Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. [Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
  2. Description ("The Win32_DesktopMonitor class represents the type of "
  3. "monitor or display device attached to the computer system."): ToSubClass,
  4. Locale (0x409), UUID("{1008CCF0-7BFF-11D2-AAD2-006008C78BC7}")]
  5. class Win32_DesktopMonitor:CIM_DesktopMonitor
  6. {
  7. [Read: ToSubClass, Key: ToSubClass, Override("DeviceId"): ToSubClass,
  8. Description ("The DeviceID property contains a string that uniquely "
  9. "identifies a desktop monitor.\nExample: DesktopMonitor1"): ToSubClass,
  10. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Windows GDI|HMONITOR"}: ToSubClass]
  11. string DeviceID ;
  12. [Read :ToSubClass,
  13. Description ("The MonitorManufacturer property indicates the name of "
  14. "the monitor manufacturer. \nExample: NEC"): ToSubClass,
  15. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry"}: ToSubClass ]
  16. string MonitorManufacturer ;
  17. [Read :ToSubClass,
  18. Description ("The MonitorType property indicates the type of monitor. "
  19. "\nExample: NEC 5FGp"): ToSubClass,
  20. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry"}: ToSubClass ]
  21. string MonitorType ;
  22. [Read :ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels per Logical Inch"): ToSubClass,
  23. Description ("The PixelsPerXLogicalInch property indicates "
  24. "the resolution along the X axis (horizontal direction) "
  25. "of the monitor."): ToSubClass,
  26. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
  27. "GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
  28. uint32 PixelsPerXLogicalInch ;
  29. [Read :ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels per Logical Inch"): ToSubClass,
  30. Description ("The PixelsPerYLogicalInch property indicates "
  31. "the resolution along the Y axis (vertical direction) of "
  32. "the monitor."): ToSubClass,
  33. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
  34. "GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
  35. uint32 PixelsPerYLogicalInch ;
  36. };
  37. [Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
  38. Description ("The Win32_PointingDevice class represents an input device used "
  39. "to point to and select regions on the display of a Win32 computer system. Any device "
  40. "used to manipulate a pointer, or point to the display on a Win32 "
  41. "computer system is a member of this class."
  42. "\nExample: A mouse, touch pad, or stylus/tablet."): ToSubClass,
  43. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4B4-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
  44. class Win32_PointingDevice:CIM_PointingDevice
  45. {
  46. [Read: ToSubClass, Key: ToSubClass, Override("DeviceId"): ToSubClass,
  47. Description ("The DeviceID property contains a string "
  48. "uniquely identifying the pointing device with other "
  49. "devices on the system."): ToSubClass,
  50. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass]
  51. string DeviceID ;
  52. [read : ToSubClass ,
  53. Description ("The HardwareType property indicates the type of "
  54. "hardware type used for the Win32 pointing device. "
  55. "\nExample: MICROSOFT PS2 MOUSE"): ToSubClass,
  56. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\"
  57. "ControlSet001\\Control\\Class|DriverDesc"}: ToSubClass]
  58. string HardwareType ;
  59. [read : ToSubClass,
  60. Description ("The InfFileName property indicates the name of the .inf "
  61. "file for the Win32 pointing device.\nExample: ab.inf"): ToSubClass,
  62. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\"
  63. "CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class|InfPath"}: ToSubClass ]
  64. string InfFileName ;
  65. [read : ToSubClass,
  66. Description ("The InfSection property indicates the section of the "
  67. ".inf file that holds configuration information for the Win32 "
  68. "pointing device."): ToSubClass,
  69. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\"
  70. "CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class|InfSection"}: ToSubClass ]
  71. string InfSection ;
  72. [read : ToSubClass, Units ("Hertz"): ToSubClass,
  73. Description ("The SampleRate property indicates the rate at which the "
  74. "pointing device is polled for input information."): ToSubClass,
  75. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|SampleRate"}: ToSubClass ]
  76. uint32 SampleRate ;
  77. [read : ToSubClass, Units ("100 Nanoseconds"): ToSubClass,
  78. Description ("The Synch property specifies the length of time after "
  79. "which the next interrupt is assumed to indicate the start of a new "
  80. "device packet (partial packets are discarded). In the event that an "
  81. "interrupt is lost, this allows "
  82. "the pointing device driver to synchronize its internal"
  83. "representation of the packet state with the hardware state."): ToSubClass,
  84. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|MouseSynchIn100ns"}: ToSubClass ]
  85. uint32 Synch ;
  86. [read : ToSubClass, Units ("Mickeys"),
  87. Description ("The DoubleSpeedThreshold property contains one of two "
  88. "acceleration values. The sensitivity of the "
  89. "pointing device doubles (toggles from the first to the second value) "
  90. "when the pointing device moves a distance greater "
  91. "than this threshold value."): ToSubClass,
  92. MappingStrings {"Win32API|System Information Functions|"
  93. "SystemParametersInfo"}: ToSubClass ]
  94. uint32 DoubleSpeedThreshold ;
  95. [read : ToSubClass, Units ("Mickeys"),
  96. Description ("The QuadSpeedThreshold property contains the one of two "
  97. "acceleration threshold values. The system doubles the speed of the "
  98. "pointer movement when the pointer device moves a distance greater "
  99. "than this value. Since this speed increase occurs after the "
  100. "DoubleSpeedThreshold has been met, pointer effectively moves at four "
  101. "times it original speed"): ToSubClass,
  102. MappingStrings {"Win32API|System Information Functions|"
  103. "SystemParametersInfo"}: ToSubClass ]
  104. uint32 QuadSpeedThreshold ;
  105. [read : ToSubClass ,
  106. Description ("The DeviceInterface property indicates the type of "
  107. "interface used for the pointing device."): ToSubClass,
  108. MappingStrings {"SMBIOS|Type 21|Interface"} : ToSubClass,
  109. Values {"Other", "Unknown", "Serial", "PS/2", "Infrared", "HP-HIL",
  110. "Bus mouse", "ADB (Apple Desktop Bus)", "Bus mouse DB-9",
  111. "Bus mouse micro-DIN", "USB" }: ToSubClass,
  112. ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
  113. "160", "161", "162"}: ToSubClass]
  114. uint16 DeviceInterface;
  115. [read : ToSubClass ,
  116. Description ("The Manufacturer property specifies the name of "
  117. "the processor's manufacturer.\nExample: GenuineSilicon"): ToSubClass,
  118. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
  119. string Manufacturer ;
  120. };
  121. [Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32") , Description (
  122. "The Win32_Keyboard class represents a keyboard installed on a Win32 "
  123. "system.\nExample: A Microsoft Natural(R) keyboard"),
  124. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4B5-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
  125. class Win32_Keyboard:CIM_Keyboard
  126. {
  127. [Override("DeviceId") ,Description (
  128. "DeviceID is an address or other identifying information to uniquely name "
  129. "the logical device.") , Key, Read ]
  130. string DeviceID ;
  131. };
  132. [Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"), Description (
  133. "The Win32_VideoController class represents the capabilities and "
  134. "management capacity of the video controller on a Win32 computer system. "
  135. "\nExamples: Video adapter manufacturer, chipset version, display resolution, "
  136. "and number of colors."): ToSubClass,
  137. Locale (0x409), UUID("{1008CCF1-7BFF-11D2-AAD2-006008C78BC7}") ]
  138. class Win32_VideoController:CIM_PCVideoController
  139. {
  140. [Read: ToSubClass, Key: ToSubClass, Override("DeviceId"): ToSubClass,
  141. Description ("The DeviceID property contains a identifier (unique "
  142. "to the computer system) for this video controller."): ToSubClass,
  143. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass]
  144. string DeviceID ;
  145. [Read :ToSubClass,
  146. Description ("The AdapterCompatibility properties contains "
  147. "the general chip set used for this controller in order to compare "
  148. "compatibilities with the system"): ToSubClass,
  149. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry"}: ToSubClass ]
  150. string AdapterCompatibility ;
  151. [Read :ToSubClass,
  152. Description ("The AdapterDACType property contains a string of the "
  153. "Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC) chip name or ID.\nCharacter Set: "
  154. "Alphanumeric"): ToSubClass,
  155. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HardwareInformation."
  156. "DACType"}: ToSubClass ]
  157. string AdapterDACType ;
  158. [Read :ToSubClass, Units ("Bytes"): ToSubClass,
  159. Description ("The AdapterRAM property indicates the memory size of "
  160. "the video adapter. \nExample: 64000"): ToSubClass,
  161. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HardwareInformation."
  162. "MemorySize"}: ToSubClass ]
  163. uint32 AdapterRAM ;
  164. [Read: ToSubClass, Units ("Hertz"): ToSubClass,
  165. Override("CurrentRefreshRate"): ToSubClass,
  166. Description("The CurrentRefreshRate property specifies the "
  167. "frequency at which the video controller refreshes the image "
  168. "for the monitor. A value of 0 indicates the default "
  169. "rate is being used, while 0xFFFFFFFF indicates the "
  170. "optimal rate is being used."): ToSubClass,
  171. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HardwareInformation."}: ToSubClass ]
  172. uint32 CurrentRefreshRate;
  173. [Read :ToSubClass,
  174. Description ("The Monochrome property indicates whether gray scale "
  175. "or color is used to display images."): ToSubClass,
  176. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
  177. boolean Monochrome ;
  178. [Read :ToSubClass,
  179. Description("The DitherType property indicates the dither type of the "
  180. "video controller. The property can be one of the following predefined "
  181. "values, or a driver-defined value greater than or equal to 256: "
  182. "Value Meaning :-"
  183. "1 - No dithering. "
  184. "2 - Dithering with a coarse brush. "
  185. "3 - Dithering with a fine brush. "
  186. "4 - Line art dithering; a special dithering "
  187. " method that produces well defined borders "
  188. " between black, white, and gray scalings. "
  189. " It is not suitable for images that include "
  190. " continuous graduations in intensity and "
  191. " hue such as scanned photographs. "
  192. "5 - Device does grayscaling. " ),
  193. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
  194. "EnumDisplaySettings"}: ToSubClass,
  195. Values {"No dithering","Dithering with a coarse brush",
  196. "Dithering with a fine brush", "Line art dithering",
  197. "Device does gray scaling"}: ToSubClass,
  198. ValueMap {"1","2","3","4","5"}: ToSubClass ]
  199. uint32 DitherType ;
  200. [Read :ToSubClass,
  201. Description ("The InfFilename property indicates the path to the "
  202. "video adapter's .INF file. \nExample: C:\\WINNT\\SYSTEM32\\DRIVERS"): ToSubClass,
  203. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\"
  204. "Class\\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\\0000"}: ToSubClass ]
  205. string InfFilename ;
  206. [Read :ToSubClass,
  207. Description ("The InfSection property indicates the section of the "
  208. ".INF file where the Win32 video information resides."): ToSubClass,
  209. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\"
  210. "Class\\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\\0000"}: ToSubClass ]
  211. string InfSection ;
  212. [Read :ToSubClass,
  213. Description ("The InstalledDisplayDrivers property indicates the "
  214. "name of the installed display device driver."): ToSubClass,
  215. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\"
  216. "Services\\Class\\"}: ToSubClass ]
  217. string InstalledDisplayDrivers ;
  218. [Read :ToSubClass,
  219. Description ("The DriverDate property indicates the last "
  220. "modification date and time of the currently-installed "
  221. "video driver."): ToSubClass,
  222. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\"
  223. "Services\\Class\\"}: ToSubClass ]
  224. datetime DriverDate ;
  225. [Read :ToSubClass,
  226. Description ("The DriverVersion property indicates the version number "
  227. "of the video driver."): ToSubClass,
  228. MappingStrings {"Win32API|File Installation Library Functions|"
  229. "GetFileVersionInfo"}: ToSubClass ]
  230. string DriverVersion ;
  231. [Read :ToSubClass,
  232. Description (
  233. "The ICMIntent ( Image Color Matching Intent ) property indicates the "
  234. "specific value of one of the three possible color matching methods, "
  235. "(or intents) that should be used by default. This property is primarily "
  236. "for non-ICM applications. ICM applications establish intents by "
  237. "using the ICM functions. This property can be one of the following "
  238. "predefined values, or a driver defined value greater than or equal "
  239. "to 256."
  240. "Value Meaning :-"
  241. "1 - Color matching should optimize for color saturation. This value "
  242. " is the most appropriate choice for business graphs when dithering "
  243. " is not desired. "
  244. "2 - Color matching should optimize for color contrast. This value "
  245. " is the most appropriate choice for scanned or photographic images "
  246. " when dithering is desired. "
  247. "3 - Color matching should optimize to match the exact color requested. "
  248. " This value is most appropriate for use with business logos or other "
  249. " images when an exact color match is required. "),
  250. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  251. "DevMode|dmICMIntent"}: ToSubClass,
  252. Values {"Saturation","Contrast", "Exact Color"}: ToSubClass,
  253. ValueMap {"1","2","3"}: ToSubClass ]
  254. uint32 ICMIntent ;
  255. [Read :ToSubClass,
  256. Description ( "The ICMMethod ( Image Color Matching Method ) property specifies how "
  257. "ICM is handled. For a non-ICM application, this property shows how"
  258. "ICM is enabled. For ICM applications, the system examines "
  259. "this member to determine how to handle ICM support. This property can "
  260. "be one of the following predefined values, or a driver-defined value "
  261. "greater than or equal to 256."
  262. "Value Meaning :-"
  263. "1 - Specifies that ICM is disabled. "
  264. "2 - Specifies that ICM is handled by Windows. "
  265. "3 - Specifies that ICM is handled by the device driver. "
  266. "4 - Specifies that ICM is handled by the destination device. "),
  267. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  268. "DevMode|dmICMMethod"}: ToSubClass,
  269. Values {"Disabled", "Windows","Device Driver","Destination Device"}: ToSubClass,
  270. ValueMap {"1","2","3","4"}: ToSubClass]
  271. uint32 ICMMethod ;
  272. [Read :ToSubClass,
  273. Description ("The SpecificationVersion property indicates the version "
  274. "number of the initialization data specification (upon which the "
  275. "structure is based)."): ToSubClass,
  276. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  277. "DevMode|dmSpecVersion"}: ToSubClass ]
  278. uint32 SpecificationVersion ;
  279. [Read :ToSubClass,
  280. Description (
  281. "The ColorTableEntries property indicates the size of the system's "
  282. "color table, if the device has a color depth of no more than "
  283. "8 bits per pixel, null otherwise. <P>Example: 256"),
  284. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
  285. "GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
  286. uint32 ColorTableEntries ;
  287. [Read :ToSubClass,
  288. Description ("The DeviceSpecificPens property indicates the current "
  289. "number of device-specific pens. 0xffff means the device does not "
  290. "support pens. \nExample: 3"): ToSubClass,
  291. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
  292. "GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
  293. uint32 DeviceSpecificPens ;
  294. [Read :ToSubClass,
  295. Description (
  296. "The ReservedSystemPaletteEntries property indicates the current number "
  297. "of reserved entries in a system's color table. The operating system may "
  298. "reserve entries to support standard colors for task bars and other "
  299. "desktop display items. If the system is not using a palette, then "
  300. "ReservedSystemPaletteEntries is null.<P>Example: 24."),
  301. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
  302. "GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
  303. uint32 ReservedSystemPaletteEntries ;
  304. [Read :ToSubClass,
  305. Description (
  306. "The SystemPaletteEntries property indicates the current number of "
  307. "entries in a system's color table. If the system is not using a "
  308. "palette then SystemPaletteEntries is null.<P>Example: 256"),
  309. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
  310. "GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
  311. uint32 SystemPaletteEntries ;
  312. [Read :ToSubClass,
  313. Description ("The VideoModeDescription property indicates "
  314. "the current resolution, color, and scan "
  315. "mode settings of the video controller. \nExample: 1024 x 768 x "
  316. "256 colors."): ToSubClass,
  317. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|"
  318. "GetDeviceCaps"}: ToSubClass ]
  319. string VideoModeDescription ;
  320. };
  321. [Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
  322. Description ("The Win32_DriverVXD class represents a virtual "
  323. "device driver on a Win32 computer system. A virtual device is a program "
  324. "that manages a system resource (such as a hardware device or "
  325. "installed software) so that more than one application can use "
  326. "the resource at the same time. Windows uses virtual devices to "
  327. "allow multitasking for Windows-based applications. The virtual "
  328. "devices work in conjunction with Windows to process interrupts, "
  329. "and carry out I/O operations for a given application without "
  330. "disrupting the execution of other applications.\n"
  331. "Most virtual devices manage a hardware device and many also "
  332. "manage or replace corresponding software such as ROM BIOS routines. "
  333. "A virtual device can contain the device-specific code needed to "
  334. "carry out actions on the device or it can rely on the other "
  335. "software to carry out these operations. In all cases, the virtual "
  336. "device keeps track of the state of the device for each application "
  337. "and ensures that the device is in the correct state whenever an "
  338. "application continues execution.\n"
  339. "Some virtual devices manage only installed software, such as an "
  340. "MS-DOS device driver or a Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) "
  341. "program. Such virtual devices often "
  342. "contain code that either emulates the software or ensures that "
  343. "the software uses data that applies only to the currently running "
  344. "application. Virtual devices are sometimes used to improve the "
  345. "performance of installed software; the Intel-compatible "
  346. "microprocessors can execute the 32-bit code of a virtual device "
  347. "more efficiently than the 16-bit code of an MS-DOS device driver "
  348. "or TSR."): ToSubClass,
  349. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4C8-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
  350. class Win32_DriverVXD:CIM_SoftwareElement
  351. {
  352. [read : ToSubClass,
  353. Description ("The Control property indicates the offset address to the "
  354. "driver's control procedures. The virtual machine manager calls this "
  355. "procedure to send control messages to the virtual device system. The "
  356. "system control messages direct the virtual device to carry out "
  357. "actions. An example of an action is initializing itself; another is "
  358. "notifying the virtual device of changes to virtual machines (such "
  359. "as a virtual machine is being created)."): ToSubClass,
  360. MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Control "
  361. "Procedure"}: ToSubClass]
  362. string Control ;
  363. [read : ToSubClass,
  364. Description ("The DeviceDescriptorBlock property indicates the offset "
  365. "address to the device descriptor block (DDB) structure. The DDB "
  366. "contains information that the operating system uses to execute the "
  367. "procedures of the driver, including its location in the interrupt list, and "
  368. "other data to run and communicate with this VXD."): ToSubClass,
  369. MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Descriptor "
  370. "Block"}: ToSubClass ]
  371. string DeviceDescriptorBlock ;
  372. [read : ToSubClass,
  373. Description ("The PM_API indicates the offset address to the "
  374. "protected mode application programming interface for this VXD. "
  375. "These functions can give applications direct access to the features "
  376. "of the VXD."): ToSubClass,
  377. MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Descriptor "
  378. "Block|PM_API"}: ToSubClass]
  379. string PM_API ;
  380. [read : ToSubClass,
  381. Description ("The ServiceTableSize property indicates the number of "
  382. "installed services and device driver services provided by the "
  383. "operating system.\nExample: 1024"): ToSubClass,
  384. MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Descriptor "
  385. "Block|ServiceTableSize"}: ToSubClass]
  386. uint32 ServiceTableSize ;
  387. [read : ToSubClass,
  388. Description ("The V86_API indicates the offset to the application "
  389. "programming interface for use under virtual 8086 mode. These "
  390. "functions can give applications direct access to the features of "
  391. "the VXD."): ToSubClass,
  392. MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Descriptor "
  393. "Block|V86_API"}: ToSubClass]
  394. string V86_API ;
  395. [read : ToSubClass, Override ("Version"): ToSubClass,
  396. Description ("The Version property indicates the version of the VXD "
  397. "driver.\nExample: 3,51"): ToSubClass,
  398. MappingStrings {"Win32DDK|Virtual Devices|Device Descriptor "
  399. "Block|DDB_Dev_Major_Version,DDB_Dev_Minor_Version"}: ToSubClass]
  400. string Version ;
  401. };
  402. [DEPRECATED, Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
  403. Description ("The Win32_DisplayConfiguration class represents "
  404. "configuration information for the display device on a Win32 "
  405. "system. This class is being deprecated in favor of the properties in "
  406. "Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and "
  407. "CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  408. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4E4-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
  409. class Win32_DisplayConfiguration:CIM_Setting
  410. {
  411. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  412. Description ("The BitsPerPel property indicates the number "
  413. "of bits used to represent the color in this configuration "
  414. "(the bits per pixel).\nExample: 8. \n"
  415. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  416. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  417. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  418. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  419. "BITSPIXEL"}: ToSubClass ]
  420. uint32 BitsPerPel ;
  421. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, key: ToSubClass,
  422. MaxLen(260): ToSubClass,
  423. Description ("The DeviceName property indicates the name of the "
  424. "display device. \n"
  425. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  426. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  427. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  428. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass]
  429. string DeviceName ;
  430. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  431. Description ("The DisplayFlags property indicates whether the "
  432. "display device is color (versus monochrome), and non-interlaced "
  433. "(versus interlaced). By masking its value with the DM_GRAYSCALE "
  434. "and DM_INTERLACED masks respectively, DisplayFlags "
  435. "indicates whether the display device is color (versus monochrome), "
  436. "and non-interlaced (versus interlaced). The DisplayFlags property "
  437. "contains two bits of information about the display. \n"
  438. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  439. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  440. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  441. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  442. "DEVMODE|dmDisplayFlags "}: ToSubClass]
  443. uint32 DisplayFlags ;
  444. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Hertz"): ToSubClass,
  445. Description ("The DisplayFrequency property indicates the display's "
  446. "vertical refresh rate. The refresh rate for a monitor is the number of "
  447. "times the screen is redrawn per second (frequency). \n"
  448. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  449. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  450. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  451. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  452. "VREFRESH"}: ToSubClass ]
  453. uint32 DisplayFrequency ;
  454. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  455. Description ("The DitherType property indicates the dither type of "
  456. "the display. This property can assume predefined values of 1 to 5, or "
  457. "driver-defined values from 6 to 256. Line art dithering is a "
  458. "special dithering method that produces well-defined borders between "
  459. "black, white, and gray scalings. It is not suitable for images that "
  460. "include continuous graduations in intensity and hue (such as scanned "
  461. "photographs). \n"
  462. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  463. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  464. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  465. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  466. "DEVMODE|dmDitherType"}: ToSubClass,
  467. Values {"No Dithering", "Coarse Brush", "Fine Brush", "Line Art",
  468. "Greyscale"}: ToSubClass,
  469. ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}: ToSubClass]
  470. uint32 DitherType ;
  471. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  472. Description ("The DriverVersion property indicates the release "
  473. "version of the display driver. \n"
  474. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  475. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  476. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  477. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
  478. "Class|Ver"}: ToSubClass ]
  479. string DriverVersion ;
  480. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  481. Description ("The ICMIntent (Image Color Matching Intent) property "
  482. "indicates the value of one of the three possible color "
  483. "matching methods (intents) that should be used by default. "
  484. "This property is used primarily for non-ICM applications. ICM "
  485. "applications establish intents by using the ICM functions. This "
  486. "property can assume predefined values of 1 to 3, or driver-defined "
  487. "values from 4 to 256. \n"
  488. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  489. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  490. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  491. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  492. "DEVMODE|dmICMIntent"}: ToSubClass,
  493. Values {"Saturation", "Contrast", "Exact Color"}: ToSubClass,
  494. ValueMap {"1", "2", "3"}: ToSubClass]
  495. uint32 ICMIntent ;
  496. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  497. Description ("The ICMMethod (Image Color Matching Method) property "
  498. "indicates how ICM is handled. For a non-ICM application, this "
  499. "property indicates if ICM is enabled or disabled. For ICM "
  500. "applications, the system examines this member to determine which "
  501. "part of the computer system handles ICM support. \n"
  502. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  503. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  504. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  505. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  506. "DEVMODE|dmICMMethod "}: ToSubClass,
  507. Values {"Disabled", "Windows", "Device Driver", "Device"}: ToSubClass,
  508. ValueMap {"1", "2", "3", "4"}: ToSubClass]
  509. uint32 ICMMethod ;
  510. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels"): ToSubClass,
  511. Description ("The LogPixels property contains the number of pixels "
  512. "per logical inch. This property is valid only with devices that work "
  513. "with pixels (this excludes devices such as printers). \n"
  514. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  515. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  516. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  517. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  518. "DEVMODE|dmLogPixels"}: ToSubClass]
  519. uint32 LogPixels ;
  520. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels"): ToSubClass,
  521. Description ("The PelsHeight property indicates the height of the "
  522. "displayable surface. \n"
  523. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  524. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  525. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  526. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  527. "DEVMODE|dmPelsHeight "}: ToSubClass]
  528. uint32 PelsHeight ;
  529. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels"): ToSubClass,
  530. Description ("The PelsWidth property indicates the width of the "
  531. "displayable surface. \n"
  532. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  533. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  534. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  535. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  536. "DEVMODE|dmPelsWidth "}: ToSubClass]
  537. uint32 PelsWidth ;
  538. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  539. Description ("The SpecificationVersion property indicates the "
  540. "version number of the initialization data for the Win32 display "
  541. "device. \n"
  542. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  543. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  544. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  545. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Printing and Print Spooler Structures|"
  546. "DEVMODE|dmSpecVersion"}: ToSubClass]
  547. uint32 SpecificationVersion ;
  548. };
  549. [DEPRECATED, Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
  550. Description ("The Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration class "
  551. "represents the video adapter configuration information of a "
  552. "Win32 system. This class has been deprecated in favor of "
  553. "Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and "
  554. "CIM_VideoControllerResolution classes"): ToSubClass,
  555. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4E5-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
  556. class Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration:CIM_Setting
  557. {
  558. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  559. Description ("The BitsPerPixel property indicates either the number "
  560. "of bits used to represent the color in this configuration, or "
  561. "the bits in each pixel.\nExample: 8 \n"
  562. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  563. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  564. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  565. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  566. "BITSPIXEL"}: ToSubClass ]
  567. uint32 BitsPerPixel ;
  568. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  569. Description ("The ColorPlanes property indicates the current number of"
  570. "color planes used in the display configuration. A color plane is "
  571. "another way to represent pixel colors. Instead of assigning a single "
  572. "RGB value to each pixel, color planes separate the graphic into "
  573. "each of the primary color components (red, green, blue), and store them "
  574. "in their own planes. This allows for greater color depths on 8- "
  575. "and 16-bit video systems. Present graphics systems have the "
  576. "bitwidth large enough to store color depth information; meaning"
  577. "only one color plane is needed.\nExample: 1 \n"
  578. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  579. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  580. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  581. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  582. "PLANES"}: ToSubClass ]
  583. uint32 ColorPlanes ;
  584. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  585. Description ("The DeviceEntriesInAColorTable property indicates "
  586. "the number of color indexes in a color table of a display device. "
  587. "If the device has a color depth of no more than 8 bits per pixel. "
  588. "For devices with greater color depths, -1 is returned.\nExample: "
  589. "256 \n"
  590. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  591. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  592. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  593. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  594. "NUMCOLORS"}: ToSubClass ]
  595. uint32 DeviceEntriesInAColorTable ;
  596. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  597. Description ("The DeviceSpecificPens property indicates the current "
  598. "number of device-specific pens. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF means the "
  599. "device does not support pens. Pens are logical properties that can "
  600. "be assigned by the display controller to display devices, and are "
  601. "used to draw lines, borders of polygons, and text."
  602. "\nExample: 3 \n"
  603. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  604. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  605. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  606. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  607. "NUMPENS"}: ToSubClass ]
  608. uint32 DeviceSpecificPens ;
  609. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels"): ToSubClass,
  610. Description ("The HorizontalResolution property indicates the "
  611. "current number of pixels in the horizontal direction (X axis) "
  612. "of the display.\nExample: 1024 \n"
  613. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  614. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  615. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  616. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  617. "HORZRES"}: ToSubClass ]
  618. uint32 HorizontalResolution ;
  619. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, key: ToSubClass,
  620. Description ("The Name property contains the name of the adapter "
  621. "used in this configuration. \n"
  622. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  623. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  624. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  625. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
  626. string Name ;
  627. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Hertz"): ToSubClass,
  628. Description ("The RefreshRate property indicates the refresh rate of "
  629. "the video adapter. A value of 0 or 1 indicates a default rate is "
  630. "being used. A value of -1 indicates that an optimal rate is being used."
  631. "\nExample: 72 \n"
  632. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  633. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  634. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  635. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  636. "HORZRESVREFRESH"}: ToSubClass ]
  637. sint32 RefreshRate ;
  638. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  639. Description ("The ReservedSystemPaletteEntries property indicates "
  640. "the current number of color index entries reserved for system use. "
  641. "This value is only valid for display settings that use an indexed "
  642. "palette. Indexed palettes are not used for color depths greater "
  643. "than 8 bits per pixel. If the color depth is more than 8 bits per "
  644. "pixel, this value is set to NULL.\nExample: 20 \n"
  645. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  646. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  647. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  648. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  649. "NUMRESERVED"}: ToSubClass ]
  650. uint32 ReservedSystemPaletteEntries ;
  651. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  652. Description ("The SystemPaletteEntries property indicates "
  653. "the current number of color index entries reserved for system use. "
  654. "This value is only valid for display settings that use an indexed "
  655. "palette . Indexed palettes are not used for color depths greater "
  656. "than 8 bits per pixel. If the color depth is more than 8 bits per "
  657. "pixel, this value is set to NULL.\nExample: 20 \n"
  658. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  659. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  660. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  661. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  662. "NUMRESERVED"}: ToSubClass ]
  663. uint32 SystemPaletteEntries ;
  664. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Pixels"): ToSubClass,
  665. Description ("The VerticalResolution property indicates the current "
  666. "number of pixels in the vertical direction (Y axis) of the display."
  667. "\nExample: 768 \n"
  668. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  669. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  670. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  671. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  672. "VERTRES"}: ToSubClass ]
  673. uint32 VerticalResolution ;
  674. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  675. Description ("The VideoMode property contains a user readable "
  676. "description of the current screen resolution and color setting "
  677. "of the display.\nExample: 1024 X 768 with 256 colors. \n"
  678. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  679. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  680. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  681. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
  682. string VideoMode ;
  683. };
  685. Description ("The Win32_VideoConfiguration class is not active in "
  686. "releases after Windows 2000. It will not return any instances as "
  687. "there is no provider backing it. \n"
  688. "The Win32_VideoConfiguration class represents a "
  689. "configuration of a video subsystem. This class has been "
  690. "deprecated in favor of the properties contained in the "
  691. "Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and "
  692. "CIM_VideoControllerResolution classes"): ToSubClass,
  693. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4ED-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
  694. class Win32_VideoConfiguration:CIM_Setting
  695. {
  696. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Bits Per Pixel"):ToSubClass,
  697. Description ("The ActualColorResolution property indicates the "
  698. "current color depth of the video display. \n"
  699. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  700. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  701. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  702. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  703. "COLORRES"}: ToSubClass]
  704. uint32 ActualColorResolution ;
  705. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  706. Description ("The AdapterChipType property contains the name of "
  707. "the adapter chip.\nExample: s3 \n"
  708. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  709. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  710. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  711. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
  712. "Class\\Info|ChipType"}: ToSubClass]
  713. string AdapterChipType ;
  714. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, key: ToSubClass,
  715. MaxLen (256): ToSubClass,
  716. Description ("The AdapterCompatibility property specifies the "
  717. "name of the manufacturer of the adapter. This name can be used to "
  718. "compare the compatibility of this device with the needs of the "
  719. "computer system. \n"
  720. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  721. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  722. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  723. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass]
  724. string AdapterCompatibility ;
  725. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  726. Description ("The AdapterDACType property indicates the name of the "
  727. "digital-to-analog chip (DAC) used in the adapter. \n"
  728. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  729. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  730. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  731. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
  732. "Class\\Info|DACType"}: ToSubClass ]
  733. string AdapterDACType ;
  734. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  735. Description ("The AdapterDescription property contains a description "
  736. "or descriptive name of the video adapter. \n"
  737. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  738. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  739. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  740. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
  741. string AdapterDescription ;
  742. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Bytes"): ToSubClass,
  743. Description ("The AdapterRAM property indicates the memory size of "
  744. "the video adapter.\nExample: 16777216 \n"
  745. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  746. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  747. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  748. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
  749. "Class\\Info|VideoMemory"}: ToSubClass ]
  750. uint32 AdapterRAM ;
  751. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  752. Description ("The AdapterType property indicates the type of video adapter."
  753. "\nCharacter Set: Alphanumeric \n"
  754. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  755. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  756. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  757. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\"
  758. "DisplayController\\0\\Identifier"}: ToSubClass]
  759. string AdapterType ;
  760. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  761. Description ("The BitsPerPixel property indicates the actual number "
  762. "of bits per pixel representing the display. This may be scaled to "
  763. "the current video setting (represented by the ActualColorResolution "
  764. "property) of the user.\nExample: 8 \n"
  765. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  766. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  767. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  768. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  769. "BITSPIXEL"}: ToSubClass ]
  770. uint32 BitsPerPixel ;
  771. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  772. Description ("The ColorPlanes property indicates the current number "
  773. "of color planes used in the video display. A color plane is "
  774. "another way to represent pixel colors; instead of assigning a single "
  775. "RGB value to each a pixel, color planes separate the graphic into "
  776. "each of the primary color components (red green blue), and store them "
  777. "in their own planes. This allows for greater color depths on 8 "
  778. "and 16 bit video systems. Present graphics systems have the "
  779. "bitwidth large enough to store color depth information, making only one color plane necessary."
  780. "\nExample: 1 \n"
  781. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  782. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  783. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  784. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  785. "PLANES"}: ToSubClass ]
  786. uint32 ColorPlanes ;
  787. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  788. Description ("The ColorTableEntries property indicates "
  789. "the number of color indexes in a color table for a video display. "
  790. "This property is used if the device has a color depth of no more "
  791. "than 8 bits per pixel. For devices with greater color depths, "
  792. "-1 is returned.\nExample: 256 \n"
  793. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  794. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  795. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  796. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  797. "NUMCOLORS"}: ToSubClass ]
  798. uint32 ColorTableEntries ;
  799. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  800. Description ("The DeviceSpecificPens property indicates the current "
  801. "number of device-specific pens. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF means the "
  802. "device does not support pens. Pens are used to draw lines and the"
  803. "borders of polygonal objects.\nExample: 3 \n"
  804. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  805. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  806. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  807. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  808. "NUMPENS"}: ToSubClass ]
  809. uint32 DeviceSpecificPens ;
  810. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  811. Description ("The DriverDate property indicates the date and time "
  812. "the current video driver was installed. \n"
  813. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  814. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  815. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  816. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
  817. "Class\\AdapterDescription|DriverDate"}: ToSubClass ]
  818. datetime DriverDate ;
  819. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  820. Description ("The HorizontalResolution property indicates the "
  821. "current number of pixels in the horizontal direction (X axis) "
  822. "of the display.\nExample: 1024 \n"
  823. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  824. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  825. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  826. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  827. "HORZRES"}: ToSubClass ]
  828. uint32 HorizontalResolution ;
  829. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  830. Description ("The InfFilename property specifies the path to the "
  831. ".inf file of the video driver.\nExample: C:\\WINNT\\SYSTEM32\\"
  832. "DRIVERS \n"
  833. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  834. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  835. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  836. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
  837. "Class|InfPath"}: ToSubClass]
  838. string InfFilename ;
  839. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  840. Description ("The InfSection property indicates the section of the "
  841. ".inf file where the Win32 video information resides. \n"
  842. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  843. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  844. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  845. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
  846. "Class|InfSection"}: ToSubClass ]
  847. string InfSection ;
  848. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  849. Description ("The InstalledDisplayDrivers property indicates the "
  850. "name of the installed video driver. \n"
  851. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  852. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  853. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  854. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"
  855. "\\Class\\Defaule|drv"}: ToSubClass ]
  856. string InstalledDisplayDrivers ;
  857. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  858. Description ("The MonitorManufacturer property indicates the name "
  859. "of the manufacturer of the display device.\nExample: NEC \n"
  860. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  861. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  862. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  863. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
  864. string MonitorManufacturer ;
  865. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  866. Description ("The MonitorType property indicates the model name of "
  867. "the display device.\nExample: NEC 5FGp \n"
  868. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  869. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  870. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  871. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|HARDWARE\\Description\\System\\"
  872. "MonitorPeripheral\\0|Identifier"}: ToSubClass ]
  873. string MonitorType ;
  874. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, key: ToSubClass,
  875. MaxLen (256): ToSubClass,
  876. Description ("The Name property contains an identifying name for "
  877. "the video configuration class. \n"
  878. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  879. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  880. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  881. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
  882. string Name ;
  883. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  884. Description ("The PixelsPerXLogicalInch property indicates the "
  885. "number of pixels per logical inch along the X axis (horizontal "
  886. "direction) of the display. \n"
  887. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  888. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  889. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  890. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  891. "LOGPIXELSX"}: ToSubClass]
  892. uint32 PixelsPerXLogicalInch ;
  893. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  894. Description ("The PixelsPerYLogicalInch property indicates the "
  895. "number of pixels per logical inch along the Y axis (vertical "
  896. "direction) of the display. \n"
  897. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  898. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  899. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  900. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  901. "LOGPIXELSY"}: ToSubClass ]
  902. uint32 PixelsPerYLogicalInch ;
  903. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  904. Description ("The RefreshRate property indicates the refresh rate of "
  905. "the video configuration. A value of 0 or 1 indicates a default rate "
  906. "is being used.\nExample: 72 \n"
  907. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  908. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  909. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  910. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  911. "VREFRESH"}: ToSubClass ]
  912. uint32 RefreshRate ;
  913. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  914. Description ("The ScanMode property determines whether the display "
  915. "device is interlaced. \n"
  916. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  917. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  918. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  919. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services|"
  920. "Device0|DefaultSettings.Interlaced"}: ToSubClass,
  921. Values {"Non Interlaced", "Interlaced"}: ToSubClass]
  922. string ScanMode ;
  923. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Millimeters"): ToSubClass,
  924. Description ("The ScreenHeight property specifies the height of the "
  925. "physical screen. \n"
  926. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  927. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  928. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  929. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  930. "VERTSIZE"}: ToSubClass ]
  931. uint32 ScreenHeight ;
  932. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass, Units ("Millimeters"): ToSubClass,
  933. Description ("The ScreenWidth property specifies the width of the "
  934. "physical screen. \n"
  935. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  936. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  937. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  938. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  939. "HORZSIZE"}: ToSubClass ]
  940. uint32 ScreenWidth ;
  941. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  942. Description ("The SystemPaletteEntries property indicates "
  943. "the current number of color index entries reserved for system use. "
  944. "This value is only valid for display settings that use an indexed "
  945. "palette . Indexed palettes are not used for color depths greater "
  946. "than 8 bits per pixel. If the color depth is more than 8 bits per "
  947. "pixel, this value is set to NULL.\nExample: 20 \n"
  948. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  949. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  950. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  951. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  952. "SIZEPALETTE"}: ToSubClass ]
  953. uint32 SystemPaletteEntries ;
  954. [DEPRECATED, read: ToSubClass,
  955. Description ("The VerticalResolution property indicates the "
  956. "current number of pixels in the vertical direction (Y axis) "
  957. "of the display.\nExample: 768 \n"
  958. "This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding "
  959. "property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor "
  960. "and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution"): ToSubClass,
  961. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Device Context Functions|GetDeviceCaps|"
  962. "VERTRES"}: ToSubClass ]
  963. uint32 VerticalResolution ;
  964. };
  965. [Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
  966. Description ("The WIn32_VideoSettings class represents an association "
  967. "between a video controller and video settings that can be applied "
  968. "to it."): ToSubClass,
  969. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{1008CCEE-7BFF-11D2-AAD2-006008C78BC7}") ]
  970. class Win32_VideoSettings : CIM_VideoSetting
  971. {
  972. [Read: ToSubClass, Key: ToSubClass, Override ("Element"): ToSubClass,
  973. Description ("The Element reference represents the "
  974. "Win32_VideoController containing the properties of the video "
  975. "controller that a video setting can be used on."): ToSubClass,
  976. MappingStrings {"WMI|Win32_VideoController"}: ToSubClass]
  977. Win32_VideoController REF Element;
  978. [Read: ToSubClass, Key: ToSubClass, Override ("Setting"): ToSubClass,
  979. Description ("The Setting reference represents a "
  980. "CIM_VideoControllerResolution containing settings that can be "
  981. "applied to the video controller."): ToSubClass,
  982. MappingStrings {"CIM|CIM_VideoControllerResolution"}: ToSubClass]
  983. CIM_VideoControllerResolution REF Setting;
  984. };
  985. [Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
  986. Description ("The Win32_SoundDevice class represents the properties of "
  987. "a sound device on a Win32 computer system."): ToSubClass,
  988. Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C50C-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
  989. class Win32_SoundDevice:CIM_LogicalDevice
  990. {
  991. [Read: ToSubClass, Override("DeviceId"),
  992. Key: ToSubClass, MaxLen (260): ToSubClass,
  993. Description ("The DeviceID property contains information "
  994. "that uniquely identifies the sound device."): ToSubClass,
  995. MappingStrings {"Win32Registry|SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\"
  996. "MediaResources\\wave|DeviceID"}: ToSubClass]
  997. string DeviceID ;
  998. [read: ToSubClass, Units ("Kilobytes"): ToSubClass,
  999. Description ("The DMABufferSize property indicates the size of the "
  1000. "Direct Memory Access buffer.\nExample: 4"): ToSubClass,
  1001. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
  1002. uint16 DMABufferSize;
  1003. [read: ToSubClass,
  1004. Description ("The Manufacturer property names the manufacturer "
  1005. "of the sound device.\nExample: Creative Labs"): ToSubClass,
  1006. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
  1007. string Manufacturer;
  1008. [read: ToSubClass,
  1009. Description ("The MPU401Address property indicates the starting I/O "
  1010. "address assigned to the MPU-401 port of the sound device."
  1011. "\nExample: 300"): ToSubClass,
  1012. MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass ]
  1013. uint32 MPU401Address;
  1014. [read: ToSubClass,
  1015. Description ("The ProductName property indicates the product "
  1016. "name of the sound device.\nExample: Creative Labs SoundBlaster "
  1017. "AWE64PNP"): ToSubClass,
  1018. MappingStrings {"Win32API|Multimedia Structures|WAVEOUTCAPS|"
  1019. "szPname"}: ToSubClass ]
  1020. string ProductName ;
  1021. };