<%@ CODEPAGE=65001 %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------ ' ' Microsoft Internet Printing Project ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' '------------------------------------------------------------ option explicit %> <% Randomize CheckSession Response.Expires = 0 Dim strPrinter, strASP1, strCabURL, strURLPrinter, strView Dim bShowJobMenu strPrinter = OleCvt.DecodeUnicodeName( Request("eprinter") ) strURLPrinter = Request(URLPRINTER) strASP1 = Request(ASP1) strView = Request ("View") Dim strInstall Const L_Connecting_Text = "Connect %1 from %2" strInstall = RepString2(L_Connecting_Text, strPrinter, session(LOCAL_SERVER) ) Const L_NavTitle_Text = "Left nav Bar" Const L_View_Text = "VIEW" Const L_DocList_Text = "Document List" Const L_Property_Text = "Properties" Const L_Detail_Text = "Device Status" Const L_GoDocList_Text = "Go to the document list on the printer" Const L_GotoList_Text = "Please go to document list!" Const L_GoPropPage_Text = "Go to the property page of the printer" Const L_GoDevStatus_Text = "Go to the device status of the printer" Const L_Select_Text = "Please select a document!" Const L_ListPrinters_Text = "List all the printers on %1" Const L_AllPrinters_Text = "All Printers" Const L_PausePrinter_Text = "Pause the printer" Const L_ResumePrinter_Text= "Resume the printer" Const L_CancelDocs_Text = "Cancel all the documents on the printer" Const L_CancelAllDocs_Text= "Cancel All Documents" Const L_PauseDoc_Text = "Pause the selected document" Const L_ResumeDoc_Text = "Resume the selected document" Const L_CancelDelDoc_Text = "Cancel/Delete the selected document" Const L_PrinterActions_Text= "PRINTER ACTIONS" Const L_Pause_Text = "Pause" Const L_Resume_Text = "Resume" Const L_Connect_Text = "Connect" Const L_DocumentActions_Text = "DOCUMENT ACTIONS" Const L_Cancel_Text = "Cancel" CONST VIEW_EQUALS_Q = "&view=q" CONST VIEW_EQUALS_P = "&view=p" CONST VIEW_EQUALS_D = "&view=d" Function GetHighlightLink (strLinkView, strLinkName) If strLinkView = strView Then GetHighlightLink = Write(SUBMENU_FONT_TAG & "" & strLinkName & "" & END_FONT) Else GetHighlightLink = Write(SUBMENU_FONT_TAG & strLinkName & END_FONT) End If End Function %> > <%=Write(L_NavTitle_Text)%> <%=Write(DEF_BASEFONT_TAG)%> <% If strASP1 <> "" then %> <% end if%> <% if Request(CONNECT) = "1" And request.servervariables ("LOCAL_ADDR") <> request.servervariables ("REMOTE_ADDR") then %> <% end if %> <% If strView = "q" Then %> <% End If %>
<%=Write(MENU_FONT_TAG & "" & L_View_Text & "" & END_FONT)%>
   " target="_top" title = "<% =Write(L_GoDocList_Text)%>" > <% =GetHighlightLink ("q", L_DocList_Text)%>
" target="_top" title = "<% =Write(L_GoPropPage_Text) %>" > <% =GetHighlightLink ("p", L_Property_Text)%>
" target="_top" title = "<%=Write(L_GoDevStatus_Text) %>" > <% =GetHighlightLink ("d", L_Detail_Text)%>
<%= Write(SUBMENU_FONT_TAG & L_AllPrinters_Text & END_FONT)%>
<%=Write(MENU_FONT_TAG & "" & L_PrinterActions_Text & "" & END_FONT)%>
&action=pause&page=<%=CStr(Int(Rnd*10000))%>" target="_top" title = "<% =Write(L_PausePrinter_Text) %>"><%=Write(SUBMENU_FONT_TAG & L_Pause_Text & END_FONT)%>
&action=resume&page=<%=CStr(Int(Rnd*10000))%>" target="_top" title = "<% = Write(L_ResumePrinter_Text) %>"><%=Write(SUBMENU_FONT_TAG & L_Resume_Text & END_FONT)%>
&action=purge&page=<%=CStr(Int(Rnd*10000))%>" target="_top" title = "<% =Write(L_CancelDocs_Text) %>"> <%=Write(SUBMENU_FONT_TAG & L_CancelAllDocs_Text & END_FONT)%>
<%=Write(MENU_FONT_TAG & "" & L_DocumentActions_Text & "" & END_FONT)%>
"return getHref('pausejob',null);" target="_top" title = "<% =Write(L_PauseDoc_Text) %>"><%=Write(SUBMENU_FONT_TAG & L_Pause_Text & END_FONT)%>
"return getHref('resumejob',null);" target="_top" title= "<% =Write(L_ResumeDoc_Text) %>"><%=Write(SUBMENU_FONT_TAG & L_Resume_Text & END_FONT)%>
"return getHref('canceljob',null);" target="_top" title= "<% =Write(L_CancelDelDoc_Text) %>"><%=Write(SUBMENU_FONT_TAG & L_Cancel_Text & END_FONT)%>