<?XML version="1.0" ?> <package> <job error="false" debug="false" logo="false"> <reference guid="{565783C6-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}" version="1.1"/> <resource id="file mask"><![CDATA[slide*.bmp]]></resource> <resource id="application available">SELECT * from win32_product WHERE NAME LIKE "Microsoft Office XP%" AND InstallState = 5</resource> <runtime> <description> Creates the desktop wallpaper for the build name and language </description>
<named name="label" required="true" type="simple" helpstring="part of the wallpaper to generate (default <BLDNUM> FRE/CHK)"> </named>
<named name="computer" required="true" type="simple" helpstring="part of the wallpaper to generate (default %COMPUTERNAME%)"/>
<named name="dest" required="false" type="simple" helpstring="desired box to set the wallpaper (default %COMPUTERNAME%)"> </named>
</runtime> <comment> Win32_UserDesktop </comment>
vba.set.wallpaper.wsf /computer:i32bt0011 /label:TEST /scheme:flesh vba.set.wallpaper.wsf /computer:i32bt0011 /label:SAFE /scheme:fen
<comment> <comment> Flesh colorscheme: 164,179,255 # background 224,125,225 # big letters 74,25,65 # computer name Fen colorscheme: 0,64,48 # background 128,128,0 # big letters 255,128,0 # computer name </comment>
The following break occurs at user level.
To reproduce:
1. create an .bmp image name it 2. set this image a wallpapaer by browsing for image from desk.cpl 3. overwrite the image with siomething different. 4. set this image a wallpapaer by browsing for image from desk.cpl The desktop wallpaper will not change,
To verify that the image is changed, change the desktop wallpaper into some different image, then back to the browser dile. Now you see the image is changed to what you supplied as the second file. </comment> <comment> ppLayoutBlank ppLayoutChart ppLayoutChartAndText ppLayoutClipartAndText ppLayoutClipArtAndVerticalText ppLayoutFourObjects ppLayoutLargeObject LayoutMediaClipAndText LayoutObject LayoutObjectAndText LayoutObjectOverText LayoutOrgchart LayoutTable LayoutText LayoutTextAndChart LayoutTextAndClipart LayoutTextAndMediaClip LayoutTextAndObject LayoutTextAndTwoObjects LayoutTextOverObject defined in ? \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSPPT.OLB </comment>
<reference guid="{565783C6-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}" version="1.1"/> <resource id="fontsize">60</resource> <resource id="width">174</resource> <resource id="height">60</resource> <resource id="index">Name</resource> <resource id="search">NTDEV\sergueik</resource> <resource id="field">WallPaper</resource> <resource id="targetclass">Win32_Desktop</resource> <resource id="regpath">HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WallPaper</resource> <script language="VBScript"> <![CDATA[
Option Explicit Dim Debug Const QQUOT = """"
'' on error resume next err.CLEAR if err.number then WScript.echo err.Source, err.Number, err.Description WScript.quit end if
Dim opPowerPoint, opPresentation, opSlide, opshape, opLabel Dim npHeight, npwidth Dim spOutput, spFolderName, opshell Dim spComputerName, opNetwork Dim sLabel Set opshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") If NOT WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("computer") Then Set opNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") With opNetwork spComputerName = .ComputerName End With Set opNetwork = Nothing WScript.Arguments.ShowUsage Else spComputerName = WScript.Arguments.Named("computer") End If _ If NOT WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("label") Then sLabel = spComputerName WScript.Arguments.ShowUsage Else sLabel = WScript.Arguments.Named("label") End If
spFolderName = "WALLPAPER"
If 1 > nxDataSetCnt("application available") Then Call opShell.PopUp("Microsoft Office XP" & _ VBNEWLINE & _ "not found on this machine." & _ VBNEWLINE & _ "Please install.", _ 60, _ WScript.Application.FullName, _ 0 + 16) WSCript.quit End If
With opShell spOutput = .ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") & "\" & spFolderName '' %TEMP%\wallpaper\Slide1.BMP End With set opshell = nothing Dim opFilesys Set opFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject") Dim opBrow Set opBrow = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set opPowerPoint = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
With opPowerPoint
Set opPresentation = .Presentations.Add(False)
With opPresentation
With .PageSetup
.SlideHeight = cInt(GetResource("height")) .SlideWidth = cInt(GetResource("width"))
npHeight = .SlideHeight npWidth = .SlideWidth
End With Set opSlide = .Slides.Add(.Slides.Count + 1, 12)
With opSlide
.ColorScheme = opPresentation.ColorSchemes(1)
Set opShape = opSlide.Shapes.AddShape(1, 0, 0, npWidth, npHeight) opShape.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0,64,48) opShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0,64,48) opShape.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(94,157,102) opShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(94,157,102)
Set opLabel = opSlide.Shapes.AddLabel(1, _ 0, 0, 0, 0) '' most argument are ignored anyway opLabel.TextFrame.TextRange = Ucase(sLabel) with opLabel.TextFrame.TextRange With .Font .color.RGB = RGB(128, 64, 0) .color.RGB = RGB(149, 113, 45) .Bold = True .Name = "Arial Black" .Size = cInt(GetResource("fontsize")) End With End with
Dim opLabel2 Set opLabel2 = opSlide.Shapes.AddLabel(1, _ 15, 15, 0, 0) '' most argument are ignored anyway opLabel2.TextFrame.TextRange = Ucase(spComputerName)
with opLabel2.TextFrame.TextRange With .Font .color.RGB = RGB(255,255,255 ) .Bold = True .iTALIC = True .Name = "Arial" .Size = cInt(GetResource("fontsize")) /2 End With End with
End With
Set opSlide = Nothing End With
call opPresentation.SaveAs(spOutput, 19, 0) '' ppSaveAsXXX constants need type library... Set opPresentation = Nothing End With Set opPowerPoint = Nothing Debug = True ''WSCript.echo spFindF(spOutPut, "slide*.bmp") WSCript.echo spFindF(spOutPut, GetResource("file mask"))
WScript.quit _ Dim opWbemLoc, opService Set opWbemLoc = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") _ opWbemLoc.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate opWbemLoc.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString("SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege") _ opWbemLoc.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString("SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege") opWbemLoc.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString("SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege") opWbemLoc.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString("SeCreatePermanentPrivilege") opWbemLoc.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString("SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege") _ set opService = opWbemLoc.connectserver _ Dim aopMemberSet Set aopMemberSet = opService.InstancesOf(GetResource("targetclass")) _ Dim opProc, opProp Dim bpUpdateThisMember _ For Each opProc in aopMemberSet bpUpdateThisMember = False For Each opProp In opProc.Properties_ If Ucase(opProp.Name) = UCase(GetResource("index")) _ and _ Ucase(opProp.Value) = UCase(GetResource("search")) _ Then bpUpdateThisMember = True End If Next If bpUpdateThisMember Then _ WScript.echo opProc.Properties_(GetResource("field")).value opProc.Properties_(GetResource("field")).value = "d:\ntt.temp.x86fe\WALLPAPER\Slide1.BMP" opProc.Wallpaper = "d:\ntt.temp.x86fe\WALLPAPER\Slide1.BMP" '' on error resume next '' opProc.Put_() '' on error goto 0 '' ... fail here _ End If Next _ Dim WSshell Dim spRegPath spRegPath = CSTR(GetResource("regpath")) Set WSshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") _ With WSshell WSCript.echo spRegPath, _ .RegRead(spRegPath) End With Set WSshell = Nothing WScript.quit _ Function spFindF(siFolderName, siFnameMask) Dim opBrw, spResult, opNZs, opEx, opEy, opEz Set opBrw = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application") spResult = "" Set opEx = opBrw.NameSpace(spOutput) Set opNZs = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp") With opNZs .Global = True .Pattern = spQthisE(siFnameMask) .IgnoreCase = True End With If Debug Then WSCript.echo TypeName(opEx) , opEx.Title end if Set opEy = opEx.items If Debug Then WSCript.echo TypeName(opEy) , opEy.count end if '' sorting! '' opEy.sort("[ModifyDate]") For Each opEz in opEy If InStr(1,opEz.Type,"File Folder") = 0 Then If opNZs.Test(opEz.name) Then If Debug Then WSCript.echo TypeName(opEz) , opEz.name If True = opNZs.Test(opEz.Name) then WSCript.echo TypeName(opEz) , opEz.name, opEz.ModifyDate, opEz.type End If End If ' full name? spResult = spResult & VBNEWLINE & ucase(spOutput & "\" & opEz.name) End If End If Next Set opBrw = Nothing Set opEx = Nothing Set opEy = Nothing Set opNZs = Nothing spFindF = Mid(spResult,3) End Function
Function spQthisE(siBarE)
Dim opRxS, opRxX, opRxA, opRxB, opRxC Set opRxS = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set opRxX = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp") opRxS.add ".", "\." opRxS.add " ", "\s" opRxS.add "*", "[^.].*" With opRxX .Global = True .IgnoreCase = True .Pattern = "" End With opRxB = siBarE For Each opRxA in opRxS.Keys opRxB = Replace(opRxB, opRxA, opRxS(opRxA)) Next If Debug Then If opRxX.Test(opRxB) then WSCript.echo "Replaced:", _ QQUOT & siBarE & QQUOT, _ QQUOT & opRxB & QQUOT End If End If Set opRxS = Nothing Set opRxX = Nothing spQthisE = opRxB End Function Function nxDataSetCnt(siQuery) '' e.g. '' nxDataSetCnt("application available") Dim opWbemLoc, opService, aopDataSet Set opWbemLoc = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") opWbemLoc.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate opWbemLoc.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString("SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege")
Set opService = opWbemLoc.connectserver Set aopDataSet = opService.ExecQuery(GetResource(siQuery)) nxDataSetCnt = aopDataSet.Count End Function
]]> </script> </job> <comment> This approach does not work. Objects\Shell\MinimizeAll.htm ...change wallpaper... Objects\Shell\UndoMinimizeALL.htm</comment> <comment> </comment> </package>