { *RetValue = BADTHREAD; return ERROR_CLASS; } ScopeContext = GetCurrentScopeContext(); if (ScopeContext) { Push = g_Machine->PushContext(ScopeContext); }
g_Machine->GetPC(&m_TempAddr); *RetValue = Flat(m_TempAddr); m_AddrExprType = Type(m_TempAddr);
if (ScopeContext) { g_Machine->PopContext(Push); } return NUMBER_CLASS; case ':': *RetValue = MULOP_SEG; return MULOP_CLASS; }
// Look for source line expressions. Because source file names
// can contain a lot of expression characters which are meaningful
// to the lexer the whole expression is enclosed in ` characters.
// This makes them easy to identify and scan.
if (ChLow == '`') { ULONG FoundLine;
// Scan forward for closing `
CmdSave = m_Lex;
while (*m_Lex != '`' && *m_Lex != ';' && *m_Lex != 0) { m_Lex++; }
if (*m_Lex == ';' || *m_Lex == 0) { *RetValue = SYNTAX; return ERROR_CLASS; }
Len = (ULONG)(m_Lex - CmdSave); if (Len >= sizeof(m_LexemeBuffer)) { EvalError(OVERFLOW); } memcpy(m_LexemeBuffer, CmdSave, Len); m_LexemeBuffer[Len] = 0; m_Lex++;
FoundLine = GetOffsetFromLine(m_LexemeBuffer, &Value); if (FoundLine == LINE_NOT_FOUND && m_AllowUnresolvedSymbols) { m_NumUnresolvedSymbols++; FoundLine = LINE_FOUND; Value = 0; } if (FoundLine == LINE_FOUND) { *RetValue = Value; Type(m_TempAddr) = ADDR_FLAT | FLAT_COMPUTED; Flat(m_TempAddr) = Off(m_TempAddr) = Value; m_AddrExprType = Type(m_TempAddr); return LINE_CLASS; } else { *RetValue = NOTFOUND; return ERROR_CLASS; } }
// Check for an alternate evaluator expression. As with line
// expressions alteval expressions have different
// lexical rules and therefore represent a text
// blob that is parsed with different rules.
if (ChLow == '@' && *m_Lex == '@') { TypedData Result;
// Scan to '(', picking up the optional evaluator name.
CmdSave = ++m_Lex;
while (*m_Lex != '(' && *m_Lex != ';' && *m_Lex != 0) { m_Lex++; }
if (*m_Lex == ';' || *m_Lex == 0) { *RetValue = SYNTAX; return ERROR_CLASS; }
Len = (ULONG)(m_Lex - CmdSave); if (Len >= sizeof(m_LexemeBuffer)) { EvalError(OVERFLOW); } memcpy(m_LexemeBuffer, CmdSave, Len); m_LexemeBuffer[Len] = 0; m_Lex++;
EvalExpression* Eval;
if (Len > 0) { GetEvaluatorByName(m_LexemeBuffer, FALSE, &Eval); } else { Eval = GetEvaluator(DEBUG_EXPR_CPLUSPLUS, FALSE); }
Eval->InheritStart(this); // Allow all nested evaluators to get cleaned up.
Eval->m_ChainTop = FALSE; m_Lex = (PSTR)Eval-> Evaluate(m_Lex, NULL, EXPRF_DEFAULT, &Result);
Eval->InheritEnd(this); ReleaseEvaluator(Eval); if (*m_Lex != ')') { *RetValue = SYNTAX; return ERROR_CLASS; }
m_Lex++; if (ErrNumber = Result.ConvertToU64()) { EvalError(ErrNumber); } *RetValue = Result.m_U64; return NUMBER_CLASS; } // Special prefixes - '@' for register - '!' for symbol.
if (ChLow == '@' || ChLow == '!') { ForceReg = (BOOL)(ChLow == '@'); ForceSym = (BOOL)!ForceReg; IsNumber = FALSE; Ch = *m_Lex++; ChLow = (CHAR)tolower(Ch); }
// If string is followed by '!', but not '!=',
// then it is a module name and treat as text.
CmdSave = m_Lex;
WasDigit = FALSE; while ((ChLow >= 'a' && ChLow <= 'z') || (ChLow >= '0' && ChLow <= '9') || ((WasDigit || ForceSym) && ChLow == '`') || (ForceSym && ChLow == '\'') || (ChLow == '_') || (ChLow == '$') || (ChLow == '~') || (!ForceReg && ChLow == ':' && *m_Lex == ':')) { WasDigit = (ChLow >= '0' && ChLow <= '9') || (ChLow >= 'a' && ChLow <= 'f'); if (ChLow == ':') { // Colons must come in pairs so skip the second colon
// right away.
m_Lex++; IsNumber = FALSE; } ChLow = (CHAR)tolower(*m_Lex); m_Lex++; }
// Treat as symbol if a nonnull string is followed by '!',
// but not '!='.
if (ChLow == '!' && *m_Lex != '=' && CmdSave != m_Lex) { IsNumber = FALSE; }
m_Lex = CmdSave; ChLow = (CHAR)tolower(Ch); // ch was NOT modified
if (IsNumber) { if (ChLow == '\'') { *RetValue = 0; while (TRUE) { Ch = *m_Lex++;
if (!Ch) { *RetValue = SYNTAX; return ERROR_CLASS; }
if (Ch == '\'') { if (*m_Lex != '\'') { break; } Ch = *m_Lex++; } else if (Ch == '\\') { Ch = *m_Lex++; }
*RetValue = (*RetValue << 8) | Ch; }
return NUMBER_CLASS; }
// If first character is a decimal digit, it cannot
// be a symbol. leading '0' implies octal, except
// a leading '0x' implies hexadecimal.
if (ChLow >= '0' && ChLow <= '9') { if (ForceReg) { *RetValue = SYNTAX; return ERROR_CLASS; } IsSymbol = FALSE; if (ChLow == '0') { //
// too many people type in leading 0x so we can't use it to
// deal with sign extension.
Ch = *m_Lex++; ChLow = (CHAR)tolower(Ch); if (ChLow == 'n') { Base = 10; Ch = *m_Lex++; ChLow = (CHAR)tolower(Ch); IsDigit = TRUE; } else if (ChLow == 't') { Base = 8; Ch = *m_Lex++; ChLow = (CHAR)tolower(Ch); IsDigit = TRUE; } else if (ChLow == 'x') { Base = 16; Ch = *m_Lex++; ChLow = (CHAR)tolower(Ch); IsDigit = TRUE; } else if (ChLow == 'y') { Base = 2; Ch = *m_Lex++; ChLow = (CHAR)tolower(Ch); IsDigit = TRUE; } else { // Leading zero is used only to imply a positive value
// that shouldn't get sign extended.
IsDigit = TRUE; } } }
// A number can start with a letter only if base is
// hexadecimal and it is a hexadecimal digit 'a'-'f'.
else if ((ChLow < 'a' || ChLow > 'f') || Base != 16) { IsNumber = FALSE; }
// Set limit characters for the appropriate base.
if (Base == 2) { Limit1 = '1'; } else if (Base == 8) { Limit1 = '7'; } else if (Base == 16) { Limit2 = 'f'; } }
ProbableSymbol: // Perform processing while character is a letter,
// digit, underscore, tilde or dollar-sign.
while ((ChLow >= 'a' && ChLow <= 'z') || (ChLow >= '0' && ChLow <= '9') || ((ForceSym || (IsDigit && Base == 16)) && ChLow == '`') || (ForceSym && ChLow == '\'') || (ChLow == '_') || (ChLow == '$') || (ChLow == '~') || (!ForceReg && ChLow == ':' && *m_Lex == ':')) { if (ChLow == ':') { IsNumber = FALSE; } // If possible number, test if within proper range,
// and if so, accumulate sum.
if (IsNumber) { if ((ChLow >= '0' && ChLow <= Limit1) || (ChLow >= 'a' && ChLow <= Limit2)) { IsDigit = TRUE; TmpValue = Value * Base; if (TmpValue < Value) { ErrNumber = OVERFLOW; } ChTemp = (CHAR)(ChLow - '0'); if (ChTemp > 9) { ChTemp -= 'a' - '0' - 10; } Value = TmpValue + (ULONG64)ChTemp; if (Value < TmpValue) { ErrNumber = OVERFLOW; } } else if (IsDigit && ChLow == '`') { // If ` character is seen, disallow sign extension.
AllowSignExtension = FALSE; } else { IsNumber = FALSE; ErrNumber = SYNTAX; } } if (IsSymbol) { if (SymbolLen < sizeof(PreSym)) { PreSym[SymbolLen] = ChLow; } if (SymbolLen < MAX_SYMBOL_LEN - 1) { Symbol[SymbolLen++] = Ch; } // Colons must come in pairs so process the second colon.
if (ChLow == ':') { if (SymbolLen < sizeof(PreSym)) { PreSym[SymbolLen] = ChLow; } if (SymbolLen < MAX_SYMBOL_LEN - 1) { Symbol[SymbolLen++] = Ch; } m_Lex++; } } Ch = *m_Lex++; if (m_Flags & EXPRF_PREFER_SYMBOL_VALUES) { if (Ch == '.') { Symbol[SymbolLen++] = Ch; Ch = *m_Lex++; } else if (Ch == '-' && *m_Lex == '>') { Symbol[SymbolLen++] = Ch; Ch = *m_Lex++; Symbol[SymbolLen++] = Ch; Ch = *m_Lex++; } } ChLow = (CHAR)tolower(Ch); }
// Back up pointer to first character after token.
if (SymbolLen < sizeof(PreSym)) { PreSym[SymbolLen] = '\0'; }
if (g_Machine && (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 || g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64)) { // Catch segment overrides.
if (!ForceReg && Ch == ':') { for (Index = 0; Index < X86_SEGREGSIZE; Index++) { if (!strncmp(PreSym, g_X86SegRegs[Index], 2)) { ForceReg = TRUE; IsSymbol = FALSE; break; } } } }
// If ForceReg, check for register name and return
// success or failure.
if (ForceReg) { return GetRegToken(PreSym, (PULONG64)RetValue); }
// Test if number.
if (IsNumber && !ErrNumber && IsDigit) { if (AllowSignExtension && !m_ForcePositiveNumber && ((Value >> 32) == 0)) { *RetValue = (LONG)Value; } else { *RetValue = Value; } return NUMBER_CLASS; }
// Next test for reserved word and symbol string.
if (IsSymbol && !ForceReg) { // check lowercase string in PreSym for text operator
// or register name.
// otherwise, return symbol value from name in Symbol.
if (!ForceSym && (SymbolLen == 2 || SymbolLen == 3)) { for (Index = 0; Index < RESERVESIZE; Index++) { if (!strncmp(PreSym, g_Reserved[Index].chRes, 3)) { *RetValue = g_Reserved[Index].valueRes; return g_Reserved[Index].classRes; } } if (g_Machine && (g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 || g_Machine->m_ExecTypes[0] == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64)) { for (Index = 0; Index < X86_RESERVESIZE; Index++) { if (!strncmp(PreSym, g_X86Reserved[Index].chRes, 3)) { *RetValue = g_X86Reserved[Index].valueRes; return g_X86Reserved[Index].classRes; } } } }
// Start processing string as symbol.
Symbol[SymbolLen] = '\0';
// Test if symbol is a module name (followed by '!')
// if so, get next token and treat as symbol.
if (Peek() == '!') { // SymbolString holds the name of the symbol to be searched.
// Symbol holds the symbol image file name.
m_Lex++; Ch = Peek(); m_Lex++;
// Scan prefix if one is present.
if (g_Machine != NULL && g_Machine->m_SymPrefix != NULL && Ch == g_Machine->m_SymPrefix[0] && (g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen == 1 || !strncmp(m_Lex, g_Machine->m_SymPrefix + 1, g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen - 1))) { SymbolLen = g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen; memcpy(SymbolString, m_Lex - 1, g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen); m_Lex += g_Machine->m_SymPrefixLen - 1; Ch = *m_Lex++; } else { SymbolLen = 0; } while ((Ch >= 'A' && Ch <= 'Z') || (Ch >= 'a' && Ch <= 'z') || (Ch >= '0' && Ch <= '9') || (Ch == '_') || (Ch == '$') || (Ch == '`') || (Ch == '\'') || (Ch == ':' && *m_Lex == ':')) { SymbolString[SymbolLen++] = Ch;
// Handle :: and ::~.
if (Ch == ':') { SymbolString[SymbolLen++] = Ch; m_Lex++; if (*m_Lex == '~') { SymbolString[SymbolLen++] = '~'; m_Lex++; } } Ch = *m_Lex++; if (m_Flags & EXPRF_PREFER_SYMBOL_VALUES) { if (Ch == '.') { SymbolString[SymbolLen++] = Ch; Ch = *m_Lex++; } else if (Ch == '-' && *m_Lex == '>') { SymbolString[SymbolLen++] = Ch; Ch = *m_Lex++; SymbolString[SymbolLen++] = Ch; Ch = *m_Lex++; } } } SymbolString[SymbolLen] = '\0'; m_Lex--;
if (SymbolLen == 0) { *RetValue = SYNTAX; return ERROR_CLASS; }
CatString(Symbol, "!", DIMA(Symbol)); CatString(Symbol, SymbolString, DIMA(Symbol));
SymClass = EvalSymbol(Symbol, &Value); if (SymClass != INVALID_CLASS) { *RetValue = Value; return SymClass; } } else { if (SymbolLen == 0) { *RetValue = SYNTAX; return ERROR_CLASS; }
SymClass = EvalSymbol(Symbol, &Value); if (SymClass != INVALID_CLASS) { *RetValue = Value; return SymClass; }
// Quick test for register names too
if (!ForceSym && (TmpValue = GetRegToken(PreSym, (PULONG64)RetValue)) != ERROR_CLASS) { return (ULONG)TmpValue; } }
// Symbol is undefined.
// If a possible hex number, do not set the error type.
if (!IsNumber) { ErrNumber = VARDEF; } }
// Last chance, undefined symbol and illegal number,
// so test for register, will handle old format.
if (!ForceSym && (TmpValue = GetRegToken(PreSym, (PULONG64)RetValue)) != ERROR_CLASS) { return (ULONG)TmpValue; }
if (m_AllowUnresolvedSymbols) { m_NumUnresolvedSymbols++; *RetValue = 0; Type(m_TempAddr) = ADDR_FLAT | FLAT_COMPUTED; Flat(m_TempAddr) = Off(m_TempAddr) = *RetValue; m_AddrExprType = Type(m_TempAddr); return SYMBOL_CLASS; }
// No success, so set error message and return.
*RetValue = (ULONG64)ErrNumber; return ERROR_CLASS; }