Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
interface to usb2lib, usb2 low/full speed scheduling algorithms
kernel or user mode only
Revision History:
10-31-00 : created
#include "common.h"
VOID USB2LIB_InitializeLib( PULONG HcContextSize, PULONG EndpointContextSize, PULONG TtContextSize, PUSB2LIB_DBGPRINT Usb2LibDbgPrint, PUSB2LIB_DBGBREAK Usb2LibDbgBreak ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { *HcContextSize = sizeof(USB2LIB_HC_CONTEXT); *TtContextSize = sizeof(USB2LIB_TT_CONTEXT); *EndpointContextSize = sizeof(USB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT);
LibData.DbgPrint = Usb2LibDbgPrint; LibData.DbgBreak = Usb2LibDbgBreak; }
VOID USB2LIB_InitController( PUSB2LIB_HC_CONTEXT HcContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called at init time for an instance of the USB 2 controller
Return Value:
--*/ { DBGPRINT(("USB2LIB_InitController %x\n", HcContext));
HcContext->Sig = SIG_LIB_HC; init_hc(&HcContext->Hc); init_tt(&HcContext->Hc, &HcContext->DummyTt); // set up dummy TT for use by HS endpoints
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { DBGPRINT(("USB2LIB_InitTt %x %x\n", HcContext, TtContext)); TtContext->Sig = SIG_LIB_TT; init_tt(&HcContext->Hc, &TtContext->Tt); }
#if 1
void Shift_to_list_end( int move_ep, PEndpoint RebalanceList[] ) { // int i;
PEndpoint ep = RebalanceList[move_ep];
move_ep++; while (RebalanceList[move_ep]) { RebalanceList[move_ep-1] = RebalanceList[move_ep]; move_ep++; } RebalanceList[move_ep-1] = ep; } #endif
BOOLEAN Promote_endpoint_periods( PEndpoint ep, PEndpoint RebalanceList[], PULONG RebalanceListEntries ) { int unwind = 0, check_ep; unsigned result;
if ((ep->actual_period != 1) && (ep->ep_type == interrupt) && (ep->start_microframe > 2)) { DBGPRINT((">Period Promotion of allocated endpoint\n"));
// To promote an endpoint period:
// 0) unwind = false
// 1) deallocate original endpoint
// 2) change new ep period to 1
// 3) (re)allocate new endpoint (with new period 1)
// 4) if successful
// 5) check endpoints in change list for need of period promotion
// 6) deallocate endpoint, move to end of change list, change period to 1, reallocate
// 7) if unsuccessful
// 8) unwind = true; break
// 9) next ep
//10) if unwind
//11) deallocate orginal ep
//12) check change list for promotion endpoint(s)
//13) if promoted ep
//14) deallocate ep, change back to original period, allocate
//15) next ep
//16) return false
//17) else return true
//18) else return false
// On return, change list will have promoted endpoints in order of reallocation, but it is possible
// to have other endpoints interspersed with the promoted endpoints. The corresponding schedule of endpoints
// must be adjusted to match the order of the promoted endpoints (since they are reinserted into the budget).
// The promoted endpoints (except the original endpoint) are moved to the end of the change list as the
// promotion reallocations are done to ensure that they are in the change list in the order of insertion
// into the budget. This allows the scheduler to derive the new schedule/budget order from the order the
// promoted endpoints appear in the change list.
// This algorithm (critically) depends on the Allocate/Deallocate "appending"/reusing an existing change list
// as the "final" change list is composed during the period promotion processing is performed.
Deallocate_time_for_endpoint(ep, RebalanceList, RebalanceListEntries);
ep->saved_period = ep->period; ep->period = 1;
// 3) (re)allocate new endpoint (with new period 1)
result = Allocate_time_for_endpoint(ep, RebalanceList, RebalanceListEntries); if (!result) { ep->period = ep->saved_period; ep->saved_period = 0; ep->promoted_this_time = 0; return 0; // failed period promotion of original endpoint
} }
check_ep = 0; while (RebalanceList[check_ep]) { RebalanceList[check_ep]->promoted_this_time = 0; check_ep++; }
check_ep = 0; while (RebalanceList[check_ep]) { if ((RebalanceList[check_ep]->actual_period != 1) && (RebalanceList[check_ep]->ep_type == interrupt) && (RebalanceList[check_ep]->start_microframe > 2)) {
// 6) deallocate endpoint, move to end of change list, change period to 1, reallocate
DBGPRINT((">Period Promoting endpoint\n"));
Deallocate_time_for_endpoint( RebalanceList[check_ep], RebalanceList, RebalanceListEntries);
// Shift_to_list_end(check_ep, RebalanceList);
RebalanceList[check_ep]->promoted_this_time = 1;
RebalanceList[check_ep]->saved_period = RebalanceList[check_ep]->period; RebalanceList[check_ep]->period = 1;
result = Allocate_time_for_endpoint( RebalanceList[check_ep], RebalanceList, RebalanceListEntries); if (!result) { unwind = 1; break; } } check_ep++; }
if (unwind) {
DBGPRINT((">Unwinding Promoted endpoints\n"));
//11) deallocate orginal ep
Deallocate_time_for_endpoint( ep, RebalanceList, RebalanceListEntries);
ep->period = ep->saved_period; ep->saved_period = 0;
//12) check change list for promotion endpoint(s)
check_ep = 0;
while (RebalanceList[check_ep]) {
//13) if promoted ep
if (RebalanceList[check_ep]->promoted_this_time) {
//14) deallocate ep, change back to original period, allocate
DBGPRINT((">Reallocating Unpromoted endpoint\n"));
if(RebalanceList[check_ep]->calc_bus_time != 0) Deallocate_time_for_endpoint( RebalanceList[check_ep], RebalanceList, RebalanceListEntries);
RebalanceList[check_ep]->period = RebalanceList[check_ep]->saved_period; RebalanceList[check_ep]->saved_period = 0; // Leave the promoted flag set since order could have changed.
// schedule must be reconciled accordingly by the HC code.
//RebalanceList[check_ep]->promoted_this_time = 0;
result = Allocate_time_for_endpoint( RebalanceList[check_ep], RebalanceList, RebalanceListEntries); } check_ep++; }
return 0; } else { return 1; }
BOOLEAN USB2LIB_AllocUsb2BusTime( PUSB2LIB_HC_CONTEXT HcContext, PUSB2LIB_TT_CONTEXT TtContext, PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT EndpointContext, PUSB2LIB_BUDGET_PARAMETERS Budget, PVOID RebalanceContext, PVOID RebalanceList, PULONG RebalanceListEntries ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { eptype endpointType; unsigned direction, speed; //PEndpoint changed_ep_list[];
unsigned result; //unsigned changed_eps;
PEndpoint ep; BOOLEAN alloced; ULONG ilop; PREBALANCE_LIST rbl; PTT tt; ep = &EndpointContext->Ep; EndpointContext->Sig = SIG_LIB_EP; EndpointContext->RebalanceContext = RebalanceContext;
//changed_ep_list = RebalanceList;
switch (Budget->TransferType) { case Budget_Iso: DBGPRINT((">Iso \n")); endpointType = isoch; break; case Budget_Interrupt: DBGPRINT((">Interrupt \n")); endpointType = interrupt; break; default: TEST_TRAP(); }
if (Budget->Direction == Budget_In) { DBGPRINT((">In \n")); direction = INDIR; } else { DBGPRINT((">Out \n")); direction = OUTDIR; }
switch (Budget->Speed) { case Budget_FullSpeed: DBGPRINT((">FullSpeed \n")); speed = FSSPEED; tt = &TtContext->Tt; break; case Budget_HighSpeed: DBGPRINT((">HighSpeed \n")); speed = HSSPEED; tt = &HcContext->DummyTt; // set endpoint to dummy TT so HC can be reached
break; case Budget_LowSpeed: DBGPRINT((">LowSpeed \n")); speed = LSSPEED; tt = &TtContext->Tt; break; default: DBGPRINT(("BAD SPEED\n")); }
DBGPRINT((">Period %d\n", Budget->Period));
if(Budget->Speed == Budget_HighSpeed) { // This value should be a power of 2, so we don't have to check
// but limit its value to MAXFRAMES * 8
if(Budget->Period > MAXMICROFRAMES) { Budget->Period = MAXMICROFRAMES; } } else { // We are full / low speed endpoint
// Round down the period to the nearest power of two (if it isn't already)
for(ilop = MAXFRAMES; ilop >= 1; ilop = ilop >> 1) { if(Budget->Period >= ilop) { break; } } Budget->Period = ilop; }
DBGPRINT((">MaxPacket %d\n", Budget->MaxPacket)); DBGPRINT((">Converted Period %d\n", Budget->Period)); DBGPRINT((">RebalanceListEntries %d\n", *RebalanceListEntries));
Set_endpoint( ep, endpointType, direction, speed, Budget->Period, Budget->MaxPacket, tt);
// ask John Garney to do the math
DBGPRINT((">alloc (ep) %x \n", ep)); result = Allocate_time_for_endpoint(ep, RebalanceList, RebalanceListEntries);
// check if successful, period != 1, interrupt, and "late" in frame,
// then need to promote period to 1
// DBGPRINT((">Executing Promote_endpoint_periods (ep) %x \n", ep));
if (result) { result = Promote_endpoint_periods(ep, RebalanceList, RebalanceListEntries); }
// nonzero indicates success
if (result) { // set return parameters
DBGPRINT((">Results\n")); DBGPRINT((">num_starts %d \n", ep->num_starts)); DBGPRINT((">num_completes %d \n", ep->num_completes)); DBGPRINT((">start_microframe %d \n", ep->start_microframe)); // this is the schedule offset
DBGPRINT((">start_frame %d \n", ep->start_frame)); // period awarded, may be less than requested
DBGPRINT((">actual_period %d \n", ep->actual_period)); DBGPRINT((">start_time %d \n", ep->start_time)); DBGPRINT((">calc_bus_time %d \n", ep->calc_bus_time)); DBGPRINT((">promoted_this_time %d \n", ep->promoted_this_time)); alloced = TRUE; } else { alloced = FALSE; }
// fix up rebalance list
rbl = RebalanceList; ilop = 0; while (rbl->RebalanceContext[ilop]) { PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT endpointContext; DBGPRINT((">rb[%d] %x\n", ilop, rbl->RebalanceContext[ilop])); endpointContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(rbl->RebalanceContext[ilop], struct _USB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT, Ep); rbl->RebalanceContext[ilop] = endpointContext->RebalanceContext; ilop++; }
DBGPRINT((">Change List Size = %d RBE = %d\n", ilop, *RebalanceListEntries));
*RebalanceListEntries = ilop; return alloced; }
VOID USB2LIB_FreeUsb2BusTime( PUSB2LIB_HC_CONTEXT HcContext, PUSB2LIB_TT_CONTEXT TtContext, PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT EndpointContext, PVOID RebalanceList, PULONG RebalanceListEntries ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { unsigned result; PEndpoint ep; PREBALANCE_LIST rbl; ULONG i;
// ASSERT(EndpointContext->Sig == SIG_LIB_EP);
ep = &EndpointContext->Ep;
DBGPRINT((">dealloc ep Context = 0x%x (ep) %x \n", EndpointContext, ep)); DBGPRINT((">RebalanceListEntries %d \n", *RebalanceListEntries)); Deallocate_time_for_endpoint(ep, RebalanceList, RebalanceListEntries);
// fix up rebalance list
rbl = RebalanceList; i = 0; while (rbl->RebalanceContext[i]) { PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT endpointContext; DBGPRINT((">rb[%d] %x\n", i, rbl->RebalanceContext[i])); endpointContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(rbl->RebalanceContext[i], struct _USB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT, Ep); rbl->RebalanceContext[i] = endpointContext->RebalanceContext; i++; } DBGPRINT((">Change List Size = %d RBE = %d\n", i, *RebalanceListEntries));
*RebalanceListEntries = i; }
VOID ConvertBtoHFrame(UCHAR BFrame, UCHAR BUFrame, PUCHAR HFrame, PUCHAR HUFrame) { // The budgeter returns funky values that we have to convert to something
// that the host controller understands.
// If bus micro frame is -1, that means that the start split is scheduled
// in the last microframe of the previous bus frame.
// to convert to hframes, you simply change the microframe to 0 and
// keep the bus frame (see one of the tables in the host controller spec
// eg 4-17.
if(BUFrame == 0xFF) { *HUFrame = 0; *HFrame = BFrame; } // if the budgeter returns a value in the range from 0-6
// we simply add one to the bus micro frame to get the host
// microframe
if(BUFrame >= 0 && BUFrame <= 6) { *HUFrame = BUFrame + 1; *HFrame = BFrame; }
// if the budgeter returns a value of 7 for the bframe
// then the HUframe = 0 and the HUframe = buframe +1
if(BUFrame == 7) { *HUFrame = 0; *HFrame = BFrame + 1; } }
Ep = &EndpointContext->Ep; // ASSERT(EndpointContext->Sig == SIG_LIB_EP);
if(Ep->speed == HSSPEED) { //DBGPRINT(("in GetSMASK StartUFrame on High Speed Endpoint = 0x%x\n", Ep->start_microframe));
tmp |= 1 << Ep->start_microframe; } else { ULONG ilop; UCHAR HFrame; // H (Host) frame for endpoint
UCHAR HUFrame; // H (Host) micro frame for endpoint
// For Full and Low Speed Endpoints
// the budgeter returns a bframe. Convert to HUFrame to get SMASK
ConvertBtoHFrame((UCHAR)Ep->start_frame, (UCHAR)Ep->start_microframe, &HFrame, &HUFrame);
for(ilop = 0; ilop < Ep->num_starts; ilop++) { tmp |= 1 << HUFrame++; } }
return tmp; }
// I'm too brain dead to calculate this so just do table lookup
// Calculated by 1 << Start H Frame + 2. If Start H Frame + 2 > 7 wrap the bits
// to the lower part of the word
// eg. hframe 0 +2 means cmask in frames 2,3,4 ==> cmask 0x1c
// eg. hframe 5 + 2 means cmasks in frames 7, 8, 9 which means cmask 0x83
#define SIZE_OF_CMASK 8
static UCHAR CMASKS [SIZE_OF_CMASK] = { 0x1c, // Start HUFRAME 0
0x38, // Start HUFRAME 1
0x70, // Start HUFRAME 2
0xE0, // Start HUFRAME 3
0xC1, // Start HUFRAME 4
0x83, // Start HUFRAME 5
0x07, // Start HUFRAME 6
0x0E, // Start HUFRAME 7
Ep = &EndpointContext->Ep; // ASSERT(EndpointContext->Sig == SIG_LIB_EP);
if(Ep->speed == HSSPEED) { return 0; } else if(Ep->ep_type == interrupt) { UCHAR HFrame; // H (Host) frame for endpoint
UCHAR HUFrame; // H (Host) micro frame for endpoint
ConvertBtoHFrame((UCHAR)Ep->start_frame, (UCHAR)Ep->start_microframe, &HFrame, &HUFrame);
return CMASKS[HUFrame]; } else { // Split ISO!
UCHAR HFrame; // H (Host) frame for endpoint
UCHAR HUFrame; // H (Host) micro frame for endpoint
UCHAR tmp; ULONG NumCompletes;
if(Ep->direction == OUTDIR) { // Split iso out -- NO complete splits
return 0; } ConvertBtoHFrame((UCHAR)Ep->start_frame, (UCHAR)Ep->start_microframe, &HFrame, &HUFrame);
HUFrame += 2; NumCompletes = Ep->num_completes;
// ASSERT(NumCompletes > 0);
// Set all CMASKS bits to be set at the end of the frame
for(; HUFrame < 8; HUFrame++) { tmp |= 1 << HUFrame; NumCompletes--; if(!NumCompletes){ break; } }
// Now set all CMASKS bits to be set at the end of the
// frame I.E. for the next frame wrap condition
while(NumCompletes) { tmp |= 1 << (HUFrame - 8); NumCompletes--; }
//DBGPRINT(("in GetCMASK HFRAME = 0x%x HUFRAME 0x%x\n", HFrame, HUFrame));
return tmp; } }
UCHAR USB2LIB_GetStartMicroFrame(PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT EndpointContext) { PEndpoint Ep; UCHAR HFrame; // H (Host) frame for endpoint
UCHAR HUFrame; // H (Host) micro frame for endpoint
Ep = &EndpointContext->Ep; // ASSERT(EndpointContext->Sig == SIG_LIB_EP);
ConvertBtoHFrame((UCHAR)Ep->start_frame, (UCHAR)Ep->start_microframe, &HFrame, &HUFrame);
return HUFrame; }
UCHAR USB2LIB_GetPromotedThisTime(PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT EndpointContext) { PEndpoint Ep; UCHAR Promoted = 0;
Ep = &EndpointContext->Ep; // ASSERT(EndpointContext->Sig == SIG_LIB_EP);
Promoted = (UCHAR) Ep->promoted_this_time;
Ep->promoted_this_time = 0;
return Promoted; }
UCHAR USB2LIB_GetNewPeriod(PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT EndpointContext) { PEndpoint Ep;
Ep = &EndpointContext->Ep; // ASSERT(EndpointContext->Sig == SIG_LIB_EP);
return (UCHAR) Ep->actual_period; }
ULONG USB2LIB_GetScheduleOffset(PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT EndpointContext) { PEndpoint Ep;
Ep = &EndpointContext->Ep; // assert(EndpointContext->Sig == SIG_LIB_EP);
return Ep->start_frame; }
PVOID USB2LIB_GetEndpoint(PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT EndpointContext) { return &(EndpointContext->Ep); }
ULONG USB2LIB_GetAllocedBusTime(PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT EndpointContext) { PEndpoint Ep;
Ep = &EndpointContext->Ep; // assert(EndpointContext->Sig == SIG_LIB_EP);
return Ep->calc_bus_time; }
PVOID USB2LIB_GetNextEndpoint(PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT EndpointContext) { PEndpoint Ep, nextEp; PUSB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT nextContext; Ep = &EndpointContext->Ep; nextEp = Ep->next_ep;
if (nextEp) { nextContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(nextEp, struct _USB2LIB_ENDPOINT_CONTEXT, Ep); // assert(EndpointContext->Sig == SIG_LIB_EP);
return nextContext->RebalanceContext; } else { return NULL; } }