** Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ** ** Portions Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Intel Corporation ** ********************************************************************************/
// Every debug output has "Modulname text".
static char STR_MODULENAME[] = "prophnd: ";
#include <limits.h>
#include "mintopo.h"
// These are the values passed to the property handler in the instance
// parameter that normally represents the channel.
const LONG CHAN_LEFT = 0; const LONG CHAN_RIGHT = 1; const LONG CHAN_MASTER = -1;
// paged code goes here.
#pragma code_seg("PAGE")
* CMiniportTopologyICH::SetMultichannelMute ***************************************************************************** * This function is used to set one of the multichannel mutes. * It takes the master mono into account when calculating the mute. * Make sure that you updated the stNodeCache before calling this function. */ NTSTATUS CMiniportTopologyICH::SetMultichannelMute ( IN CMiniportTopologyICH *that, IN TopoNodes Mute ) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOL bMute;
// The first calls to SetMultichannelMute could be without valid
// cache information because WDMAUD might currently query the nodes
// (this is at system startup). When WDMAUD queried all nodes then
// all cache information will be valid.
if (that->stNodeCache[NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_MUTE].bLeftValid && that->stNodeCache[Mute].bLeftValid) { // We get the master mono mute and the mute that is to change.
// Then we "or" them and write the value to the register.
bMute = that->stNodeCache[NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_MUTE].lLeft || that->stNodeCache[Mute].lLeft;
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (Mute), bMute ? -1 : 0, that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (Mute));
DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("SET: %s -> 0x%x", NodeStrings[Mute], (int)bMute)); }
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportTopologyICH::SetMultichannelVolume ***************************************************************************** * This function is used to set one of the multichannel volumes. * It takes the master mono into account when calculating the volume. * Make sure that you updated the stNodeCache before calling this function. */ NTSTATUS CMiniportTopologyICH::SetMultichannelVolume ( IN CMiniportTopologyICH *that, IN TopoNodes Volume ) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; LONG lMinimum, lMaximum; ULONG uStep; LONG lLevel; WORD wRegister; // The first calls to SetMultichannelMute could be without valid
// cache information because WDMAUD might currently query the nodes
// (this is at system startup). When WDMAUD queried all nodes then
// all cache information will be valid.
if (that->stNodeCache[NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_VOLUME].bLeftValid && that->stNodeCache[NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_VOLUME].bRightValid && that->stNodeCache[Volume].bLeftValid && that->stNodeCache[Volume].bRightValid) { // We get the master mono volume and the volume that is to change.
// Then we substract master mono from it and write the value to the
// register.
lLevel = that->stNodeCache[Volume].lLeft + that->stNodeCache[NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_VOLUME].lLeft;
// Translate the dB value into a register value.
// Get the registered DB values
ntStatus = GetDBValues (that->AdapterCommon, Volume, &lMinimum, &lMaximum, &uStep); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) return ntStatus;
// Check borders.
if (lLevel < lMinimum) lLevel = lMinimum; if (lLevel > lMaximum) lLevel = lMaximum;
// Calculate the register value
wRegister = (WORD)(((lMaximum + uStep / 2) - lLevel) / uStep) << 8;
// Get the right value too.
lLevel = that->stNodeCache[Volume].lRight + that->stNodeCache[NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_VOLUME].lRight;
// Check borders.
if (lLevel < lMinimum) lLevel = lMinimum; if (lLevel > lMaximum) lLevel = lMaximum;
// Add it to the register value.
wRegister += (WORD)(((lMaximum + uStep / 2) - lLevel) / uStep);
// Write it.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (Volume), wRegister, that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (Volume));
DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("SET: %s -> 0x%x/0x%x", NodeStrings[Volume], that->stNodeCache[Volume].lLeft + that->stNodeCache[NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_VOLUME].lLeft, lLevel)); }
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportTopologyICH::GetDBValues ***************************************************************************** * This function is used internally and does no parameter checking. The only * parameter that could be invalid is the node. * It returns the dB values (means minimum, maximum, step) of the node control, * mainly for the property call "basic support". Sure, the node must be a * volume or tone control node, not a mute or mux node. */ NTSTATUS CMiniportTopologyICH::GetDBValues ( IN PADAPTERCOMMON AdapterCommon, IN TopoNodes Node, OUT LONG *plMinimum, OUT LONG *plMaximum, OUT ULONG *puStep ) { DOUT (DBG_PRINT, ("[CMiniportTopologyICH::GetDBValues]")); // This is going to be simple. Check the node and return the parameters.
switch (Node) { // These nodes could have 5bit or 6bit controls, so we first
// have to check this.
TopoNodeConfig config;
// which node to query?
// check if we have 6th bit support.
if (AdapterCommon->GetNodeConfig (config)) { // 6bit control
*plMaximum = 0; // 0 dB
*plMinimum = 0xFFA18000; // -94.5 dB
*puStep = 0x00018000; // 1.5 dB
} else { // 5bit control
*plMaximum = 0; // 0 dB
*plMinimum = 0xFFD18000; // -46.5 dB
*puStep = 0x00018000; // 1.5 dB
} break;
case NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_VOLUME: // This virtual control gets added to the speaker volumes.
// We assume 5-bit volumes.
*plMaximum = 0; // 0 dB
*plMinimum = 0xFFD18000; // -46.5 dB
*puStep = 0x00018000; // 1.5 dB
case NODE_PCBEEP_VOLUME: *plMaximum = 0; // 0 dB
*plMinimum = 0xFFD30000; // -45 dB
*puStep = 0x00030000; // 3 dB
*plMinimum = 0xFFDD8000; // -34.5 dB
*puStep = 0x00018000; // 1.5 dB
*plMinimum = 0; // 0 dB
*puStep = 0x00018000; // 1.5 dB
case NODE_BASS: case NODE_TREBLE: *plMaximum = 0x000A8000; // 10.5 dB
*plMinimum = 0xFFF58000; // -10.5 dB
*puStep = 0x00018000; // 1.5 dB
// These nodes can be fixed or variable.
// Normally we won't display a fixed volume slider, but if 3D is
// supported and both sliders are fixed, we have to display one fixed
// slider for the advanced control panel.
case NODE_VIRT_3D_CENTER: case NODE_VIRT_3D_DEPTH: if (AdapterCommon->GetNodeConfig (NODEC_3D_CENTER_ADJUSTABLE) && (Node == NODE_VIRT_3D_CENTER)) { *plMaximum = 0x000F0000; // +15 dB
*plMinimum = 0x00000000; // 0 dB
*puStep = 0x00010000; // 1 dB
} else if (AdapterCommon->GetNodeConfig (NODEC_3D_DEPTH_ADJUSTABLE) && (Node == NODE_VIRT_3D_DEPTH)) { *plMaximum = 0x000F0000; // +15 dB
*plMinimum = 0x00000000; // 0 dB
*puStep = 0x00010000; // 1 dB
} else { // In case it is fixed, read the value and return it.
WORD wRegister;
// read the register
if (!NT_SUCCESS (AdapterCommon->ReadCodecRegister ( AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (Node), &wRegister))) wRegister = 0; // in case we fail.
// mask out the control
wRegister &= AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (Node); if (Node == NODE_VIRT_3D_CENTER) { wRegister >>= 8; } // calculate the dB value.
*plMaximum = (DWORD)(-wRegister) << 16; // fixed value
*plMinimum = (DWORD)(-wRegister) << 16; // fixed value
*puStep = 0x00010000; // 1 dB
} break;
case NODE_INVALID: default: // poeser pupe, tu.
DOUT (DBG_ERROR, ("GetDBValues: Invalid node requested.")); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /*****************************************************************************
* CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_OnOff ***************************************************************************** * Accesses a KSAUDIO_ONOFF value property. * This function (property handler) is called by portcls every time there is a * get or a set request for the node. The connection between the node type and * the property handler is made in the automation table which is referenced * when you register the node. * We use this property handler for all nodes that have a checkbox, means mute * controls and the special checkbox controls under advanced properties, which * are AGC and LOUDNESS. */ NTSTATUS CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_OnOff ( IN PPCPROPERTY_REQUEST PropertyRequest ) { PAGED_CODE ();
ASSERT (PropertyRequest);
NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; LONG channel; TopoNodes NodeDef; // The major target is the object pointer to the topology miniport.
CMiniportTopologyICH *that = (CMiniportTopologyICH *) PropertyRequest->MajorTarget;
ASSERT (that);
DOUT (DBG_PRINT, ("[CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_OnOff]"));
// validate node
if (PropertyRequest->Node == (ULONG)-1) return ntStatus;
// do the appropriate action for the request.
// we should do a get or a set?
if ((PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET) || (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_SET)) { // validate parameters
if ((PropertyRequest->InstanceSize < sizeof(LONG)) || (PropertyRequest->ValueSize < sizeof(BOOL))) return ntStatus;
// get channel
channel = *(PLONG)PropertyRequest->Instance;
// check channel types, return when unknown
// as you can see, we have no multichannel support.
if ((channel != CHAN_LEFT) && (channel != CHAN_RIGHT) && (channel != CHAN_MASTER)) return ntStatus;
// We have only mono mutes or On/Off checkboxes although they might control
// a stereo path. For example, we have a 1-bit mute for CD Volume. This
// mute controls both CD Volume channels.
if (channel == CHAN_RIGHT) return ntStatus; // get the buffer
PBOOL OnOff = (PBOOL)PropertyRequest->Value;
// Switch on the node id. This is just for parameter checking.
// If something goes wrong, we will immediately return with
// ntStatus, which is STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.
switch (NodeDef = that->TransNodeNrToNodeDef (PropertyRequest->Node)) { // These are mutes for mono volumes.
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_MUTE) return ntStatus; break;
// Well, this one is a AGC, although there is no _automatic_ gain
// control, but we have a mic boost (which is some kind of manual
// gain control).
// The 3D Bypass is a real fake, but that's how you get check boxes
// on the advanced control panel.
// Both controls are in a mono path.
case NODE_VIRT_WAVEOUT_3D_BYPASS: case NODE_MIC_BOOST: // check type
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_AGC) return ntStatus; break;
// Simulated Stereo is a AGC control in a stereo path.
case NODE_SIMUL_STEREO: // check type
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_AGC) return ntStatus; break;
// This is a loudness control in a stereo path. We have to check the
// type.
case NODE_LOUDNESS: // check type
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_LOUDNESS) return ntStatus; break;
// For 3D Enable and Mic are exposed as loudness in a mono path.
case NODE_VIRT_3D_ENABLE: case NODE_MIC_SELECT: // check type
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_LOUDNESS) return ntStatus; break;
// These are mutes in a stereo path.
// Because the HW has only one mute-bit for the stereo channel, we
// expose the mute as mono. this works in current OS and hopefully
// will work in future OS.
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_MUTE) return ntStatus; break;
case NODE_INVALID: default: // Ooops.
DOUT (DBG_ERROR, ("PropertyHandler_OnOff: Invalid node requested.")); return ntStatus; }
// Now, do some action!
if (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET) { WORD wRegister;
// Read the HW register for the node except NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_MUTE,
// since this is pure virtual.
if (NodeDef != NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_MUTE) { // get the register and read it.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->ReadCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), &wRegister); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus; // Mask out every unused bit.
wRegister &= that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NodeDef); // Store the value.
*OnOff = wRegister ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { // Assume no mute for master mono.
*OnOff = FALSE; }
// When we have cache information then return this instead of the
// calculated value. If we don't, store the calculated value.
if (that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bLeftValid) *OnOff = that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lLeft; else { that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lLeft = *OnOff; that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bLeftValid = -1; } PropertyRequest->ValueSize = sizeof(BOOL); DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("GET: %s = 0x%x", NodeStrings[NodeDef], *OnOff)); // Set the return code here.
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else // this must be a set.
{ // First update the node cache.
that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bLeftValid = -1; that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lLeft = (*OnOff) ? TRUE : FALSE; //
// If we have a master mono, then we have to program the speaker
// mutes a little different.
// Check for master mono (surround or headphone present) and
// if one of the speaker mutes is requested.
if ((that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_SURROUND_PRESENT) || that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_HPOUT_PRESENT)) && ((NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_MUTE) || (NodeDef == NODE_LFE_MUTE) || (NodeDef == NODE_CENTER_MUTE) || (NodeDef == NODE_FRONT_MUTE) || (NodeDef == NODE_SURROUND_MUTE) || (NodeDef == NODE_HPOUT_MUTE))) { //
// For master mono we have to update all speakers.
if (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_MUTE) { // Update all speaker mutes.
ntStatus = SetMultichannelMute (that, NODE_FRONT_MUTE); if (that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_HPOUT_PRESENT)) ntStatus = SetMultichannelMute (that, NODE_HPOUT_MUTE); if (that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_SURROUND_PRESENT)) ntStatus = SetMultichannelMute (that, NODE_SURROUND_MUTE); if (that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_CENTER_LFE_PRESENT)) { ntStatus = SetMultichannelMute (that, NODE_CENTER_MUTE); ntStatus = SetMultichannelMute (that, NODE_LFE_MUTE); } } else // Update the individual speaker mute.
{ ntStatus = SetMultichannelMute (that, NodeDef); } } else { //
// For all other mutes/checkboxes just write the value to the HW.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), (*OnOff) ? -1 : 0, that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NodeDef)); }
DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("SET: %s -> 0x%x", NodeStrings[NodeDef], *OnOff));
// ntStatus was set with the write call! whatever this is, return it.
} } return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportTopologyICH::BasicSupportHandler ***************************************************************************** * Assists in BASICSUPPORT accesses on level properties. * This function is called internally every time there is a "basic support" * request on a volume or tone control. The basic support is used to retrieve * some information about the range of the control (from - to dB, steps) and * which type of control (tone, volume). * Basically, this function just calls GetDBValues to get the range information * and fills the rest of the structure with some constants. */ NTSTATUS CMiniportTopologyICH::BasicSupportHandler ( IN PPCPROPERTY_REQUEST PropertyRequest ) { PAGED_CODE ();
ASSERT (PropertyRequest);
DOUT (DBG_PRINT, ("[CMiniportTopologyICH::BasicSupportHandler]"));
NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; // The major target is the object pointer to the topology miniport.
CMiniportTopologyICH *that = (CMiniportTopologyICH *) PropertyRequest->MajorTarget;
ASSERT (that);
// if there is enough space for a KSPROPERTY_DESCRIPTION information
if (PropertyRequest->ValueSize >= (sizeof(KSPROPERTY_DESCRIPTION))) { // we return a KSPROPERTY_DESCRIPTION structure.
PropDesc->AccessFlags = KSPROPERTY_TYPE_BASICSUPPORT | KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET | KSPROPERTY_TYPE_SET; PropDesc->DescriptionSize = sizeof(KSPROPERTY_DESCRIPTION) + sizeof(KSPROPERTY_MEMBERSHEADER) + sizeof(KSPROPERTY_STEPPING_LONG); PropDesc->PropTypeSet.Set = KSPROPTYPESETID_General; PropDesc->PropTypeSet.Id = VT_I4; PropDesc->PropTypeSet.Flags = 0; PropDesc->MembersListCount = 1; PropDesc->Reserved = 0;
// if return buffer can also hold a range description, return it too
if (PropertyRequest->ValueSize >= (sizeof(KSPROPERTY_DESCRIPTION) + sizeof(KSPROPERTY_MEMBERSHEADER) + sizeof(KSPROPERTY_STEPPING_LONG))) { // fill in the members header
Members->MembersFlags = KSPROPERTY_MEMBER_STEPPEDRANGES; Members->MembersSize = sizeof(KSPROPERTY_STEPPING_LONG); Members->MembersCount = 1; Members->Flags = 0;
// fill in the stepped range
ntStatus = GetDBValues (that->AdapterCommon, that->TransNodeNrToNodeDef (PropertyRequest->Node), &Range->Bounds.SignedMinimum, &Range->Bounds.SignedMaximum, &Range->SteppingDelta);
Range->Reserved = 0;
// set the return value size
DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("BASIC_SUPPORT: %s max=0x%x min=0x%x step=0x%x", NodeStrings[that->TransNodeNrToNodeDef (PropertyRequest->Node)], Range->Bounds.SignedMaximum, Range->Bounds.SignedMinimum, Range->SteppingDelta)); } else { // we hadn't enough space for the range information;
// set the return value size
PropertyRequest->ValueSize = sizeof(KSPROPERTY_DESCRIPTION); }
ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (PropertyRequest->ValueSize >= sizeof(ULONG)) { // if return buffer can hold a ULONG, return the access flags
PULONG AccessFlags = (PULONG)PropertyRequest->Value;
// set the return value size
PropertyRequest->ValueSize = sizeof(ULONG); ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// In case there was not even enough space for a ULONG in the return buffer,
// we fail this request with STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST.
// Any other case will return STATUS_SUCCESS.
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Level ***************************************************************************** * Accesses a KSAUDIO_LEVEL property. * This function (property handler) is called by portcls every time there is a * get, set or basic support request for the node. The connection between the * node type and the property handler is made in the automation table which is * referenced when you register the node. * We use this property handler for all volume controls (and virtual volume * controls for recording). */ NTSTATUS CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Level ( IN PPCPROPERTY_REQUEST PropertyRequest ) { PAGED_CODE ();
ASSERT (PropertyRequest);
DOUT (DBG_PRINT, ("[CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Level]"));
NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; TopoNodes NodeDef; LONG channel; LONG lMinimum, lMaximum; ULONG uStep; // The major target is the object pointer to the topology miniport.
CMiniportTopologyICH *that = (CMiniportTopologyICH *) PropertyRequest->MajorTarget;
ASSERT (that);
// validate node
if (PropertyRequest->Node == (ULONG)-1) return ntStatus;
// do the appropriate action for the request.
// we should do a get or a set?
if ((PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET) || (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_SET)) { // validate parameters
if ((PropertyRequest->InstanceSize < sizeof(LONG)) || (PropertyRequest->ValueSize < sizeof(LONG))) return ntStatus;
// get channel information
channel = *((PLONG)PropertyRequest->Instance);
// check channel types, return when unknown
// as you can see, we have no multichannel support.
if ((channel != CHAN_LEFT) && (channel != CHAN_RIGHT) && (channel != CHAN_MASTER)) return ntStatus;
// get the buffer
PLONG Level = (PLONG)PropertyRequest->Value;
// Switch on the node id. This is just for parameter checking.
// If something goes wrong, we will immideately return with
// ntStatus, which is STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.
switch(NodeDef = that->TransNodeNrToNodeDef (PropertyRequest->Node)) { // these are mono channels, don't respond to a right channel
// request.
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_VOLUMELEVEL) return ntStatus; // check channel
if (channel == CHAN_RIGHT) return ntStatus; // Well, this is a fake for the routine below that should work
// for all nodes ... On AC97 the right channel are the LSBs and
// mono channels have only LSBs used. Windows however thinks that
// mono channels are left channels (only). So we could say here
// we have a right channel request (to prg. the LSBs) instead of
// a left channel request. But we have some controls that are HW-
// stereo, but exposed to the system as mono. These are the virtual
// volume controls in front of the wave-in muxer for the MIC, PHONE
// and MONO MIX signals (see to the switch:
// NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME1, 7 and 8). Saying we have a MASTER
// request makes sure the value is prg. for left and right channel,
// but on HW-mono controls the right channel is prg. only, cause the
// mask in ac97reg.h leads to a 0-mask for left channel prg. which
// just does nothing ;)
channel = CHAN_MASTER; break; // These are stereo channels.
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_VOLUMELEVEL) return ntStatus; // check channel; we don't support a get with master
if ((channel == CHAN_MASTER) && (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET)) return ntStatus; break;
case NODE_INVALID: default: // Ooops
DOUT (DBG_ERROR, ("PropertyHandler_Level: Invalid node requested.")); return ntStatus; }
// Now, do some action!
// get the registered dB values.
ntStatus = GetDBValues (that->AdapterCommon, NodeDef, &lMinimum, &lMaximum, &uStep); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus;
// do a get
if (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET) { WORD wRegister;
// Read the HW register for the node except NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_VOLUME
// since this is pure virtual.
if (NodeDef != NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_VOLUME) { // Get the register and read it.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->ReadCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), &wRegister); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus; // mask out every unused bit and rotate.
if (channel == CHAN_LEFT) { wRegister = (wRegister & (that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NodeDef) & AC97REG_MASK_LEFT)) >> 8; } else // here goes mono or stereo-right
{ wRegister &= (that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NodeDef) & AC97REG_MASK_RIGHT); } // Oops - NODE_PCBEEP_VOLUME doesn't use bit0. We have to adjust.
if (NodeDef == NODE_PCBEEP_VOLUME) wRegister >>= 1;
// we have to translate the reg to dB.dB value.
switch (NodeDef) { // for record, we calculate it reverse.
case NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME1: case NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME2: case NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME3: case NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME4: case NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME5: case NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME6: case NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME7: case NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME8: case NODE_MICIN_VOLUME: *Level = lMinimum + uStep * wRegister; break; default: *Level = lMaximum - uStep * wRegister; break; } // For the virtual controls, which are in front of a muxer, there
// is no mute control displayed. But we have a HW mute control, so
// what we do is enabling this mute when the user moves the slider
// down to the bottom and disabling it on every other position.
// We will return a PROP_MOST_NEGATIVE value in case the slider
// is moved to the bottom.
// We do this only for the "mono muxer" since the volume there ranges
// from 0 to -46.5dB. The record volumes only have a range from
// 0 to +22.5dB and we cannot mute them when the slider is down.
if ((NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_MONOOUT_VOLUME1) || (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_MONOOUT_VOLUME2)) { // read the register again.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->ReadCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), &wRegister); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus; // return most negative value in case it is checked.
if (wRegister & AC97REG_MASK_MUTE) *Level = PROP_MOST_NEGATIVE; } } else // This is master mono volume.
{ // Assume 0dB for master mono volume.
*Level = 0; }
// when we have cache information then return this instead
// of the calculated value. if we don't, store the calculated
// value.
// We do that twice for master because in case we didn't set
// the NodeCache yet it will be set then.
if ((channel == CHAN_LEFT) || (channel == CHAN_MASTER)) { if (that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bLeftValid) *Level = that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lLeft; else { that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lLeft = *Level; that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bLeftValid = -1; } }
if ((channel == CHAN_RIGHT) || (channel == CHAN_MASTER)) { if (that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bRightValid) *Level = that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lRight; else { that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lRight = *Level; that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bRightValid = -1; } }
// thats all, good bye.
PropertyRequest->ValueSize = sizeof(LONG); DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("GET: %s(%s) = 0x%x",NodeStrings[NodeDef], channel==CHAN_LEFT ? "L" : "R", *Level)); // ntStatus was set with the read call! whatever this is, return it.
} else // this must be a set
{ WORD wRegister; LONG lLevel = *Level;
// Check borders.
// These 2 lines will have a special effect on sndvol32.
// Whenever you move the balance slider on a volume, one channel
// keeps the same and the other volume channel gets descreased.
// With ac97 on recording controls, the default slider position
// is at 0dB and the range of the volume is 0dB till +22.5dB.
// That means that panning (moving the balance slider) is simply
// impossible. If you would store the volume like sndvol gives it
// to you and you return it on a get, then the balance slider
// moves and stays at the position the user wanted it. However,
// if you return the actual volume the balance slider will jump
// back to the position that the HW can do (play with it to see
// how it works).
if (lLevel > lMaximum) lLevel = lMaximum; if (lLevel < lMinimum) lLevel = lMinimum; // First update the node cache.
if ((channel == CHAN_LEFT) || (channel == CHAN_MASTER)) { that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bLeftValid = -1; that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lLeft = lLevel; } if ((channel == CHAN_RIGHT) || (channel == CHAN_MASTER)) { that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bRightValid = -1; that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lRight = lLevel; } //
// If we have a master mono, then we have to program the speaker
// volumes a little different.
// Check for master mono (surround or headphone present) and
// if one of the speaker volumes is requested.
if ((that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_SURROUND_PRESENT) || that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_HPOUT_PRESENT)) && ((NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_VOLUME) || (NodeDef == NODE_LFE_VOLUME) || (NodeDef == NODE_CENTER_VOLUME) || (NodeDef == NODE_FRONT_VOLUME) || (NodeDef == NODE_SURROUND_VOLUME) || (NodeDef == NODE_HPOUT_VOLUME))) { //
// For master mono we have to update all speaker volumes.
if (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_MASTERMONO_VOLUME) { // Update all speaker volumes.
ntStatus = SetMultichannelVolume (that, NODE_FRONT_VOLUME); if (that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_HPOUT_PRESENT)) ntStatus = SetMultichannelVolume (that, NODE_HPOUT_VOLUME); if (that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_SURROUND_PRESENT)) ntStatus = SetMultichannelVolume (that, NODE_SURROUND_VOLUME); if (that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_CENTER_LFE_PRESENT)) { ntStatus = SetMultichannelVolume (that, NODE_CENTER_VOLUME); ntStatus = SetMultichannelVolume (that, NODE_LFE_VOLUME); } } else // update the individual speaker volume only.
{ ntStatus = SetMultichannelVolume (that, NodeDef); } } else // This is for all other volumes (or no master mono present).
{ // calculate the dB.dB value.
// The nodes are calculated differently.
switch (NodeDef) { // for record controls we calculate it 'reverse'.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->ReadCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NODE_WAVEIN_SELECT), &wRegister); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus; // mask out every unused bit.
wRegister &= (that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask ( NODE_WAVEIN_SELECT) & AC97REG_MASK_RIGHT); // check if the volume that we change belongs to the active
// (selected) virtual channel.
// Tricky: If the virtual nodes are not defined consecutively
// this comparision will fail.
if ((NodeDef - NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME1) != wRegister) return ntStatus; // fall through for calculation.
case NODE_MICIN_VOLUME: wRegister = (WORD)(((lLevel + uStep / 2) - lMinimum) / uStep); break;
case NODE_VIRT_MONOOUT_VOLUME1: case NODE_VIRT_MONOOUT_VOLUME2: // read the monoout selector.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->ReadCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NODE_MONOOUT_SELECT), &wRegister); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus; // mask out every unused bit.
wRegister &= that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NODE_MONOOUT_SELECT); // check if the volume that we change belongs to the active
// (selected) virtual channel.
// Note: Monout select is set if we want to prg. MIC (Volume2).
if ((!wRegister && (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_MONOOUT_VOLUME2)) || (wRegister && (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_MONOOUT_VOLUME1))) return ntStatus; // fall through for calculation.
default: wRegister = (WORD)(((lMaximum + uStep / 2) - lLevel) / uStep); break; }
// Oops - NODE_PCBEEP_VOLUME doesn't use bit0. We have to adjust.
if (NodeDef == NODE_PCBEEP_VOLUME) wRegister <<= 1; // write the stuff (with mask!).
// Note: mono channels are 'master' here (see fake above).
// this makes sure that left and right channel is prg. for the virt.
// controls. On controls that only have the right channel, the left
// channel programming does nothing cause the mask will be zero.
if ((channel == CHAN_LEFT) || (channel == CHAN_MASTER)) { // write only left.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), wRegister << 8, that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NodeDef) & AC97REG_MASK_LEFT); // immediately return on error
if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus; } if ((channel == CHAN_RIGHT) || (channel == CHAN_MASTER)) { // write only right.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), wRegister, that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NodeDef) & AC97REG_MASK_RIGHT); // immediately return on error
if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus; }
// For the virtual controls, which are in front of a muxer, there
// is no mute control displayed. But we have a HW mute control, so
// what we do is enabling this mute when the user moves the slider
// down to the bottom and disabling it on every other position.
// We do this only for the "mono muxer", the recording mutes will
// never be muted.
// Tricky: Master input virtual controls must be defined consecutively.
if ((NodeDef >= NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME1) && (NodeDef <= NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME8)) { // disable the mute; this only works because the mute and volume
// share the same register.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), 0, AC97REG_MASK_MUTE); // Just in case.
that->UpdateRecordMute (); }
if ((NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_MONOOUT_VOLUME1) || (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_MONOOUT_VOLUME2)) { // these are only mono controls so checking one entry is enough.
if ( that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bLeftValid && (that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lLeft <= lMinimum)) { // set the mute; this only works because the mute and volume
// share the same register.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), AC97REG_MASK_MUTE, AC97REG_MASK_MUTE); } else { // clear the mute; this only works because the mute and volume
// share the same register.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), 0, AC97REG_MASK_MUTE); } } } DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("SET: %s(%s) -> 0x%x", NodeStrings[NodeDef], channel==CHAN_LEFT ? "L" : channel==CHAN_RIGHT ? "R" : "M", *Level)); // ntStatus was set with the read call! whatever this is, return it.
} } else { if (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_BASICSUPPORT) { ntStatus = BasicSupportHandler (PropertyRequest); } }
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Tone ***************************************************************************** * Accesses a KSAUDIO_TONE property. * This function (property handler) is called by portcls every time there is a * get, set or basic support request for the node. The connection between the * node type and the property handler is made in the automation table which is * referenced when you register the node. * We use this property handler for all tone controls displayed at the advanced * property dialog in sndvol32 and the 3D controls displayed and exposed as * normal volume controls. */ NTSTATUS CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Tone ( IN PPCPROPERTY_REQUEST PropertyRequest ) { PAGED_CODE ();
ASSERT (PropertyRequest);
DOUT (DBG_PRINT, ("[CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Tone]"));
NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; TopoNodes NodeDef; LONG lMinimum, lMaximum; ULONG uStep; // The major target is the object pointer to the topology miniport.
CMiniportTopologyICH *that = (CMiniportTopologyICH *) PropertyRequest->MajorTarget;
ASSERT (that);
// validate node
if (PropertyRequest->Node == (ULONG)-1) return ntStatus;
// do the appropriate action for the request.
// we should do a get or a set?
if ((PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET) || (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_SET)) { // validate parameters
if ((PropertyRequest->InstanceSize < sizeof(LONG)) || (PropertyRequest->ValueSize < sizeof(LONG))) return ntStatus;
// get the buffer
PLONG Level = (PLONG)PropertyRequest->Value;
// Switch on the node id. This is just for parameter checking.
// If something goes wrong, we will immideately return with
// ntStatus, which is STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.
switch(NodeDef = that->TransNodeNrToNodeDef (PropertyRequest->Node)) { case NODE_BASS: // check type.
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_BASS) return ntStatus; break;
case NODE_TREBLE: // check type.
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_TREBLE) return ntStatus; break;
case NODE_VIRT_3D_CENTER: case NODE_VIRT_3D_DEPTH: // check 3D control
if (!that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeConfig (NODEC_3D_CENTER_ADJUSTABLE) && (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_3D_CENTER)) return ntStatus; if (!that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeConfig (NODEC_3D_DEPTH_ADJUSTABLE) && (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_3D_DEPTH)) return ntStatus; // check type
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_VOLUMELEVEL) return ntStatus; // check channel
if (*(PLONG(PropertyRequest->Instance)) == CHAN_RIGHT) return ntStatus; break; case NODE_INVALID: default: // Ooops
DOUT (DBG_ERROR, ("PropertyHandler_Tone: Invalid node requested.")); return ntStatus; }
// Now, do some action!
// get the registered DB values
ntStatus = GetDBValues (that->AdapterCommon, NodeDef, &lMinimum, &lMaximum, &uStep); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus;
// do a get
if (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET) { WORD wRegister;
// first get the stuff.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->ReadCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), &wRegister); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus;
// mask out every unused bit.
wRegister &= that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NodeDef);
// rotate if bass tone control or 3D center control
if ((NodeDef == NODE_BASS) || (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_3D_CENTER)) wRegister >>= 8;
// convert from reg to dB.dB value.
if ((NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_3D_CENTER) || (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_3D_DEPTH)) { // That's for the 3D controls
*Level = lMinimum + uStep * wRegister; } else { if (wRegister == 0x000F) *Level = 0; // bypass
else // And that's for the tone controls
*Level = lMaximum - uStep * wRegister; } // when we have cache information then return this instead
// of the calculated value. if we don't, store the calculated
// value.
if (that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bLeftValid) *Level = that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lLeft; else { that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lLeft = *Level; that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bLeftValid = -1; }
// we return a LONG
PropertyRequest->ValueSize = sizeof(LONG); DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("GET: %s = 0x%x", NodeStrings[NodeDef], *Level)); // ntStatus was set with the read call! whatever this is, return it.
} else // that must be a set
{ WORD wRegister; LONG lLevel = *Level;
// calculate the dB.dB value.
// check borders.
if (lLevel > lMaximum) lLevel = lMaximum; if (lLevel < lMinimum) lLevel = lMinimum; // write the value to the node cache.
that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].lLeft = *Level; that->stNodeCache[NodeDef].bLeftValid = -1;
// convert from dB.dB value to reg.
if ((NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_3D_CENTER) || (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_3D_DEPTH)) { // For 3D controls
wRegister = (WORD)(((lLevel + uStep / 2) - lMinimum) / uStep); } else { // For tone controls
wRegister = (WORD)(((lMaximum + uStep / 2) - lLevel) / uStep); // We don't prg. 0dB Bass or 0dB Treble, instead we smartly prg.
// a bypass which is reg. value 0x0F.
if (wRegister == 7) // 0 dB
wRegister = 0x000F; // bypass
// rotate if bass tone control or 3D center control
if ((NodeDef == NODE_BASS) || (NodeDef == NODE_VIRT_3D_CENTER)) wRegister <<= 8;
// write the stuff.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), wRegister, that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NodeDef));
DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY,("SET: %s -> 0x%x", NodeStrings[NodeDef], *Level)); // ntStatus was set with the write call! whatever this is, return in.
} } else { if (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_BASICSUPPORT) { ntStatus = BasicSupportHandler (PropertyRequest); } }
return ntStatus; } /*****************************************************************************
* CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Ulong ***************************************************************************** * Accesses a ULONG value property. For MUX and DEMUX. * This function (property handler) is called by portcls every time there is a * get, set or basic support request for the node. The connection between the * node type and the property handler is made in the automation table which is * referenced when you register the node. * We use this property handler for all muxer controls. */ NTSTATUS CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Ulong ( IN PPCPROPERTY_REQUEST PropertyRequest ) { PAGED_CODE ();
ASSERT (PropertyRequest);
DOUT (DBG_PRINT, ("[CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Ulong]"));
NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; TopoNodes NodeDef; LONG lMinimum, lMaximum; ULONG uStep; // The major target is the object pointer to the topology miniport.
CMiniportTopologyICH *that = (CMiniportTopologyICH *) PropertyRequest->MajorTarget;
ASSERT (that);
// validate node instance
if (PropertyRequest->Node == (ULONG)-1) return ntStatus;
// if we should do a get or set.
if ((PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET) || (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_SET)) { // validate buffer size.
if (PropertyRequest->ValueSize < sizeof(ULONG)) return ntStatus;
// get the pointer to the buffer.
PULONG PropValue = (PULONG)PropertyRequest->Value;
// Switch on the node id. This is just for parameter checking.
// If something goes wrong, we will immideately return with
// ntStatus, which is STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.
switch(NodeDef = that->TransNodeNrToNodeDef (PropertyRequest->Node)) { case NODE_MONOOUT_SELECT: case NODE_WAVEIN_SELECT: // check the type
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_MUX_SOURCE) return ntStatus; break; case NODE_INVALID: default: // Ooops
DOUT (DBG_ERROR, ("PropertyHandler_Tone: Invalid node requested.")); return ntStatus; }
// Now do some action!
// should we return the value?
if (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET) { WORD wRegister;
// first get the stuff.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->ReadCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), &wRegister); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus;
// mask out every unused bit.
wRegister &= that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NodeDef);
// calculate the selected pin
if (NodeDef == NODE_MONOOUT_SELECT) { // for mono out we have just one bit
if (wRegister) *PropValue = 2; else *PropValue = 1; } else { // the wave in muxer is a stereo muxer, so just return the
// right channel (gives values 0-7) and adjust it by adding 1.
*PropValue = (wRegister & AC97REG_MASK_RIGHT) + 1; }
// we return a LONG
PropertyRequest->ValueSize = sizeof(LONG); DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("GET: %s = 0x%x", NodeStrings[NodeDef], *PropValue)); // ntStatus was set with the read call! whatever this is, return it.
} else // that must be a set
{ TopoNodes VirtNode; WORD wRegister; ULONG ulSelect = *PropValue; LONG lLevel;
// Check the selection first.
if (NodeDef == NODE_MONOOUT_SELECT) { if ((ulSelect < 1) || (ulSelect > 2)) return ntStatus; // STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
} else { if ((ulSelect < 1) || (ulSelect > 8)) return ntStatus; // STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER
// calculate the register value for programming.
if (NodeDef == NODE_MONOOUT_SELECT) { // for mono out we have just one bit
if (ulSelect == 2) // the mask will make sure we only prg. one bit.
wRegister = -1; else // ulSelect == 1
wRegister = 0; } else { // *257 is the same as: (ulSelect << 8) + ulSelect
wRegister = (WORD)(ulSelect - 1) * 257; }
// write the stuff.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (NodeDef), wRegister, that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (NodeDef));
// Store the virt. node for later use.
// Tricky: Master input virtual controls must be defined consecutively.
if (NodeDef == NODE_MONOOUT_SELECT) VirtNode = (TopoNodes)(NODE_VIRT_MONOOUT_VOLUME1 + (ulSelect - 1)); else VirtNode = (TopoNodes)(NODE_VIRT_MASTER_INPUT_VOLUME1 + (ulSelect - 1));
// Virtual controls make our life more complicated. When the user
// changes the input source say from CD to LiniIn, then the system just
// sends a message to the input muxer that the selection changed.
// Cause we have only one HW register for the input muxer, all volumes
// displayed for the user are "virtualized", means they are not there,
// and when the selection changes, we have to prg. the volume of the
// selected input to the HW register. That's what we do now.
// get the registered DB values
ntStatus = GetDBValues (that->AdapterCommon, VirtNode, &lMinimum, &lMaximum, &uStep); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus;
// We can be lazy here and don't check for mono controls. Reason
// is that the level handler writes the volume value for mono
// controls into both the left and right node cache ;))
if (that->stNodeCache[VirtNode].bLeftValid && that->stNodeCache[VirtNode].bRightValid) { // prg. left channel
lLevel = that->stNodeCache[VirtNode].lLeft;
// calculate the dB.dB value.
if (NodeDef == NODE_MONOOUT_SELECT) wRegister = (WORD)(((lMaximum + uStep / 2) - lLevel) / uStep); else wRegister = (WORD)(((lLevel + uStep / 2) - lMinimum) / uStep);
// write left channel.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (VirtNode), wRegister << 8, that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (VirtNode) & AC97REG_MASK_LEFT);
// prg. right channel
lLevel = that->stNodeCache[VirtNode].lRight;
// calculate the dB.dB value.
if (NodeDef == NODE_MONOOUT_SELECT) wRegister = (WORD)(((lMaximum + uStep / 2) - lLevel) / uStep); else wRegister = (WORD)(((lLevel + uStep / 2) - lMinimum) / uStep);
// write right channel.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (VirtNode), wRegister, that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeMask (VirtNode) & AC97REG_MASK_RIGHT); // For the virtual controls, which are in front of a muxer, there
// is no mute control displayed. But we have a HW mute control, so
// what we do is enabling this mute when the user moves the slider
// down to the bottom and disabling it on every other position.
// We do this only for the "mono muxer", the recording mutes will
// never be muted.
if (NodeDef == NODE_WAVEIN_SELECT) { // disable the mute; this only works because the mute and volume
// share the same register.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (VirtNode), 0, AC97REG_MASK_MUTE); that->UpdateRecordMute (); }
if (NodeDef == NODE_MONOOUT_SELECT) { // these are only mono controls so checking one entry is enough.
if ( that->stNodeCache[VirtNode].bLeftValid && (that->stNodeCache[VirtNode].lLeft <= lMinimum)) { // set the mute; this only works because the mute and volume
// share the same register.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (VirtNode), AC97REG_MASK_MUTE, AC97REG_MASK_MUTE); } else { // clear the mute; this only works because the mute and volume
// share the same register.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->WriteCodecRegister ( that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeReg (VirtNode), 0, AC97REG_MASK_MUTE); } } } DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("SET: %s -> 0x%x", NodeStrings[NodeDef], *PropValue)); // ntStatus was set with the write call! whatever this is, return it.
} }
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_CpuResources ***************************************************************************** * Propcesses a KSPROPERTY_AUDIO_CPU_RESOURCES request * This property handler is called by the system for every node and every node * must support this property. Basically, this property is for performance * monitoring and we just say here that every function we claim to have has HW * support (which by the way is true). */ NTSTATUS CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_CpuResources ( IN PPCPROPERTY_REQUEST PropertyRequest ) { PAGED_CODE ();
ASSERT (PropertyRequest);
DOUT (DBG_PRINT, ("[CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_CpuResources]"));
CMiniportTopologyICH *that = (CMiniportTopologyICH *) PropertyRequest->MajorTarget; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST;
ASSERT (that);
// validate node
if (PropertyRequest->Node == (ULONG)-1) return ntStatus;
// validate the node def.
if (that->TransNodeNrToNodeDef (PropertyRequest->Node) == NODE_INVALID) return ntStatus; // we should do a get
if (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET) { // just return the flag.
if (PropertyRequest->ValueSize >= sizeof(LONG)) { *((PLONG)PropertyRequest->Value) = KSAUDIO_CPU_RESOURCES_NOT_HOST_CPU; PropertyRequest->ValueSize = sizeof(LONG); ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else // not enough buffer.
return ntStatus; }
* CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Private ***************************************************************************** * This is a private property that returns some AC97 codec features. * This routine gets called whenever the topology filter gets a property * request with KSPROSETPID_Private and KSPROPERTY_AC97_FEATURES set. It is not * a node property but a filter property (you don't have to specify a node). */ NTSTATUS CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Private ( IN PPCPROPERTY_REQUEST PropertyRequest ) { PAGED_CODE ();
ASSERT (PropertyRequest);
DOUT (DBG_PRINT, ("[CMiniportTopologyICH::PropertyHandler_Private]"));
NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; // The major target is the object pointer to the topology miniport.
CMiniportTopologyICH *that = (CMiniportTopologyICH *) PropertyRequest->MajorTarget;
ASSERT (that);
// We only have a get defined.
if (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_GET) { // Check the ID ("function" in "group").
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AC97_FEATURES) return ntStatus;
// validate buffer size.
if (PropertyRequest->ValueSize < sizeof (tAC97Features)) return ntStatus;
// The "Value" is the out buffer that you pass in DeviceIoControl call.
tAC97Features *pAC97Features = (tAC97Features *) PropertyRequest->Value; // Check the buffer.
if (!pAC97Features) return ntStatus;
// Fill the AC97Features structure.
// Set the volumes.
pAC97Features->MasterVolume = Volume5bit; if (that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeConfig (NODEC_6BIT_MASTER_VOLUME)) pAC97Features->MasterVolume = Volume6bit; pAC97Features->HeadphoneVolume = Volume5bit; if (!that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_HPOUT_PRESENT)) pAC97Features->HeadphoneVolume = VolumeDisabled; else if (that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeConfig (NODEC_6BIT_HPOUT_VOLUME)) pAC97Features->HeadphoneVolume = Volume6bit; pAC97Features->MonoOutVolume = Volume5bit; if (!that->AdapterCommon->GetPinConfig (PINC_MONOOUT_PRESENT)) pAC97Features->MonoOutVolume = VolumeDisabled; else if (that->AdapterCommon->GetNodeConfig (NODEC_6BIT_MONOOUT_VOLUME)) pAC97Features->MonoOutVolume = Volume6bit;
// The 18/20bit Resolution information.
WORD wCodecID;
// Read the reset register.
ntStatus = that->AdapterCommon->ReadCodecRegister (AC97REG_RESET, &wCodecID); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) return ntStatus;
// Now check the DAC and ADC resolution.
// First the DAC.
pAC97Features->DAC = Resolution16bit; if (wCodecID & 0x0040) pAC97Features->DAC = Resolution18bit; if (wCodecID & 0x0080) pAC97Features->DAC = Resolution20bit;
// Then the ADC.
pAC97Features->ADC = Resolution16bit; if (wCodecID & 0x0100) pAC97Features->ADC = Resolution18bit; if (wCodecID & 0x0200) pAC97Features->ADC = Resolution20bit;
// 3D technique
pAC97Features->n3DTechnique = ((wCodecID & 0x7C00) >> 10);
// Set the flag for MicIn.
pAC97Features->bMicInPresent = that->AdapterCommon-> GetPinConfig (PINC_MICIN_PRESENT) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Variable sample rate info.
pAC97Features->bVSRPCM = that->AdapterCommon-> GetNodeConfig (NODEC_PCM_VARIABLERATE_SUPPORTED) ? TRUE : FALSE; pAC97Features->bDSRPCM = that->AdapterCommon-> GetNodeConfig (NODEC_PCM_DOUBLERATE_SUPPORTED) ? TRUE : FALSE; pAC97Features->bVSRMIC = that->AdapterCommon-> GetNodeConfig (NODEC_MIC_VARIABLERATE_SUPPORTED) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Additional DAC's
pAC97Features->bCenterDAC = that->AdapterCommon-> GetNodeConfig (NODEC_CENTER_DAC_PRESENT) ? TRUE : FALSE; pAC97Features->bSurroundDAC = that->AdapterCommon-> GetNodeConfig (NODEC_SURROUND_DAC_PRESENT) ? TRUE : FALSE; pAC97Features->bLFEDAC = that->AdapterCommon-> GetNodeConfig (NODEC_LFE_DAC_PRESENT) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// We filled out the structure.
PropertyRequest->ValueSize = sizeof (tAC97Features); DOUT (DBG_PROPERTY, ("Get AC97Features succeeded."));
// ntStatus was set with the read call! whatever this is, return it.
else { // Just to show, we have a SET also.
if (PropertyRequest->Verb & KSPROPERTY_TYPE_SET) { // This is the only property for a SET.
if (PropertyRequest->PropertyItem->Id != KSPROPERTY_AC97_SAMPLE_SET) return ntStatus;
// validate buffer size.
if (PropertyRequest->ValueSize < sizeof (DWORD)) return ntStatus;
// Get the pointer to the DWORD.
DWORD *pTimerTick = (DWORD *)PropertyRequest->Value;
// Check the buffer.
if (!pTimerTick) return ntStatus;
// Print the message.
DOUT (DBG_ALL, ("This computer is already %d ms running Windows!", *pTimerTick)); ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } #endif
return ntStatus; } #endif