Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// IEAK RSOP definitions
// RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Policy object for registry or Administrative Templates extension."
"Policy settings in an .adm file involve settings values on registry"
"keys which is abstracted by this class.") : Amended
class RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting : RSOP_PolicySetting
// Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Inherited from RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("ID") : Amended
string id;
Description("Inherited from RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Precedence") : Amended
uint32 precedence;
// Preference Mode
DisplayName("Preference Mode") : Amended
boolean preferenceMode = false;
// Displayed text customizations
Description("Text that appears in the IE browser title bar, including the standard string \"Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by.\"") : Amended,
DisplayName("Title Bar Text") : Amended
string titleBarText;
Description("Text that appears in the IE browser title bar after the standard string, \"Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by.\"") : Amended,
DisplayName("Title Bar Custom Text") : Amended
string titleBarCustomText;
Description("String to be appended to the userAgent property value of the navigator object.") : Amended,
DisplayName("User Agent Text") : Amended
string userAgentText;
// Custom Bitmaps, animated and toolbar
Description("Path of the bitmap used as the background for the toolbar.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Toolbar Background Bitmap Path") : Amended
string toolbarBackgroundBitmapPath;
DisplayName("Customize Animated Bitmaps") : Amended
boolean customizeAnimatedBitmaps;
DisplayName("Large Animated Bitmap Name") : Amended
string largeAnimatedBitmapName;
DisplayName("Large Animated Bitmap Path") : Amended
string largeAnimatedBitmapPath;
DisplayName("Small Animated Bitmap Name") : Amended
string smallAnimatedBitmapName;
DisplayName("Small Animated Bitmap Path") : Amended
string smallAnimatedBitmapPath;
DisplayName("Customize Logo Bitmaps") : Amended
boolean customizeLogoBitmaps;
DisplayName("Large Custom Logo Bitmap Name") : Amended
string largeCustomLogoBitmapName;
DisplayName("Large Custom Logo Bitmap Path") : Amended
string largeCustomLogoBitmapPath;
DisplayName("Small Custom Logo Bitmap Name") : Amended
string smallCustomLogoBitmapName;
DisplayName("Small Custom Logo Bitmap Path") : Amended
string smallCustomLogoBitmapPath;
DisplayName("Delete Existing Toolbar Buttons") : Amended
boolean deleteExistingToolbarButtons;
DisplayName("Delete Existing Toolbar Buttons") : Amended
sint32 toolbarButtons;
// Favorites and Links
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Place Favorites At Top Of List") : Amended
boolean placeFavoritesAtTopOfList;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Delete Existing Favorites") : Amended
boolean deleteExistingFavorites;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Delete Admin Created Favorites Only") : Amended
boolean deleteAdminCreatedFavoritesOnly;
DisplayName("Custom Favorites") : Amended
sint32 customFavorites;
DisplayName("Custom Links") : Amended
sint32 customLinks;
// Channels and Categories
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Delete Existing Channels") : Amended
boolean deleteExistingChannels;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Enable Desktop Channel Bar By Default") : Amended
boolean enableDesktopChannelBarByDefault;
DisplayName("Channels") : Amended
sint32 channels;
DisplayName("Categories") : Amended
sint32 categories;
// Custom URLs
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Home Page URL") : Amended
string homePageURL;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Search Bar URL") : Amended
string searchBarURL;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Online Help Page URL") : Amended
string onlineHelpPageURL;
// Security Zones & Content Ratings
Description("If false, security zone settings are not customized.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Import Security Zone Settings") : Amended
boolean importSecurityZoneSettings;
Description("Number of zones imported from another machine.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Imported Zone Count") : Amended
uint32 importedZoneCount;
Description("If false, content ratings settings are not customized.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Import Content Ratings Settings") : Amended
boolean importContentRatingsSettings;
// Authenticode Security Settings
Description("If false, authenticode security information is not customized.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Import Authenticode Security Info") : Amended
boolean importAuthenticodeSecurityInfo;
Description("If false, program settings are not customized.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Enable Trusted Publisher Lockdown") : Amended
boolean enableTrustedPublisherLockdown;
// Programs
Description("If false, program settings are not customized.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Import Program Settings") : Amended
boolean importProgramSettings;
// RSOP_IEToolbarButton
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Toolbar button object for the IE browser, used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended
class RSOP_IEToolbarButton
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
uint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with toolbar buttons
Description("Order of the button in a list.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Button Order") : Amended
sint32 buttonOrder;
Description("Caption string is required.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Caption") : Amended
string caption;
Description("Script file or executable to run when the button is pressed.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Action Path") : Amended
string actionPath;
DisplayName("Icon Path") : Amended
string iconPath;
DisplayName("Hot Icon Path") : Amended
string hotIconPath;
DisplayName("Show On Toolbar By Default") : Amended
boolean showOnToolbarByDefault;
// RSOP_IEToolbarButtonLink
// Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and a custom browser toolbar button
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("An association between an IEAK policy setting and a custom browser toolbar button.") : Amended,
Association : ToInstance
class RSOP_IEToolbarButtonLink
Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended
RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting;
Description("Reference to the IE toolbar button.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Toolbar Button") : Amended
RSOP_IEToolbarButton ref toolbarButton;
// RSOP_IEProxySettings
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Object which contains details of a proxy server connection.") : Amended
class RSOP_IEProxySettings
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
uint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with proxy settings
Description("Indicates whether to use proxy servers to for internet connections.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Enable Proxy") : Amended
boolean enableProxy;
Description("Indicates whether to use the same proxy server for all protocols.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Use Same Proxy") : Amended
boolean useSameProxy;
Description("HTTP proxy server address and port.") : Amended,
DisplayName("HTTP Proxy Server") : Amended
string httpProxyServer;
Description("Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with this string. The value '<local>' means do not use a proxy server for local (intranet) addresses.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Proxy Override") : Amended
string proxyOverride;
Description("FTP proxy server address and port.") : Amended,
DisplayName("FTP Proxy Server") : Amended
string ftpProxyServer;
Description("Gopher proxy server address and port.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Gopher Proxy Server") : Amended
string gopherProxyServer;
Description("Secure proxy server address and port.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Secure Proxy Server") : Amended
string secureProxyServer;
Description("Socks proxy server address and port separated by a colon (and no space).") : Amended,
DisplayName("Socks Proxy Server") : Amended
string socksProxyServer;
// RSOP_IEConnectionSettings
// TODO: populate with all the data, including key information
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Object which contains details of a connection to the Internet, including proxy settings.") : Amended
class RSOP_IEConnectionSettings : RSOP_IEProxySettings
// Auto configuration of browser
Description("Path of the .INS file used for auto-configuration.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Auto Configuration URL") : Amended
string autoConfigURL;
Description("Specifies whether the auto configuration settings (.INS) file is on the local machine.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Auto Configuration Use Local") : Amended
boolean autoConfigUseLocal;
Description("Path of the .JS, .JVS, or .PAC file used for auto-configuration.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Auto Configuration Proxy URL") : Amended
string autoProxyURL;
Description("Interval in minutes for when auto-configuration will happen. A value of 0 means auto-config will only happen at browser startup and navigation time.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Auto Configuration Time") : Amended
sint32 autoConfigTime;
Description("Automatically detect configuration settings.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Auto Detect Configuration Settings") : Amended
boolean autoDetectConfigSettings;
Description("Auto configuration allows you to make updates to a user's machine after deployment.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Auto Configuration Enable") : Amended
boolean autoConfigEnable;
// Other connection settings
Description("If false, connection settings are not customized.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Import Current Connection Settings") : Amended
boolean importCurrentConnSettings;
Description("Deletes any existing connection settings.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Delete Existing Connection Settings") : Amended
boolean deleteExistingConnSettings;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Default Dial Up Connection") : Amended
string defaultDialUpConnection;
Description("DialUpState is a string indicating when the default connection should be dialed:"
"0 = never,"
"1 = when a network connection is not present,"
"2 = always.") : Amended,
Values{"Never dial a connection", "Dial whenever a network connection is not present", "Always dial my default connection"} : Amended,
ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"} : Amended,
DisplayName("Dial Up State") : Amended
uint8 dialUpState;
Description("Array of names of dial-up connections to be imported.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Dial Up Connections") : Amended
string dialUpConnections[];
// RSOP_IEConnectionSettingsLink
// Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and its connection settings
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Proxy settings object for the IE browser, used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended,
Association: ToInstance
class RSOP_IEConnectionSettingsLink
Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended
RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting;
Description("Reference to the proxy settings.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Proxy Settings") : Amended
RSOP_IEConnectionSettings ref connectionSettings;
// RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Parent class object from which favorites, favorite folders, and links are inherited.") : Amended
class RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem
Description("Order of the item in a list.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Order") : Amended
sint32 order;
DisplayName("Name") : Amended
string name;
DisplayName("URL") : Amended
string url;
DisplayName("Icon Path") : Amended
string iconPath;
DisplayName("Make Available Offline") : Amended
boolean makeAvailableOffline;
// RSOP_IEFavoriteItem
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("") : Amended
class RSOP_IEFavoriteItem : RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
uint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with favorite items
Description("Name of the item with all parent folders preceding it in the same format"
" as that of folders preceding a file.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Name") : Amended
string name;
Description("Name of the item without its preceding parent folders.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Short Name") : Amended
string shortName;
DisplayName("Folder Item") : Amended
boolean folderItem;
DisplayName("Parent Path") : Amended
string parentPath;
// RSOP_IELinkItem
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("") : Amended
class RSOP_IELinkItem : RSOP_IEFavoriteOrLinkItem
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
uint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with link items
DisplayName("Name") : Amended
string name;
// RSOP_IEFavoriteItemLink
// Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and a favorite or favorites folder item
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("IE favorites and favorite folders, used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended,
Association: ToInstance
class RSOP_IEFavoriteItemLink
Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended
RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting;
Description("Reference to the favorite item.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Favorite Item") : Amended
RSOP_IEFavoriteItem ref favoriteItem;
// RSOP_IELinkItemLink
// Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and a link.
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("IE links, used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended,
Association: ToInstance
class RSOP_IELinkItemLink
Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended
RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting;
Description("Reference to the link item.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Link Item") : Amended
RSOP_IELinkItem ref linkItem;
// RSOP_IEProgramSettings
// TODO: populate with all the data, including key information
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Object which contains details of program associations for IE.") : Amended
class RSOP_IEProgramSettings
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
uint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with program settings
Description("Specifies the HTML editing program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended,
DisplayName("HTMLEditorProgram") : Amended
string htmlEditorProgram;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("HTML Editor HKCU Registry Data") : Amended
string htmlEditorHKCURegData;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("HTML Editor HKLM Registry Data") : Amended
string htmlEditorHKLMRegData;
Description("Specifies the Internet e-mail program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Email Program") : Amended
string emailProgram;
Description("Specifies the Internet newsreader program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Newsgroups Program") : Amended
string newsgroupsProgram;
Description("Specifies the Internet call program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Internet Call Program") : Amended
string internetCallProgram;
Description("Specifies the Internet calendar program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Calendar Program") : Amended
string calendarProgram;
Description("Specifies the Internet contacts or address-book program you want to use with Internet Explorer.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Contact List Program") : Amended
string contactListProgram;
Description("Specifies whether you want Internet Explorer to remain your default Internet browser,"
" even if you install additional Internet browsing software. When this check box is "
"selected, each time Internet Explorer starts it checks to make sure it is still "
"registered as the default Internet browser. If another program is registered as the "
"default browser, Internet Explorer asks whether you want to restore Internet Explorer "
"as your default browser.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Check If IE Is Default Browser") : Amended
boolean checkIfIEIsDefaultBrowser;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Use Internet Explorer For FTP") : Amended
boolean useIEForFTP;
// RSOP_IEImportedProgramSettings
// Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported program settings
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Program settings object for the IE browser, used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended,
Association: ToInstance
class RSOP_IEImportedProgramSettings
Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended
RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting;
Description("Reference to the imported program settings.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Program Settings") : Amended
RSOP_IEProgramSettings ref programSettings;
// RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettings
// Comment: settings obtained from rasphone.pbk
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Object which contains details for dialing up to the internet. Corresponds "
"to the RASENTRY structure") : Amended
class RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettings
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
uint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with dial-up settings
Description("Unique name of a location from which the internet can be dialed.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Connection Name") : Amended
string connectionName;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Alternate Phone Numbers") : Amended
string alternatePhoneNumbers;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Alternate Offset") : Amended
uint32 alternateOffset;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Area Code") : Amended
string areaCode;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Auto Dial Dll") : Amended
string autoDialDll;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Auto Dial Function") : Amended
string autoDialFunction;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Channels") : Amended
uint32 channels;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Country Code") : Amended
uint32 countryCode;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Country ID") : Amended
uint32 countryID;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Custom Authentication Key") : Amended
uint32 customAuthenticationKey;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Custom Dial Dll") : Amended
string customDialDll;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Device Name") : Amended
string deviceName;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Device Type") : Amended
string deviceType;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Dial Extra Percent") : Amended
uint32 dialExtraPercent;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Dial Extra Sample Seconds") : Amended
uint32 dialExtraSampleSeconds;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Dial Mode") : Amended
uint32 dialMode;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Encryption Type") : Amended
uint32 encryptionType;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Frame Size") : Amended
uint32 frameSize;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Framing Protocol") : Amended
uint32 framingProtocol;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("GUID ID") : Amended
string guidID;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Hang Up Extra Percent") : Amended
uint32 hangUpExtraPercent;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Hang Up Extra Sample Seconds") : Amended
uint32 hangUpExtraSampleSeconds;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Idle Disconnect Seconds") : Amended
uint32 idleDisconnectSeconds;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("IP Address") : Amended
string ipAddress;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("IP DNS Address") : Amended
string ipDNSAddress;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("IP DNS Address Alternate") : Amended
string ipDNSAddressAlternate;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("IP WINS Address") : Amended
string ipWINSAddress;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("IP WINS Address Alternate") : Amended
string ipWINSAddressAlternate;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Local Phone Number") : Amended
string localPhoneNumber;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Net Protocols") : Amended
uint32 netProtocols;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Options") : Amended
uint32 options;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Options 2") : Amended
uint32 options2;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Options 3") : Amended
uint32 options3;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("RAS Entry Data") : Amended
uint8 rasEntryData[];
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("RAS Entry Data Size") : Amended
uint32 rasEntryDataSize;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Reserved Field #1") : Amended
uint32 reserved1;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Reserved Field #2") : Amended
uint32 reserved2;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Script File") : Amended
string scriptFile;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Sub-Entries") : Amended
uint32 subEntries;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Type") : Amended
uint32 type;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("VPN Strategy") : Amended
sint32 vpnStrategy;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Windows Version") : Amended
uint32 windowsVersion;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("X25 Address") : Amended
string x25Address;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("X25 Facilities") : Amended
string x25Facilities;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("X25 Pad Type") : Amended
string x25PadType;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("X25 User Data") : Amended
string x25UserData;
// RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettingsLink
// Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported program settings
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Dial-up settings for a given IE internet connection , used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended,
Association: ToInstance
class RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettingsLink
Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended
RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting;
Description("Reference to the dial-up connection settings.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Dial Up Settings") : Amended
RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpSettings ref dialUpSettings;
// RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentials
// Comment: settings used by RasDial to establish a remote access connection.
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Object which contains details for a phone number used for dialing up to the internet.") : Amended
class RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentials
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
sint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with dial-up credentials
Description("Unique name of a location from which the internet can be dialed.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Connection Name") : Amended
string connectionName;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Callback ID") : Amended
uint32 callbackID;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Callback Number") : Amended
string callbackNumber;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Domain") : Amended
string domain;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Entry Name") : Amended
string entryName;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Password") : Amended
string password;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Phone Number") : Amended
string phoneNumber;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("RAS Dial Params Data") : Amended
uint8 rasDialParamsData[];
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Size") : Amended
uint32 rasDialParamsDataSize;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Sub Entry") : Amended
uint32 subEntry;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("User Name") : Amended
string userName;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Windows Version") : Amended
uint32 windowsVersion;
// RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentialsLink
// Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported program settings
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Dial-up credentials for a given IE internet connection , used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended,
Association: ToInstance
class RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentialsLink
Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended
RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting;
Description("Reference to the dial-up connection credentials.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Dial Up Settings") : Amended
RSOP_IEConnectionDialUpCredentials ref dialUpCredentials;
// RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettings
// Comment: settings used by RasDial to establish a remote access connection.
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Object which contains details for WinINet internet connection settings for a given connection.") : Amended
class RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettings
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
sint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with WinINet settings
Description("Unique name of a location from which the internet can be dialed.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Connection Name") : Amended
string connectionName;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Internet Per Connection Option List Data") : Amended
uint8 internetPerConnOptionListData[];
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Internet Per Connection Option List Data Size") : Amended
uint32 internetPerConnOptionListDataSize;
// RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettingsLink
// Comment: association between an IEAK policy setting and its imported program settings
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Dial-up credentials for a given IE internet connection , used for IEAK RSoP.") : Amended,
Association: ToInstance
class RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettingsLink
Description("Reference to the RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Policy Setting") : Amended
RSOP_IEAKPolicySetting ref policySetting;
Description("Reference to the dial-up connection credentials.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Dial Up Settings") : Amended
RSOP_IEConnectionWinINetSettings ref winINetSettings;
// RSOP_IESecurityZoneSettings
// Comment: settings imported for a particular zone, includes data retrieved in
// the ZONEATTRIBUTES structure via IInternetZoneManager::GetZoneAttributes and
// data retrieved via IInternetSecurityManager::GetZoneMappings.
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Object which contains details for security zone attributes for a given zone.") : Amended
class RSOP_IESecurityZoneSettings
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
sint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with zone attributes
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Zone Index") : Amended
uint32 zoneIndex;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Use HKLM") : Amended
boolean useHKLM;
Description("Display name of the zone.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Display Name") : Amended
string displayName;
Description("Description of the zone.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Description") : Amended
string description;
Description("Path to the icon associated with this zone.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Icon Path") : Amended
string iconPath;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Minimum Template Level") : Amended
uint32 minimumTemplateLevel;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Recommended Template Level") : Amended
uint32 recommendedTemplateLevel;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Current Template Level") : Amended
uint32 currentTemplateLevel;
Description("Flags associated with the specified zone. This can be one of the ZAFLAGS values.") : Amended,
DisplayName("Flags") : Amended
uint32 flags;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Zone Mappings") : Amended
string zoneMappings[];
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Action Values") : Amended
string actionValues[];
// RSOP_IEPrivacySettings
// Comment: privacy settings imported for the 'internet' security zone.
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Object which contains details for privacy attributes for the 'internet' security zone.") : Amended
class RSOP_IEPrivacySettings
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
sint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Privacy settings properties
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("First Party Privacy Type") : Amended
uint32 firstPartyPrivacyType;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("First Party Privacy Type Text") : Amended
string firstPartyPrivacyTypeText;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Third Party Privacy Type") : Amended
uint32 thirdPartyPrivacyType;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Third Party Privacy Type Text") : Amended
string thirdPartyPrivacyTypeText;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Use Advanced Settings") : Amended
boolean useAdvancedSettings;
// RSOP_IESecurityContentRatings
// Comment: content ratings settings imported from another machine.
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Object which contains details for security content ratings settings.") : Amended
class RSOP_IESecurityContentRatings
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
sint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with zone attributes
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Rating Systems") : Amended
string ratingSystems[];
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Rating System File Names") : Amended
string ratingSystemFileNames[];
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Always Viewable Sites") : Amended
string alwaysViewableSites[];
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Never Viewable Sites") : Amended
string neverViewableSites[];
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("View Unknown Rated Sites") : Amended
boolean viewUnknownRatedSites;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Password Override Enabled") : Amended
boolean passwordOverrideEnabled;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Selected Ratings Bureau") : Amended
string selectedRatingsBureau;
// RSOP_IEAdministrativeTemplateFile
// Comment: Abtraction for adminstrative templates file
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Administrative Template File")
class RSOP_IEAdministrativeTemplateFile
Description("File name, including path, of administrative template file"), Read,
string name;
Description("Identifies the GPO that contains this Policy Object"), Read,
DisplayName("GPO ID")
string GPOID;
Description("Time the administrative template file was last written"), Read,
DisplayName("Last Write Time")
datetime lastWriteTime;
// RSOP_IERegistryPolicySetting
// Comment: Abtraction for registry extension policy data
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Policy object for registry or Administrative Templates extension."
"Policy settings in an .adm file involve settings values on registry"
"keys which is abstracted by this class.")
class RSOP_IERegistryPolicySetting : RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Inherited from RSOP_PolicySetting"), Read,
string id;
Description("Inherited from RSOP_PolicySetting"), Read,
uint32 precedence;
Description("Registry key is under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive, Theoretically, if "
"this is false, the class instance should be stored in a separate "
"namespace than those under the current user, but the IEAK ADM file "
"design necessitates they exist in the same namespace."), Read,
DisplayName("Current User")
boolean currentUser = true;
Description("Name of the registry key,"), Read,
DisplayName("Registry Key")
string registryKey = "";
Description("Name of registry value"), Read,
DisplayName("Value Name")
string valueName = "";
Description("Data type of value, which corresponds to registry "
"value types such as REG_SZ."), Read,
uint32 valueType = 0;
Description("Value represented by an array of bytes"), Read,
uint8 value[];
Description("Indicates whether the registry key, or registry value "
"has been deleted."), Read,
DisplayName("Is Deleted")
boolean deleted = false;
Description("Command being run on the key, or value."), Read,
string command = "";
// RSOP_IEAuthenticodeCertificate
// Comment: content ratings settings imported from another machine.
Locale( 0x409 ),
Description("Object which contains details for security authenticode certificates.") : Amended
class RSOP_IEAuthenticodeCertificate
// Foreign Keys from RSOP_PolicySetting
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP ID") : Amended
string rsopID;
Description("Foreign key to RSOP_PolicySetting.") : Amended,
DisplayName("RSOP Precedence") : Amended
sint32 rsopPrecedence;
// Properties dealing with authenticode certificates
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Tab Index") : Amended
sint32 tabIndex;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Arbitrary Certificate Index") : Amended
sint32 certIndex;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Subject Name") : Amended
string subjectName;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Issuer Name") : Amended
string issuerName;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Expiration Date") : Amended
datetime expirationDate;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Friendly Name") : Amended
string friendlyName;
Description("") : Amended,
DisplayName("Intended Purposes") : Amended
string intendedPurposes;
// end of IEAK RSOP definitions