* sprite.cpp * * * * Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Microsoft Inc. * * * *************************************************/
// sprite.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dib.h"
#include "spriteno.h"
#include "sprite.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CSprite
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CSprite, CDIB, 0 /* schema number*/ )
CSprite::CSprite() { m_x = 0; m_y = 0; m_z = 50; m_bTransIndex = 0; m_pNotifyObj = NULL; }
CSprite::~CSprite() { }
// Set the initial state of the sprite from its DIB image
void CSprite::Initialize() { // Get the address of the top, left pixel
BYTE* p = (BYTE*)GetPixelAddress(0, 0); ASSERT(p);
if ( p == NULL ) { m_bTransIndex = 0; return; }
// get the pixel value and save it
m_bTransIndex = *p; }
// CSprite serialization
void CSprite::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { CDIB::Serialize(ar); if (ar.IsStoring()) { ar << (DWORD) m_x; ar << (DWORD) m_y; ar << (DWORD) m_z; } else { DWORD dw; ar >> dw; m_x = (int) dw; ar >> dw; m_y = (int) dw; ar >> dw; m_z = (int) dw; // now generate the other parameters from the DIB
Initialize(); } }
// CSprite commands
// Render a sprite to a DIB
void CSprite::Render(CDIB* pDIB, CRect* pClipRect) { ASSERT(pDIB);
// Get the sprite rectangle
CRect rcDraw; GetRect(&rcDraw);
// If a clip rectangle was supplied, see if the sprite
// is visible in the rectangle
if (pClipRect) { if (!rcDraw.IntersectRect(pClipRect, &rcDraw)) { return; // not visible
} } // Copy the image of the sprite
CopyBits(pDIB, // dest DIB
rcDraw.left, // dest x
rcDraw.top, // dest y
rcDraw.right - rcDraw.left, // width
rcDraw.bottom - rcDraw.top, // height
rcDraw.left - m_x, // source x
rcDraw.top - m_y, // source y
PALETTEINDEX(m_bTransIndex)); // trans color index
void PrintRGB(CDIB* pDib,int n) { RGBQUAD *prgb = pDib->GetClrTabAddress(); TRACE("%d>(%d,%d,%d)\n",n,prgb[n].rgbBlue, prgb[n].rgbGreen, prgb[n].rgbRed); }
void Copy(CDIB* pdibSrc,CDIB* pdibDest, int xd, int yd, int w, int h, int xs, int ys, COLORREF clrTrans) { ASSERT(pdibDest); // test for strange cases
if (w == 0 || h == 0) return;
// get pointers to the start points in the source
// and destination DIBs. Note that this will be the bottom left
// corner of the DIB as the scan lines are reversed in memory
BYTE* pSrc = (BYTE*)(pdibSrc->GetPixelAddress(xs, ys + h - 1)); ASSERT(pSrc); BYTE* pDest = (BYTE*)pdibDest->GetPixelAddress(xd, yd + h - 1); ASSERT(pDest);
// get the scan line widths of each DIB
int iScanS = pdibSrc->StorageWidth(); int iScanD = pdibDest->StorageWidth(); RGBQUAD *prgbSrc = pdibSrc->GetClrTabAddress(); RGBQUAD *prgbDest = pdibDest->GetClrTabAddress(); { // copy lines with transparency
// We only accept a PALETTEINDEX description
// for the color definition
BYTE bTransClr = LOBYTE(LOWORD(clrTrans)); int iSinc = iScanS - w; // source inc value
int iDinc = iScanD - w; // dest inc value
int iCount; BYTE pixel; while (h--) { iCount = w; // no of pixels to scan
while (iCount--) { pixel = *pSrc++; // only copy pixel if not transparent
if (pixel != bTransClr) { { *pDest++ = 1; } } else { pDest++; } } // move on to the next line
pSrc += iSinc; pDest += iDinc; } } }
void CSprite::Coverage(CDIB* pDIB) { ASSERT(pDIB);
// Get the sprite rectangle
CRect rcDraw; GetRect(&rcDraw);
// Copy the image of the sprite
Copy(this,pDIB, // dest DIB
0, // dest x
0, // dest y
DibWidth(), // width
DibHeight(), // height
0, // source x
0, // source y
PALETTEINDEX(m_bTransIndex)); // trans color index
// Load a sprite image from a disk file
BOOL CSprite::Load(CBitmap* pBmp) { if (!CDIB::Load(pBmp)) { return FALSE; } Initialize(); return TRUE; }
BOOL CSprite::Load(char* pszFileName) { if (!CDIB::Load(pszFileName)) { return FALSE; } Initialize(); /*
{ BYTE* pBits = NULL; HBITMAP hBmp; CDC* pDC = GetDC(); hBmp = CreateDIBSection(pDC->GetSafeHdc(), pBmpInfo, DIB_PAL_COLORS, (VOID **) &pBits, NULL, 0); ReleaseDC(pDC); Create(GetWidth } */ return TRUE; }
// Load a sprite image from a disk file
BOOL CSprite::Load(CFile *fp) { if (!CDIB::Load(fp)) { return FALSE; } Initialize(); return TRUE; }
// Map colors to palette
BOOL CSprite::MapColorsToPalette(CPalette *pPal) { BOOL bResult = CDIB::MapColorsToPalette(pPal); // get the transparency info again
// Note: local call only don't any derived class
CSprite::Initialize(); return bResult; }
// get the bounding rectangle
void CSprite::GetRect(CRect* pRect) { ASSERT(pRect); pRect->left = m_x; pRect->top = m_y; pRect->right = m_x + GetWidth(); pRect->bottom = m_y + GetHeight(); }
// Test for a hit in a non-transparent area
BOOL CSprite::HitTest(CPoint point) { // Test if the point is inside the sprite rectangle
if ((point.x > m_x) && (point.x < m_x + GetWidth()) && (point.y > m_y) && (point.y < m_y + GetHeight())) { // See if this point is transparent by testing to
// see if the pixel value is the same as the top
// left corner value. Note that top left of the
// image is bottom left in the DIB.
BYTE* p = (BYTE*)GetPixelAddress(point.x - m_x, point.y - m_y); if (( p != NULL ) && (*p != m_bTransIndex) ) { return TRUE; // hit
} } return FALSE; }
void CSprite::Disappear() { CRect rcOld; GetRect(&rcOld); if (m_pNotifyObj) { m_pNotifyObj->Change(this, CSpriteNotifyObj::IMAGE, &rcOld, NULL); } }
// set a new x,y position
void CSprite::SetPosition(int x, int y) { // Save the current position
CRect rcOld; GetRect(&rcOld); // move to new position
m_x = x; m_y = y; CRect rcNew; GetRect(&rcNew); // notify that we have moved from our old position to
// our new position
if (m_pNotifyObj) { m_pNotifyObj->Change(this, CSpriteNotifyObj::POSITION, &rcOld, &rcNew); } }
// Set a new Z order
void CSprite::SetZ(int z) { if (m_z != z) { m_z = z; // See if we have to notify anyone
if (m_pNotifyObj) { CRect rc; GetRect(&rc); m_pNotifyObj->Change(this, CSpriteNotifyObj::ZORDER, &rc); } } }