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// list.cpp
// Routines to manage a singly-linked list of "things".
// A "ListElement" is allocated for each item to be put on the list; it is de-allocated
// when the item is removed. This means we don't need to keep a "next" pointer in every
// object we want to put on a list.
// NOTE: Mutual exclusion must be provided by the caller. If you want a synchronized
// list, you must use the routines in synchlist.cc.
#include "list.hpp"
// ListElement::ListElement
// Initialize a list element, so it can be added somewhere on a list.
// "itemPtr" is the item to be put on the list. It can be a pointer to anything.
// "sortKey" is the priority of the item, if any.
ListElement::ListElement(void *itemPtr, int sortKey)
item = itemPtr;
key = sortKey;
next = NULL; // assume we'll put it at the end of the list
previous = NULL;
// List::List
// Initialize a list, empty to start with.
// Elements can now be added to the list.
first = last = iterator = NULL;
length = 0;
// List::~List
// Prepare a list for deallocation. If the list still contains any ListElements,
// de-allocate them. However, note that we do *not* de-allocate the "items" on the
// list -- this module allocates and de-allocates the ListElements to keep track of
// each item, but a given item may be on multiple lists, so we can't de-allocate them here.
// List::Append
// Append an "item" to the end of the list.
// Allocate a ListElement to keep track of the item. If the list is empty, then this will
// be the only element. Otherwise, put it at the end.
// "item" is the thing to put on the list, it can be a pointer to anything.
void List::Append(void *item)
ListElement *element = new ListElement(item, 0);
if (IsEmpty())
// list is empty
first = element;
last = element;
// else put it after last
last->next = element;
element->previous = last;
last = element;
// List::Prepend
// Put an "item" on the front of the list.
// Allocate a ListElement to keep track of the item. If the list is empty, then this will
// be the only element. Otherwise, put it at the beginning.
// "item" is the thing to put on the list, it can be a pointer to anything.
void List::Prepend(void *item)
ListElement *element = new ListElement(item, 0);
if (IsEmpty())
// list is empty
first = element;
last = element;
// else put it before first
element->next = first;
first->previous = element;
first = element;
// List::Remove
// Remove the first "item" from the front of the list.
// Returns:
// Pointer to removed item, NULL if nothing on the list.
void* List::Remove()
// Same as SortedRemove, but ignore the key
return SortedRemove(NULL);
// List::Flush
// Remove everything from the list.
void List::Flush()
while (Remove() != NULL)
; // delete all the list elements
// List::Mapcar
// Apply a function to each item on the list, by walking through
// the list, one element at a time.
// "func" is the procedure to apply to each element of the list.
void List::Mapcar(VoidFunctionPtr func)
for (ListElement *ptr = first; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
(*func)( ptr->item );
// List::IsEmpty
// Returns TRUE if the list is empty (has no items).
bool List::IsEmpty()
return (first == NULL);
// List::MoveFirst
// move to the first node in the list.
void List::MoveFirst()
iterator = first;
// List::MoveNext
// move to the next state of the list.
bool List::MoveNext()
if (iterator == NULL || iterator->next == NULL)
return false;
iterator = iterator->next;
return true;
// List::GetData
// get data of the current iterator.
void* List::GetData()
// make sure iterator is set.
if (iterator == NULL)
return NULL;
// return the data.
return iterator->item;
// List::SortedInsert
// Insert an "item" into a list, so that the list elements are sorted in increasing order
// by "sortKey".
// Allocate a ListElement to keep track of the item. If the list is empty, then this will
// be the only element. Otherwise, walk through the list, one element at a time, to find
// where the new item should be placed.
// "item" is the thing to put on the list, it can be a pointer to anything.
// "sortKey" is the priority of the item.
void List::SortedInsert(void *item, int sortKey)
ListElement *element = new ListElement(item, sortKey);
ListElement *ptr; // keep track
if (IsEmpty())
// if list is empty, put
first = element;
last = element;
else if (sortKey < first->key)
// item goes on front of list
element->next = first;
first->previous = element;
first = element;
// look for first elt in list bigger than item
for (ptr = first; ptr->next != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
if (sortKey < ptr->next->key)
element->next = ptr->next;
element->previous = ptr;
ptr->next->previous = element;
ptr->next = element;
// item goes at end of list
last->next = element;
element->previous = last;
last = element;
// List::SortedRemove
// Remove the first "item" from the front of a sorted list.
// Returns:
// Pointer to removed item, NULL if nothing on the list. Sets *keyPtr to the priority value
// of the removed item (this is needed by interrupt.cc, for instance).
// "keyPtr" is a pointer to the location in which to store the priority of the removed item
void* List::SortedRemove(int *keyPtr)
ListElement *element = first;
void *thing;
// if empty nothing to remove just return.
if (IsEmpty())
return NULL;
thing = first->item;
if (first == last)
// list had one item, now has none
first = NULL;
last = NULL;
first = element->next;
if (first != NULL)
first->previous = NULL;
if (keyPtr != NULL)
*keyPtr = element->key;
delete element;
return thing;
// List::insertAfter
// insert a new item after this one
void List::insertAfter(ListElement * listEl, void *item)
ListElement *newElement = new ListElement(item, 0);
newElement->next = listEl->next;
newElement->previous = listEl;
listEl->next = newElement;
if (last == listEl)
last = newElement;
// List::insertBefore
// insert a new item before this one
void List::insertBefore(ListElement * listEl, void *item)
ListElement *newElement = new ListElement(item, 0);
newElement->next = listEl;
newElement->previous = listEl->previous;
listEl->previous = newElement;
if (first == listEl)
first = newElement;
// List::removeAt
// removes listEl from the list. Do not delete it from memory
void List::removeAt(ListElement * listEl)
if(first != listEl)
(listEl->previous)->next = listEl->next;
first = listEl->next;
if(last != listEl)
(listEl->next)->previous = listEl->previous;
last = listEl->previous;
length --;