/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/
dbgstr.hxx A "stream" protocol for debugging output
This lets me use a "stream" style of emitting debugging information, e.g.
cdebug << "Couldn't allocate " << _cbFoo << " bytes." << dbgEOL; or cdebug << "Window moved to " << xyFinalRestingPlace << dbgEOL;
All client applications have a "cdebug" stream already defined and constructed. Actually, only BLT apps have it already established; console apps must construct an output sink, and init the package like so:
main() { OUTPUT_TO_STDERR out; DBGSTREAM::SetCurrent(&out); ... your code here ... DBGSTREAM::SetCurrent(NULL); }
The macros DBGOUT and DBGEOL work with this global stream, ensuring that its data disappears from the object image in retail builds. DBGOUT automatically names cdebug as its destination stream; DBGEOL works likewise, but appends an end-of-line to its output. Both take a stream-output-expression, like so:
DBGOUT("Number of pels: " << cPels); DBGEOL("; number of lims: " << cLims);
or just
DBGEOL("Number of pels: " << cPels << "; number of lims: " << cLims);
If a client wants its own separate stream, it should first construct an output sink (OUTPUTSINK or derived class) for the stream, then construct the stream, passing the sink as a ctor param. E.g.
OUTPUT_TO_WHEREVER out; DBGSTREAM dbgWherever(&out);
dbgWherever << mumble;
FILE HISTORY: beng 21-May-1991 Created beng 22-May-1991 Added IFTRACE and non-Windows sinks beng 27-Jun-1991 Removed INCL_WINDOWS. How else to use non-Win sinks? beng 06-Jul-1991 Added OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT Johnl 07-Aug-1991 Added some explanatory text beng 25-Oct-1991 Add DBG macros beng 12-Feb-1992 Rename DBG to DBGOUT (conflict w/ NT) beng 28-Feb-1992 New USE_CONSOLE def'n beng 16-Mar-1992 Simplify cdebug setups jonn 08-May-1992 Added TRACEOUT and TRACEEOL beng 10-May-1992 Removed obsolete IFTRACE */
#ifndef _DBGSTR_HXX_
#define _DBGSTR_HXX_
// All the non-Windows versions communicate through stdio.
#if !defined(INCL_WINDOWS) || defined(USE_CONSOLE)
#include <stdio.h>
SYNOPSIS: Abstract class describing any destination of debugging output.
INTERFACE: Render() - Takes a character string and renders it on the destination. Supplies an optional second argument with the number of characters in the string as a hint for some 'sink implementations.
EndOfLine() - Generate a linebreak on the destination.
CAVEATS: Client must supply some implementation
NOTES: The OUTPUTSINK abstract class will let me extend this package to render output into a file, into a secondary window, etc.
HISTORY: beng 21-May-1991 Created
DLL_CLASS OUTPUTSINK { public: virtual VOID Render(const TCHAR *psz) = 0; virtual VOID Render(const TCHAR *psz, UINT cch) = 0; virtual VOID EndOfLine() = 0; };
#if defined(INCL_WINDOWS)
SYNOPSIS: Delivers the debugging port for trace messages
INTERFACE: Render() - Takes a character string and renders it on the debugging port. EndOfLine() - Generate a linebreak on the destination.
HISTORY: beng 21-May-1991 Created beng 25-Oct-1991 Implementation outlined
DLL_CLASS OUTPUT_TO_AUX: public OUTPUTSINK { public: virtual VOID Render(const TCHAR *psz); virtual VOID Render(const TCHAR *psz, UINT cch); virtual VOID EndOfLine(); }; #endif // WINDOWS
#if defined(stderr)
SYNOPSIS: Delivers the stderr stdio stream for trace messages
INTERFACE: Render() - Takes a character string and renders it on handle 2. EndOfLine() - Generate a linebreak on the destination.
HISTORY: beng 22-May-1991 Created beng 06-Jul-1991 Always assume output is cooked beng 25-Oct-1991 Implementation outlined
DLL_CLASS OUTPUT_TO_STDERR: public OUTPUTSINK { public: virtual VOID Render(const TCHAR *psz); virtual VOID Render(const TCHAR *psz, UINT cch); virtual VOID EndOfLine(); }; #endif // STDIO
#if defined(stdout)
SYNOPSIS: Delivers the stdout stdio stream for trace messages
INTERFACE: Render() - Takes a character string and renders it on handle 1. EndOfLine() - Generate a linebreak on the destination.
HISTORY: beng 06-Jul-1991 Created from OUTPUT_TO_STDERR beng 25-Oct-1991 Implementation outlined
DLL_CLASS OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT: public OUTPUTSINK { public: virtual VOID Render(const TCHAR *psz); virtual VOID Render(const TCHAR *psz, UINT cch); virtual VOID EndOfLine(); }; #endif // STDIO
SYNOPSIS: Disables all trace messages.
Messages to a DBGSTREAM using this sink will fall into the bitbucket w/o ado.
NOTES: This class exists so that a stream can shut off messages on itself via SetSink.
HISTORY: beng 22-May-1991 Created beng 25-Oct-1991 Implementation outlined
DLL_CLASS OUTPUT_TO_NUL: public OUTPUTSINK { virtual VOID Render(const TCHAR *psz); virtual VOID Render(const TCHAR *psz, UINT cch); virtual VOID EndOfLine(); };
#if 0
SYNOPSIS: Pops up a scrollable window for trace messages.
CAVEATS: Not yet implemented.
HISTORY: beng 21-May-1991 Daydreamed.
}; #endif
// Dropping one of these on a stream results in a special action.
enum DBGSTR_SPECIAL { dbgEOL // End-of-line
SYNOPSIS: Stream-style object for debugging output
INTERFACE: DBGSTREAM() - constructor, associating a sink with the stream
SetSink() - change the sink on a stream
operator<<() - render onto the stream. The class supports most primitive objects; in addition, "dbgEOL" will generate a linebreak.
QueryCurrent() - returns a reference to the default global debugging stream, as aliased to "cdebug" in the source and used by the DBGEOL etc. macros.
NOTES: Clients may supply their own operators for rendering themselves onto a DBGSTREAM.
BUGBUG - the operators should use the "cch" form of Render.
HISTORY: beng 21-May-1991 Created beng 25-Oct-1991 Use CCH_x manifests; implementation outlined beng 16-Mar-1992 Added QueryCurrent static etc. beng 29-Jun-1992 Outlined Set/QueryCurrent for dllization
// The home of cdebug
static DBGSTREAM * _pdbgCurrentGlobal;
static DBGSTREAM& QueryCurrent(); static VOID SetCurrent(DBGSTREAM* pdbg);
VOID SetSink(OUTPUTSINK * pout);
DBGSTREAM& operator<<(TCHAR c); DBGSTREAM& operator<<(const TCHAR* psz); #if defined(UNICODE)
// need these for simple output
DBGSTREAM& operator<<(CHAR c); DBGSTREAM& operator<<(const CHAR* psz); #endif
DBGSTREAM& operator<<(INT n); DBGSTREAM& operator<<(UINT n); DBGSTREAM& operator<<(SHORT n); #if !defined(UNICODE)
// if defined, conflicts with TCHAR def'n
DBGSTREAM& operator<<(USHORT n); #endif
DBGSTREAM& operator<<(LONG n); DBGSTREAM& operator<<(ULONG n); DBGSTREAM& operator<<(INT64 n); DBGSTREAM& operator<<(UINT64 n); DBGSTREAM& operator<<(DBGSTR_SPECIAL dbgSpecial); };
// For traditional stream-style output, declare an object named
// "cdebug" (as in cin, cout, cerr).
// The BLT startup code points this at the AUX debugging console.
// Command-line unit tests should hook it to stderr.
#define cdebug (DBGSTREAM::QueryCurrent())
// We have to use the preprocessor to remove completely all trace
// messages from the release product, since the compiler will not
// optimize away unreferenced message strings.
#if defined(DEBUG)
#define DBGOUT(x) { cdebug << x ; }
#define DBGEOL(x) { cdebug << x << dbgEOL; }
#define DBGOUT(x) { ; }
#define DBGEOL(x) { ; }
#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(TRACE)
#define TRACEOUT(x) { cdebug << x ; }
#define TRACEEOL(x) { cdebug << x << dbgEOL; }
// must use semicolons after using these macros
#define TRACETIMESTART DWORD dwTraceTime = ::GetTickCount()
#define TRACETIMEEND(printthis) TRACEEOL( printthis << ::GetTickCount() - (dwTraceTime) << " msec" )
#define TRACETIMESTART2(name) DWORD dwTraceTime##name = ::GetTickCount()
#define TRACETIMEEND2(name,printthis) TRACEEOL( printthis << ::GetTickCount() - (dwTraceTime##name) << " msec" )
#define TRACEOUT(x) { ; }
#define TRACEEOL(x) { ; }
#define TRACETIMESTART { ; }
#define TRACETIMEEND(printthis) { ; }
#define TRACETIMESTART2(name) { ; }
#define TRACETIMEEND2(name,printthis) { ; }
#endif // _DBGSTR_HXX_