* Module Name: enable.c * * This module contains the functions that enable and disable the * driver, the pdev, and the surface. * * Copyright (c) 1992-1994 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
* GDIINFO ggdiDefault * * This contains the default GDIINFO fields that are passed back to GDI * during DrvEnablePDEV. * * NOTE: This structure defaults to values for an 8bpp palette device. * Some fields are overwritten for different colour depths. \**************************************************************************/
GDIINFO ggdiDefault = { GDI_DRIVER_VERSION, DT_RASDISPLAY, // ulTechnology
0, // ulHorzSize (filled in later)
0, // ulVertSize (filled in later)
0, // ulHorzRes (filled in later)
0, // ulVertRes (filled in later)
0, // cBitsPixel (filled in later)
0, // cPlanes (filled in later)
20, // ulNumColors (palette managed)
0, // flRaster (DDI reserved field)
0, // ulLogPixelsX (filled in later)
0, // ulLogPixelsY (filled in later)
TC_RA_ABLE, // flTextCaps -- If we had wanted console windows
// to scroll by repainting the entire window,
// instead of doing a screen-to-screen blt, we
// would have set TC_SCROLLBLT (yes, the flag is
// bass-ackwards).
0, // ulDACRed (filled in later)
0, // ulDACGreen (filled in later)
0, // ulDACBlue (filled in later)
0x0024, // ulAspectX
0x0024, // ulAspectY
0x0033, // ulAspectXY (one-to-one aspect ratio)
1, // xStyleStep
1, // yStyleSte;
3, // denStyleStep -- Styles have a one-to-one aspect
// ratio, and every 'dot' is 3 pixels long
{ 0, 0 }, // ptlPhysOffset
{ 0, 0 }, // szlPhysSize
256, // ulNumPalReg
// These fields are for halftone initialization. The actual values are
// a bit magic, but seem to work well on our display.
{ // ciDevice
{ 6700, 3300, 0 }, // Red
{ 2100, 7100, 0 }, // Green
{ 1400, 800, 0 }, // Blue
{ 1750, 3950, 0 }, // Cyan
{ 4050, 2050, 0 }, // Magenta
{ 4400, 5200, 0 }, // Yellow
{ 3127, 3290, 0 }, // AlignmentWhite
20000, // RedGamma
20000, // GreenGamma
20000, // BlueGamma
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 // No dye correction for raster displays
0, // ulDevicePelsDPI (for printers only)
PRIMARY_ORDER_CBA, // ulPrimaryOrder
HT_PATSIZE_4x4_M, // ulHTPatternSize
HT_FORMAT_8BPP, // ulHTOutputFormat
0, // ulVRefresh (filled in later)
0, // ulBltAlignment
0, // ulPanningHorzRes (filled in later)
0, // ulPanningVertRes (filled in later)
* DEVINFO gdevinfoDefault * * This contains the default DEVINFO fields that are passed back to GDI * during DrvEnablePDEV. * * NOTE: This structure defaults to values for an 8bpp palette device. * Some fields are overwritten for different colour depths. \**************************************************************************/
SYSTM_LOGFONT, // lfDefaultFont
HELVE_LOGFONT, // lfAnsiVarFont
COURI_LOGFONT, // lfAnsiFixFont
0, // cFonts
BMF_8BPP, // iDitherFormat
8, // cxDither
8, // cyDither
0 // hpalDefault (filled in later)
* DFVFN gadrvfn[] * * Build the driver function table gadrvfn with function index/address * pairs. This table tells GDI which DDI calls we support, and their * location (GDI does an indirect call through this table to call us). * * Why haven't we implemented DrvSaveScreenBits? To save code. * * When the driver doesn't hook DrvSaveScreenBits, USER simulates on- * the-fly by creating a temporary device-format-bitmap, and explicitly * calling DrvCopyBits to save/restore the bits. Since we already hook * DrvCreateDeviceBitmap, we'll end up using off-screen memory to store * the bits anyway (which would have been the main reason for implementing * DrvSaveScreenBits). So we may as well save some working set. \**************************************************************************/
// On Checked builds, or when we have to synchronize access, thunk
// everything through Dbg calls...
DRVFN gadrvfn[] = { { INDEX_DrvEnablePDEV, (PFN) DbgEnablePDEV }, { INDEX_DrvCompletePDEV, (PFN) DbgCompletePDEV }, { INDEX_DrvDisablePDEV, (PFN) DbgDisablePDEV }, { INDEX_DrvEnableSurface, (PFN) DbgEnableSurface }, { INDEX_DrvDisableSurface, (PFN) DbgDisableSurface }, { INDEX_DrvAssertMode, (PFN) DbgAssertMode }, { INDEX_DrvMovePointer, (PFN) DbgMovePointer }, { INDEX_DrvSetPointerShape, (PFN) DbgSetPointerShape }, { INDEX_DrvDitherColor, (PFN) DbgDitherColor }, { INDEX_DrvSetPalette, (PFN) DbgSetPalette }, { INDEX_DrvCopyBits, (PFN) DbgCopyBits }, { INDEX_DrvBitBlt, (PFN) DbgBitBlt }, { INDEX_DrvTextOut, (PFN) DbgTextOut }, { INDEX_DrvGetModes, (PFN) DbgGetModes }, { INDEX_DrvStrokePath, (PFN) DbgStrokePath }, { INDEX_DrvFillPath, (PFN) DbgFillPath }, { INDEX_DrvPaint, (PFN) DbgPaint }, { INDEX_DrvRealizeBrush, (PFN) DbgRealizeBrush }, { INDEX_DrvCreateDeviceBitmap, (PFN) DbgCreateDeviceBitmap }, { INDEX_DrvDeleteDeviceBitmap, (PFN) DbgDeleteDeviceBitmap }, { INDEX_DrvStretchBlt, (PFN) DbgStretchBlt }, { INDEX_DrvDisableDriver, (PFN) DbgDisableDriver } };
// On Free builds, directly call the appropriate functions...
DRVFN gadrvfn[] = { { INDEX_DrvEnablePDEV, (PFN) DrvEnablePDEV }, { INDEX_DrvCompletePDEV, (PFN) DrvCompletePDEV }, { INDEX_DrvDisablePDEV, (PFN) DrvDisablePDEV }, { INDEX_DrvEnableSurface, (PFN) DrvEnableSurface }, { INDEX_DrvDisableSurface, (PFN) DrvDisableSurface }, { INDEX_DrvAssertMode, (PFN) DrvAssertMode }, { INDEX_DrvMovePointer, (PFN) DrvMovePointer }, { INDEX_DrvSetPointerShape, (PFN) DrvSetPointerShape }, { INDEX_DrvDitherColor, (PFN) DrvDitherColor }, { INDEX_DrvSetPalette, (PFN) DrvSetPalette }, { INDEX_DrvCopyBits, (PFN) DrvCopyBits }, { INDEX_DrvBitBlt, (PFN) DrvBitBlt }, { INDEX_DrvTextOut, (PFN) DrvTextOut }, { INDEX_DrvGetModes, (PFN) DrvGetModes }, { INDEX_DrvStrokePath, (PFN) DrvStrokePath }, { INDEX_DrvFillPath, (PFN) DrvFillPath }, { INDEX_DrvPaint, (PFN) DrvPaint }, { INDEX_DrvRealizeBrush, (PFN) DrvRealizeBrush }, { INDEX_DrvCreateDeviceBitmap, (PFN) DrvCreateDeviceBitmap }, { INDEX_DrvDeleteDeviceBitmap, (PFN) DrvDeleteDeviceBitmap }, { INDEX_DrvStretchBlt, (PFN) DrvStretchBlt }, { INDEX_DrvDisableDriver, (PFN) DrvDisableDriver } };
ULONG gcdrvfn = sizeof(gadrvfn) / sizeof(DRVFN);
* BOOL DrvEnableDriver * * Enables the driver by retrieving the drivers function table and version. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL DrvEnableDriver( ULONG iEngineVersion, ULONG cj, DRVENABLEDATA* pded) { // Engine Version is passed down so future drivers can support previous
// engine versions. A next generation driver can support both the old
// and new engine conventions if told what version of engine it is
// working with. For the first version the driver does nothing with it.
// Fill in as much as we can.
if (cj >= sizeof(DRVENABLEDATA)) pded->pdrvfn = gadrvfn;
if (cj >= (sizeof(ULONG) * 2)) pded->c = gcdrvfn;
// DDI version this driver was targeted for is passed back to engine.
// Future graphic's engine may break calls down to old driver format.
if (cj >= sizeof(ULONG)) pded->iDriverVersion = DDI_DRIVER_VERSION_NT4;
return(TRUE); }
* VOID DrvDisableDriver * * Tells the driver it is being disabled. Release any resources allocated in * DrvEnableDriver. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID DrvDisableDriver(VOID) { return; }
* DHPDEV DrvEnablePDEV * * Initializes a bunch of fields for GDI, based on the mode we've been asked * to do. This is the first thing called after DrvEnableDriver, when GDI * wants to get some information about us. * \**************************************************************************/
DHPDEV DrvEnablePDEV( DEVMODEW* pdm, // Contains data pertaining to requested mode
PWSTR pwszLogAddr, // Logical address
ULONG cPat, // Count of standard patterns
HSURF* phsurfPatterns, // Buffer for standard patterns
ULONG cjCaps, // Size of buffer for device caps 'pdevcaps'
ULONG* pdevcaps, // Buffer for device caps, also known as 'gdiinfo'
ULONG cjDevInfo, // Number of bytes in device info 'pdi'
DEVINFO* pdi, // Device information
HDEV hdev, // HDEV, used for callbacks
PWSTR pwszDeviceName, // Device name
HANDLE hDriver) // Kernel driver handle
{ PDEV* ppdev;
// Future versions of NT had better supply 'devcaps' and 'devinfo'
// structures that are the same size or larger than the current
// structures:
if ((cjCaps < sizeof(GDIINFO)) || (cjDevInfo < sizeof(DEVINFO))) { DISPDBG((0, "DrvEnablePDEV - Buffer size too small")); goto ReturnFailure0; }
// Allocate a physical device structure. Note that we definitely
// rely on the zero initialization:
ppdev = (PDEV*) EngAllocMem(FL_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PDEV), ALLOC_TAG); if (ppdev == NULL) { DISPDBG((0, "DrvEnablePDEV - Failed EngAllocMem")); goto ReturnFailure0; }
ppdev->hDriver = hDriver;
// Get the current screen mode information. Set up device caps and
// devinfo:
if (!bInitializeModeFields(ppdev, (GDIINFO*) pdevcaps, pdi, pdm)) { DISPDBG((0, "DrvEnablePDEV - Failed bInitializeModeFields")); goto ReturnFailure1; }
// Initialize palette information.
if (!bInitializePalette(ppdev, pdi)) { DISPDBG((0, "DrvEnablePDEV - Failed bInitializePalette")); goto ReturnFailure1; }
return((DHPDEV) ppdev);
ReturnFailure1: DrvDisablePDEV((DHPDEV) ppdev);
ReturnFailure0: DISPDBG((0, "Failed DrvEnablePDEV"));
return(0); }
* DrvDisablePDEV * * Release the resources allocated in DrvEnablePDEV. If a surface has been * enabled DrvDisableSurface will have already been called. * * Note: In an error, we may call this before DrvEnablePDEV is done. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID DrvDisablePDEV( DHPDEV dhpdev) { PDEV* ppdev;
ppdev = (PDEV*) dhpdev;
vUninitializePalette(ppdev); EngFreeMem(ppdev); }
* VOID DrvCompletePDEV * * Store the HPDEV, the engines handle for this PDEV, in the DHPDEV. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID DrvCompletePDEV( DHPDEV dhpdev, HDEV hdev) { ((PDEV*) dhpdev)->hdevEng = hdev; }
* HSURF DrvEnableSurface * * Creates the drawing surface and initializes the hardware. This is called * after DrvEnablePDEV, and performs the final device initialization. * \**************************************************************************/
HSURF DrvEnableSurface( DHPDEV dhpdev) { PDEV* ppdev; HSURF hsurf; SIZEL sizl; DSURF* pdsurf; VOID* pvTmpBuffer;
ppdev = (PDEV*) dhpdev;
// First, create our private surface structure.
// Whenever we get a call to draw directly to the screen, we'll get
// passed a pointer to a SURFOBJ whose 'dhpdev' field will point
// to our PDEV structure, and whose 'dhsurf' field will point to the
// following DSURF structure.
// Every device bitmap we create in DrvCreateDeviceBitmap will also
// have its own unique DSURF structure allocated (but will share the
// same PDEV). To make our code more polymorphic for handling drawing
// to either the screen or an off-screen bitmap, we have the same
// structure for both.
pdsurf = EngAllocMem(FL_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(DSURF), ALLOC_TAG); if (pdsurf == NULL) { DISPDBG((0, "DrvEnableSurface - Failed pdsurf EngAllocMem")); goto ReturnFailure; }
ppdev->pdsurfScreen = pdsurf; // Remember it for clean-up
pdsurf->poh = &ppdev->heap.ohDfb;// The only thing we use this OH node
pdsurf->poh->x = 0; // for is its (x, y) location, and
pdsurf->poh->y = 0; // 'ohDfb' is otherwise unused
pdsurf->dt = DT_SCREEN; // Not to be confused with a DIB DFB
pdsurf->sizl.cx = ppdev->cxScreen; pdsurf->sizl.cy = ppdev->cyScreen; pdsurf->ppdev = ppdev;
// Next, have GDI create the actual SURFOBJ.
// Our drawing surface is going to be 'device-managed', meaning that
// GDI cannot draw on the framebuffer bits directly, and as such we
// create the surface via EngCreateDeviceSurface. By doing this, we ensure
// that GDI will only ever access the bitmaps bits via the Drv calls
// that we've HOOKed.
// If we could map the entire framebuffer linearly into main memory
// (i.e., we didn't have to go through a 64k aperture), it would be
// beneficial to create the surface via EngCreateBitmap, giving GDI a
// pointer to the framebuffer bits. When we pass a call on to GDI
// where it can't directly read/write to the surface bits because the
// surface is device managed, it has to create a temporary bitmap and
// call our DrvCopyBits routine to get/set a copy of the affected bits.
// Fer example, the OpenGl component prefers to be able to write on the
// framebuffer bits directly.
sizl.cx = ppdev->cxScreen; sizl.cy = ppdev->cyScreen;
hsurf = EngCreateDeviceSurface((DHSURF) pdsurf, sizl, ppdev->iBitmapFormat); if (hsurf == 0) { DISPDBG((0, "DrvEnableSurface - Failed EngCreateDeviceSurface")); goto ReturnFailure; }
ppdev->hsurfScreen = hsurf; // Remember it for clean-up
ppdev->bEnabled = TRUE; // We'll soon be in graphics mode
// Now associate the surface and the PDEV.
// We have to associate the surface we just created with our physical
// device so that it works.
if (!EngAssociateSurface(hsurf, ppdev->hdevEng, ppdev->flHooks)) { DISPDBG((0, "DrvEnableSurface - Failed EngAssociateSurface")); goto ReturnFailure; }
// Create our generic temporary buffer, which may be used by any
// component. Because this may get swapped out of memory any time
// the driver is not active, we want to minimize the number of pages
// it takes up. We use 'VirtualAlloc' to get an exactly page-aligned
// allocation (which 'EngAllocMem' will not do):
pvTmpBuffer = EngAllocMem(0, TMP_BUFFER_SIZE, ALLOC_TAG); if (pvTmpBuffer == NULL) { DISPDBG((0, "DrvEnableSurface - Failed EngAllocMem")); goto ReturnFailure; }
ppdev->pvTmpBuffer = pvTmpBuffer;
// Now enable all the subcomponents.
// Note that the order in which these 'Enable' functions are called
// may be significant in low off-screen memory conditions, because
// the off-screen heap manager may fail some of the later
// allocations...
// NOTE: It isn't until bEnableHardware that cyMemory is correctly set.
if (!bEnableHardware(ppdev)) goto ReturnFailure;
if (!bEnableOffscreenHeap(ppdev)) goto ReturnFailure;
if (!bEnablePointer(ppdev)) goto ReturnFailure;
if (!bEnableText(ppdev)) goto ReturnFailure;
if (!bEnableBrushCache(ppdev)) goto ReturnFailure;
if (!bEnablePalette(ppdev)) goto ReturnFailure;
DISPDBG((5, "Passed DrvEnableSurface"));
ReturnFailure: DrvDisableSurface((DHPDEV) ppdev);
DISPDBG((0, "Failed DrvEnableSurface"));
return(0); }
* VOID DrvDisableSurface * * Free resources allocated by DrvEnableSurface. Release the surface. * * Note: In an error case, we may call this before DrvEnableSurface is * completely done. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID DrvDisableSurface( DHPDEV dhpdev) { PDEV* ppdev;
ppdev = (PDEV*) dhpdev;
// Note: In an error case, some of the following relies on the
// fact that the PDEV is zero-initialized, so fields like
// 'hsurfScreen' will be zero unless the surface has been
// sucessfully initialized, and makes the assumption that
// EngDeleteSurface can take '0' as a parameter.
vDisablePalette(ppdev); vDisableBrushCache(ppdev); vDisableText(ppdev); vDisablePointer(ppdev); vDisableOffscreenHeap(ppdev); vDisableHardware(ppdev);
EngFreeMem(ppdev->pvTmpBuffer); EngDeleteSurface(ppdev->hsurfScreen); EngFreeMem(ppdev->pdsurfScreen); }
* VOID DrvAssertMode * * This asks the device to reset itself to the mode of the pdev passed in. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL DrvAssertMode( DHPDEV dhpdev, BOOL bEnable) { PDEV* ppdev;
ppdev = (PDEV*) dhpdev;
if (!bEnable) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Disable - Switch to full-screen mode
vAssertModePalette(ppdev, FALSE);
vAssertModeBrushCache(ppdev, FALSE);
vAssertModeText(ppdev, FALSE);
vAssertModePointer(ppdev, FALSE);
if (bAssertModeOffscreenHeap(ppdev, FALSE)) { if (bAssertModeHardware(ppdev, FALSE)) { ppdev->bEnabled = FALSE;
return(TRUE); }
// We failed to switch to full-screen. So undo everything:
bAssertModeOffscreenHeap(ppdev, TRUE); // We don't need to check
} // return code with TRUE
vAssertModePointer(ppdev, TRUE);
vAssertModeText(ppdev, TRUE);
vAssertModeBrushCache(ppdev, TRUE);
vAssertModePalette(ppdev, TRUE); } else { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Enable - Switch back to graphics mode
// We have to enable every subcomponent in the reverse order
// in which it was disabled:
if (bAssertModeHardware(ppdev, TRUE)) { bAssertModeOffscreenHeap(ppdev, TRUE); // We don't need to check
// return code with TRUE
vAssertModePointer(ppdev, TRUE);
vAssertModeText(ppdev, TRUE);
vAssertModeBrushCache(ppdev, TRUE);
vAssertModePalette(ppdev, TRUE);
ppdev->bEnabled = TRUE;
return(TRUE); } }
return(FALSE); }
* ULONG DrvGetModes * * Returns the list of available modes for the device. * \**************************************************************************/
ULONG DrvGetModes( HANDLE hDriver, ULONG cjSize, DEVMODEW* pdm) {
DWORD cModes; DWORD cbOutputSize; PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION pVideoModeInformation; PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION pVideoTemp; DWORD cOutputModes = cjSize / (sizeof(DEVMODEW) + DRIVER_EXTRA_SIZE); DWORD cbModeSize;
cModes = getAvailableModes(hDriver, (PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION *) &pVideoModeInformation, &cbModeSize); if (cModes == 0) { DISPDBG((0, "DrvGetModes failed to get mode information")); return(0); }
if (pdm == NULL) { cbOutputSize = cModes * (sizeof(DEVMODEW) + DRIVER_EXTRA_SIZE); } else { //
// Now copy the information for the supported modes back into the
// output buffer
cbOutputSize = 0;
pVideoTemp = pVideoModeInformation;
do { if (pVideoTemp->Length != 0) { if (cOutputModes == 0) { break; }
// Zero the entire structure to start off with.
memset(pdm, 0, sizeof(DEVMODEW));
// Set the name of the device to the name of the DLL.
memcpy(pdm->dmDeviceName, DLL_NAME, sizeof(DLL_NAME));
pdm->dmSpecVersion = DM_SPECVERSION; pdm->dmDriverVersion = DM_SPECVERSION; pdm->dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODEW); pdm->dmDriverExtra = DRIVER_EXTRA_SIZE;
pdm->dmBitsPerPel = pVideoTemp->NumberOfPlanes * pVideoTemp->BitsPerPlane; pdm->dmPelsWidth = pVideoTemp->VisScreenWidth; pdm->dmPelsHeight = pVideoTemp->VisScreenHeight; pdm->dmDisplayFrequency = pVideoTemp->Frequency; pdm->dmDisplayFlags = 0;
// Go to the next DEVMODE entry in the buffer.
cbOutputSize += (sizeof(DEVMODEW) + DRIVER_EXTRA_SIZE);
pVideoTemp = (PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION) (((PUCHAR)pVideoTemp) + cbModeSize);
} while (--cModes); }
return(cbOutputSize); }
* BOOL bAssertModeHardware * * Sets the appropriate hardware state for graphics mode or full-screen. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bAssertModeHardware( PDEV* ppdev, BOOL bEnable) { DWORD ReturnedDataLength; ULONG ulReturn;
if (bEnable) { // Call the miniport via an IOCTL to set the graphics mode.
if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_CURRENT_MODE, &ppdev->ulMode, // input buffer
sizeof(DWORD), NULL, 0, &ReturnedDataLength)) { DISPDBG((0, "bAssertModeHardware - Failed set IOCTL")); return FALSE; }
// Then set the rest of the default registers:
IO_FIFO_WAIT(ppdev, 1); IO_WRT_MASK(ppdev, -1); } else { // Call the kernel driver to reset the device to a known state.
// NTVDM will take things from there:
if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_RESET_DEVICE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &ulReturn)) { DISPDBG((0, "bAssertModeHardware - Failed reset IOCTL")); return FALSE; } }
DISPDBG((5, "Passed bAssertModeHardware"));
return(TRUE); }
* BOOL bAtiAccelerator * * Returns TRUE if we're running on a Mach8 or compatible accelerator. * This algorithm was taken from "Programmer's Guide to the Mach-8 Extended * Registers Supplement," 1992, ATI Technologies Inc, p. 5-2. * * It seems like a pretty goofy test to me, but it's what they prescribe * to 'specifically detect an ATI accelerator product.' * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bAtiAccelerator( PDEV* ppdev) { ULONG ulSave; BOOL bAti;
bAti = FALSE;
ulSave = INPW(0x52ee);
OUTPW(0x52ee, 0x5555); IO_GP_WAIT(ppdev); if (INPW(0x52ee) == 0x5555) { OUTPW(0x52ee, 0x2a2a); IO_GP_WAIT(ppdev); if (INPW(0x52ee) == 0x2a2a) { bAti = TRUE; } }
// Restore the register's original contents:
OUTPW(0x52ee, ulSave);
return(bAti); }
* BOOL bEnableHardware * * Puts the hardware in the requested mode and initializes it. Also * sets ppdev->cyMemory. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bEnableHardware( PDEV* ppdev) { VIDEO_MEMORY VideoMemory; VIDEO_MEMORY_INFORMATION VideoMemoryInfo; DWORD ReturnedDataLength;
// Set all the register addresses (to allow easier porting of code
// from the S3):
ppdev->ioCur_y = CUR_Y; ppdev->ioCur_x = CUR_X; ppdev->ioDesty_axstp = DEST_Y; ppdev->ioDestx_diastp = DEST_X; ppdev->ioErr_term = ERR_TERM; ppdev->ioMaj_axis_pcnt = MAJ_AXIS_PCNT; ppdev->ioGp_stat_cmd = CMD; ppdev->ioShort_stroke = SHORT_STROKE; ppdev->ioBkgd_color = BKGD_COLOR; ppdev->ioFrgd_color = FRGD_COLOR; ppdev->ioWrt_mask = WRT_MASK; ppdev->ioRd_mask = RD_MASK; ppdev->ioColor_cmp = COLOR_CMP; ppdev->ioBkgd_mix = BKGD_MIX; ppdev->ioFrgd_mix = FRGD_MIX; ppdev->ioMulti_function = MULTIFUNC_CNTL; ppdev->ioPix_trans = PIX_TRANS;
// Now we can set the mode, unlock the accelerator, and reset the
// clipping:
if (!bAssertModeHardware(ppdev, TRUE)) goto ReturnFalse;
// Get the linear memory address range.
VideoMemory.RequestedVirtualAddress = NULL;
// Since we're an 8514/A driver, we don't care squat about any stinking
// frame buffer mapping. The only reason we're calling this IOCTL
// is because we may be running as an 8514/A using the ATI miniport.
// And this IOCTL is the only way to get the ATI miniport to return
// the total number of scans of video memory. 'cyMemory' is needed
// so we can take advantage of as much off-screen memory as possible
// for the 2-d heap. It's also conceivable that we're running at
// 640x480x256 using the ATI miniport on a 512k card, in which case
// we can't just assume that 'cyMemory' was 1024.
// So all we're interested in is the 'VideoRamLength' field returned
// in 'VideoMemoryInfo'. Currently, any other side effects of
// making this call with the ATI miniport (such as the actual memory
// mapping) are inoccuous, and hopefully this will remain to be so in
// future ATI miniports.
// If we're running with the 8514/A miniport, this call does nothing
// but return 1 meg for the 'FrameLength' size:
if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_MAP_VIDEO_MEMORY, &VideoMemory, // input buffer
sizeof(VIDEO_MEMORY), &VideoMemoryInfo, // output buffer
sizeof(VideoMemoryInfo), &ReturnedDataLength)) { DISPDBG((0, "bEnableHardware - Error mapping buffer address")); goto ReturnFalse; }
// All we were interested in is 'VideoMemoryInfo', so unmap the buffer
// straight away:
VideoMemory.RequestedVirtualAddress = VideoMemoryInfo.FrameBufferBase;
EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_UNMAP_VIDEO_MEMORY, &VideoMemory, sizeof(VIDEO_MEMORY), NULL, 0, &ReturnedDataLength);
// Note that 8514/A registers cannot handle coordinates any larger
// than 1535:
ppdev->cyMemory = VideoMemoryInfo.VideoRamLength / ppdev->lDelta; ppdev->cyMemory = min(ppdev->cyMemory, 1535);
DISPDBG((0, "Memory size %li x %li.", ppdev->cxMemory, ppdev->cyMemory));
// Set up the jump vectors to our low-level blt routines (which ones are
// used depends on whether we can do memory-mapped IO or not):
// Have to do IN/OUTs:
ppdev->pfnFillSolid = vIoFillSolid; ppdev->pfnFillPat = vIoFillPatSlow;
ppdev->pfnXfer4bpp = vIoXfer4bpp; ppdev->pfnXferNative = vIoXferNative; ppdev->pfnCopyBlt = vIoCopyBlt; ppdev->pfnFastLine = vIoFastLine; ppdev->pfnFastFill = bIoFastFill;
if (!bAtiAccelerator(ppdev)) { ppdev->pfnXfer1bpp = vIoXfer1bpp; } else { DISPDBG((0, "ATI extensions enabled."));
// Disable vIoMaskCopy() for fixing bug 143531.
// ppdev->flCaps |= CAPS_MASKBLT_CAPABLE;
ppdev->pfnMaskCopy = vIoMaskCopy; ppdev->pfnXfer1bpp = vIoXfer1bppPacked; }
DISPDBG((5, "Passed bEnableHardware"));
DISPDBG((0, "Failed bEnableHardware"));
return(FALSE); }
* VOID vDisableHardware * * Undoes anything done in bEnableHardware. * * Note: In an error case, we may call this before bEnableHardware is * completely done. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID vDisableHardware( PDEV* ppdev) { }
* BOOL bDetect8514A * * Detects whether or not an 8514/A compatible adapter is present. * * This code was stolen from the 8514/A miniport. It simply checks to see * if the line-drawing error term register is readable/writable. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bDetect8514A() { USHORT SubSysCntlRegisterValue; USHORT ErrTermRegisterValue; USHORT ErrTerm5555; USHORT ErrTermAAAA; BOOL b8514A;
// Remember the original value of any registers we'll muck with.
SubSysCntlRegisterValue = INPW(SUBSYS_CNTL); ErrTermRegisterValue = INPW(ERR_TERM);
// Reset the draw engine.
// We detect an 8514/A by writing a value to the error term register,
// and reading it back to see if it's the same value we wrote.
OUTPW(ERR_TERM, 0x5555); ErrTerm5555 = INPW(ERR_TERM);
b8514A = ((ErrTerm5555 == 0x5555) && (ErrTermAAAA == 0xAAAA));
// Now that we're done mucking with the hardware state, we have to
// restore everything to the way it was.
OUTPW(ERR_TERM, ErrTermRegisterValue);
// Since the SUBSYS_CNTL register is not readable on a true 8514/A,
// don't try to restore it:
if (!b8514A) { OUTPW(SUBSYS_CNTL, SubSysCntlRegisterValue); }
return(b8514A); }
* BOOL bInitializeModeFields * * Initializes a bunch of fields in the pdev, devcaps (aka gdiinfo), and * devinfo based on the requested mode. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bInitializeModeFields( PDEV* ppdev, GDIINFO* pgdi, DEVINFO* pdi, DEVMODEW* pdm) { ULONG cModes; PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION pVideoBuffer; PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION pVideoModeSelected; PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION pVideoTemp; BOOL bSelectDefault; VIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION VideoModeInformation; ULONG cbModeSize;
// Verify that we have an 8514/A display. We do this because we can
// work with the ATI miniport, which supports some cards (notably the
// Mach64) that aren't 8514/A compatible.
if (!bDetect8514A()) { DISPDBG((0, "bInitializeModeFields - 8514/A not detected")); goto ReturnFalse; }
// Call the miniport to get mode information
cModes = getAvailableModes(ppdev->hDriver, &pVideoBuffer, &cbModeSize); if (cModes == 0) goto ReturnFalse;
// Now see if the requested mode has a match in that table.
pVideoModeSelected = NULL; pVideoTemp = pVideoBuffer;
if ((pdm->dmPelsWidth == 0) && (pdm->dmPelsHeight == 0) && (pdm->dmBitsPerPel == 0) && (pdm->dmDisplayFrequency == 0)) { DISPDBG((1, "Default mode requested")); bSelectDefault = TRUE; } else { DISPDBG((1, "Requested mode...")); DISPDBG((1, " Screen width -- %li", pdm->dmPelsWidth)); DISPDBG((1, " Screen height -- %li", pdm->dmPelsHeight)); DISPDBG((1, " Bits per pel -- %li", pdm->dmBitsPerPel)); DISPDBG((1, " Frequency -- %li", pdm->dmDisplayFrequency));
bSelectDefault = FALSE; }
while (cModes--) { if (pVideoTemp->Length != 0) { DISPDBG((2, " Checking against miniport mode:")); DISPDBG((2, " Screen width -- %li", pVideoTemp->VisScreenWidth)); DISPDBG((2, " Screen height -- %li", pVideoTemp->VisScreenHeight)); DISPDBG((2, " Bits per pel -- %li", pVideoTemp->BitsPerPlane * pVideoTemp->NumberOfPlanes)); DISPDBG((2, " Frequency -- %li", pVideoTemp->Frequency));
if (bSelectDefault || ((pVideoTemp->VisScreenWidth == pdm->dmPelsWidth) && (pVideoTemp->VisScreenHeight == pdm->dmPelsHeight) && (pVideoTemp->BitsPerPlane * pVideoTemp->NumberOfPlanes == pdm->dmBitsPerPel) && (pVideoTemp->Frequency == pdm->dmDisplayFrequency))) { pVideoModeSelected = pVideoTemp; DISPDBG((1, "...Found a mode match!")); break; } }
pVideoTemp = (PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION) (((PUCHAR)pVideoTemp) + cbModeSize);
// If no mode has been found, return an error
if (pVideoModeSelected == NULL) { DISPDBG((1, "...Couldn't find a mode match!")); EngFreeMem(pVideoBuffer); goto ReturnFalse; }
// We have chosen the one we want. Save it in a stack buffer and
// get rid of allocated memory before we forget to free it.
VideoModeInformation = *pVideoModeSelected; EngFreeMem(pVideoBuffer);
VideoModeInformation.VisScreenWidth = 640; VideoModeInformation.VisScreenHeight = 480; #endif
// Set up screen information from the mini-port:
ppdev->ulMode = VideoModeInformation.ModeIndex; ppdev->cxScreen = VideoModeInformation.VisScreenWidth; ppdev->cyScreen = VideoModeInformation.VisScreenHeight; ppdev->lDelta = VideoModeInformation.ScreenStride; ppdev->flCaps = 0; // We've have no capabilities
// Note that 8514/A registers cannot handle coordinates any larger
// than 1535:
ppdev->cxMemory = min(VideoModeInformation.ScreenStride, 1535);
// Note: We compute 'cyMemory' later at DrvEnableSurface time. For now,
// set cyMemory to an interesting value to aid in debugging:
ppdev->cyMemory = 0xdeadbeef;
DISPDBG((1, "ScreenStride: %lx", VideoModeInformation.ScreenStride));
// Fill in the GDIINFO data structure with the default 8bpp values:
*pgdi = ggdiDefault;
// Now overwrite the defaults with the relevant information returned
// from the kernel driver:
pgdi->ulHorzSize = VideoModeInformation.XMillimeter; pgdi->ulVertSize = VideoModeInformation.YMillimeter;
pgdi->ulHorzRes = VideoModeInformation.VisScreenWidth; pgdi->ulVertRes = VideoModeInformation.VisScreenHeight; pgdi->ulPanningHorzRes = VideoModeInformation.VisScreenWidth; pgdi->ulPanningVertRes = VideoModeInformation.VisScreenHeight;
pgdi->cBitsPixel = VideoModeInformation.BitsPerPlane; pgdi->cPlanes = VideoModeInformation.NumberOfPlanes; pgdi->ulVRefresh = VideoModeInformation.Frequency;
pgdi->ulDACRed = VideoModeInformation.NumberRedBits; pgdi->ulDACGreen = VideoModeInformation.NumberGreenBits; pgdi->ulDACBlue = VideoModeInformation.NumberBlueBits;
pgdi->ulLogPixelsX = pdm->dmLogPixels; pgdi->ulLogPixelsY = pdm->dmLogPixels;
// Fill in the devinfo structure with the default 8bpp values:
*pdi = gdevinfoDefault;
ppdev->cPelSize = 0; ppdev->iBitmapFormat = BMF_8BPP; ppdev->ulWhite = 0xff;
// Assuming palette is orthogonal - all colors are same size.
ppdev->cPaletteShift = 8 - pgdi->ulDACRed;
DISPDBG((5, "Passed bInitializeModeFields"));
DISPDBG((0, "Failed bInitializeModeFields"));
return(FALSE); }
* DWORD getAvailableModes * * Calls the miniport to get the list of modes supported by the kernel driver, * and returns the list of modes supported by the diplay driver among those * * returns the number of entries in the videomode buffer. * 0 means no modes are supported by the miniport or that an error occured. * * NOTE: the buffer must be freed up by the caller. * \**************************************************************************/
DWORD getAvailableModes( HANDLE hDriver, PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION* modeInformation, DWORD* cbModeSize) { ULONG ulTemp; VIDEO_NUM_MODES modes; PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION pVideoTemp;
// Get the number of modes supported by the mini-port
if (EngDeviceIoControl(hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_NUM_AVAIL_MODES, NULL, 0, &modes, sizeof(VIDEO_NUM_MODES), &ulTemp)) { DISPDBG((0, "getAvailableModes - Failed VIDEO_QUERY_NUM_AVAIL_MODES")); return(0); }
*cbModeSize = modes.ModeInformationLength;
// Allocate the buffer for the mini-port to write the modes in.
*modeInformation = (PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION) EngAllocMem(FL_ZERO_MEMORY, modes.NumModes * modes.ModeInformationLength, ALLOC_TAG);
if (*modeInformation == (PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION) NULL) { DISPDBG((0, "getAvailableModes - Failed EngAllocMem")); return 0; }
// Ask the mini-port to fill in the available modes.
if (EngDeviceIoControl(hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_AVAIL_MODES, NULL, 0, *modeInformation, modes.NumModes * modes.ModeInformationLength, &ulTemp)) {
DISPDBG((0, "getAvailableModes - Failed VIDEO_QUERY_AVAIL_MODES"));
EngFreeMem(*modeInformation); *modeInformation = (PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION) NULL;
return(0); }
// Now see which of these modes are supported by the display driver.
// As an internal mechanism, set the length to 0 for the modes we
// DO NOT support.
ulTemp = modes.NumModes; pVideoTemp = *modeInformation;
// Mode is rejected if it is not one plane, or not graphics, or is not
// 8 bits per pel.
while (ulTemp--) { if ((pVideoTemp->NumberOfPlanes != 1 ) || !(pVideoTemp->AttributeFlags & VIDEO_MODE_GRAPHICS) || (pVideoTemp->BitsPerPlane != 8)) { DISPDBG((2, "Rejecting miniport mode:")); DISPDBG((2, " Screen width -- %li", pVideoTemp->VisScreenWidth)); DISPDBG((2, " Screen height -- %li", pVideoTemp->VisScreenHeight)); DISPDBG((2, " Bits per pel -- %li", pVideoTemp->BitsPerPlane * pVideoTemp->NumberOfPlanes)); DISPDBG((2, " Frequency -- %li", pVideoTemp->Frequency));
pVideoTemp->Length = 0; }
pVideoTemp = (PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION) (((PUCHAR)pVideoTemp) + modes.ModeInformationLength); }
return(modes.NumModes); }