Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// atl fns
#include <atlcom.h>
// CTimerQueue
#include "timerq.h"
// we can wait for at most this many filters (per thread -- see CMediaPumpPool)
// this limitation is imposed by WaitForMultipleObjects
// expandable array of scalar/pointer values
template <class T> class CMyArray { public:
CMyArray( IN DWORD BlockSize = 4 ) : m_pData(NULL), m_AllocElements(0), m_NumElements(0), m_BlockSize(BlockSize) {}
virtual ~CMyArray() { if (NULL != m_pData) delete m_pData; }
inline T *GetData() { return m_pData; }
inline DWORD GetSize() { return m_NumElements; }
HRESULT Add( IN T NewVal );
inline T Get( IN DWORD Index );
inline HRESULT Set( IN DWORD Index, IN T Val );
inline BOOL Find( IN T Val, OUT DWORD &Index ); HRESULT Remove( IN DWORD Index );
inline HRESULT Remove( IN T Val );
T *m_pData; DWORD m_NumElements;
DWORD m_AllocElements;
DWORD m_BlockSize; };
template <class T> HRESULT CMyArray<T>::Add( IN T NewVal ) { // check if new memory needs to be allocated
if ( m_AllocElements <= m_NumElements ) { T *pData = new T[(m_NumElements+1) + m_BlockSize]; BAIL_IF_NULL(pData, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
if (NULL != m_pData) { CopyMemory(pData, m_pData, m_NumElements * sizeof(T)); delete [] m_pData; } m_pData = pData; m_AllocElements = (m_NumElements+1) + m_BlockSize; }
m_pData[m_NumElements] = NewVal; m_NumElements++;
return S_OK; }
template <class T> T CMyArray<T>::Get( IN DWORD Index ) { TM_ASSERT(Index < m_NumElements); if (Index >= m_NumElements) return NULL;
return m_pData[Index]; }
template <class T> HRESULT CMyArray<T>::Set( IN DWORD Index, IN T Val ) { TM_ASSERT(Index < m_NumElements); if (Index >= m_NumElements) return E_INVALIDARG;
m_pData[Index] = Val; return S_OK; }
template <class T> HRESULT CMyArray<T>::Remove( IN DWORD Index ) { TM_ASSERT(Index < m_NumElements); if (Index >= m_NumElements) return E_INVALIDARG;
// copy all elements to the right of Index leftwards
for(DWORD i=Index; i < (m_NumElements-1); i++) { m_pData[i] = m_pData[i+1]; }
// decrement the number of elements
m_NumElements--; return S_OK; }
template <class T> inline BOOL CMyArray<T>::Find( IN T Val, OUT DWORD &Index ) { for(Index = 0; Index < m_NumElements; Index++) { if (Val == m_pData[Index]) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
template <class T> inline HRESULT CMyArray<T>::Remove( IN T Val ) { DWORD Index; if ( Find(Val, Index) ) return Remove(Index);
return E_FAIL; }
inline RELEASE_SEMAPHORE_ON_DEST( IN HANDLE hEvent ) : m_hEvent(hEvent) { TM_ASSERT(NULL != m_hEvent);
inline ~RELEASE_SEMAPHORE_ON_DEST() { if (NULL != m_hEvent) { LONG lDebug;
ReleaseSemaphore(m_hEvent, 1, &lDebug);
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "RELEASE_SEMAPHORE_ON_DEST::~RELEASE_SEMAPHORE_ON_DEST[%p] - released end semaphore[%p] -- old count was %ld", this, m_hEvent, lDebug)); } }
HANDLE m_hEvent; };
class CMediaTerminalFilter; class CFilterInfo;
// implements single thread pump for the write media streaming terminal
// filters. it creates a thread if necessary when a write terminal registers
// itself (in commit). the filter signals its wait handle in decommit,
// causing the thread to wake up and remove the filter from its data
// structures. the thread returns when there are no more filters to service
class CMediaPump { public:
virtual ~CMediaPump();
// adds this filter to its wait array
HRESULT Register( IN CMediaTerminalFilter *pFilter, IN HANDLE hWaitEvent );
// removes this filter from its wait array and timerq, and restarts sleep
// with recalculated time
HRESULT UnRegister( IN HANDLE hWaitEvent // filter's event, used as filter id
// waits for filter events to be activated. also waits
// for registration calls and timer events
virtual HRESULT PumpMainLoop();
int CountFilters();
typedef LOCAL_CRIT_LOCK<CComAutoCriticalSection> PUMP_LOCK;
// thread pump - this is closed by the thread pump itself,
// when the
HANDLE m_hThread;
// this event is used to signal the thread pump to exit the
// critical section
// all calls to Register first signal this event before trying
// to acquire the critical section
HANDLE m_hRegisterBeginSemaphore;
// when a register call is in progress (m_hRegisterEvent was signaled)
// the thread pump exits the critical section and blocks on this semaphore
// the registering thread must release this semaphore if it signaled
// m_hRegisterBeginSemaphore
HANDLE m_hRegisterEndSemaphore;
// regulates access to the member variables
// the pump holds this during its wait and service actions
// but releases it at the bottom of the loop
CComAutoCriticalSection m_CritSec;
// wait related members
CMyArray<HANDLE> m_EventArray; CMyArray<CFilterInfo *> m_FilterInfoArray; CTimerQueue m_TimerQueue;
HRESULT CreateThreadPump();
void RemoveFilter( IN DWORD Index );
void RemoveFilter( IN CFilterInfo *pFilterInfo );
void ServiceFilter( IN CFilterInfo *pFilterInfo );
void DestroyFilterInfoArray();
// ZoltanS: non-optimal, but relatively painless way to get around scalability
// limitation of 63 filters per pump thread. This class presents the same
// external interface as the single thread pump, but creates as many pump
// threads as are needed to serve the filters that are in use.
class CMediaPumpPool { public:
HRESULT Register( IN CMediaTerminalFilter *pFilter, IN HANDLE hWaitEvent );
HRESULT UnRegister( IN HANDLE hWaitEvent // filter's event, used as filter id
// read optional user configuration from registry (only on the first call,
// subsequent calls do nothing)
HRESULT ReadRegistryValuesIfNeeded();
// create new pumps, nPumpsToCreate is the number of new pumps to create
HRESULT CreatePumps(int nPumpsToCreate);
// calculate the optimal number of pumps needed to service the number of
// filters that we have
HRESULT GetOptimalNumberOfPumps(OUT int *pNumberOfPumps);
// this method returns the pump to be used to service the new filter
HRESULT PickThePumpToUse(int *pnPumpToUse);
// utility function that calculates the number of filters per pump
inline DWORD GetMaxNumberOfFiltersPerPump() {
// check if the value is configured in the registry
// return the value -- it was either read from the registry on the
// first call to GetMaxNumberOfFiltersPerPump, or using default
return m_dwMaxNumberOfFilterPerPump; }
CMSPArray<CMediaPump *> m_aPumps; CMSPCritSection m_CritSection;
// the value that specifies the max number of filters to be serviced by one
// pump
DWORD m_dwMaxNumberOfFilterPerPump;
#endif // __MEDIA_STREAM_PUMP__