Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Reads host file into DNS cache.
Glenn Curtis (glennc) Picked up from winsock.
Revision History:
Jim Gilroy (jamesg) Feb 2000 Cleanup
#include "local.h"
#define HOSTS_FILE_DIRECTORY L"\\drivers\\etc"
#if 0
// Sockets hosts file stuff
#define HOSTDB_SIZE (_MAX_PATH + 8) // 8 == strlen("\\hosts") + 1
#define MAXALIASES 35
// Globals
// Note: that none of this is MT safe. We assume that all these
// functions are called only from a single thread (at startup) or
// that some higher level locking is enabled.
FILE * g_HostFile = NULL; CHAR g_HostFileName[ HOSTDB_SIZE ]; CHAR g_HostLineBuf[ BUFSIZ+1 ];
PCHAR g_pHostName; PCHAR g_AliasArray[ MAXALIASES ]; BOOL g_IsIp6; IP_ADDRESS g_Ip4Address; DNS_IP6_ADDRESS g_Ip6Address;
VOID _setfile( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Open hosts file.
g_HostFile -- host file ptr, tested and set
Return Value:
--*/ { if ( g_HostFile == NULL ) { g_HostFile = SockOpenNetworkDataBase( "hosts", g_HostFileName, HOSTDB_SIZE, "r" ); } else { rewind( g_HostFile ); } }
VOID _endfile( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Close hosts file.
g_HostFile -- host file ptr, tested and cleared
Return Value:
--*/ { if ( g_HostFile ) { fclose( g_HostFile ); g_HostFile = NULL; } }
BOOL _gethost( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads an entry from hosts file.
g_HostFile -- host file ptr, tested and set g_pHostName -- name ptr is set g_AliasArray -- alias ptr array is filled g_Ip4Address -- IP4 address is set g_Ip6Address -- IP6 address is set g_IsIp6 -- IP4\IP6 flag is set
Return Value:
TRUE if successfully reads a host entry. FALSE if on EOF or no hosts file found.
--*/ { char *p; register char *cp, **q;
// open hosts file if not open
if ( g_HostFile == NULL && (g_HostFile = fopen(g_HostFileName, "r" )) == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
// loop until successfully read IP address
while( 1 ) { // quit on EOF
if ((p = fgets(g_HostLineBuf, BUFSIZ, g_HostFile)) == NULL) { return FALSE; }
// comment line -- skip
if ( *p == '#' ) { continue; }
// null address terminate at EOL or comment
cp = strpbrk( p, "#\n" ); if ( cp != NULL ) { *cp = '\0'; }
// all whitespace -- skip
cp = strpbrk( p, " \t" ); if ( cp == NULL ) { continue; }
// NULL terminate address string
*cp++ = '\0';
// read address
// - try IP4
// - try IP6
// - otherwise skip
g_Ip4Address = inet_addr(p);
if ( g_Ip4Address != INADDR_NONE || _strnicmp( "", p, 15 ) == 0 ) { g_IsIp6 = FALSE; break; }
// not valid IP4 -- check IP6
g_IsIp6 = Dns_Ipv6StringToAddress( & g_Ip6Address, p, 0 // null terminated string
); if ( g_IsIp6 ) { break; }
// invalid address, ignore line
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Error parsing host file address %s\n", p ));
continue; }
// find name
// - skip leading whitespace
// - set global name ptr
while( *cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t' ) { cp++; } g_pHostName = cp;
// stop at trailing whitespace, NULL terminate
cp = strpbrk(cp, " \t"); if ( cp != NULL ) { *cp++ = '\0'; }
// read aliases
q = g_AliasArray; while ( cp && *cp ) { // skip leading whitespace
if ( *cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t' ) { cp++; continue; }
// save alias name to alias array
if ( q < &g_AliasArray[MAXALIASES - 1] ) { *q++ = cp; } cp = strpbrk( cp, " \t" ); if ( cp != NULL ) { *cp++ = '\0'; } } *q = NULL;
// successful entry read
return TRUE; }
VOID LoadHostFile( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Read hosts file into cache.
g_HostFile -- host file ptr, tested and set then cleared g_pHostName -- name ptr is read g_AliasArray -- alias ptr array is read g_Ip4Address -- IP4 address is read g_Ip6Address -- IP6 address is read g_IsIp6 -- IP4\IP6 flag is read
Return Value:
--*/ { register PCHAR * cp;
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Enter LoadHostFile\n" ));
// read entries from host file until exhausted
// - cache A record for each name and alias
// - cache PTR to name
while ( _gethost() ) { if ( g_pHostName ) { if ( g_IsIp6 ) { CacheAAAARecord( g_pHostName, g_Ip6Address ); } else { CacheARecord( g_pHostName, g_Ip4Address ); CachePtrRecord( g_Ip4Address, g_pHostName ); } }
for ( cp = g_AliasArray; *cp != 0; cp++ ) { if ( g_IsIp6 ) { CacheAAAARecord( *cp, g_Ip6Address ); } else { CacheARecord( *cp, g_Ip4Address ); } } }
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Leave LoadHostFile\n" )); } #endif
VOID HostsFileMonitorThread( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Main thread that waits on and reads host file changes.
g_hShutdownEvent -- waits on shutdown even
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL bquitting = FALSE; HANDLE fileChangeHandle; DWORD waitResult; HANDLE changeHandles[2]; DWORD lockFlag = NO_LOCK; LPWSTR psystemDirectory = NULL; UINT len; WCHAR hostDirectory[ MAX_PATH*2 ];
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Enter HostFileMonitorThread\n" ));
// build host file name
len = GetSystemDirectory( hostDirectory, MAX_PATH ); if ( !len || len>MAX_PATH ) { DNSLOG_F1( "Error: Failed to get system directory" ); DNSLOG_F1( "HostsFileMonitorThread exiting." ); return; }
wcscat( hostDirectory, HOSTS_FILE_DIRECTORY );
// drop change notify on host file directory
fileChangeHandle = FindFirstChangeNotification( hostDirectory, FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE );
if ( fileChangeHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DNSLOG_F1( "HostsFileMonitorThread failed to get handle from" ); DNSLOG_F2( "FindFirstChangeNotification. Error code: <0x%.8X>", GetLastError() ); DNSLOG_F1( "HostsFileMonitorThread exiting." ); return; }
// wait on file notify OR shutdown
// - on host file change rebuild cache and restart wait
// - on shutdown, exit
changeHandles[0] = g_hShutdownEvent; changeHandles[1] = fileChangeHandle;
while( 1 ) { waitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, changeHandles, FALSE, INFINITE );
switch( waitResult ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0 :
// shutdown event -- exit
DNSLOG_F1( "HostsFileMonitorThread: Got event" ); DNSLOG_F1( "HostsFileMonitorStopEvent." ); goto ThreadExit;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 :
// change notify -- flush cache and reload
DNSLOG_F1( "HostsFileMonitorThread: Got HOSTS file" ); DNSLOG_F1( "directory change event." );
// reset notification -- BEFORE reload
if ( !FindNextChangeNotification( fileChangeHandle ) ) { DNSLOG_F1( "HostsFileMonitorThread failed to get handle" ); DNSLOG_F1( "from FindNextChangeNotification." ); DNSLOG_F2( "Error code: <0x%.8X>", GetLastError() ); goto ThreadExit; }
FlushCache( TRUE ); // flush and reload
DNSLOG_F1( "HostsFileMonitorThread failed to get handle" ); goto ThreadExit; break; } }
// close change\notify handle
CloseHandle( fileChangeHandle );
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "HostFileMonitorThread exit\n" )); DNSLOG_F1( "HostsFileMonitorThread exiting." ); }
VOID LoadHostFileIntoCache( IN PSTR pFileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Read hosts file into cache.
pFileName -- file name to load
Return Value:
--*/ { HOST_FILE_INFO hostInfo;
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Enter LoadHostFile\n" ));
// read entries from host file until exhausted
// - cache A record for each name and alias
// - cache PTR to name
RtlZeroMemory( &hostInfo, sizeof(hostInfo) );
if ( !Dns_OpenHostFile( &hostInfo ) ) { return; } hostInfo.fBuildRecords = TRUE;
while ( Dns_ReadHostFileLine( &hostInfo ) ) { // cache all the records we sucked out
// DCR: cache answer data with CNAME data
CacheAnyAdditionalRecords( hostInfo.pForwardRR, TRUE ); CacheAnyAdditionalRecords( hostInfo.pReverseRR, TRUE ); CacheAnyAdditionalRecords( hostInfo.pAliasRR, TRUE ); }
Dns_CloseHostFile( &hostInfo );
DNSDBG( INIT, ( "Leave LoadHostFile\n" )); }
// End hostfile.c