<% Option explicit
Response.Expires = 0
Dim Conn,Comm,RS,BugID,addfn,FldLinks %> <!-- Display links ( attachments, linked bugs ) for a given bug
QueryString : bugid=# ( bug # ) type=# ( link type: 3 = attach file, 1= related bugs, 0=duplicate, 6=dependent --> <html> <head>
<style type="text/css"> .act {color:menutext; background:menu; cursor:default} #bug {font-size:8pt} .vis {} .unvis {display:none} .inp {font-size:8pt; height:18; width:70; color:black; background:menu} .inpenab {font-size:8pt; height:18; width:70;} .titl {background:menu} .titlenab {} .fl {background:white; cursor:default} .hd {} .ac {width:60pt} </style>
<script language="JavaScript">
// // download // // download attached file // // event: // row in array of links //
function download() { ix = event.srcElement.parentElement.rowIndex - 1; if ( ix > -1 ) { f = document.all.item("FileName", ix).value; if ( f.substr(f.length-1,1) == "." ) f = f.substr(0, f.length-1); s = "r<%Response.Write Application("dbFileShareDir")(Session("DBSOURCE"))%>" + "/" + document.all.item("OriginalName", ix).value + "?_RAID_NAME_=" + f; window.open( s ); } }
// // showbug // // display details for selected bug // // event: // row in array of links //
function showbug() { ix = event.srcElement.parentElement.rowIndex - 1; if ( ix > -1 ) { s = "/scripts/raid/raid3.asp?BugID=" + document.all.item("LinkedBugID", ix).value; window.open( s ); } }
// // upload // // upload new attached file //
function upload() { v = window.showModalDialog( "upload.asp?bugid=" + document.all.up.bugid.value, "upload", "dialogWidth:300pt; dialogHeight:100pt" );
// // return value will be "uploaded" if request was sent to posting acceptor, // otherwise will be LinkID generated as placeholder for result of transfer // so if not "uploaded" then we must remove new record in links table //
if ( v != "uploaded" ) { document.all.up.linkid.value = v; document.all.up.action.value = "del"; document.all.up.submit(); }
location.reload(); }
// // delattach // // delete file attachement ( in SQL DB & file system ) //
function delattach() { ix = event.srcElement.parentElement.rowIndex - 1; if ( ix > -1 ) { //document.all.dela.target = ""; //document.all.dela.action = "/scripts/raid/<%=Application("dbFileShareDir")(Session("DBSOURCE"))%>/" + document.all.item("Filename", ix).value + "pac"; //document.all.dela.submit();
// // invoke ISAPI DLL to remove file //
w = window.open( "/scripts/raid/<%=Application("dbFileShareDir")(Session("DBSOURCE"))%>/" + document.all.item("Filename", ix).value + "pac?del=", "dela", "" ); //w.reload(); w.close();
// // invoke ASP to update RAID DB //
document.all.up.linkid.value = document.all.item("LinkID", ix).value; document.all.up.action.value = "delattach"; document.all.up.submit(); } }
function addlinkedbug( title ) { bi = prompt( title + " bug number:", "" ); if ( bi != null ) { document.all.up.linkedbug.value = bi; document.all.up.action.value = "add"; document.all.up.submit(); } }
function dellinkedbug() { ix = event.srcElement.parentElement.rowIndex - 1; if ( ix > -1 ) { document.all.up.linkid.value = document.all.item("LinkID", ix).value; document.all.up.action.value = "del"; document.all.up.submit(); } }
</head> <body bgcolor=#c0c0c0> <% ' EnumLinks: enumerate links in FldLinks array ' title: array of titles ' fld: array of field indexes in FldLinks ' onlick: client function for onclick event
SUB EnumLinks(title,ondblclick,fld,ondelete) Dim i,j,mx,n
Response.Write "<table id=lnk>" Response.Write "<thead><tr><th></th>" for i = 0 to UBound(title) Response.Write "<th class=hd>" & title(i) & "</th>" next Response.Write "</tr></thead><tbody>" if vbNull <> VarType(FldLinks) then mx = UBound(FldLinks,2) for i = 0 to mx Response.Write "<tr><td onclick=" & chr(34) & ondelete & chr(34) & ">Delete</td>" for j = 0 to UBound(fld) Response.Write "<td class=fl ondblclick=" & chr(34) & ondblclick & chr(34) & ">" & FldLinks(fld(j),i) & "</td>" next j = 0 for each n in RS.Fields Response.Write "<td><input type=hidden id=" & chr(34) & n.Name & chr(34) & " name=" & chr(34) & n.Name & chr(34) & " value=" & chr(34) & FldLinks(j,i) & chr(34) & "></input></td>" j = j + 1 next Response.Write "</tr>" next end if END SUB
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set Comm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Conn.Open Session("DSN") Set Comm.ActiveConnection = Conn rem RS.CursorType = adOpenStatic Set RS.Source = Comm
Response.Write "<script language=" & chr(34) & "JavaScript" & chr(34) & ">" Response.Write "</script>"
BugID = Request.QueryString("bugid")
Comm.CommandText = "Select LinkID,FileName,OriginalName,LinkedBugID,TokenID from links where BugID=" & BugID & " AND fDeleted=0 AND Type=" & Request.QueryString("type") rem Response.Write Comm.CommandText RS.Open if NOT RS.EOF then FldLinks = RS.GetRows() else FldLinks = NULL end if
Response.Write "<table><tbody><tr><td><form id=" & chr(34) & "link" & "name=" & chr(34) & "link" & chr(34) & ">" Response.Write "<input type=hidden name=" & chr(34) & "bugid" & chr(34) & " id=" & chr(34) & "bugid" & chr(34) & " value=" & chr(34) & BugID & chr(34) & "></input>"
Select case Request.QueryString("type") case 3 EnumLinks Array("Attached Files"), "download()", Array(2), "delattach()" addfn = "upload()" case 1 EnumLinks Array("Related bugs"), "showbug()", Array(3), "dellinkedbug()" addfn = "addlinkedbug('Related')" case 0 EnumLinks Array("Duplicate bugs"), "showbug()", Array(3), "dellinkedbug()" addfn = "addlinkedbug('Duplicate')" case 6 EnumLinks Array("Dependent bugs"), "showbug()", Array(3), "dellinkedbug()" addfn = "addlinkedbug('Dependent')" end select
Response.Write "</tbody></table></form></td>"
RS.Close Conn.Close %> <td> <button onclick="<%=addfn%>" class="ac">Add</button><br> <button onclick="window.close()" class="ac">Close</button><br> </td></tr></table> <div style="display:none"> <form id="up" action="/scripts/raid/addlink.asp" method=post> <input id="linkedbug" name="linkedbug" type=hidden> <input id="action" name="action" type=hidden> <input id="bugid" name="bugid" value="<%=BugID%>" type=hidden> <input id="linkid" name="linkid" value="" type=hidden> <input id="type" name="type" value="<%=Request.QueryString("type")%>" type=hidden> <input id="tokenid" name="tokenid" value="<%=Application("dbTokenID")(Session("DBSOURCE"))%>" type=hidden> </form> </div> </body> </html>