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2 years ago
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2 years ago
  1. # Hexo Configuration
  2. ## Docs:
  3. ## Source:
  4. # Site
  5. title: Tim's Blog
  6. subtitle: 'Blog by Tim Kicker'
  7. description: 'Personal website of Tim Kicker'
  8. keywords: tim, kicker, jochen, htl, website
  9. author: Tim Kicker
  10. language: en
  11. timezone: ''
  12. # URL
  13. ## Set your site url here. For example, if you use GitHub Page, set url as ''
  14. url:
  15. permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/
  16. permalink_defaults:
  17. pretty_urls:
  18. trailing_index: false # Set to false to remove trailing 'index.html' from permalinks
  19. trailing_html: false # Set to false to remove trailing '.html' from permalinks
  20. # Directory
  21. source_dir: source
  22. public_dir: public
  23. tag_dir: tags
  24. archive_dir: archives
  25. category_dir: categories
  26. code_dir: downloads/code
  27. i18n_dir: :lang
  28. skip_render:
  29. # Writing
  30. new_post_name: # File name of new posts
  31. default_layout: post
  32. titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase
  33. external_link:
  34. enable: true # Open external links in new tab
  35. field: site # Apply to the whole site
  36. exclude: ''
  37. filename_case: 0
  38. render_drafts: false
  39. post_asset_folder: true
  40. relative_link: false
  41. future: true
  42. highlight:
  43. enable: false
  44. line_number: false
  45. auto_detect: false
  46. tab_replace: ''
  47. wrap: false
  48. hljs: false
  49. prismjs:
  50. enable: true
  51. preprocess: true
  52. line_number: true
  53. tab_replace: ''
  54. # Home page setting
  55. # path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '')
  56. # per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination)
  57. # order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default)
  58. index_generator:
  59. path: ''
  60. per_page: 10
  61. order_by: -date
  62. # Category & Tag
  63. default_category: uncategorized
  64. category_map:
  65. tag_map:
  66. # Metadata elements
  67. ##
  68. meta_generator: true
  69. # Date / Time format
  70. ## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date
  71. ## You can customize the date format as defined in
  72. ##
  73. date_format: YYYY-MM-DD
  74. time_format: HH:mm:ss
  75. ## updated_option supports 'mtime', 'date', 'empty'
  76. updated_option: 'mtime'
  77. # Pagination
  78. ## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination
  79. per_page: 6
  80. pagination_dir: page
  81. # Include / Exclude file(s)
  82. ## include:/exclude: options only apply to the 'source/' folder
  83. include:
  84. exclude:
  85. ignore:
  86. # Extensions
  87. ## Plugins:
  88. ## Themes:
  89. theme: minima
  90. # Deployment
  91. ## Docs:
  92. deploy:
  93. type: ''
  94. hfc_html:
  95. enable: true
  96. exclude:
  97. hfc_css:
  98. enable: true
  99. exclude:
  100. - '*.min.css'
  101. hfc_js:
  102. enable: true
  103. mangle: true
  104. compress:
  105. exclude:
  106. - '*.min.js'
  107. feed:
  108. enable: true
  109. type: atom
  110. path: atom.xml
  111. limit: 20
  112. hub:
  113. content:
  114. content_limit: 140
  115. content_limit_delim: ' '
  116. order_by: -date
  117. icon: icon.png
  118. autodiscovery: true
  119. template:
  120. webPushNotification:
  121. webpushrKey: "9167eef9a0b3b968adb4905dac3d8707"
  122. webpushrAuthToken: "68905"
  123. trackingCode: "BLrRztSWnClZ_Jjg50n_ziB6VHz0Wcp721ZbAl9So1t0DMi4ChlDXQ1Ta2wKVYebMjm1l2HQNdZBkaLwBeNoQ2Y"
  124. sitemap:
  125. path: sitemap.xml
  126. template: ./sitemap.xml
  127. rel: false
  128. tags: true
  129. categories: true