mirror of https://github.com/tongzx/nt5src
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
371 lines
11 KiB
371 lines
11 KiB
package Getp;
# (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Version: 1.00 (01-14-2000) : Basic function implement
# 1.01 (01-17-2000) : Use -tag to define the function
# 1.02 (02-01-2000) : Fix $self problem => Complete Object Oriented
# 1.03 (05-02-2000) : Provide -? and -x:xxx parameters & fix path value problem
# 1.04 (05-04-2000) : Provide getparams, getparamsEnv function & remove $class
# 2.00 (08-01-2000) : Provide enterprise of getparams; use Getopt::Mix and support '?', ':', '+' and '*'
# $VERSION = '1.04';
require 5.003;
use Getopt::Mixed 1.006 "nextOption";
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
my $gp_RealSyntax;
sub GetParams {
# push ARGV, because the Getopt::Mixed only works for ARGV
my @ARGs = @_;
# Store the parameters
my (@Parameter, @necessary, @optional) = ();
# Separator;
my $Separator;
my %emptyhash;
my $gp_hptr = \%emptyhash;
my ($gp_tempvalue, $gp_preoption);
my ($gp_opt, $gp_pretty, $gp_val)=();
my (@gp_Unsolve, %plus_sign, %star_sign, %question_mark, %colon_mark)=();
################################ Parse GetParams's arguments
# 1. Prepare the parameters for Getopt::Mixed
for (@ARGs) {
if ((/^[\-\/]\?/||/[\-\/]{1,2}help/i) && ($Separator eq "")) {
exit &Usage;
if (/^[\-\/]{1,2}([^\-\/\:\=]+)(:)?/) {
push(@Parameter, _set_opt_to_pretty($1));
push(@Parameter, $') if (defined $2);
} else {
push(@Parameter, $_);
if (($Parameter[$#Parameter-1]=~/-p(arameter)?/) && ($Separator eq "")) {
$Separator = $#Parameter;
&Getopt::Mixed::abortMsg("Parameter -p does not defined!!") if ($Separator eq "");
# 2. Call Getopt::Mixed to set up getparams syntax
@ARGV = @Parameter[0..$Separator];
Getopt::Mixed::init( qw(
n=s necessary>n
o=s optional>o
h=s hash>h
# 3. Fetch one by one record to get its value
while (($gp_opt, $gp_val, $gp_pretty) = nextOption()) {
if (($gp_opt=~/^n(ecessary)?/i)||($gp_opt=~/^o(ptional)?/i)) {
if ($gp_val!~/\s/) { # Will remove after we do not need compatible with old one
while ($gp_val=~/(\w)(:)?/g) {
my ($opt,$col)=($1, $2);
$gp_RealSyntax .= $opt . ((defined $col)?"=s ":" ");
($gp_opt=~/n/)?push(@necessary, $opt):push(@optional,$opt);
} else { # This works for long / singal(which use space delimited the parameters)
$_ = " $gp_val "; # for easy to match:)
s/ / /g;
s/\s(\w+)(\:*)?\?+[\+\*]/ $1$2\* /; # ::??* => ::*
s/\s(\w+)(\:*)\:\*\s/ $1$2\+ /; # ::* => :+
s/\s(\w+)(\:+)?(\?+)?(\+)?\s/ # :+ => :
$colon_mark{$1}=length($2) if (length($2) ne 0);
$question_mark{$1}=length($3) if (length($3) ne 0); # for with parameter and without parameter
length($2)?" $1\:$4 ":" $1$4 ";/ge;
s/\s(\w+)\:?\+\s/$plus_sign{$1}=-1;" $1\: "/ge; # + => 1,2,3,...
s/\s(\w+)\*\s/$star_sign{$1}=-1;" $1 "/ge; # * => 0,1,2,...
while (/\s(\w+)(:)?\s/g) {
my ($opt,$col)=($1, $2);
$gp_RealSyntax .= $opt . ((defined $col)?"=s ":" ");
($gp_opt=~/n/)?push(@necessary, $opt):push(@optional,$opt);
while (/\s(\w+\>\w+)\s/g) {
$gp_RealSyntax .= "$1 ";
} elsif ($gp_opt=~/h/i) {
} elsif ($gp_opt=~/p/i) {
@{$gp_hptr}{@necessary,@optional}=(ref $gp_val)?@{$gp_val}:split(/\s+/, $gp_val);
$gp_tempvalue=(ref $gp_val)?@{$gp_val}:split(/\s+/, $gp_val);
} else {
push @gp_Unsolve, $gp_opt, $gp_val;
# 4. Finish my syntax part
# Verify syntax match with parameters
&Getopt::Mixed::abortMsg("Parameter does not match with options!!") if ((scalar keys %$gp_hptr) ne $gp_tempvalue);
###################################### Parse User's arguments
# 1. Prepare its arguments
@ARGV=(@gp_Unsolve, @Parameter[$Separator+1 .. $#Parameter]);
undef $Separator;
# 2. Make sure user does not specify help
for (@ARGV) {
if (/^[\-\/]\?/||/[\-\/]{1,2}help/i) {
push( @EXPORT, "\$HELP" );
# 3. Now, we set user defined syntax
# Make sure we fetch in order
$Getopt::Mixed::order = $Getopt::Mixed::RETURN_IN_ORDER;
# Set up customized option finder
$Getopt::Mixed::badOption = \&OptimizeCombination;
# 4. Fetch each option and store it into the variable
while (($gp_opt, $gp_val, $gp_pretty) = nextOption()) {
# Count / Set option
if ($gp_opt eq "") {
if ((exists $plus_sign{$gp_preoption}) || (exists $star_sign{$gp_preoption})) {
$gp_opt = $gp_preoption;
} elsif ((exists $question_mark{$gp_preoption}) && ($question_mark{$gp_preoption} > 0)) {
$gp_opt = $gp_preoption;
$question_mark{$gp_preoption}-- if ($gp_val ne "");
} elsif ((exists $colon_mark{$gp_preoption}) && ($colon_mark{$gp_preoption} > 0)) {
$gp_opt = $gp_preoption;
} else {
if ((exists $colon_mark{$gp_opt}) && ($colon_mark{$gp_opt} > 0)) {
} elsif ((exists $question_mark{$gp_opt}) && ($question_mark{$gp_opt} > 0)) {
$question_mark{$gp_opt}-- if ($gp_val ne "");
} elsif (((exists $colon_mark{$gp_opt}) ||
(exists $question_mark{$gp_opt})) &&
(!exists $plus_sign{$gp_opt}) &&
(!exists $star_sign{$gp_opt})) {
&Getopt::Mixed::abortMsg("Extra parameter for ($gp_opt)");
# This is for debugger
# print "gp_opt => $gp_opt, gp_val => $gp_val gp_preoption = $gp_preoption\n";
# Store the option value to gp_hptr or gp_Unsolve
if (exists ${$gp_hptr}{$gp_opt}) {
if (defined ${${$gp_hptr}{$gp_opt}}) {
if (!defined $gp_val) {
if (${${$gp_hptr}{$gp_opt}}=~/^\d+$/ ) { # should be option
} else {
# should be another option continue. Meet this point when format is '??'
} elsif (ref ${${$gp_hptr}{$gp_opt}}) { # should be an array
push @{${${$gp_hptr}{$gp_opt}}}, $gp_val; # store to an array directly if exist
} else {
${${$gp_hptr}{$gp_opt}} = [${${$gp_hptr}{$gp_opt}}, $gp_val]; # create an array automatically
} else {
$gp_val = 1 if (!defined $gp_val);
${${$gp_hptr}{$gp_opt}} = $gp_val;
push( @EXPORT, "\$${$gp_hptr}{$gp_opt}" ) if (!ref ${$gp_hptr}{$gp_opt}); # Call by name
} else {
push @gp_Unsolve, $gp_opt if ($gp_opt ne "");
push @gp_Unsolve, $gp_val if ($gp_val ne "");
$gp_preoption = $gp_opt;
# 5. Finish user's syntax
# Keep Unsolved
push @gp_Unsolve, @ARGV;
# 6. Special process for star_sign & question mark (=> remove the dummy first 1)
for (keys %star_sign, keys %question_mark) {
if ((ref ${${$gp_hptr}{$_}}) && (${${${$gp_hptr}{$_}}}[0] eq 1)) {
shift @{${${$gp_hptr}{$_}}};
${${$gp_hptr}{$_}} = ${${${$gp_hptr}{$_}}}[0] if (@{${${$gp_hptr}{$_}}} eq 1);
# 7. Special check for limited elements
&Getopt::Mixed::abortMsg("Option '$_' does not contain enough elements")
if ((defined ${${$gp_hptr}{$_}}) && ($colon_mark{$_} != 0))
} keys %colon_mark);
# 8. Verify necessary parameters are set
@necessary = map({(!defined ${${$gp_hptr}{$_}})?$_:() } @necessary);
&Getopt::Mixed::abortMsg("Parameter(s) (" . join(",", @necessary) . ") is(are) necessary!!") if(@necessary ne 0);
# Store the ARGV back
# 9. Export to its parent
if(@EXPORT) {
local $Exporter::ExportLevel = 1; #Export the value to its parent-parent (because its parent is sub {&Process($self,@_)}
import Getp;
# Return gp_Unsolved parameters
return (wantarray)?@gp_Unsolve:join(" ",@gp_Unsolve);
sub OptimizeCombination {
my($pos, $pretty, $mylist)=@_;
my ($ctr)=(0);
# Get all possible list
my @list = matchme(_get_opt_from_pretty($pretty), split(/=s\s+|\s+/,$gp_RealSyntax));
# Remove incorrect syntax
for (split(/\s+/, $gp_RealSyntax)) {
next if (!/(.+)=s/);
$pattern = $1;
for ($ctr=0;$ctr < @list;) {
($list[$ctr]=~/^$pattern\s|\s$pattern\s/)? splice(@list, $ctr, 1) : $ctr++;
$ctr = 0; # initial for only one element in @list
# Find out which one is you specified
if (@list eq 0) {
&Getopt::Mixed::abortMsg("Argument $pretty is not able to figure out");
} elsif (@list > 1) {
if (eval("\$0!~/" . __PACKAGE__ . "\\.pm\$/i")) { # Only asking if not command line
do {
for ($ctr=0;$ctr < @list;++$ctr) {
printf("%d : %s\n", $ctr+1, $list[$ctr]);
print "Select one for $gp_val meaning is : ";
$ctr = <STDIN>;
} while($ctr < 1 || $ctr > @list);
} else {
&Getopt::Mixed::abortMsg("Choose combination is not support in command line!");
# Create pretty list
@list= map({&_set_opt_to_pretty($_)} split(/\s+/, $list[$ctr]));
splice(@ARGV, $pos, 0, @list);
$pretty = $ARGV[0];
return _get_opt_from_pretty($pretty), undef, shift @ARGV;
sub matchme {
my @matches=();
for my $item (@items) {
if ($match=~/^$item(.+)/) {
push @matches, map({"$item $_"} matchme($1, @items));
} elsif ($match=~/^$item$/) {
push @matches, $item;
return @matches;
# pretty is mean '-a', gp_opt is mean 'a'
sub _get_opt_from_pretty {
my ($pretty)=shift;
return $pretty;
sub _set_opt_to_pretty {
my ($opt)=shift;
return (length($opt)==1)?"-$opt":"--$opt";
sub Usage {
print <<USAGE
$0 - Get option
$0 [-n[ecessary] <necessary>] [-o[ptional] <optional>]
[-h[ash] hash] <-p[arameter] <paramlist>|-?>
necessary : necessary parameter, seperate by space, and can add colon
(:) if has parameter. Such as "ser: cli:". It also can
be alias which use '>' for assign to another defined
option. Such as "server>ser client>cli".
optional : optional parameter, seperate by space, and can add colon
(:) if has parameter. Such as "c p l:". It also can be
alias wich use '>' for assign to another defined option.
Such as "check>c powerless>p lang>l".
hash : an address. Only use for Perl program calls. Such as
paramlist : A list contains the names or variable's address (only
for perl program) for store the real value. Such as
"server client check powerless lang". You also can do
[\\\$server \\\$client \\\$check \\\$powerless \\\$lang]
in Perl calls
':' : limited one parameter
1. Accept -cZ as -c -Z, -f as -full, and -s sourcepath for necessary
$0 -n "s:" -o "c Z f full>f" -p "sourcepath opt_c opt_z full" %*
2. Accept -copy f1 [f2], -move f1 f2, -del f1 [...] -tab [...]
$0 -o "copy:? move:: del+ tab*" -p "copyarg movearg delarg tab"
3. Accept -f [file] -f [file1] [file2]
$0 -n "f* " -p "file" %*
if (eval("\$0=~/" . __PACKAGE__ . "\\.pm\$/i")) {
my %myvar;
my $list = GetParams('-h' => \%myvar, (0==@ARGV)?"-?":@ARGV);
map({print "set " . $myvar{$_} . "=" . ((ref ${$myvar{$_}})?join(" ",@{${$myvar{$_}}}):${$myvar{$_}}) . "\n" if (defined ${$myvar{$_}}) } keys %myvar);
print "set __Unsolve__=$list\n";