// Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// CControlLogic.cpp
#define STR_MODULENAME "DDKSynth.sys:Control: "
#include "common.h"
#pragma code_seg()
* CControlLogic::CControlLogic() ***************************************************************************** * Constructor for CControlLogic object. */ CControlLogic::CControlLogic() { m_fCSInitialized = FALSE; InitializeCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); m_fCSInitialized = TRUE;
m_pSynth = NULL; m_pInstruments = NULL;
DWORD nIndex; GMReset(); m_fGSActive = FALSE; m_fXGActive = FALSE; for (nIndex = 0;nIndex < 16;nIndex++) { m_fSustain[nIndex] = FALSE; m_dwProgram[nIndex] = 0; } m_fEmpty = TRUE; }
* CControlLogic::~CControlLogic() ***************************************************************************** * Destructor for CControlLogic object. */ CControlLogic::~CControlLogic() { if (m_fCSInitialized) { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); } }
* CControlLogic::GMReset() ***************************************************************************** * Performs a General MIDI reset, including resetting all the voice priorities, * GS, XG, master volume, etc. */ void CControlLogic::GMReset() { static const int nPartToChannel[16] = { 9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15 }; int nX; for (nX = 0; nX < 16; nX++) { int nY; m_nData[nX] = 0; m_prFineTune[nX] = 0; m_bDrums[nX] = 0; for (nY = 0; nY < 12; nY++) { m_prScaleTune[nX][nY] = 0; } m_nCurrentRPN[nX] = (short) 0x3FFF; m_prCoarseTune[nX] = 0; m_bPartToChannel[nX] = (BYTE)nPartToChannel[nX]; m_fMono[nX] = FALSE; m_dwPriority[nX] = DAUD_STANDARD_VOICE_PRIORITY + ((16 - nX) * DAUD_CHAN15_VOICE_PRIORITY_OFFSET); m_bBankH[nX] = 0; m_bBankL[nX] = 0; } m_bDrums[0] = 1; m_vrMasterVolume = 0; m_fGSActive = FALSE; m_fXGActive = FALSE; }
* CControlLogic::Init() ***************************************************************************** * Initialize the CControlLogic object, and initialize all the child objects -- * Note recorders, ModWheels, Volumes, Pan, Expression, PitchBend. */ HRESULT CControlLogic::Init(CInstManager *pInstruments, CSynth *pSynth) { m_pSynth = pSynth; m_pInstruments = pInstruments; m_vrGainAdjust = 0;
int iRecIdx; for (iRecIdx = 0; iRecIdx < sizeof(m_ModWheel) / sizeof(*m_ModWheel); iRecIdx++) { m_ModWheel[iRecIdx].Init(); } for (iRecIdx = 0; iRecIdx < sizeof(m_PitchBend) / sizeof(*m_PitchBend); iRecIdx++) { m_PitchBend[iRecIdx].Init(); } for (iRecIdx = 0; iRecIdx < sizeof(m_Volume) / sizeof(*m_Volume); iRecIdx++) { m_Volume[iRecIdx].Init(); } for (iRecIdx = 0; iRecIdx < sizeof(m_Expression) / sizeof(*m_Expression); iRecIdx++) { m_Expression[iRecIdx].Init(); } for (iRecIdx = 0; iRecIdx < sizeof(m_Pan) / sizeof(*m_Pan); iRecIdx++) { m_Pan[iRecIdx].Init(); }
return S_OK; }
* CControlLogic::ClearMIDI() ***************************************************************************** * Clears MIDI up to a certain time, and updates m_fEmpty. */ void CControlLogic::ClearMIDI(STIME stEndTime) { DWORD dwIndex; ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); if (!m_fEmpty) { m_fEmpty = TRUE; for (dwIndex = 0;dwIndex < 16; dwIndex++) { m_fEmpty = m_ModWheel[dwIndex].ClearMIDI(stEndTime) && m_PitchBend[dwIndex].ClearMIDI(stEndTime) && m_Volume[dwIndex].ClearMIDI(stEndTime) && m_Expression[dwIndex].ClearMIDI(stEndTime) && m_Pan[dwIndex].ClearMIDI(stEndTime); } } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); }
* CControlLogic::SetGainAdjust() ***************************************************************************** * Sets the overall gain for this CControlLogic. */ void CControlLogic::SetGainAdjust(VREL vrGainAdjust) { m_vrGainAdjust = vrGainAdjust; }
* CControlLogic::QueueNotes() ***************************************************************************** * Retrieves notes from the note recorders, and dispatches them appropriately. * Called during the Mix. */ void CControlLogic::QueueNotes(STIME stEndTime) { CNote note; while (m_Notes.GetNote(stEndTime,¬e)) { if (note.m_bKey > 0x7F) // Special command events.
{ long lTemp; DWORD dwPart = note.m_bPart; DWORD dwCommand = note.m_bKey; BYTE bData = note.m_bVelocity; switch (dwCommand) { case NOTE_PROGRAMCHANGE: m_dwProgram[dwPart] = bData | (m_bBankH[dwPart] << 16) | (m_bBankL[dwPart] << 8); break; case NOTE_CC_BANKSELECTH: m_bBankH[dwPart] = bData; break; case NOTE_CC_BANKSELECTL: m_bBankL[dwPart] = bData; break; case NOTE_CC_POLYMODE: m_fMono[dwPart] = FALSE; break; case NOTE_CC_MONOMODE: m_fMono[dwPart] = TRUE; break; case NOTE_CC_RPN_MSB: m_nCurrentRPN[dwPart] = (m_nCurrentRPN[dwPart] & 0x7f) + (bData << 7); break; case NOTE_CC_RPN_LSB: m_nCurrentRPN[dwPart] = (m_nCurrentRPN[dwPart] & 0x3f80) + bData; break; case NOTE_CC_NRPN: m_nCurrentRPN[dwPart] = 0x3FFF; break; case NOTE_CC_DATAENTRYLSB: m_nData[dwPart] &= ~0x7F; m_nData[dwPart] |= bData; switch (m_nCurrentRPN[dwPart]) { case RPN_PITCHBEND: // Don't do anything, Roland ignores lsb
break; case RPN_FINETUNE: lTemp = m_nData[dwPart]; lTemp -= 8192; lTemp *= 100; lTemp /= 8192; m_prFineTune[dwPart] = lTemp; break; case RPN_COARSETUNE: // Ignore lsb
break; } break; case NOTE_CC_DATAENTRYMSB: m_nData[dwPart] &= ~(0x7F << 7); m_nData[dwPart] |= bData << 7; switch (m_nCurrentRPN[dwPart]) { case RPN_PITCHBEND: m_PitchBend[dwPart].m_prRange = bData * 100; break; case RPN_FINETUNE: lTemp = m_nData[dwPart]; lTemp -= 8192; lTemp *= 100; lTemp /= 8192; m_prFineTune[dwPart] = lTemp; break; case RPN_COARSETUNE: m_prCoarseTune[dwPart] = 100 * (bData - 64); break; } break; case NOTE_SUSTAIN: // special sustain marker
m_fSustain[dwPart] = (BOOL) bData; if (bData == FALSE) { CVoice * pVoice = m_pSynth->m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); for (;pVoice != NULL;pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if (pVoice->m_fSustainOn && (pVoice->m_nPart == dwPart) && (pVoice->m_pControl == this)) { pVoice->StopVoice(note.m_stTime); } } } break; case NOTE_ALLOFF: { CVoice *pVoice = m_pSynth->m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); for (;pVoice != NULL; pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if (pVoice->m_fNoteOn && !pVoice->m_fSustainOn && (pVoice->m_nPart == dwPart) && (pVoice->m_pControl == this)) { if (m_fSustain[dwPart]) { pVoice->m_fSustainOn = TRUE; } else { pVoice->StopVoice(note.m_stTime); } } } } break; case NOTE_SOUNDSOFF: { CVoice *pVoice = m_pSynth->m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); for (;pVoice != NULL; pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if (pVoice->m_fNoteOn && (pVoice->m_nPart == dwPart) && (pVoice->m_pControl == this)) { pVoice->StopVoice(note.m_stTime); } } } break; case NOTE_ASSIGNRECEIVE: m_bPartToChannel[dwPart] = (BYTE) bData; break; case NOTE_MASTERVOLUME: m_vrMasterVolume = CMIDIRecorder::VelocityToVolume(bData); break; } } else if (note.m_bVelocity == 0) // Note Off.
{ CVoice * pVoice = m_pSynth->m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); WORD nPart = note.m_bPart; for (;pVoice != NULL;pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if (pVoice->m_fNoteOn && !pVoice->m_fSustainOn && (pVoice->m_nKey == (WORD) note.m_bKey) && (pVoice->m_nPart == nPart) && (pVoice->m_pControl == this)) { if (m_fSustain[nPart]) { pVoice->m_fSustainOn = TRUE; } else { pVoice->StopVoice(note.m_stTime); } break; } } } else // Note On.
{ DWORD dwProgram = m_dwProgram[note.m_bPart]; if (m_bDrums[note.m_bPart]) { dwProgram |= F_INSTRUMENT_DRUMS; } if (m_fMono[note.m_bPart]) { CVoice * pVoice = m_pSynth->m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); WORD nPart = note.m_bPart; for (;pVoice != NULL;pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if (pVoice->m_fNoteOn && (pVoice->m_nPart == nPart) && (pVoice->m_pControl == this)) { pVoice->StopVoice(note.m_stTime); } } } // While we are working with the instrument, including copying
// the data over from the region, we have to make sure it
// can not be removed from the instrument list.
EnterCriticalSection(&m_pInstruments->m_CriticalSection); CInstrument * pInstrument = m_pInstruments->GetInstrument(dwProgram,note.m_bKey); if (!pInstrument) { if (dwProgram & F_INSTRUMENT_DRUMS) { dwProgram = F_INSTRUMENT_DRUMS; pInstrument = m_pInstruments->GetInstrument(dwProgram,note.m_bKey); } else if (m_fXGActive) { if ((dwProgram & 0x7F0000) == 0x7F0000) // Drum?
{ dwProgram &= 0x7F007F; // Enforce 0 LSB
pInstrument = m_pInstruments->GetInstrument(dwProgram,note.m_bKey); if (!pInstrument) { dwProgram = 0x7F0000; pInstrument = m_pInstruments->GetInstrument(dwProgram,note.m_bKey); } } else { dwProgram &= 0x7F; // Fall back to GM set.
pInstrument = m_pInstruments->GetInstrument(dwProgram,note.m_bKey); } } } if (pInstrument != NULL) { CSourceRegion * pRegion = pInstrument->ScanForRegion(note.m_bKey); if (pRegion != NULL) { WORD nPart = note.m_bPart; CVoice * pVoice = m_pSynth->m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); if (!pRegion->m_bAllowOverlap) { for (;pVoice != NULL; pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if ((pVoice->m_nPart == nPart) && (pVoice->m_nKey == note.m_bKey) && (pVoice->m_pControl == this)) { pVoice->QuickStopVoice(note.m_stTime); } } }
if (pRegion->m_bGroup != 0) { pVoice = m_pSynth->m_VoicesInUse.GetHead(); for (;pVoice != NULL;pVoice = pVoice->GetNext()) { if ((pVoice->m_dwGroup == pRegion->m_bGroup) && (pVoice->m_nPart == nPart) && (pVoice->m_dwProgram == dwProgram) && (pVoice->m_pControl == this)) { pVoice->QuickStopVoice(note.m_stTime); } } } pVoice = m_pSynth->m_VoicesFree.RemoveHead(); if (pVoice == NULL) { pVoice = m_pSynth->m_VoicesExtra.RemoveHead(); }
if (pVoice == NULL) { pVoice = m_pSynth->StealVoice(m_dwPriority[nPart]); }
if (pVoice != NULL) { PREL prPitch = m_prFineTune[nPart] + m_prScaleTune[nPart][note.m_bKey % 12]; if (!m_bDrums[nPart]) { if (m_fXGActive) { if ((dwProgram & 0x7F0000) != 0x7F0000) { prPitch += m_prCoarseTune[nPart]; } } else { prPitch += m_prCoarseTune[nPart]; } } pVoice->m_nKey = note.m_bKey; pVoice->m_nPart = nPart; pVoice->m_dwProgram = dwProgram; pVoice->m_dwPriority = m_dwPriority[nPart]; pVoice->m_pControl = this;
if (pVoice->StartVoice( m_pSynth, pRegion, note.m_stTime, &m_ModWheel[nPart], &m_PitchBend[nPart], &m_Expression[nPart], &m_Volume[nPart], &m_Pan[nPart], (WORD)note.m_bKey, (WORD)note.m_bVelocity, m_vrMasterVolume, prPitch)) { pVoice->m_fInUse = TRUE;
m_pSynth->QueueVoice(pVoice); } else { m_pSynth->m_VoicesFree.AddHead(pVoice); } } else { m_pSynth->m_BuildStats.dwNotesLost++; } } else { m_pSynth->m_BuildStats.dwNotesLost++; } } else { Trace(1, "No instrument/region was found for patch # %lx, note %ld\n", dwProgram, (long) note.m_bKey); } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_pInstruments->m_CriticalSection); } } }
* CControlLogic::Flush() ***************************************************************************** * Clears events and notes up to a given time. */ void CControlLogic::Flush(STIME stTime) { DWORD dwIndex; ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); if (!m_fEmpty) { m_fEmpty = TRUE; for (dwIndex = 0;dwIndex < 16; dwIndex++) { m_fEmpty = m_ModWheel[dwIndex].FlushMIDI(stTime) && m_PitchBend[dwIndex].FlushMIDI(stTime) && m_Volume[dwIndex].FlushMIDI(stTime) && m_Expression[dwIndex].FlushMIDI(stTime) && m_Pan[dwIndex].FlushMIDI(stTime); } m_Notes.FlushMIDI(stTime); } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection); }
* CControlLogic::RecordMIDI() ***************************************************************************** * Record a MIDI short message into this channel group. * This dispatches the different MIDI * messages to the different receptor objects. */ BOOL CControlLogic::RecordMIDI(STIME stTime,BYTE bStatus, BYTE bData1, BYTE bData2) { WORD nPreChannel = bStatus & 0xF; CNote note; bStatus = bStatus & 0xF0; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; WORD nPart;
for (nPart = 0;nPart < 16; nPart++) { if (nPreChannel == m_bPartToChannel[nPart]) { switch (bStatus) { case MIDI_NOTEOFF : bData2 = 0; case MIDI_NOTEON : note.m_bPart = (BYTE) nPart; note.m_bKey = bData1; note.m_bVelocity = bData2; bReturn = m_Notes.RecordNote(stTime,¬e); break; case MIDI_CCHANGE : switch (bData1) { case CC_BANKSELECTH : bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_CC_BANKSELECTH, bData2); break; case CC_MODWHEEL : m_fEmpty = FALSE; bReturn = m_ModWheel[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime,(long) bData2); break; case CC_VOLUME : m_fEmpty = FALSE; bReturn = m_Volume[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime,(long) bData2); break; case CC_PAN : m_fEmpty = FALSE; bReturn = m_Pan[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime,(long) bData2); break; case CC_EXPRESSION : m_fEmpty = FALSE; bReturn = m_Expression[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime,(long)bData2); break; case CC_BANKSELECTL : bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_CC_BANKSELECTL, bData2); break; case CC_RESETALL: m_fEmpty = FALSE; if (bData2) { bReturn = bReturn && m_Volume[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime, 100); bReturn = bReturn && m_Pan[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime, 64); } bReturn = bReturn && m_Expression[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime, 127); bReturn = bReturn && m_PitchBend[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime, 0x2000); bReturn = m_ModWheel[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime, 0); bData2 = 0; // fall through into Sustain Off case....
case CC_SUSTAIN : bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_SUSTAIN, bData2); break; case CC_ALLSOUNDSOFF: bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_SOUNDSOFF, 0); break; case CC_ALLNOTESOFF: bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_ALLOFF, 0); break; case CC_DATAENTRYMSB: bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_CC_DATAENTRYMSB, bData2); break; case CC_DATAENTRYLSB: bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_CC_DATAENTRYLSB, bData2); break; case CC_NRPN_LSB : case CC_NRPN_MSB : bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_CC_NRPN, bData2); break; case CC_RPN_LSB: bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_CC_RPN_LSB, bData2); break; case CC_RPN_MSB: bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_CC_RPN_MSB, bData2); break; case CC_MONOMODE : bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_CC_MONOMODE, bData2); bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_SOUNDSOFF, 0); break; case CC_POLYMODE : bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_CC_POLYMODE, bData2); bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_SOUNDSOFF, 0); break; default: break; } break;
case MIDI_PCHANGE : bReturn = m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_PROGRAMCHANGE, bData1); break; case MIDI_PBEND : m_fEmpty = FALSE; { WORD nBend; nBend = bData2 << 7; nBend |= bData1; bReturn = m_PitchBend[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime,(long)nBend); } break; } } } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_CriticalSection);
return bReturn; }
* CControlLogic::RecordSysEx() ***************************************************************************** * Record a MIDI SysEx message into this channel group. * This dispatches the different MIDI * messages to the different receptor objects. */ HRESULT CControlLogic::RecordSysEx(DWORD dwSysExLength,BYTE *pSysExData, STIME stTime) { HRESULT hSuccess = S_OK; int nPart; int nTune; DWORD dwAddress; BOOL fClearAll = FALSE; BOOL fResetPatches = FALSE; if (dwSysExLength < 6) { return E_FAIL; }
switch (pSysExData[1]) // ID number
{ case 0x7E : // General purpose ID
if (pSysExData[3] == 0x09) { GMReset(); fClearAll = TRUE; fResetPatches = TRUE; } break; case 0x7F : // Real time ID
if (pSysExData[3] == 0x04) { if (pSysExData[4] == 1) // Master Volume
{ m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, 0, NOTE_MASTERVOLUME, pSysExData[6]); } } break; case 0x41 : // Roland
if (dwSysExLength < 11) { return E_FAIL; } if (pSysExData[3] != 0x42) break; if (pSysExData[4] != 0x12) break; nPart = pSysExData[6] & 0xF; dwAddress = (pSysExData[5] << 16) | ((pSysExData[6] & 0xF0) << 8) | pSysExData[7]; switch (dwAddress) { case 0x40007F : // GS Reset.
GMReset(); m_fXGActive = FALSE; fClearAll = TRUE; m_fGSActive = TRUE; fResetPatches = TRUE; break; case 0x401002 : // Set Receive Channel.
if (m_fGSActive) { if (pSysExData[8]) { m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_ASSIGNRECEIVE, pSysExData[8] - 1); } } break; case 0x401015 : // Use for Rhythm.
if (m_fGSActive) { m_bDrums[nPart] = pSysExData[8]; fClearAll = TRUE; } break; case 0x401040 : // Scale Tuning.
if (m_fGSActive) { for (nTune = 0;nTune < 12; nTune++) { if (pSysExData[9 + nTune] & 0x80) break; m_prScaleTune[nPart][nTune] = (PREL) pSysExData[8 + nTune] - (PREL) 64; } } break; } break; case 0x43 : // Yamaha
if ((pSysExData[3] == 0x4C) && (pSysExData[4] == 0) && (pSysExData[5] == 0) && (pSysExData[6] == 0x7E) && (pSysExData[7] == 0)) { // XG System On
m_fXGActive = TRUE; m_fGSActive = FALSE; GMReset(); m_fXGActive = TRUE; m_bDrums[0] = 0; m_bBankH[0] = 127; fClearAll = TRUE; fResetPatches = TRUE; } break; } if (fClearAll) { m_pSynth->AllNotesOff(); Flush(0); for (nPart = 0;nPart < 16;nPart++) { m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_SUSTAIN, 0); m_Volume[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime, 100); m_Pan[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime, 64); m_Expression[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime, 127); m_PitchBend[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime, 0x2000); m_ModWheel[nPart].RecordMIDI(stTime, 0); } } if (fResetPatches) { for (nPart = 0;nPart < 16;nPart++) { if ((nPart == 0) && (m_fXGActive)) { m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime-1, nPart, NOTE_CC_BANKSELECTH, 127); } else { m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime-1, nPart, NOTE_CC_BANKSELECTH, 0); } m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime-1, nPart, NOTE_CC_BANKSELECTL, 0); m_Notes.RecordEvent(stTime, nPart, NOTE_PROGRAMCHANGE, 0); } }
return hSuccess; }
* CControlLogic::SetChannelPriority() ***************************************************************************** * Set the priority for a given channel, within this channel group. */ HRESULT CControlLogic::SetChannelPriority(DWORD dwChannel,DWORD dwPriority) { DWORD dwPart; for (dwPart = 0;dwPart < 16; dwPart++) { if (m_bPartToChannel[dwPart] == dwChannel) { m_dwPriority[dwPart] = dwPriority; } } return S_OK; }
* CControlLogic::GetChannelPriority() ***************************************************************************** * Retrieve the priority for a given channel, within this channel group. */ HRESULT CControlLogic::GetChannelPriority(DWORD dwChannel,LPDWORD pdwPriority) { DWORD dwPart; for (dwPart = 0;dwPart < 16; dwPart++) { if (m_bPartToChannel[dwPart] == dwChannel) { *pdwPriority = m_dwPriority[dwPart]; break; } } return S_OK; }