* Module Name: ddraw32I.c * * Implements all the DirectDraw components for the MACH 32 I/O driver. * * Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
// NT is kind enough to pre-calculate the 2-d surface offset as a 'hint' so
// that we don't have to do the following, which would be 6 DIVs per blt:
// y += (offset / pitch)
// x += (offset % pitch) / bytes_per_pixel
#define convertToGlobalCord(x, y, surf) \
{ \ y += (WORD)surf->yHint; \ x += (WORD)surf->xHint; \ }
#define I32_CURRENT_VLINE(pjIoBase) ((I32_IW(pjIoBase,VERT_LINE_CNTR) & 0x7ff))
//#define IN_VSYNC ((I32_IW(pjIoBase,DISP_STATUS) & V_SYNC_TOGGLE_BIT) ^ syncToggleSide)
#define I32_WAIT_FOR_IDLE() \
{ \ while ( I32_FIFO_SPACE_AVAIL(ppdev, pjIoBase, 16) \ || (I32_IW(pjIoBase,GE_STAT) & GE_BUSY) \ || (I32_IW(pjIoBase,EXT_GE_STATUS) & GE_ACTIVE) \ )\ ;\ }
#define SET_BLT_OFFSET(load,offset,pitch)\
{ \ offset >>= 2;\ I32_OB( pjIoBase,SHADOW_SET+1,load); \ I32_OW( pjIoBase,GE_OFFSET_HI,(WORD)((offset >> 16) & 0x000f));\ I32_OW( pjIoBase,GE_OFFSET_LO,(WORD)(offset & 0xffff));\ I32_OW( pjIoBase,GE_PITCH,(WORD)((pitch / pitchAdjuster) >> 3));\ }
#define SET_BLT_SOURCE_OFFSET(offset,pitch) SET_BLT_OFFSET(LOAD_SOURCE,offset,pitch)
#define SET_BLT_DEST_OFFSET(offset,pitch) SET_BLT_OFFSET(LOAD_DEST,offset,pitch)
{ \ I32_WAIT_FOR_IDLE(); \ I32_OB( pjIoBase,SHADOW_SET+1, LOAD_SOURCE_AND_DEST);\ I32_OW( pjIoBase,GE_OFFSET_HI, 0);\ I32_OW( pjIoBase,GE_OFFSET_LO,0);\ I32_OW( pjIoBase,GE_PITCH,(WORD)((sysPitch / pitchAdjuster) >> 3));\ }
#define SET_SOURCE_BLT(startX,startY,endX)\
{\ I32_OW( pjIoBase, M32_SRC_X, startX);\ I32_OW( pjIoBase, M32_SRC_Y, startY);\ \ I32_OW( pjIoBase, M32_SRC_X_START,startX);\ I32_OW( pjIoBase, M32_SRC_X_END, endX);\ }
#define SET_DEST_BLT(startX,startY,endX,endY)\
{ \ I32_OW( pjIoBase, CUR_X,startX); \ I32_OW( pjIoBase, CUR_Y,startY); \ \ I32_OW( pjIoBase, DEST_X_START,startX);\ I32_OW( pjIoBase, DEST_X_END,endX);\ I32_OW( pjIoBase, DEST_Y_END,endY);\ } // NT is kind enough to pre-calculate the 2-d surface offset as a 'hint' so
// that we don't have to do the following, which would be 6 DIVs per blt:
// y += (offset / pitch)
// x += (offset % pitch) / bytes_per_pixel
{\ convertToGlobalCord(destX, destY, surf);\ convertToGlobalCord(destXEnd, destYEnd, surf);\ }
{\ convertToGlobalCord(srcX, srcY, surf);\ convertToGlobalCord(srcXEnd, srcYEnd, surf);\ }
#define I32_DRAW_ENGINE_BUSY(ppdev, pjIoBase) ( \
I32_FIFO_SPACE_AVAIL(ppdev, pjIoBase, 16 ) \ || (I32_IW(pjIoBase,GE_STAT) & GE_BUSY ) \ || (I32_IW(pjIoBase,EXT_GE_STATUS) & GE_ACTIVE) \ ) /*
* currentScanLine * safe get current scan line */ static __inline int currentScanLine(BYTE* pjIoBase) { WORD lastValue = I32_CURRENT_VLINE(pjIoBase); WORD currentValue = I32_CURRENT_VLINE(pjIoBase);
while (lastValue != currentValue) { lastValue = currentValue; currentValue = I32_CURRENT_VLINE(pjIoBase); }
return currentValue; }
static __inline inVBlank(PDEV* ppdev, BYTE* pjIoBase) {
int temp; temp = currentScanLine(pjIoBase); return ((temp >= ppdev->flipRecord.wstartOfVBlank- 15) || temp < 15); }
* VOID vGetDisplayDuration32I * * Get the length, in EngQueryPerformanceCounter() ticks, of a refresh cycle. * * If we could trust the miniport to return back and accurate value for * the refresh rate, we could use that. Unfortunately, our miniport doesn't * ensure that it's an accurate value. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vGetDisplayDuration32I(PDEV* ppdev) { BYTE* pjIoBase; LONG i; LONG j; LONGLONG li; LONGLONG liMin; LONGLONG aliMeasurement[NUM_MEASUREMENTS_TO_TAKE + 1];
pjIoBase = ppdev->pjIoBase;
ppdev->flipRecord.wstartOfVBlank = I32_IW(pjIoBase, R_V_DISP);
// Warm up EngQUeryPerformanceCounter to make sure it's in the working
// set:
// Unfortunately, since NT is a proper multitasking system, we can't
// just disable interrupts to take an accurate reading. We also can't
// do anything so goofy as dynamically change our thread's priority to
// real-time.
// So we just do a bunch of short measurements and take the minimum.
// It would be 'okay' if we got a result that's longer than the actual
// VBlank cycle time -- nothing bad would happen except that the app
// would run a little slower. We don't want to get a result that's
// shorter than the actual VBlank cycle time -- that could cause us
// to start drawing over a frame before the Flip has occured.
while (inVBlank( ppdev, pjIoBase)) ;
while (!(inVBlank( ppdev, pjIoBase))) ;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_MEASUREMENTS_TO_TAKE; i++) { // We're at the start of the VBlank active cycle!
// Okay, so life in a multi-tasking environment isn't all that
// simple. What if we had taken a context switch just before
// the above EngQueryPerformanceCounter call, and now were half
// way through the VBlank inactive cycle? Then we would measure
// only half a VBlank cycle, which is obviously bad. The worst
// thing we can do is get a time shorter than the actual VBlank
// cycle time.
// So we solve this by making sure we're in the VBlank active
// time before and after we query the time. If it's not, we'll
// sync up to the next VBlank (it's okay to measure this period --
// it will be guaranteed to be longer than the VBlank cycle and
// will likely be thrown out when we select the minimum sample).
// There's a chance that we'll take a context switch and return
// just before the end of the active VBlank time -- meaning that
// the actual measured time would be less than the true amount --
// but since the VBlank is active less than 1% of the time, this
// means that we would have a maximum of 1% error approximately
// 1% of the times we take a context switch. An acceptable risk.
// This next line will cause us wait if we're no longer in the
// VBlank active cycle as we should be at this point:
while (!(inVBlank( ppdev, pjIoBase))) ;
for (j = 0; j < NUM_VBLANKS_TO_MEASURE; j++) { while (inVBlank( ppdev, pjIoBase)) ; while (!(inVBlank( ppdev, pjIoBase))) ; } }
// Use the minimum:
liMin = aliMeasurement[1] - aliMeasurement[0];
DISPDBG((10, "Refresh count: %li - %li", 1, (ULONG) liMin));
for (i = 2; i <= NUM_MEASUREMENTS_TO_TAKE; i++) { li = aliMeasurement[i] - aliMeasurement[i - 1];
DISPDBG((10, " %li - %li", i, (ULONG) li));
if (li < liMin) liMin = li; }
// Round the result:
ppdev->flipRecord.liFlipDuration = (DWORD) (liMin + (NUM_VBLANKS_TO_MEASURE / 2)) / NUM_VBLANKS_TO_MEASURE;
DISPDBG((10, "Frequency %li.%03li Hz", (ULONG) (EngQueryPerformanceFrequency(&li), li / ppdev->flipRecord.liFlipDuration), (ULONG) (EngQueryPerformanceFrequency(&li), ((li * 1000) / ppdev->flipRecord.liFlipDuration) % 1000)));
ppdev->flipRecord.liFlipTime = aliMeasurement[NUM_MEASUREMENTS_TO_TAKE]; ppdev->flipRecord.bFlipFlag = FALSE; ppdev->flipRecord.fpFlipFrom = 0; }
* HRESULT vUpdateFlipStatus32I * * Checks and sees if the most recent flip has occurred. * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT vUpdateFlipStatus32I( PDEV* ppdev, FLATPTR fpVidMem) { BYTE* pjIoBase; LONGLONG liTime;
pjIoBase = ppdev->pjIoBase;
if ((ppdev->flipRecord.bFlipFlag) && ((fpVidMem == 0) || (fpVidMem == ppdev->flipRecord.fpFlipFrom))) { if (inVBlank( ppdev, pjIoBase)) { if (ppdev->flipRecord.bWasEverInDisplay) { ppdev->flipRecord.bHaveEverCrossedVBlank = TRUE;
} } else //In display
{ if( ppdev->flipRecord.bHaveEverCrossedVBlank ) { ppdev->flipRecord.bFlipFlag = FALSE; return(DD_OK); } ppdev->flipRecord.bWasEverInDisplay = TRUE; }
if (liTime - ppdev->flipRecord.liFlipTime <= ppdev->flipRecord.liFlipDuration) { return(DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING); } ppdev->flipRecord.bFlipFlag = FALSE; } return(DD_OK); }
* DWORD DdBlt32I * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD DdBlt32I( PDD_BLTDATA lpBlt) { HRESULT ddrval; DWORD destOffset; WORD destPitch; WORD destX; WORD destXEnd; WORD destY; WORD destYEnd; WORD direction; WORD remainder; DWORD dwFlags; WORD height; RECTL rDest; RECTL rSrc; BYTE rop; DWORD sourceOffset; WORD srcPitch; WORD srcX; WORD srcXEnd; WORD srcY; WORD srcYEnd; WORD pitchAdjuster; WORD sysPitch; PDD_SURFACE_LOCAL srcSurfx; PDD_SURFACE_GLOBAL srcSurf; PDD_SURFACE_LOCAL destSurfx; PDD_SURFACE_GLOBAL destSurf; PDEV* ppdev; BYTE* pjIoBase;
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpBlt->lpDD->dhpdev; pjIoBase = ppdev->pjIoBase;
destSurfx = lpBlt->lpDDDestSurface; destSurf = destSurfx->lpGbl; sysPitch = (WORD)ppdev->lDelta; pitchAdjuster = (WORD)(ppdev->cBitsPerPel) /8; /*
* is a flip in progress? */ ddrval = vUpdateFlipStatus32I(ppdev, destSurf->fpVidMem ); if( ddrval != DD_OK ) { lpBlt->ddRVal = ddrval; return DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED; }
* If async, then only work if bltter isn't busy * This should probably be a little more specific to each call, but * waiting for 16 is pretty close */ dwFlags = lpBlt->dwFlags; if( dwFlags & DDBLT_ASYNC ) { if( I32_FIFO_SPACE_AVAIL(ppdev, pjIoBase, 16 )) { lpBlt->ddRVal = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; return DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED; } }
* copy src/dest rects */ rDest = lpBlt->rDest;
destX = (WORD)rDest.left; destXEnd = (WORD)rDest.right; destY = (WORD)rDest.top; destYEnd = (WORD)rDest.bottom; destPitch = (WORD)destSurf->lPitch; destOffset = (DWORD)(destSurf->fpVidMem) ;
if (!(dwFlags & DDBLT_ROP)) { if( dwFlags & DDBLT_COLORFILL ) { { I32_CHECK_FIFO_SPACE(ppdev, pjIoBase, 9); CONVERT_DEST_TO_ZERO_BASE_REFERENCE(destSurf);
I32_OW( pjIoBase,DP_CONFIG,COLOR_FIL_BLT); I32_OW( pjIoBase,ALU_FG_FN,MIX_FN_S); I32_OW( pjIoBase, FRGD_COLOR,(WORD)lpBlt->bltFX.dwFillColor); SET_DEST_BLT(destX,destY,destXEnd,destYEnd); }
lpBlt->ddRVal = DD_OK; return DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED; } else { return DDHAL_DRIVER_NOTHANDLED; }
// Must be a SRCCOPY ROP if ew get here....
srcSurfx = lpBlt->lpDDSrcSurface; if (lpBlt->lpDDSrcSurface) { srcSurf = srcSurfx->lpGbl; rSrc = lpBlt->rSrc; srcX = (WORD)rSrc.left; srcXEnd = (WORD)rSrc.right; srcY = (WORD)rSrc.top; srcYEnd = (WORD)rSrc.bottom; srcPitch = (WORD)srcSurf->lPitch; sourceOffset = (DWORD)(srcSurf->fpVidMem) ;
direction = TOP_TO_BOTTOM; if ( (destSurf == srcSurf) && (srcXEnd > destX) && (srcYEnd > destY) && (destXEnd > srcX) && (destYEnd > srcY) && ( ((srcY == destY) && (destX > srcX) ) || ((srcY != destY) && (destY > srcY) ) ) ) { direction = BOTTOM_TO_TOP; srcX = (WORD)rSrc.right; srcXEnd = (WORD)rSrc.left; srcY = (WORD)rSrc.bottom-1; destX = (WORD)rDest.right; destXEnd = (WORD)rDest.left; destY = (WORD)rDest.bottom-1; destYEnd = (WORD)rDest.top-1; } }
* get offset, width, and height for source */ rop = (BYTE) (lpBlt->bltFX.dwROP >> 16);
if( dwFlags & DDBLT_ROP ) { if (rop == (SRCCOPY >> 16)) { // Transparent BLT
I32_OW( pjIoBase, DP_CONFIG, VID_MEM_BLT); I32_OW( pjIoBase, ALU_FG_FN, MIX_FN_S); I32_OW( pjIoBase, SRC_Y_DIR, direction); I32_OW( pjIoBase, MULTIFUNC_CNTL, PIXEL_CTRL | DEST_NOT_EQ_COLOR_CMP ); I32_OW( pjIoBase, CMP_COLOR, lpBlt->bltFX.ddckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue );
SET_SOURCE_BLT(srcX,srcY,srcXEnd); SET_DEST_BLT(destX,destY,destXEnd,destYEnd); } else { // Not transparent
I32_OW( pjIoBase, DP_CONFIG,VID_MEM_BLT); I32_OW( pjIoBase, ALU_FG_FN,MIX_FN_S); I32_OW( pjIoBase, SRC_Y_DIR,direction);
SET_SOURCE_BLT(srcX,srcY,srcXEnd); SET_DEST_BLT(destX,destY,destXEnd,destYEnd); } } } else return DDHAL_DRIVER_NOTHANDLED;
lpBlt->ddRVal = DD_OK; return DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED;
} /******************************Public*Routine******************************\
* DWORD DdFlip32 * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD DdFlip32I( PDD_FLIPDATA lpFlip) { PDEV* ppdev; BYTE* pjIoBase; HRESULT ddrval; WORD highVidMem; WORD lowVidMem; ULONG ulMemoryOffset;
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpFlip->lpDD->dhpdev; pjIoBase = ppdev->pjIoBase;
// Is the current flip still in progress?
// Don't want a flip to work until after the last flip is done,
// so we ask for the general flip status and ignore the vmem.
ddrval = vUpdateFlipStatus32I(ppdev, 0);
if ((ddrval != DD_OK) || (I32_DRAW_ENGINE_BUSY( ppdev,pjIoBase))) { lpFlip->ddRVal = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; return(DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED); }
ulMemoryOffset = (ULONG)(lpFlip->lpSurfTarg->lpGbl->fpVidMem >> 2);
// Make sure that the border/blanking period isn't active; wait if
// it is. We could return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING in this case, but
// that will increase the odds that we can't flip the next time:
while (inVBlank(ppdev, pjIoBase)) ;
// Do the flip
highVidMem = I32_IW(pjIoBase,CRT_OFFSET_HI) & 0xfffc | (WORD)(ulMemoryOffset >>16); lowVidMem = (WORD)(ulMemoryOffset & 0xffff); if (inVBlank( ppdev, pjIoBase)) { lpFlip->ddRVal = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; return DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED; }
I32_OW_DIRECT( pjIoBase,CRT_OFFSET_HI, highVidMem); I32_OW_DIRECT( pjIoBase,CRT_OFFSET_LO, lowVidMem);
// Remember where and when we were when we did the flip:
ppdev->flipRecord.bFlipFlag = TRUE; ppdev->flipRecord.bHaveEverCrossedVBlank = FALSE; ppdev->flipRecord.bWasEverInDisplay = FALSE;
ppdev->flipRecord.fpFlipFrom = lpFlip->lpSurfCurr->lpGbl->fpVidMem;
if( inVBlank( ppdev, pjIoBase) ) { ppdev->flipRecord.wFlipScanLine = 0; } else { ppdev->flipRecord.wFlipScanLine = currentScanLine(pjIoBase); }
lpFlip->ddRVal = DD_OK;
* DWORD DdLock32I * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD DdLock32I( PDD_LOCKDATA lpLock) { PDEV* ppdev; HRESULT ddrval;
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpLock->lpDD->dhpdev; // Check to see if any pending physical flip has occurred.
// Don't allow a lock if a blt is in progress:
ddrval = vUpdateFlipStatus32I(ppdev, lpLock->lpDDSurface->lpGbl->fpVidMem);
if (ddrval != DD_OK) { lpLock->ddRVal = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; return(DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED); }
// Here's one of the places where the Windows 95 and Windows NT DirectDraw
// implementations differ: on Windows NT, you should watch for
// DDLOCK_WAIT and loop in the driver while the accelerator is busy.
// On Windows 95, it doesn't really matter.
// (The reason is that Windows NT allows applications to draw directly
// to the frame buffer even while the accelerator is running, and does
// not synchronize everything on the Win16Lock. Note that on Windows NT,
// it is even possible for multiple threads to be holding different
// DirectDraw surface locks at the same time.)
if (lpLock->dwFlags & DDLOCK_WAIT) { do {} while (I32_DRAW_ENGINE_BUSY(ppdev, ppdev->pjIoBase)); } else if (I32_DRAW_ENGINE_BUSY(ppdev, ppdev->pjIoBase)) { lpLock->ddRVal = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; return(DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED); }
* DWORD DdGetBltStatus32I * * Doesn't currently really care what surface is specified, just checks * and goes. * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD DdGetBltStatus32I( PDD_GETBLTSTATUSDATA lpGetBltStatus) { PDEV* ppdev; HRESULT ddRVal;
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpGetBltStatus->lpDD->dhpdev;
ddRVal = DD_OK; if (lpGetBltStatus->dwFlags == DDGBS_CANBLT) { // DDGBS_CANBLT case: can we add a blt?
ddRVal = vUpdateFlipStatus32I(ppdev, lpGetBltStatus->lpDDSurface->lpGbl->fpVidMem);
if (ddRVal == DD_OK) { // There was no flip going on, so is there room in the FIFO
// to add a blt?
if (I32_FIFO_SPACE_AVAIL(ppdev,ppdev->pjIoBase,12)) // Should match DdBlt//XXX
{ ddRVal = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; } } } else { // DDGBS_ISBLTDONE case: is a blt in progress?
if (I32_DRAW_ENGINE_BUSY( ppdev,ppdev->pjIoBase)) { ddRVal = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; } }
lpGetBltStatus->ddRVal = ddRVal; return(DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED); } /******************************Public*Routine******************************\
* DWORD DdGetFlipStatus32I * * If the display has gone through one refresh cycle since the flip * occurred, we return DD_OK. If it has not gone through one refresh * cycle we return DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING to indicate that this surface * is still busy "drawing" the flipped page. We also return * DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING if the bltter is busy and the caller wanted * to know if they could flip yet. * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD DdGetFlipStatus32I( PDD_GETFLIPSTATUSDATA lpGetFlipStatus) { PDEV* ppdev;
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpGetFlipStatus->lpDD->dhpdev;
// We don't want a flip to work until after the last flip is done,
// so we ask for the general flip status and ignore the vmem:
lpGetFlipStatus->ddRVal = vUpdateFlipStatus32I(ppdev, 0);
// Check if the bltter is busy if someone wants to know if they can
// flip:
if (lpGetFlipStatus->dwFlags == DDGFS_CANFLIP) { if ((lpGetFlipStatus->ddRVal == DD_OK) && (I32_DRAW_ENGINE_BUSY( ppdev,ppdev->pjIoBase))) { lpGetFlipStatus->ddRVal = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; } }
* DWORD DdWaitForVerticalBlank32I * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD DdWaitForVerticalBlank32I( PDD_WAITFORVERTICALBLANKDATA lpWaitForVerticalBlank) { PDEV* ppdev; BYTE* pjIoBase;
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpWaitForVerticalBlank->lpDD->dhpdev; pjIoBase = ppdev->pjIoBase;
lpWaitForVerticalBlank->ddRVal = DD_OK;
switch (lpWaitForVerticalBlank->dwFlags) { case DDWAITVB_I_TESTVB:
// If TESTVB, it's just a request for the current vertical blank
// status:
if (inVBlank( ppdev,pjIoBase)) lpWaitForVerticalBlank->bIsInVB = TRUE; else lpWaitForVerticalBlank->bIsInVB = FALSE;
// If BLOCKBEGIN is requested, we wait until the vertical blank
// is over, and then wait for the display period to end:
while (inVBlank( ppdev,pjIoBase)) ; while (!inVBlank( ppdev,pjIoBase)) ;
// If BLOCKEND is requested, we wait for the vblank interval to end:
while (!(inVBlank( ppdev,pjIoBase))) ; while (inVBlank( ppdev,pjIoBase)) ;
* DWORD DdGetScanLine32I * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD DdGetScanLine32I( PDD_GETSCANLINEDATA lpGetScanLine) { PDEV* ppdev; BYTE* pjIoBase;
ppdev = (PDEV*) lpGetScanLine->lpDD->dhpdev; pjIoBase = ppdev->pjIoBase;
lpGetScanLine->dwScanLine = I32_CURRENT_VLINE(pjIoBase); lpGetScanLine->ddRVal = DD_OK;
* BOOL DrvGetDirectDrawInfo32I * * Will be called before DrvEnableDirectDraw is called. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL DrvGetDirectDrawInfo32I( DHPDEV dhpdev, DD_HALINFO* pHalInfo, DWORD* pdwNumHeaps, VIDEOMEMORY* pvmList, // Will be NULL on first call
DWORD* pdwNumFourCC, DWORD* pdwFourCC) // Will be NULL on first call
{ BOOL bCanFlip; PDEV* ppdev; LONGLONG li; OH *poh; DWORD i;
ppdev = (PDEV*) dhpdev;
DISPDBG((10,"DrvGetDirectDrawInfo I32"));
pHalInfo->dwSize = sizeof(*pHalInfo);
// Current primary surface attributes:
pHalInfo->vmiData.pvPrimary = ppdev->pjScreen; pHalInfo->vmiData.dwDisplayWidth = ppdev->cxScreen; pHalInfo->vmiData.dwDisplayHeight = ppdev->cyScreen; pHalInfo->vmiData.lDisplayPitch = ppdev->lDelta;
pHalInfo->vmiData.ddpfDisplay.dwSize = sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT); pHalInfo->vmiData.ddpfDisplay.dwFlags = DDPF_RGB;
pHalInfo->vmiData.ddpfDisplay.dwRGBBitCount = ppdev->cBitsPerPel;
if (ppdev->iBitmapFormat == BMF_8BPP) { pHalInfo->vmiData.ddpfDisplay.dwFlags |= DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8; }
// These masks will be zero at 8bpp:
pHalInfo->vmiData.ddpfDisplay.dwRBitMask = ppdev->flRed; pHalInfo->vmiData.ddpfDisplay.dwGBitMask = ppdev->flGreen; pHalInfo->vmiData.ddpfDisplay.dwBBitMask = ppdev->flBlue;
// We can't do any accelerations on the Mach32 above 16bpp -- the only
// DirectDraw support we can provide is direct frame buffer access.
if (ppdev->iBitmapFormat < BMF_24BPP) { // Set up the pointer to the first available video memory after
// the primary surface:
bCanFlip = FALSE;
// Free up as much off-screen memory as possible:
// Now simply reserve the biggest chunks for use by DirectDraw:
poh = ppdev->pohDirectDraw;
if (poh == NULL) { poh = pohAllocate(ppdev, NULL, ppdev->heap.cxMax, ppdev->heap.cyMax, FLOH_MAKE_PERMANENT);
ppdev->pohDirectDraw = poh;
// this will work as is if using the NT common 2-d heap code.
if (poh != NULL) { *pdwNumHeaps = 1;
// Check to see if we can allocate memory to the right of the visible
// surface.
// Fill in the list of off-screen rectangles if we've been asked
// to do so:
if (pvmList != NULL) { DISPDBG((10, "DirectDraw gets %li x %li surface at (%li, %li)", poh->cx, poh->cy, poh->x, poh->y));
pvmList->dwFlags = VIDMEM_ISRECTANGULAR; pvmList->fpStart = (poh->y * ppdev->lDelta) + (poh->x * ppdev->cjPelSize); pvmList->dwWidth = poh->cx * ppdev->cjPelSize; pvmList->dwHeight = poh->cy; pvmList->ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN; if ((DWORD) ppdev->cyScreen <= pvmList->dwHeight) { bCanFlip = TRUE; } DISPDBG((10,"CanFlip = %d", bCanFlip)); } }
pHalInfo->ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps = 0;
pHalInfo->ddCaps.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN | DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE; if (bCanFlip) { pHalInfo->ddCaps.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= DDSCAPS_FLIP; } } else { pHalInfo->ddCaps.dwCaps = DDCAPS_READSCANLINE; }
// dword alignment must be guaranteed for off-screen surfaces:
pHalInfo->vmiData.dwOffscreenAlign = 8;
DISPDBG((10,"DrvGetDirectDrawInfo exit")); return(TRUE); }