#include "stdafx.h"
#include <direct.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "pbrush.h"
#include "pbrusdoc.h"
#include "pbrusfrm.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static CHAR BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif // _DEBUG
#include "memtrace.h"
// This function returns a pointer to a monochrome GDI brush with
// alternating "black" and "white" pixels. This brush should NOT
// be deleted!
CBrush* GetHalftoneBrush() { static CBrush NEAR halftoneBrush;
if (halftoneBrush.m_hObject == NULL) { static WORD NEAR rgwHalftone [] = { 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555 };
CBitmap bitmap;
if (!bitmap.CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, rgwHalftone)) return NULL;
if (!halftoneBrush.CreatePatternBrush(&bitmap)) return NULL; }
return &halftoneBrush; }
// The following code manages a cache of GDI brushes that correspond to
// the system defined colors. The cache is flushed when the user changes
// any of the system colors using the control panel. Using GetSysBrush()
// to get a system colored brush will be more efficient than creating the
// brush yourself.
void ResetSysBrushes() { //NOTE: we don't include our extensions to the "system" brushes, because
// often the brush handle is used as hbrBackground for a Window class!
for (UINT nBrush = 0; nBrush < nSysBrushes + nOurBrushes; nBrush++) if (theApp.m_pbrSysColors[nBrush]) { delete theApp.m_pbrSysColors[nBrush]; theApp.m_pbrSysColors[nBrush] = NULL; } }
COLORREF MyGetSysColor(UINT nSysColor) { if (nSysColor < nSysBrushes) return ::GetSysColor( nSysColor );
ASSERT((int)nSysColor - CMP_COLOR_HILITE >= 0); ASSERT((int)nSysColor - CMP_COLOR_HILITE < nOurBrushes);
return rgColors[nSysColor - CMP_COLOR_HILITE]; }
CBrush* GetSysBrush(UINT nSysColor) { ASSERT(nSysColor < nSysBrushes + nOurBrushes);
if (! theApp.m_pbrSysColors[nSysColor]) { COLORREF cr = MyGetSysColor(nSysColor);
theApp.m_pbrSysColors[nSysColor] = new CBrush;
if (theApp.m_pbrSysColors[nSysColor]) { if (! theApp.m_pbrSysColors[nSysColor]->CreateSolidBrush( cr )) { TRACE( TEXT("GetSysBrush failed!\n") ); theApp.SetGdiEmergency();
delete theApp.m_pbrSysColors[nSysColor]; theApp.m_pbrSysColors[nSysColor] = NULL; } } else theApp.SetMemoryEmergency(); }
return theApp.m_pbrSysColors[nSysColor]; }
// PreTerminateList
// Helper function for deleting all objects in a list, and then
// truncating the list. Help stop leaks by using this, so your
// objects don't get left in memory.
void PreTerminateList( CObList* pList ) { if (pList == NULL || pList->IsEmpty()) return;
while (! pList->IsEmpty()) { CObject* pObj = pList->RemoveHead(); delete pObj; } }
void MySplitPath (const TCHAR *szPath, TCHAR *szDrive, TCHAR *szDir, TCHAR *szName, TCHAR *szExt) { // Found this in tchar.h
_tsplitpath (szPath, szDrive, szDir, szName, szExt); }
// Remove the drive and directory from a file name...
CString StripPath(const TCHAR* szFilePath) { TCHAR szName [_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT]; TCHAR szExt [_MAX_EXT]; MySplitPath(szFilePath, NULL, NULL, szName, szExt); lstrcat(szName, szExt); return CString(szName); }
// Remove the name part of a file path. Return just the drive and directory.
CString StripName(const TCHAR* szFilePath) { TCHAR szPath [_MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR]; TCHAR szDir [_MAX_DIR]; MySplitPath(szFilePath, szPath, szDir, NULL, NULL); lstrcat(szPath, szDir); return CString(szPath); }
// Remove the name part of a file path. Return just the drive and directory, and name.
CString StripExtension(const TCHAR* szFilePath) { TCHAR szPath [_MAX_DRIVE + _MAX_DIR + _MAX_FNAME]; TCHAR szDir [_MAX_DIR]; TCHAR szName [_MAX_FNAME]; MySplitPath(szFilePath, szPath, szDir, szName, NULL); lstrcat(szPath, szDir); lstrcat(szPath, szName); return CString(szPath); }
// Get the extension of a file path.
CString GetExtension(const TCHAR* szFilePath) { TCHAR szExt [_MAX_EXT]; MySplitPath(szFilePath, NULL, NULL, NULL, szExt); return CString(szExt); }
// Get the name of a file path.
CString GetName(const TCHAR* szFilePath) { TCHAR szName [_MAX_FNAME]; MySplitPath(szFilePath, NULL, NULL, szName, NULL); return CString(szName); }
// Return the path to szFilePath relative to szDirectory. (E.g. if szFilePath
// is "C:\FOO\BAR\CDR.CAR" and szDirectory is "C:\FOO", then "BAR\CDR.CAR"
// is returned. This will never use '..'; if szFilePath is not in szDirectory
// or a sub-directory, then szFilePath is returned unchanged.
// If szDirectory is NULL, the current directory is used.
CString GetRelativeName(const TCHAR* szFilePath, const TCHAR* szDirectory /*= NULL*/) { CString strDir;
if ( szDirectory == NULL ) { GetCurrentDirectory(_MAX_DIR, strDir.GetBuffer(_MAX_DIR) ); strDir.ReleaseBuffer(); strDir += (TCHAR)TEXT('\\'); szDirectory = strDir; }
int cchDirectory = lstrlen(szDirectory); if (_tcsnicmp(szFilePath, szDirectory, cchDirectory) == 0) return CString(szFilePath + cchDirectory); else if ( szFilePath[0] == szDirectory[0] && szFilePath[1] == TEXT(':') && szDirectory[1] == TEXT(':') ) // Remove drive if same.
return CString(szFilePath + 2);
return CString(szFilePath); } #if 0
// Taken from windows system code. Contains intl support.
/* Returns: 0x00 if no matching char,
* 0x01 if menmonic char is matching, * 0x80 if first char is matching */
#define CH_PREFIX TEXT('&')
int FindMnemChar(LPTSTR lpstr, TCHAR ch, BOOL fFirst, BOOL fPrefix)
{ register TCHAR chc; register TCHAR chnext; TCHAR chFirst;
while (*lpstr == TEXT(' ')) lpstr++;
ch = (TCHAR)(DWORD)CharLower((LPTSTR)(DWORD)(BYTE)ch); chFirst = (TCHAR)(DWORD)CharLower((LPTSTR)(DWORD)(BYTE)(*lpstr));
#ifndef DBCS
if (fPrefix) { while (chc = *lpstr++) { if (((TCHAR)(DWORD)CharLower((LPTSTR)(DWORD)(BYTE)chc) == CH_PREFIX)) { chnext = (TCHAR)(DWORD)CharLower((LPTSTR)(DWORD)(BYTE)*lpstr);
if (chnext == CH_PREFIX) lpstr++; else if (chnext == ch) return(0x01); else { return(0x00); } } } } #else
#ifdef JAPAN
if (fPrefix) { WORD wvch, xvkey;
// get OEM-dependent virtual key code
if ((wvch = VkKeyScan((BYTE)ch)) != -1) wvch &= 0xFF;
while (chc = *lpstr++) { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(chc)) { lpstr++; continue; }
if ( (chc == CH_PREFIX) || (KanjiMenuMode == KMM_ENGLISH && chc == CH_ENGLISHPREFIX) || (KanjiMenuMode == KMM_KANJI && chc == CH_KANJIPREFIX)) { chnext = (TCHAR)CharLower((LPTSTR)(DWORD)(BYTE)*lpstr);
if (chnext == CH_PREFIX) lpstr++; else if (chnext == ch) return(0x01);
// Compare should be done with virtual key in Kanji menu mode
// in order to accept Digit shortcut key and save English
// windows applications!
xvkey = VkKeyScan((BYTE)chnext);
if (xvkey != 0xFFFF && (xvkey & 0xFF) == wvch) return(0x01); else return(0x00); } } } #else
#ifdef KOREA
if( fPrefix ) { WORD wHangeul; register TCHAR chnext2;
if( KanjiMenuMode != KMM_KANJI ) { while (chc = *lpstr++) { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(chc)) { lpstr++; continue; } if ( (chc == CH_PREFIX) || (KanjiMenuMode == KMM_ENGLISH && chc == CH_ENGLISHPREFIX)) { chnext = (TCHAR)CharLower((LPTSTR)(DWORD)(BYTE)*lpstr);
if (chnext == CH_PREFIX) lpstr++; else if (chnext == ch) return(0x01); else return(0x00); } } } else { //KMM_KANJI
if( ch >= TEXT('0') && ch <= TEXT('9') ) wHangeul = 0x0a3b0 | ( (BYTE)ch & 0x0f ); // junja 0 + offset
else if( ch >= TEXT('a') && ch <= TEXT('z') ) wHangeul = TranslateHangeul( ch ); else return(0x00);
while (chc = *lpstr++) { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(chc)) { lpstr++; continue; } if(chc == CH_KANJIPREFIX) { chnext = *lpstr++; chnext2 = *lpstr;
if(chnext == HIBYTE(wHangeul) && chnext2 == LOBYTE(wHangeul)) return(0x01); else return(0x00); } } } #endif //KOREA
#endif //JAPAN
#endif //!DBCS
if (fFirst && (ch == chFirst)) return(0x80);
return(0x00); }