#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <stdio.h>
#include "glwinint.h"
// Window class
static char *pszClass = "glWindow";
// Structure to pass window creation data
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _GLWINCREATESTRUCT { WORD wSize; GLWINDOW gw; } GLWINCREATESTRUCT; #pragma pack()
* * glwinWndProc * * Window procedure for glwin windows * * History: * Fri Aug 30 13:00:23 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
// Set up the window-related data immediately on WM_CREATE so that
// a callback can be made for it as well as after it
if (uiMsg == WM_CREATE) { pgcs = (GLWINCREATESTRUCT *)((CREATESTRUCT *)lpm)->lpCreateParams; SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)pgcs->gw); } gw = (GLWINDOW)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA);
// Pass off window messages if requested
if (gw != NULL && gw->cbMessage != NULL) { if (gw->cbMessage(gw, hwnd, uiMsg, wpm, lpm, &lr)) { return lr; } } switch(uiMsg) { case WM_PAINT: // Validate paint region. The assumption is that the app will either
// interpose and catch the WM_PAINT itself or it's dynamic so
// the screen will be repainted shortly anyway. Either way,
// there's nothing for the library to do.
BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break; case WM_CLOSE: gw->bClosing = TRUE; DestroyWindow(hwnd); break;
case WM_DESTROY: if (gw->bClosing) { PostQuitMessage(1); } break; default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uiMsg, wpm, lpm); }
return 0; }
// Default palette entry flags
// Maximum color distance with 8-bit components
#define MAX_COL_DIST (3*256*256L)
// Number of static colors
#define STATIC_COLORS 20
// Flags used when matching colors
#define EXACT_MATCH 1
#define COLOR_USED 1
// Tables to convert color components between bit sizes
// These tables are corrected for a gamma of 1.4
static unsigned char abThreeToEight[8] = { 0, 63, 104, 139, 171, 200, 229, 255 }; static unsigned char abTwoToEight[4] = { 0, 116, 191, 255 }; static unsigned char abOneToEight[2] = { 0, 255 };
// Table which indicates which colors in a 3-3-2 palette should be
// replaced with the system default colors
static int aiDefaultOverride[STATIC_COLORS] = { 0, 3, 24, 27, 64, 67, 88, 173, 181, 236, 247, 164, 91, 7, 56, 63, 192, 199, 248, 255 };
* * glwinComponentFromIndex * * Converts a color index to a color component * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:04:45 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
unsigned char glwinComponentFromIndex(int i, int nbits, int shift) { unsigned char val;
val = i >> shift; switch (nbits) { case 1: return abOneToEight[val & 1];
case 2: return abTwoToEight[val & 3];
case 3: return abThreeToEight[val & 7]; }
return 0; }
// System default colors
static PALETTEENTRY apeDefaultPalEntry[STATIC_COLORS] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0x80,0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0x80,0, 0 }, { 0x80,0x80,0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0x80, 0 }, { 0x80,0, 0x80, 0 }, { 0, 0x80,0x80, 0 }, { 0xC0,0xC0,0xC0, 0 },
{ 192, 220, 192, 0 }, { 166, 202, 240, 0 }, { 255, 251, 240, 0 }, { 160, 160, 164, 0 },
{ 0x80,0x80,0x80, 0 }, { 0xFF,0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0xFF,0, 0 }, { 0xFF,0xFF,0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0xFF, 0 }, { 0xFF,0, 0xFF, 0 }, { 0, 0xFF,0xFF, 0 }, { 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF, 0 } };
* * glwinUpdateStaticMapping * * Computes the best match between the current system static colors * and a 3-3-2 palette * * History: * Tue Aug 01 18:18:12 1995 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void glwinUpdateStaticMapping(PALETTEENTRY *pe332Palette) { HPALETTE hpalStock; int iStatic, i332; int iMinDist, iDist; int iDelta; int iMinEntry; PALETTEENTRY *peStatic, *pe332;
hpalStock = (HPALETTE)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE);
// Get the current static colors
GetPaletteEntries(hpalStock, 0, STATIC_COLORS, apeDefaultPalEntry);
// Zero the flags in the static colors because they are used later
peStatic = apeDefaultPalEntry; for (iStatic = 0; iStatic < STATIC_COLORS; iStatic++) { peStatic->peFlags = 0; peStatic++; }
// Zero the flags in the incoming palette because they are used later
pe332 = pe332Palette; for (i332 = 0; i332 < 256; i332++) { pe332->peFlags = 0; pe332++; }
// Try to match each static color exactly
// This saves time by avoiding the least-squares match for each
// exact match
peStatic = apeDefaultPalEntry; for (iStatic = 0; iStatic < STATIC_COLORS; iStatic++) { pe332 = pe332Palette; for (i332 = 0; i332 < 256; i332++) { if (peStatic->peRed == pe332->peRed && peStatic->peGreen == pe332->peGreen && peStatic->peBlue == pe332->peBlue) { peStatic->peFlags = EXACT_MATCH; pe332->peFlags = COLOR_USED; aiDefaultOverride[iStatic] = i332; break; }
pe332++; }
peStatic++; } // Match each static color as closely as possible to an entry
// in the 332 palette by minimized the square of the distance
peStatic = apeDefaultPalEntry; for (iStatic = 0; iStatic < STATIC_COLORS; iStatic++) { // Skip colors already matched exactly
if (peStatic->peFlags == EXACT_MATCH) { peStatic++; continue; } iMinDist = MAX_COL_DIST+1; #if DBG
iMinEntry = -1; #endif
pe332 = pe332Palette; for (i332 = 0; i332 < 256; i332++) { // Skip colors already used
if (pe332->peFlags == COLOR_USED) { pe332++; continue; } // Compute Euclidean distance squared
iDelta = pe332->peRed-peStatic->peRed; iDist = iDelta*iDelta; iDelta = pe332->peGreen-peStatic->peGreen; iDist += iDelta*iDelta; iDelta = pe332->peBlue-peStatic->peBlue; iDist += iDelta*iDelta;
if (iDist < iMinDist) { iMinDist = iDist; iMinEntry = i332; }
pe332++; }
// Remember the best match
aiDefaultOverride[iStatic] = iMinEntry; pe332Palette[iMinEntry].peFlags = COLOR_USED; peStatic++; }
// Zero the flags in the static colors because they may have been
// set. We want them to be zero so the colors can be remapped
peStatic = apeDefaultPalEntry; for (iStatic = 0; iStatic < STATIC_COLORS; iStatic++) { peStatic->peFlags = 0; peStatic++; }
// Reset the 332 flags because we may have set them
pe332 = pe332Palette; for (i332 = 0; i332 < 256; i332++) { pe332->peFlags = PALETTE_FLAGS; pe332++; } }
for (i = 0, ppeEntry = ppeEntries ; i < cColors ; i++, ppeEntry++) { ppeEntry->peRed = glwinComponentFromIndex(i, ppfd->cRedBits, ppfd->cRedShift); ppeEntry->peGreen = glwinComponentFromIndex(i, ppfd->cGreenBits, ppfd->cGreenShift); ppeEntry->peBlue = glwinComponentFromIndex(i, ppfd->cBlueBits, ppfd->cBlueShift); ppeEntry->peFlags = PALETTE_FLAGS; }
if (cColors == 256) { // If app set static system color usage for fixed palette support,
// setup to take over the static colors. Otherwise, fixup the
// static system colors.
// The defaultOverride array is computed assuming a 332
// palette where red has zero shift, etc.
if ( (3 == ppfd->cRedBits) && (0 == ppfd->cRedShift) && (3 == ppfd->cGreenBits) && (3 == ppfd->cGreenShift) && (2 == ppfd->cBlueBits) && (6 == ppfd->cBlueShift) ) { glwinUpdateStaticMapping(ppeEntries); for ( i = 0 ; i < STATIC_COLORS ; i++) { ppeEntries[aiDefaultOverride[i]] = apeDefaultPalEntry[i]; } } } return ppeEntries; }
void glwinFlushPalette(HDC hdc, int cColors) { LOGPALETTE *plpal; HPALETTE hpal, hpalOld; int i;
if (cColors == 256) { plpal = (LOGPALETTE *)calloc(1, sizeof(LOGPALETTE)+ cColors*sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)); if (plpal != NULL) { plpal->palVersion = 0x300; plpal->palNumEntries = cColors;
// Mark everything PC_NOCOLLAPSE and PC_RESERVED to force
// every thing into the palette. Colors are already black
// because we zero initialized during memory allocation.
for (i = 0; i < cColors; i++) { plpal->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE | PC_RESERVED; }
hpal = CreatePalette(plpal); free(plpal);
hpalOld = SelectPalette(hdc, hpal, FALSE); RealizePalette(hdc);
SelectPalette(hdc, hpalOld, FALSE); DeleteObject(hpal); } } }
LONG glwinRealizePaletteNow(HDC hdc, HPALETTE hpal, BOOL bForceBackground) { LONG lRet = -1; BOOL bHaveSysPal = TRUE;
if (SelectPalette(hdc, hpal, FALSE) != NULL) { lRet = RealizePalette(hdc); }
return lRet; }
BOOL glwinCreateRgbPalette(HDC hdc, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *ppfd, HPALETTE *phpal) { LOGPALETTE *plpal; UINT cColors; HPALETTE hpal = NULL; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
if (ppfd->iPixelType == PFD_TYPE_RGBA && (ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_NEED_PALETTE)) { cColors = 1 << ppfd->cColorBits; plpal = (LOGPALETTE *)malloc(sizeof(LOGPALETTE)+ cColors*sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)); if (plpal != NULL) { plpal->palVersion = 0x300; plpal->palNumEntries = cColors;
glwinFillRgbPaletteEntries(ppfd, &plpal->palPalEntry[0], cColors); hpal = CreatePalette(plpal); free(plpal);
glwinFlushPalette(hdc, cColors); glwinRealizePaletteNow(hdc, hpal, FALSE); } else { bRet = FALSE; } }
*phpal = hpal; return bRet; }
* * glwinRegisterClass * * Register a window class if necessary * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:37:49 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL glwinRegisterClass(void) { static ATOM aClass = 0; WNDCLASS wc;
if (aClass == 0) { wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wc.lpfnWndProc = glwinWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(NULL); wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = pszClass; aClass = RegisterClass(&wc); if (aClass == 0) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
* * glwinCreateWindow * * Create a new rendering window * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:38:49 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
GLWINDOW glwinCreateWindow(HWND hwndParent, char *pszTitle, int x, int y, int iWidth, int iHeight, DWORD dwFlags) { GLWINDOW gw; RECT rct; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd; GLWINCREATESTRUCT gcs; int ipfd; DWORD dwStyle;
if (!glwinRegisterClass()) { return NULL; }
gw = (GLWINDOW)malloc(sizeof(_GLWINDOW)); if (gw == NULL) { return NULL; } memset(gw, 0, sizeof(*gw)); if (hwndParent != NULL) { dwStyle = WS_CHILDWINDOW; } else { dwStyle = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; } dwStyle |= WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; // Create base window
rct.left = x; rct.top = y; rct.right = x+iWidth; rct.bottom = y+iHeight; AdjustWindowRect(&rct, dwStyle, FALSE);
gcs.wSize = sizeof(gcs); gcs.gw = gw; gw->hwnd = CreateWindow(pszClass, pszTitle, dwStyle, rct.left, rct.top, rct.right-rct.left, rct.bottom-rct.top, hwndParent, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), &gcs); if (gw->hwnd == NULL) { return NULL; } ShowWindow(gw->hwnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); UpdateWindow(gw->hwnd);
gw->hdc = GetDC(gw->hwnd); if (gw->hdc == NULL) { goto DestroyWin; } // Create an OpenGL rendering context
memset(&pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd)); pfd.nSize = sizeof(pfd); pfd.nVersion = 1; pfd.dwFlags = PFD_GENERIC_FORMAT; if (dwFlags & GLWIN_GENERIC_ACCELERATED) { pfd.dwFlags |= PFD_GENERIC_ACCELERATED; } if (dwFlags & GLWIN_BACK_BUFFER) { pfd.dwFlags |= PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; } pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; if (dwFlags & GLWIN_ACCUM_BUFFER) { pfd.cAccumBits = 64; } if (dwFlags & GLWIN_STENCIL_BUFFER) { pfd.cStencilBits = 8; } if (dwFlags & GLWIN_Z_BUFFER_16) { pfd.cDepthBits = 16; } else if (dwFlags & GLWIN_Z_BUFFER_32) { pfd.cDepthBits = 32; } ipfd = ChoosePixelFormat(gw->hdc, &pfd); if (ipfd <= 0) { goto DestroyWin; } if (DescribePixelFormat(gw->hdc, ipfd, sizeof(pfd), &pfd) <= 0) { goto DestroyWin; } if (!SetPixelFormat(gw->hdc, ipfd, &pfd)) { goto DestroyWin; }
if (!glwinCreateRgbPalette(gw->hdc, &pfd, &gw->hpal)) { goto DestroyWin; } gw->hrc = wglCreateContext(gw->hdc); if (gw->hrc == NULL) { goto DestroyWin; } gw->iWidth = iWidth; gw->iHeight = iHeight; gw->dwFlags = dwFlags;
return gw;
DestroyWin: glwinDestroyWindow(gw); return NULL; }
* * glwinDestroyWindow * * Clean up a rendering window * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:39:20 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void glwinDestroyWindow(GLWINDOW gw) { if (gw->hrc != NULL) { if (wglGetCurrentContext() == gw->hrc) { wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); } wglDeleteContext(gw->hrc); }
if (gw->hdc != NULL) { ReleaseDC(gw->hwnd, gw->hdc); }
if (gw->hpal != NULL) { DeleteObject(gw->hpal); } if (gw->hwnd != NULL) { DestroyWindow(gw->hwnd); } }
* * glwinGetGlrc * * Return a rendering window's OpenGL rendering context * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:39:29 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
HGLRC glwinGetGlrc(GLWINDOW gw) { return gw->hrc; }
* * glwinGetHwnd * * Returns a rendering window's window system window * * History: * Mon Oct 21 18:10:23 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
HWND glwinGetHwnd(GLWINDOW gw) { return gw->hwnd; }
* * glwinGetHdc * * Returns a renderin window's HDC * * History: * Tue Oct 22 11:01:35 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
HDC glwinGetHdc(GLWINDOW gw) { return gw->hdc; }
* * glwinGetFlags * * Returns creation flags * * History: * Mon Oct 21 18:28:24 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD glwinGetFlags(GLWINDOW gw) { return gw->dwFlags; }
* * glwinGetLastError * * Returns the last error recorded by the library * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:39:39 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
LONG glwinGetLastError(void) { #if DBG
char pszMsg[80];
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) { sprintf(pszMsg, "glwinGetLastError returning %d (0x%08lX)\n", GetLastError(), GetLastError()); OutputDebugString(pszMsg); } #endif
return GetLastError(); }
* * glwinMakeCurrent * * Makes the given rendering window's OpenGL rendering context current * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:39:47 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL glwinMakeCurrent(GLWINDOW gw) { return wglMakeCurrent(gw->hdc, gw->hrc); }
* * glwinSwapBuffers * * Performs double-buffer swapping through blt or flip * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:40:49 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL glwinSwapBuffers(GLWINDOW gw) { return SwapBuffers(gw->hdc); }
* * glwinIdleCallback * * Set the idle-time callback * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:41:28 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void glwinIdleCallback(GLWINDOW gw, GLWINIDLECALLBACK cb) { gw->cbIdle = cb; }
* * glwinMessageCallback * * Set the message interposition callback * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:41:40 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void glwinMessageCallback(GLWINDOW gw, GLWINMESSAGECALLBACK cb) { gw->cbMessage = cb; }
* * glwinRunWindow * * Run the message loop for a single window * * History: * Fri Aug 30 14:41:58 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void glwinRunWindow(GLWINDOW gw) { MSG msg; BOOL bQuit;
bQuit = FALSE; while (!bQuit) { while (!bQuit && PeekMessage(&msg, gw->hwnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (GetMessage(&msg, gw->hwnd, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else { bQuit = TRUE; } }
// Call the idle callback if one exists
if (gw->cbIdle != NULL) { gw->cbIdle(gw); } } }
* * glwinRun * * Run a message loop for all windows * * History: * Tue Oct 22 11:13:48 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void glwinRun(GLWINIDLECALLBACK cb) { MSG msg; BOOL bQuit;
bQuit = FALSE; while (!bQuit) { while (!bQuit && PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else { bQuit = TRUE; } }
// Call the idle callback if one exists
if (cb != NULL) { cb(NULL); } } }