Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// uctuil.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "ucutil.h"
/* C P G F R O M C H S */
UINT CpgFromChs( BYTE chs )
DWORD dwChs = chs;
CHARSETINFO ChsInfo = {0};
if (chs != SYMBOL_CHARSET && TranslateCharsetInfo( &dwChs, &ChsInfo, TCI_SRCCHARSET ))
return ChsInfo.ciACP;
return GetACP();
// conversion functions
/* C O N V E R T L O G F O N T W T O A */
void ConvertLogFontWtoA( CONST LOGFONTW *plfW, LOGFONTA *plfA )
UINT cpg;
plfA->lfHeight = plfW->lfHeight;
plfA->lfWidth = plfW->lfWidth;
plfA->lfEscapement = plfW->lfEscapement;
plfA->lfOrientation = plfW->lfOrientation;
plfA->lfWeight = plfW->lfWeight;
plfA->lfItalic = plfW->lfItalic;
plfA->lfUnderline = plfW->lfUnderline;
plfA->lfStrikeOut = plfW->lfStrikeOut;
plfA->lfCharSet = plfW->lfCharSet;
plfA->lfOutPrecision = plfW->lfOutPrecision;
plfA->lfClipPrecision = plfW->lfClipPrecision;
plfA->lfQuality = plfW->lfQuality;
plfA->lfPitchAndFamily = plfW->lfPitchAndFamily;
cpg = CpgFromChs( plfW->lfCharSet );
ConvertStrWtoA( plfW->lfFaceName, -1, plfA->lfFaceName, ARRAYSIZE(plfA->lfFaceName), cpg );
/* C O N V E R T L O G F O N T A T O W */
void ConvertLogFontAtoW( CONST LOGFONTA *plfA, LOGFONTW *plfW )
UINT cpg;
plfW->lfHeight = plfA->lfHeight;
plfW->lfWidth = plfA->lfWidth;
plfW->lfEscapement = plfA->lfEscapement;
plfW->lfOrientation = plfA->lfOrientation;
plfW->lfWeight = plfA->lfWeight;
plfW->lfItalic = plfA->lfItalic;
plfW->lfUnderline = plfA->lfUnderline;
plfW->lfStrikeOut = plfA->lfStrikeOut;
plfW->lfCharSet = plfA->lfCharSet;
plfW->lfOutPrecision = plfA->lfOutPrecision;
plfW->lfClipPrecision = plfA->lfClipPrecision;
plfW->lfQuality = plfA->lfQuality;
plfW->lfPitchAndFamily = plfA->lfPitchAndFamily;
cpg = CpgFromChs( plfA->lfCharSet );
ConvertStrAtoW( plfA->lfFaceName, -1, plfW->lfFaceName, ARRAYSIZE(plfW->lfFaceName), cpg );