#ifndef __D3DOBJ_HPP__
#define __D3DOBJ_HPP__
* * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: d3dobj.hpp * Content: Base class header for resources and buffers * * ***************************************************************************/
// Helper function for parameter checking
inline BOOL IsPowerOfTwo(DWORD dwNumber) { if (dwNumber == 0 || (dwNumber & (dwNumber-1)) != 0) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } // IsPowerOfTwo
// forward decls
class CBaseObject;
// Entry-points that are inside/part of a device/enum may need to
// take a critical section. They do this by putting this
// line of code at the beginning of the API.
// Use API_ENTER for APIs that return an HRESULT;
// Use API_ENTER_RET for APIs that return a struct (as an out param)
// Use API_ENTER_VOID for APIs that return void.
// Use API_ENTER_SUBOBJECT_RELEASE for Release methods on sub-objects.
// Use API_ENTER_NOLOCK for Release methods on the Device or Enum itself.
// Use API_ENTER_NOLOCK for AddRef on anything.
// (Release is special because the action of release may cause the
// destruction of the device/enum; which would free the critical section
// before we got a chance to call Unlock on that critical section.)
// The class CLockOwner is a common base class for both CBaseDevice
// and CEnum.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define API_ENTER(pLockOwner) \
if (IsBadWritePtr((void *)this, sizeof(*this)) || \ IsBadWritePtr((void *)pLockOwner, sizeof(*pLockOwner)) || \ !pLockOwner->IsValid()) \ { \ DPF_ERR("Invalid 'this' parameter to D3D8 API."); \ return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; \ } \ CLockD3D _lock(pLockOwner, DPF_MODNAME, __FILE__)
// Use this for API's that return something other than an HRESULT
#define API_ENTER_RET(pLockOwner, RetType) \
if (IsBadWritePtr((void *)this, sizeof(*this)) || \ IsBadWritePtr((void *)pLockOwner, sizeof(*pLockOwner)) || \ !pLockOwner->IsValid()) \ { \ DPF_ERR("Invalid 'this' parameter to D3D8 API.."); \ /* We only allow DWORD types of returns for compat */ \ /* with C users. */ \ return (RetType)0; \ } \ CLockD3D _lock(pLockOwner, DPF_MODNAME, __FILE__)
// Use this for API's that return void
#define API_ENTER_VOID(pLockOwner) \
if (IsBadWritePtr((void *)this, sizeof(*this)) || \ IsBadWritePtr((void *)pLockOwner, sizeof(*pLockOwner)) || \ !pLockOwner->IsValid()) \ { \ DPF_ERR("Invalid 'this' parameter to D3D8 API..."); \ return; \ } \ CLockD3D _lock(pLockOwner, DPF_MODNAME, __FILE__)
// Use this for Release API's of subobjects i.e. not Device or Enum
if (IsBadWritePtr((void *)this, sizeof(*this)) || \ IsBadWritePtr((void *)pLockOwner, sizeof(*pLockOwner)) || \ !pLockOwner->IsValid()) \ { \ DPF_ERR("Invalid 'this' parameter to D3D8 API...."); \ return 0; \ } \ CLockD3D _lock(pLockOwner, DPF_MODNAME, __FILE__, TRUE)
// Use this for API tracing for methods
// that don't need a crit-sec lock at-all in Retail.
#define API_ENTER_NO_LOCK_HR(pLockOwner) \
if (IsBadWritePtr((void *)this, sizeof(*this)) || \ IsBadWritePtr((void *)pLockOwner, sizeof(*pLockOwner)) || \ !pLockOwner->IsValid()) \ { \ DPF_ERR("Invalid 'this' parameter to D3D8 API....."); \ return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; \ } \ CNoLockD3D _noLock(DPF_MODNAME, __FILE__)
// Use this for API tracing for Release for the device or enum
// (which is special; see note above). Also for AddRef for anything
#define API_ENTER_NO_LOCK(pLockOwner) \
if (IsBadWritePtr((void *)this, sizeof(*this)) || \ IsBadWritePtr((void *)pLockOwner, sizeof(*pLockOwner)) || \ !pLockOwner->IsValid()) \ { \ DPF_ERR("Invalid 'this' parameter to D3D8 API......"); \ return 0; \ } \ CNoLockD3D _noLock(DPF_MODNAME, __FILE__)
#else // !DEBUG
#define API_ENTER(pLockOwner) \
CLockD3D _lock(pLockOwner)
#define API_ENTER_RET(pLockOwner, RetType) \
CLockD3D _lock(pLockOwner)
#define API_ENTER_VOID(pLockOwner) \
CLockD3D _lock(pLockOwner)
CLockD3D _lock(pLockOwner, TRUE)
#define API_ENTER_NO_LOCK(pLockOwner)
#define API_ENTER_NO_LOCK_HR(pLockOwner)
#endif // !DEBUG
// This is a locking object that is supposed to work with
// the device/enum to determine whether and which critical section needs to
// be taken. The use of a destructor means that "Unlock" will happen
// automatically as part of the destructor
class CLockD3D { public:
#ifdef DEBUG
CLockD3D(CLockOwner *pLockOwner, char *moduleName, char *fileName, BOOL bSubObjectRelease = FALSE) #else // !DEBUG
CLockD3D(CLockOwner *pLockOwner, BOOL bSubObjectRelease = FALSE) #endif // !DEBUG
{ // Remember the device
m_pLockOwner = pLockOwner;
// Add-ref the LockOwner if there is a risk that
// that we might cause the LockOwner to go away in processing
// the current function i.e. SubObject Release
if (bSubObjectRelease) { m_pLockOwner->AddRefOwner(); // Remember to unlock it
m_bNeedToReleaseLockOwner = TRUE; } else { // No need to AddRef/Release the device
m_bNeedToReleaseLockOwner = FALSE; }
// Ask the LockOwner to take a lock for us
#ifdef DEBUG
m_Count++; DPF(6, "*** LOCK_D3D: CNT = %ld %s %s", m_Count, moduleName, fileName); #endif
} // CD3DLock
~CLockD3D() { #ifdef DEBUG
DPF(6, "*** UNLOCK_D3D: CNT = %ld", m_Count); m_Count--; #endif // DEBUG
// Call Release if we need to
if (m_bNeedToReleaseLockOwner) m_pLockOwner->ReleaseOwner(); } // ~CD3DLock
#ifdef DEBUG
static DWORD m_Count; #endif // DEBUG
CLockOwner *m_pLockOwner; BOOL m_bNeedToReleaseLockOwner; }; // class CLockD3D
#ifdef DEBUG
// Helper debug-only class for API tracing
class CNoLockD3D { public: CNoLockD3D(char *moduleName, char *fileName) { DPF(6, "*** LOCK_D3D: Module= %s %s", moduleName, fileName); } // CD3DLock
~CNoLockD3D() { DPF(6, "*** UNLOCK_D3D:"); } // ~CD3DLock
}; // CNoLockD3D
#endif // DEBUG
// This header file contains the base class for all resources and buffers x
// types of objects
// The CBaseObject class contains functionality for the following
// services which can be used by the derived classes:
// AddRefImpl/ReleaseImpl
// Get/SetPrivateDataImpl data
// OpenDeviceImpl
// Base objects should allocated with "new" which is means that they
// should be 32-byte aligned by our default allocator.
// Resources inherit from CBaseObject and add functionality for
// priority
// Add-ref semantics for these objects is complex; a constructor
// flag indicates how/when/if the object will add-ref the device.
typedef enum { // External objects add-ref the device; they are
// freed by calling Release()
// Intrinsic objects don't add-ref the device
// except for additional add-refs. They are freed
// when the number of releases equals the number of
// addrefs AND the device has called DecrUseCount
// on the object.
// Internal is like intrinsic except that we
// assert that no one should ever call AddRef or Release
// on this object at all. To free it, you have to
// call DecrUseCount
class CBaseObject { public:
// Provides access to the two handles represent
// this object to the DDI/TokenStream. Specifically,
// this represents the Real Sys-Mem data in the
// case of Managed Resources. (To find
// the vid-mem mapping for a managed resource;
// see resource.hpp)
DWORD BaseDrawPrimHandle() const { return D3D8GetDrawPrimHandle(m_hKernelHandle); } // DrawPrimHandle
HANDLE BaseKernelHandle() const { return m_hKernelHandle; } // KernelHandle
// NOTE: No internal object should ever add-ref another
// internal object; otherwise we may end up with ref-count
// cycles that prevent anything from ever going away.
// Instead, an internal object may mark another internal
// object as being "InUse" which will force it to be kept
// in memory until it is no-longer in use (and the ref-count
// is zero.)
// Internal Implementations of AddRef and Release
DWORD AddRefImpl(); DWORD ReleaseImpl();
DWORD IncrementUseCount() { DXGASSERT(m_refType != REF_INTERNAL || m_cRef == 0); m_cUseCount++; return m_cUseCount; } // IncrUseCount
DWORD DecrementUseCount() { DXGASSERT(m_refType != REF_INTERNAL || m_cRef == 0); DXGASSERT(m_cUseCount > 0); m_cUseCount--; if (m_cUseCount == 0 && m_cRef == 0) { // Before deleting a BaseObject,
// we need to call OnDestroy to make sure that
// there is nothing pending in the command
// stream that uses this object
// Ok; now safe to delete the object
delete this; return 0; } return m_cUseCount; } // DecrUseCount
// Internal implementation functions for
// the PrivateData set of methods
HRESULT SetPrivateDataImpl(REFGUID refguidTag, CONST VOID* pvData, DWORD cbSize, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE iLevel); HRESULT GetPrivateDataImpl(REFGUID refguidTag, LPVOID pvBuffer, LPDWORD pcbSize, BYTE iLevel) const; HRESULT FreePrivateDataImpl(REFGUID refguidTag, BYTE iLevel);
// Implements the OpenDevice method
HRESULT GetDeviceImpl(IDirect3DDevice8 ** ppvInterface) const { if (!VALID_PTR_PTR(ppvInterface)) { DPF_ERR("Invalid ppvInterface parameter passed to GetDevice"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; }
return m_pDevice->QueryInterface(IID_IDirect3DDevice8, (void**) ppvInterface); }; // OpenDeviceImpl
CBaseDevice * Device() const { return m_pDevice; } // Device
// Method to for swapping the underlying identity of
// a surface. Caller must make sure that we're not locked
// or other such badness.
void SwapKernelHandles(HANDLE *phKernelHandle) { DXGASSERT(m_hKernelHandle != NULL); DXGASSERT(*phKernelHandle != NULL);
HANDLE tmp = m_hKernelHandle; m_hKernelHandle = *phKernelHandle; *phKernelHandle = tmp; }
protected: // The following are methods that are only
// accessible by derived classes: they don't make
// sense for other classes to call explicitly.
// Constructor
CBaseObject(CBaseDevice *pDevice, REF_TYPE ref = REF_EXTERNAL) : m_pDevice(pDevice), m_refType(ref), m_hKernelHandle(NULL) { DXGASSERT(m_pDevice); DXGASSERT(m_refType == REF_EXTERNAL || m_refType == REF_INTRINSIC || m_refType == REF_INTERNAL);
m_pPrivateDataHead = NULL; if (ref == REF_EXTERNAL) { // External objects add-ref the device
// as well as having their own reference
// count set to one
m_pDevice->AddRef(); m_cRef = 1; m_cUseCount = 0; } else { // Internal and intrinsic objects have no
// initial ref-count; but they are
// marked as InUse; the device frees them
// by calling DecrUseCount
m_cUseCount = 1; m_cRef = 0; } }; // CBaseObject
// The destructor is marked virtual so that delete calls to
// the base interface will be handled properly
virtual ~CBaseObject() { DXGASSERT(m_pDevice); DXGASSERT(m_cRef == 0); DXGASSERT(m_cUseCount == 0);
CPrivateDataNode *pNode = m_pPrivateDataHead; while (pNode) { CPrivateDataNode *pNodeNext = pNode->m_pNodeNext; delete pNode; pNode = pNodeNext; }
if (m_refType == REF_EXTERNAL) { // Release our reference on the
// device
m_pDevice->Release(); } }; // ~CBaseObject
// OnDestroy function is called just
// before an object is about to get deleted; we
// use this to provide synching as well as notification
// to FE when a texture is going away.
virtual void OnDestroy() { // Not all classes have to worry about this;
// so the default is to do nothing.
}; // OnDestroy
void SetKernelHandle(HANDLE hKernelHandle) { // This better be null; or we either leaking something
// or we had some uninitialized stuff that will hurt later
DXGASSERT(m_hKernelHandle == NULL);
// Remember our handles
m_hKernelHandle = hKernelHandle;
DXGASSERT(m_hKernelHandle != NULL); } // SetHandle
BOOL IsInUse() { return (m_cUseCount > 0); } // IsInUse
private: //
// RefCount must be DWORD aligned
DWORD m_cRef;
// Keep a "Use Count" which indicates whether
// the device (or other object tied to the lifetime of
// the device) is relying on this object from staying around.
// This is used to prevent ref-count cycles that would
// occur whenever something like SetTexture add-ref'ed the
// the texture that was passed in.
DWORD m_cUseCount;
// Keep Track of the device that owns this object
// This is an add-ref'ed value
CBaseDevice *m_pDevice;
// We need an internal handle so that
// we can communicate to the driver/kernel.
// Note that the base object does not release this
// and it is the responsibility of the derived
// class to do so.
HANDLE m_hKernelHandle;
// Keep track of list of private data objects
class CPrivateDataNode; CPrivateDataNode *m_pPrivateDataHead;
// Need to keep track of an intrinsic flag
// to decide whether to release the device on
// free
// CONSIDER: Try to merge this flag into some
// other variable.
REF_TYPE m_refType;
// Helper function to find the right node
CPrivateDataNode* Find(REFGUID refguidTag, BYTE iLevel) const;
// Each private data is stored in this node
// object which is only used for this purpose
// by this class
class CPrivateDataNode { public: CPrivateDataNode() {}; ~CPrivateDataNode() { Cleanup(); } // ~CPrivateDateNode
GUID m_guid; CPrivateDataNode *m_pNodeNext; DWORD m_cbSize; DWORD m_dwFlags; BYTE m_iLevel; union { void *m_pvData; IUnknown *m_pUnknown; };
void Cleanup(); }; // CPrivateDataNode
}; // class CBaseObject
// Helper class for all surface types
class CBaseSurface : public IDirect3DSurface8 { public: CBaseSurface() : m_isLocked(FALSE) {}
// Methods to allow D3D methods to treat all surface
// variants the same way
virtual DWORD DrawPrimHandle() const PURE; virtual HANDLE KernelHandle() const PURE;
// See CBaseObject::IncrementUseCount and
// CBaseObject::DecrementUseCount and the
// description of the REF_TYPEs above.
virtual DWORD IncrementUseCount() PURE; virtual DWORD DecrementUseCount() PURE;
// Batching logic is necessary to make sure
// that the command buffer is flushed before
// any read or write access is made to a
// a surface. This should be called at
// SetRenderTarget time; and it should be
// called for the currently set rendertarget
// and zbuffer when the batch count is updated
virtual void Batch() PURE;
// Sync should be called when a surface is
// about to be modified; Normally this is taken
// care of automatically by Lock; but it also
// needs to be called prior to using the Blt
// DDI.
virtual void Sync() PURE;
// Internal lock functions bypass
// parameter checking and also whether the
// surface marked as Lockable or LockOnce
// etc.
virtual HRESULT InternalLockRect(D3DLOCKED_RECT *pLockedRectData, CONST RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags) PURE; virtual HRESULT InternalUnlockRect() PURE;
BOOL IsLocked() const { return m_isLocked; }; // IsLocked
// Determines if a LOAD_ONCE surface has already
// been loaded
virtual BOOL IsLoaded() const PURE;
// Provides a method to access basic structure of the
// pieces of the resource.
virtual D3DSURFACE_DESC InternalGetDesc() const PURE;
// Access the device of the surface
virtual CBaseDevice *InternalGetDevice() const PURE;
public: BOOL m_isLocked;
}; // class CBaseSurface
#endif // __D3DOBJ_HPP__